INFO & FEEDBACK [Alpha 11] CPU Points and Tiers - How does it work?

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Oct 26, 2019.


Did you understand the EXPLANATION on how the CPU and CPU Tier system works?

  1. Got it!

  2. Not really

  3. Do not care / do not see why we need CPU

  1. Softwalker001

    Softwalker001 Commander

    Feb 28, 2019
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    I am aware it happened, And thank you for clearing up my confusion as to its deliberateness.

    Now all I have to do is wait for it to release to the Public so I can turn it off and forget this travesty happened.

    Oh wait that doesn't even work, now I have to find these things to use any ship off the workshop.

    krazzykid2006 likes this.
  2. Yep, that is one of the major downsides to them deciding to use tiers and lootable only components.

    The players that decide to turn off CPU still have to find these lootable/trader only components to be able to spawn in workshop ships built by people with CPU turned on.
    Turning off CPU doesn't remove the need for those extenders in the factory.
    Yet another thing that wasn't thought through completely.

    @Taelyn™ how is this going to be handled? This will surely split the workshop.
    Are we just expecting those players to spawn every ship from the workshop into a creative game and modify them before they can even use it?

    The tier system is majorly flawed.
    Had they gone with one tier this wouldn't have happened.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2019
  3. [RCF]Grodark

    [RCF]Grodark Lieutenant

    Mar 7, 2018
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    I like the CPU as a concept but this implementation is flawed
    lets see the basic TAX they are putting on us 14 blocks of space lots of PU use(tier 4 with full set of extenders in a CV&BA needs a large gen min and an SV&HV needs 2 generators and a fuel tank just for the core and extenders this is another 600 CPU used just for the extenders)
    (2 gens and a fuel tank =600) then ya got the 59 cpu just for the extenders and core that's 659 CPU now that's 659/4k or 6k HV or SV
    they take up 1 full class size and 1.69 tons (1,690,000 KG thats 1.69MN of thrust needed just for a null value on it's weight(to make it float in the air or to make it so someone could push it in direction with a big PUSH ) so lets see about engine force (we will look at SV engines for this)
    so that a med jet thruster in in each direction (minimum and that would leave 0.52mn of thrust left over)
    but they are 1.17ton that's another 1.17 MN needed to lift them so 1.17-0.52=1.119 MN of thrust needed lift per thruster so I think it needs 2 thrusters minimum to move the core + some more(I could be off on this if I am let me know)
    so this adds more CPU more generators needed and proper placement of thrusters to get maximum turn ratio out of them
    but lets look at the current CPU cost 1471*12=17652+659=18311cpu this pushes us over the 2 limit into the tier 3 zone (and not much room left there) but using there 50% gap they have left lessee how close to the penalties we are now 12,000*1.5=18,000( this is where performance penalties start if I was just a tier2 core) (now this has no cockpit, shell, fuel tanks, extra generators to run the engines , O2 tank,
    weapons, or any boxes at all (all box controllers are 950cpu same with extenders) so we looking at a min of tier 3 with room to expand to a tier4
    this is way to much (just imagine a casual player who;s not above an average IQ trying to do this I bet they get upset and quit if they have no friends that know how to do it and show them and quit)

    this system the way it is is horrible
    now fixes make it a multi tool up grade keep the core the same just up the numbers on the CPU value and you will have something usable
    (well after you a just the costs on everything else)
    still can use the funny mats to make it harder to upgrade in the moment and to e part of blueprints ) I think making them needed for repairs is over the top unless we are going to get the resources at the same rate as auto miner cores (I get tones of them)
    Kassonnade and StyleBBQ like this.
  4. On the bright side you don't need a lot of different blueprints to properly enjoy this game. What you need is one perfect CV, one perfect SV, one perfect HV, and one perfect Base. Then you use them to explore a great scenario like raiff's Project Eden. At least 1/3 of the planets are custom with custom awesome POIs. There are so many planets you will never have time to explore them all even if that's all you do. There are working teleport combo POIs, massive Pyramid POIs, Dead planets with dead cities in blast zones, and most important of all, most of these custom POIs are EXTREMELY HARD to take down, due to top tier Rocket and Laser Zirax infesting the area, spawning behind you everywhere you go (lol), and plenty of laser, plasma, and rocket turrets INSIDE large halls within these custom POIs. You will need to bring everything you can to take down these POIs.

