INFO & FEEDBACK [Alpha 11] CPU Points and Tiers - How does it work?

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Oct 26, 2019.


Did you understand the EXPLANATION on how the CPU and CPU Tier system works?

  1. Got it!

  2. Not really

  3. Do not care / do not see why we need CPU

  1. #521
    banksman45 likes this.
  2. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    I'll take that as a no. Did you pay $50 for EGS? I paid $10.99 and bought several more at the same price to give to friends / run a server. Best prorated Steam value buy ever.

    Maybe you should apply for the director of marketing position. (no emoticons required)
    Supay likes this.
  3. That is a very nice looking ship, Germanicus. Steampunk. I took a look at your “Augustus” Statistics.

    Here they are for ease of reading:

    Augustus Statistics.png Augustus CPU Statustics.png

    So I can see that in space you have 17 m/s upward acceleration with 400 MN of down thrust. And “Augustus” weighs 23.4 kt. That acceleration will drop on a planet with above average gravity.

    I have a CV that gets 17 m/s upward acceleration in Hover Mode on an average planet with 0.89ish g. Allow me to share my flight experience with 17 m/s upward acceleration on a planet.

    If I don’t just barely tap the C key to descend, my ship will hit above 20 m/s down speed and neither Auto Brake nor the Space Bar will be able to stop it from smashing into the ground. When physics is installed, this would likely destroy the bottom of my hull if not the whole CV. With physics enabled I would always want to enable full downward thrust which is 30 m/s on this CV before pressing the C key to descend in order to guarantee that I don’t smash my ship into teensy weensy bits on the rocks.

    On a 1.03 g planet, my 17 m/s upward acceleration DROPS to 13 m/s. The C key descent problem becomes much worse.

    Using Newton's second law of motion where (F)orce = (M)аss * (A)cceleration, we can see that 13 m/s upward acceleration with 400 MN of downward thrust means that the “Augustus” has a maximum weight limit of 31 KT.

    400 MN = X kt * 13 m/s

    400 MN/13 m/s = X kt


    This leaves you with 7.4 kt of weight (or mass if you prefer) to play with. This is because your CV weighs 23.4 kt.

    Let’s take a closer look at your CV named “Augustus” that so elegantly complies with CPU according to you.

    So I’m looking at your ATTACK/DEFENSE Section on the Statistics tab of your Control Panel. I see you have 32 weapons. Every turret has a restricted line of sight but OK. You have 8 Oxygen Tanks. You have Ventilators. You have Medic stations. You have 8 Large Generator T1s generating 50 kPU each. You have 14 Fuel Tank T3s with 84000 Fuel Capacity Total.

    Let’s take a look at your “Augustus” CV Cargo Boxes in your “Augustus” CV Statistics page. It says you have… It says you have… Oh wait. It says you have ZERO Cargo boxes and ZERO ammo boxes?

    This is very interesting because on a Lava planet with 13 m/s upward acceleration at 400 MN downward thrust you would only be able to add 7.4 kt of weight (or mass if you prefer) and that translates to 27 extensions (250 kg) and one Controller (500 kg) amounting to a total cargo capacity of 224 kSU.

    If you opt for more than one storage capability, Ammo and Cargo or Ammo and Ore/Salvage, you will lose 8 kSU (Controllers are 500 kg and extensions are only 250 kg) so your total volume capacity will be 216 kSU but you will have an Ammo and Cargo or Ore/Salvage container with the volumes of each controller left up to you.

    Your 32 weapons need at least 100 kSU of storage or you will be constantly reloading the Ammo Controller. One Ammo Controller will only have 128 physical slots for ammo. This is a problem when you have Rocket Launchers, Mounted Lasers, Rocket Turrets, Plasma Turrets, Laser Turrets, Flak Turrets, Cannon Turrets, Minigun Turrets, and Sentry Guns, as you most certainly do, according to your own posted “Augustus” Control Panel Statistics Tab. This means you will be constantly having to reload your single Ammo Controller no matter how much storage it has.