    My definition of a perfect vessel is one that of course looks good, but more importantly, it has the hardware to do the job and it is physically configured to make your work routine as intuitive and convenient as possible. Quick access to the exit ramp from the bridge. Easy internal and external access to a full Medical Device suite and O2 Dispenser. Easy access to Constructors and their connected Cargo Controllers. Intelligent naming conventions for all Cargo Controllers that state what, where, and how much, such as Cargo Factory 112 kSU A or Port. This makes it easy to decide where to place large amounts of loot or ore or devices and components on the fly.

    The vessel should have the same thrust in all six directions, and it should not be less than 30 m/s. It should have correctly installed, sensor controlled lighting throughout the vessel. It should have all the proper Signal Logic wherever it is possible and logical.

    I spent a lot of time trying out scores of CV, HV, and SV blueprints from the workshop. Most of them do not suit my taste. Many look great, but they have no or little Signal Logic configuration, and most have terrible or no lighting. Lights too bright. Lights too soft. Too few lights. Too many lights. I hate spawning a blueprint and then having to do all the Signal Logic and lighting myself. It takes a lot of effort to "learn" someone else's build in a way that is sufficient to enable you to properly configure Signal Logic.

    I was blown away when I discovered Pyston's SVs and HVs. SV's and HV's do not require much Signal Logic, but Pyston's have everything that is logical configured. They have perfect lighting, amazing designs, and formidable weapons. They were built to anticipate the Volume system and Shields, so it was easy to upgrade them to 10.5.

    I settled on the Proxima Skiptracer SV and the Diablo Gato HV. You have not mined in an HV until you have mined in the Diablo Gato. I was able to give it 17 kSU in the Ore Controller. I have posted both of those 10.5 updated blueprints on this site. These two vessels are so good I never bothered to build another SV or HV. They are as good as it can get presently.

    I was unable to find a satisfactory CV. Many looked great but they all lacked proper lighting and Signal Logic. Many are just way too big. They also go so far out of their way to create abstract hull shapes that it becomes very inconvenient to go about your daily work routine of harvesting, mining , looting, constructing, farming etc. So I decided to build my own perfect CV.

    It's called the Anubis. Its a dream to work in. Its a dream to fight in too. The lighting is perfect. The Signal Logic is exhaustive. It has a duplicate set of red flashing lights throughout the entire ship which flip on when you activate Red Alert. Red Alert can be activated from the Control Panel or a Lever on the Bridge. Red Alert also locks the Hanger Doors shut and closes the shutters (ramps with no force fields) which are on EVERY window. Other levers on the Bridge or Control Panel buttons allow you to open the Bridge window shutters or the front Bridge Pilot shutters while Red Alert is on. The lights on the bridge stay on when you sit in a Pilot Seat or Passenger Seat. You can alternately close all the window Shutters with the Ship Shutters Bridge Lever or Control Panel button. Every room has a lever that will override Ship Shutters in that room only, and reopen the window shutter.

    The Hanger of the Anubis is able to easily carry the Proxima Skiptracer and the Diablo Gato, with an equal sized pad housing the T2 Repair Bay. It has 2 320 kSU Ore Controllers and plenty more storage after that. All six sides have 30 m/s thrust. If you max out the weight you don't lose 1 m/s of thrust. Etc, Etc, Etc...

    The Anubis blueprint is on this site as well. You should try it out to see what I mean. If everyone built CVs like that, I would use other people's blueprints, but not even Pyston got that far on his CVs.

    I was going to build a CV with the intent of giving it a full blown aesthetic contoured hull. I already built the glass portion of the Bridge. It looks like a light bulb on its side, but with a constant diameter. I was going to give it 90 m/s on all six sides. I had noticed that different turrets on the same CV make independent distance calculations when assessing range. I wanted this CV to open up at least 20 rocket turrets simultaneously, while my bridge remains out of range, so I planned to build lobster claw like extensions from behind the glass nose of the bridge out to the sides and forward of the nose of the bridge, and then place at least 9 rocket turrets on each side at the same forward distance from the nose of the bridge, so that I would be able to zip into range, unload a volley of rockets, a DEVASTATING volley of rockets, and then zip back out of range.

    I foresaw the unnecessary changes coming and so I stopped working on it. Turns out I was right.

    But long ago, during Alpha 8, I did build a massive, I mean MASSIVE, CV. Its 142 x 308 x 116 meters. It looks like the Harbinger from Mass Effect 2, but with much less outside Hull detail. I designed it for PVP. The outer Hull is 100% black to deny easy turret targeting by enemy SVs. You could place 200 turrets on this thing if your PC could handle it and not run out of space, and shade them black. The HUMONGOUS hangar has a GIANT opening that is completely sealed with a Force Field. It has 11 decks. It has 3 Crew Quarter decks and one Officer's Quarters deck. It has a recreation deck with saunas. It has a nose bridge and a hardened inner bridge. It has a Red alert that closes three Hangar Doors in the front of the nose Bridge and sets both bridges to flashing red lights with Red Alert LCDs. There is not a single combustible device within less than two blocks of another combustible device, meaning no chain reactions ever.

    It has 64 m/s of thrust in all SIX directions and 66 degrees/sec squared of Yaw. This thing is SOOO maneuverable. It has THREE Separated Layers of COMBAT STEEL in the ENTIRE HULL. Most of the ship has 5 separate layers of Combat Steel between the exterior and interior. The front has more than 5. It has 2 hours hover time on planet in Hover Mode. It was hardly laggy in Alpha 8, but got laggier with Alpha 9 and 10.

    I keep an installation of Alpha 8 just for the save with Harbinger fully stocked. Its amazing just to tour the decks. The only thing it needs to be useful in 10.5 is to have its Cargo boxes replaced with Controllers and Containers, a BIIIIIG Job to be sure on the Harbinger. A Shield Generator will fit in most rooms. or even in the Hull.

    If you or someone wants to look at it let me know and I'll post the blueprint. I am never going to upgrade the Cargo boxes, but if someone else does I'll take a blueprint.

    If you have a need for a ship this size, I already did most of the work. Its fully configured with Signal Logic and fully properly lit up with lights. Every light is sensor controlled. If someone were to start where I left off, this behemoth could become even more awesome.
  5. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    I've watched them both and unfortunately learned very little beyond a few broad 'ideas'. Very few specifics other than details of how the CPU Extenders worked (focusing on the CPU bits).

    Consider the specializations you mention. From what I gathered from the chats there was nothing like, "We don't want a Tier1 Mining HV to be able to mount a Medbay and a Constructor, and it should only be able to haul 5 tons of Ore.".

    Leaving things quite unclear. And as a couple forum exchanges have clearly shown, one persons, "bare bones" ship is anothers luxury build.

    For example one of the more popular HV Miners, by Spanj I think, only comes with a single turret. I rebuilt it to have 3. Then I build my own smaller 'starter' miner that only has 4 drills but 2 turrets, room for a constructor and room for swapping out to Large thrusters so it can handle more Ore. I haven't needed anything more than that as a Miner once it's fully upgraded.

    But that's due to my game flow choices. I'll typically mine a couple stacks of each Ore then build a decently defended Hauler HV, then use that to salvage a few basics from a crashed Cap ship and use that to build a basic flat deck CV to act as a solar system mothership.
    Used to take both the miner & hauler to the moon for those resources, but since those are so tiny now I just take the CV and hand mine.

    Point is there are a lot of different game play flows, and along with player preferences, that leads to quite a range of what folks will consider 'specialized'. And that's changeable as well.

    While I thought I was pretty minimalistic already, the Dead Planet start taught me what I could really do with hardly anything. Combining the starter ground repulsor engines with a couple of hover engines and a single small thruster makes a pretty fair wood harvester for example. But really only for that starter. I wouldn't use that HV on a vanilla starting planet.

    So I've got to stick to asking Eleon for clarification on what _they_ mean by "Specialization". And I'll happily build something that fits the defined boundaries and report back my findings & recommendations.
  6. jk5325

    jk5325 Ensign

    Nov 11, 2015
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    Could the upper limit on tier 4 be lifted by adding more CPU extenders? So if you added a fifth CPU extender your CPU limit would be 1500000 and so on. That way all the larger ship builds wont need to be scraped just adjusted.
  7. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    The larger ships need adjustment anyway. OR, no adjustment at all with deactivated CPU-system.
    Tyrax Lightning and Kassonnade like this.
  8. TGRF_Trainer

    TGRF_Trainer Commander

    Jun 12, 2019
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    I haven't read the posts, but I wanted to know if anyone was aware of something I can see happening.

    With CV specialization due to CPU limits, we won't be able to have the jack-of-all-trades CVs we are used to in the late (and even mid) game. I think this will be a good change (once we get used to it), but it does provide a problem. If you have multiple CVs - maybe one for cargo, one for combat, one for exploration, etc - how do you move them all between planets? With the CVs we have now, we just have ONE CV, dock everything to it, and go where we please. With the necessity of having multiple CVs, we are locked into making the starting orbit our home, because we can only move ONE CV AT A TIME. So unless you move one CV, undock a small vessel, warp back to get the second CV, warp that to the first CV, then repeat for however many CVs you have, you are locked into either having one specialized ship (not going to work), or keeping the starting orbit as your home base.