    So let’s mosey on over and look at your CPU Tier Statistics image from the same post as your “Augustus” Control Panel Statistics Tab.

    So I see here that your Hull Total is 313,985 CPU points and your Devices Total is 1,084,090 CPU Points for a grand total of 1,499,148 CPU Points out of a tier 4 total allocation of 1,600,000 CPU Points leaving 100852 CPU points to spare. So you are at the limit CPU wise.

    Oh but wait! What is this? Um, Germanicus. Your “Augustus” CPU Tier Statistics Page states that you have 4 Containers, 1 Ammo Controller, and 1 Harvest Controller.

    Why don’t these Cargo, Ammo, and Ore/Salvage boxes show up in your “Augustus” Control Panel Statistics Tab? Are you trying to hide the fact that these four containers and two controllers along with their extensions that you excluded from your weight (or mass if you prefer) total makes your CV unflyable on a vanilla lava planet with more than 1 g?

    “Hummel-o-War said:

    This Efficiency-Penalty will be tuned down for the EXP, so the efficiency loss is not fully in effect. (For EXP, overshooting 10x the CPU Points will only drop Efficiency by 50%)”

    I am sure the true current weight of the “Augustus” exceeds 23.4 kt which means that you are operating on less than 17 m/s upward acceleration in space. Between the added weight from your Cargo devices, inventory stock, and mounted SV/HVs along with the full efficiency penalty coming in the pending Public Release of Empyrion Galactic Survival 10.6, I can guarantee you that your “Augustus” CV will NOT FLY on a 1.01 or higher g planet. When you dock your SV and HV and stock your Ammo, Fusion Cells, Refined Pentaxid, Personal Ammo, and other items in conjunction with your Loot, Salvage, and Mined Ores, not to mention your Ingots… Oh wait! Did I just detect another discrepancy in your “Augustus” CV post?

    Yes! I did! Your “Augustus” Control Panel Statistics Tab shows that you have a Constructor, but your “Augustus” CPU Tier Statistics Page says you do NOT have a Constructor. Is that because a Constructor would put your CPU point usage above the 1,600,000 CPU limit that you are claiming to have avoided?

    Moving along, your “Augustus” CV only has 3 m/s Acceleration side to side in space with 0 RCS. This will make it VERY DIFFICULT to turn. On a 1.01 g or higher planet, your side to side Acceleration will be 0 m/s making turning impossible. The same will happen when the public release comes out and the full CPU costs and penalties are implemented, but that will affect your m/s acceleration values in space as well, so you will likely be unable to turn in space.

    In addition, I have learned from experience that once your upward Acceleration drops to 5 m/s or less, you are pretty much dead in the water. Your lift might as well be 0 m/s because the performance is virtually the same. Your vessel will be constantly moving towards the ground unless you are pressing the Space Bar, and once you get down to 4 m/s forget it. And the same goes for 3 m/s side thrust. Never build something with 5 or less m/s Acceleration in any direction.

    Let’s compare your 10.6 “Augustus” CV to my 10.5 “Anubis” CV. Here are some picks and the blueprint.

    Anubis 27 Space Front Left Red Alert Pilot Shutters Open.png Anubis 01Space Bridge Face FrontOrbitalPatrol.png Anubis 02Space Bridge Face Front Red AlertOrbitalPatrol.png Anubis 03 Space Seated Flying Red Alert Combat Orbital Patrol.png Anubis 23 Space Back Skiptracer Flying Out.png Anubis 35 Control Panel Statistics Fully Loaded.png

    The “Anubis” is the Empyrion version of the Rebel Correlian Corvette “Tantive IV” from Star Wars: Empire at War. Here is a pic.