    In one of the live Q&As, a feature was mentioned which would fix this: transporters. If you have the ability to transport between your own bases/CVs, then you don't have to worry about keeping them all in the same place. You can have your combat CV on the other side of the solar system, and it would still be only a transport away.

    Transporters are the obvious way to fix this problem. BUT... when are we getting such transporters? They need to happen ASAP, because until they do, we have no way - short of the laborious method I explained above - of moving our fleet. And we will have a fleet, because we need one now, due to specialization.
  9. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    Just a couple points @TGRF_Trainer , SVs can only warp 15 AUs. So they won't work as shuttles once you jump more than 15 AUs away.

    Any-To-Any or CV-To-CV docking would allow moving multiple CVs across the longer warp jumps.

    But, yes. Player built Transporters would be a nice thing indeed. :)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  10. TrashMan

    TrashMan Commander

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Whoever was working on his must have flunked math.

    My mid-range CV requires 30million CPU, and there's no way of getting even CLOSE to that number. And this is ONLY thrusters and RCS. I dread to think the requirements one turrets and other equipment gets included.
  11. Softwalker001

    Softwalker001 Commander

    Feb 28, 2019
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    They didn't flunk anything. They know EXACTLY what they are doing.

    The purpose of CPU is to Prevent the building of larger ships PERIOD.

    That's why the penalty is set up to make them non-functional as in a BRICK.

  12. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    .... PvP player are you?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  13. Softwalker001

    Softwalker001 Commander

    Feb 28, 2019
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    Prick-VS-Prick fighting over whose E-Peen is bigger.

    Not Hardly.

    Just cant stand when a Dev team sets out to destroy a wonderful game.

    I play SP and enjoy cruising the Workshop and investigating the Beautiful ships that the truly gifted Individuals there make.

    Which CPU is going to totally destroy. Spanj's Longhauler is SC 2.7 and is at MAXIMUM allowed by CPU. 80+% are larger.

    Though the Dev's haven't SAID it, the reactions of Taylen and the others in the Q&A pretty much made it clear that this is their intent.

    The obvious frustration and disapproval of Spanj and the others are the only reason we got the option to turn it OFF.

    I'm still guessing we will see the exit of many of the people who love building.

  14. sillyrobot

    sillyrobot Captain

    Aug 21, 2016
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    Yank out all the RCS and see if it will still turn. There is a good chance you no longer need most/any RCS, depending on thruster placement and size.
    Tyrax Lightning and Vermillion like this.
  15. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    We still have much flexibility with the config file, and it is unrealistic to expect that the "vanilla game" settings will satisfy everyone. I think that it's more fun to see a wide variety of custom server setups (for coop too) allowed by the config file than uniformity across the board, and fortunately in singleplayer we have even more freedom.

    Now I know that many players don't like to edit text files, but at some point someone is going to make a nice and easy editor so everyone can rapidly adjust things and save "presets". It's just that making such a tool right now requires great care and flexibility, else it will need fixes at each patch to include new data. Look at how the mod builders have to keep working constantly on their stuff to keep it up to date... I would not want to dive into that right now! But definitively, config file is there to keep us in the game, as much as the other game versions.

    So CPU now in experiemental is one thing, and Eleon is watching things unfold, that I am sure of. But in the end, if they let us control how we want to build and play, then there's no problem. As for the Workshop, well players only need to put mnore info on their builds.
  16. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Here, just to show an example. Those are (almost) all the "variables" I found in the config file that "can" be edited :

    Count: "2,4"
    Prob: 0.2

    StackSize: 6 (int)
    Mass: 200, (float)
    Volume: 500, (float)
    VolumeCapacity: 125, (float)
    MaxVolumeCapacity: 32000, (float)
    EnergyIn: 20, (int)
    EnergyInIdle: 23, (int)
    EnergyOut: 1800,
    BlastRadius: 2 (int)
    BlastDamage: 80 (int)
    CPUIn: 300, (int)
    HitPoints: 25, (int)
    Radiation: 0.25, (float)
    Temperature: 35,
    TemperatureGain: 30,
    UnlockCost: 4,
    UnlockLevel: 3,
    FuelCapacity: 2700,
    O2Capacity: 2000,
    IsOxygenTight: false,
    Torque: 150, (int)
    RotSpeed: 120, (int)
    Zoom: 5,
    MaxCount: 4, (int)
    AboveTerrainCheck: false
    IsIgnoreLC: true (??)
    ThrusterForce: 75, (int)
    XpFactor: 2 (enemy turret)
    TurretTargetIgnore: true (sentry gun)
    IsLockable: true
    Info: bkiWeaponShipSpace, (remove space for planet allow)
    HVEngineDampCoef: 30, (float)
    HVEngineDampPow: 1.5, (float)
    ReturnFactor: 1.0, (float)
    PanelAngle: 30 (solar)
    ShieldCapacity: 25000, (int)
    ShieldRecharge: 150, (int)
    ShieldCooldown: 15, (int)
    ShieldPerCrystal: 1000, (int)