    Correlian Corvette Tantive IV.jpg

    It doesn’t look the same, but it has the same physical properties. It’s a smallish medium gunship with a very hard hull and powerful offensive capabilities. It will shred fighters and it can be used to rat pack dreadnaught 100 turret bricks very effectively. Four or five “Anubis” CVs can take these PvP abominations out when the pilots fly them correctly.

    The “Anubis” has 30 m/s Acceleration in all six directions yet it still gets good enough mileage to be able to fuel it while playing honestly (not using the Item Menu to stock Fusion Cells). It gets two hours hover time on planet in Hover Mode.

    The “Anubis” has 32 turrets and 8 mounted guns. In PVP swap out all the turrets for Rocket Turrets. EVERY turret has line of site to whatever you put your cross hairs on in 1st person, right up to 50 meters in front of the nose. No area weapon currently in Empyrion can damage more than one turret or thruster at a time because of their spacing, and the turrets have ramp blocks protecting their perimeters.

    When fighting a superior foe, stay out of range, and then zip no more than 150 meters into range to allow your rear turrets to fire with your cross hairs on the enemy station or vessel. Just look at your current mounted weapon range and subtract 130 meters (length of the “Anubis”) from that, which will be somewhere between 750 and 800 meters, and don’t fly any closer than that to the target. Unload a volley and zip back out of range.

    To fire sustained volleys, zip into range while moving side to side and up and down (A D and C Space keys) while keeping the cross hairs on target. Just dip the nose slightly down and up if you are having trouble keeping the cross hair on target while maneuvering away from the incoming rounds to allow all upper and lower turrets to fire their volleys. Fly in a circular pattern while remaining outside of 750 meters from the target.

    This was totally effective BEFORE Shields. Now the Anubis is much deadlier.

    Fly the Anubis into combat in 1st person like a SV, because you can. Turn on Red Alert, open the pilot shutters, and go for it. The Pilot seat is just two blocks from the Armored Glass nose. You have a perfect view of the battle field in 1st person while flying. Even before shields, I have never been injured piloting the “Anubis,” and I’ve destroyed countless vessels and stations.

    You can see the rest of the amazing features of the “Anubis” by spawning it in 10.5.

    So to sum up this post, you should probably rename the maybe CPU compliant “Augustus” to the “Snail” or the “Perry Como.”

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2019
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  4. Softwalker001

    Softwalker001 Commander

    Feb 28, 2019
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    Same here 11.00 for 2000 Hrs of distraction not a bad deal. Can hardly get a Burger and drink for that now days.

    As for the "Balancing" of PVP.

    It's not possible.
    UNLESS you make it so everyone has EXACTLY the same equipment and Stats, no options or differences.
    Even then you will get unhappiness because the differing abilities of the players.
    The "legend in his own mind" type will be upset that he isn't PWNing everything.

    I've seen LITERALLY hundreds of games destroyed TRYing to do this. It HASN'T worked yet.

    PLEASE don't add Empyrion to this list.

    Last edited: Nov 5, 2019
  5. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    My CV is meant to stay in Space all the time. If I intend to land on a Planet I want to be able to lift off again. That means vertically not horizontal.
    Large Truster eat through fuel like hell. I have currently 4 of those.
    Exploring is for the SV-Recon I made ->
    HV get picked up by a former Dropship that is now called Gryphus - Latin for Griffon or Greif in german. Its purpose is to carry a fully loaded and up 320to heavy load up to the waiting CV in Orbit.

    To your "findings"...CC's of ALL kind are missing in the CP since they have been introduced to the game.
    The AUGUSTUS sports 2 x 320k, 1x 48k CC and a 32k Ammo CC. Plus a 48k Ore CC.

    Two Year EGS_2019-11-05_20-39-43.png

    To put it with Lord Darth Vader's words: "Planets does not concern me, Admiral!"
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2019
  6. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    @greenmanalishi , some bits looked a little funny so I got curious...

    Agree that only having 2-3 m/s^2 available lift, after the m/s^2 of gravity are subtracted from total listed in stats tab, is pushing things.
    My experiance is that when your ships lift gets down to those levels it's best to turn off your Downward thrusters and just pulse the C key to lower.