    Items (line 7586+)
    Durability: 500,
    DegradationProb: 0.31, (float)
    ROF: 0.2, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
    Range: 90, ****multitool has many ranges...
    RangeSpace: 550,
    IgnoreAtmo: true
    NoiseStrength: 60,
    CameraShake: 1 (up to 4?)
    Automatic: false
    BulletsPerShot: 8 (shotgun)
    BulletSpread: 0.2,
    RaySpread: 1, (shotgun)
    Recoil: 0.8,
    Damage: 42,
    AmmoCapacity: 10,
    AmmoType: 50Caliber,
    ReloadDelay: 2.5,
    Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerOrange1
    TracerPerBullet: 1
    DamageMultiplier_1: 2, data: head, display: DmgMultiplierHead
    DamageMultiplier_2: 0.015, data: wood
    DamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock|hullarmored|hullcombat
    DamageMultiplier_4: 0.4, data: metal
    DamageMultiplier_5: 0.05, data: metalhard
    DamageMultiplier_6: 0, data: shield
    DamageMultiplier_7: 25, data: concrete
    DamageMultiplier_8: 25, data: woodblock
    DamageMultiplier_9: 0, data: shield
    AllowAt: "UnderWater, Planet, Space" (drill)
    AllowAt: "Space,Planet" (CV weapons)
    AllowAt: Space ( only space, no "")
    Radius: 1.75 (drill)
    Ballistic: True (rocket launcher, next 3 also)
    BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.75, data: hullarmored|hullcombat
    BlastDamageMultiplier_2: 0.5, data: dirt|stone
    BlastDamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: shield
    Speed: 75 (plasma charge, rocket, etc)
    SpeedSpace: 385
    HomingSpeed: 1.5
    AddHealth: 0 (sometimes negative)
    AddStamina: 0 (sometimes negative)
    AddFood: 0 (sometimes negative)
    AddOxygen: 75,
    FoodDecayTime: 90, (int)

    Oxygen: 375, (int)
    Armor: 135, (int)
    Heat: 10, (int)
    Cold: 25, (int)
    Radiation: 4, (int)
    FallDamageFac: 0.40, (float)
    PowerFac: 0.66, (float)
    SpeedFac: 0.85, (float)
    JumpFac: 0.67, (float)
    JetpackFac: 1.20, (float)
    FoodFac: 1.44, (float)
    StaminaFac: 1.21, (float)
    NrSlots: 2, type: (display)

    ---------------------------- Entities -----------------------

    MaxHealth: 10000
    IsEnemy: true

    Then there are also the templates which can be changed, so a complete list of "ingredients" (includes some devices too) has to be made. Also, we don't know all the limits for values, over/ under which errors can occur. We can also see that the datatype is not always specified, and is needed to use in a variable.
  17. Softwalker001

    Softwalker001 Commander

    Feb 28, 2019
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    ALL the items in my game stack to 10,000 so I'm perfectly fine creating new config files.

    What about the calculated blocks like Hull will they be editable? So many unknowns.

    Tyrax Lightning and Kassonnade like this.
  18. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Right. Presently we don't have these numbers in the config file for blocks. But that should not be a problem to make an editor, as the search function will only retrieve strings and values found in a given block. So as long as some devices satisfy a "does it have CPU" query, the function will eventually find any new CPU value added in the future.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  19. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I can't talk for @spanj and his way to build but I try to finish now, withing the given limits my CV AUGUSTUS.
    It is not yet finished as you can see AND, against my own style to build, I finish it in creative only to spawn it afterwards into my Survival Game for testing. But as you can see from the CPU numbers its still well below max limit and may drop even further as I will use it in space only.

    Two Year EGS_2019-11-02_21-31-02.png Two Year EGS_2019-11-02_21-30-48.png Two Year EGS_2019-11-02_21-29-39.png Two Year EGS_2019-11-02_21-29-34.png Two Year EGS_2019-11-02_21-29-29.png
  20. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Is it driving like a mothership now ?

    Too bad we can't see the pitch/yaw/roll without a RCS block present...
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2019

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