    Agree roughly 7.4 kts is available for things like Ore, etc. Which equates to ~460 stacks of Copper Ore. Or 1,850 Combat Armor L-blks.

    100,000 SUs for ammo? Seemed like a lot, but I don't build that big, so to the maths;

    Cause I'm lazy lets just say that there are 15 each Minigun & Rocket Turrets, 30 combined total turrets.

    Miniguns fire 300 rounds per minute, Rockets 15 RpM.

    Lets see what 15,000 SU for 15mm (0.1 SU) and 45,000 SU for Rockets (6 SU) give us; 150,000 15mm & 7,500 Rockets. 60,000 SU total space.

    Miniguns 5 rnds per sec x 15 turrets = 75 rnds/sec. 150,000 / 75 = 2,000 secs or 33 1/3 Minutes of continuous firing. Same for Rockets.

    Mass of that load out? (150,000 x 0.2 kilos ) + (7,500 x 10 kilos) = 30,000 + 75,000 = 105,000 kilos or 105 tons or 0.105 kt.

    Maybe, I really don't know, PvP fights can last 30 minutes plus? :eek:
    In SP I can't really imagine firing that many rounds capturing an entire solar system. ;)
    Germanicus and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  7. Well that is some impressive work. You did fit a lot of must haves within the CPU limit.

    I would convert the 48 kSU CC and the 32 kSU Ammo CC into two 40 kSU Ammo CCs and the two 320 kSU CCs into Ore/Salvage CCs. You can never have too much Salvage storage when you are multi-tooling space stations in a CV.

    You are still going to have major issues with Acceleration m/s. It must be very hard to turn right now, and after the public release it will probably not turn at all.

    And it's very slow. It's unlikely to be able to function on a planet after the public release, unless it's low g. And it will be a sitting duck in a battle. A sitting duck that is made mostly out of Steel.

    The Anubis is 100% Combat Steel with some interior Carbon Substrate cosmetic blocks.

    Darth Vader never had to mine and salvage hundreds and hundreds of kSUs of Ore and Salvage just to build a small structure or vessel. If Darth Vader played Empyrion, he would use CVs on planet with Space Turrets enabled like I do. You need CV Space Turrets in order to take out the hard POIs in the Project Eden Scenario in SP. Its very entertaining. ;)

    And it was "ASTEROIDS do not concern me, Admiral!" not planets. :) Darth Vader was saying "Go into the Asteroids," or planets as you mistakenly quoted in your post. So your reference to Darth Vader was actually justifying the opposite of what you were trying to say.

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2019
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Good .. He seems like a really nice guy. I didn't want him to get too happy yet until we know for sure.
  9. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    That's all I'm saying.. If Empyrion was a real PVP game then I would understand but it's a Space Survival building game that happens to have PVP in it. In game like that balance is fine but should be at the bottom of your to do list.
    Tyrax Lightning and StyleBBQ like this.
  10. Germanicus' "Augustus" CV has Rocket Launchers, Mounted Lasers, Rocket Turrets, Plasma Turrets, Laser Turrets, Flak Turrets, Cannon Turrets, Minigun Turrets, and Sentry Guns, as per his Statistics Tab. The only thing he is missing is Artillery Turrets.

    With that variety of Ammo types you need two Ammo Controllers just for the 256 slots, regardless of the kSU. But its best to keep each Ammo Controller at 50 kSU at least just to be safe. Especially in consideration of future larger Ammo types that may appear in future updates.

    I hate having to always make more ammo, so I fully stock the Ammo Controllers. With the specs I gave you can ignore ammo for many game hours.

    Because my "Anubis" CV has line of sight from all 32 turrets to the cross hairs, every turret fires constantly. A ship like the "Augustus" will use ammo much more slowly because the turrets will have constant line of site issues, but it's still nice to be able to stock up the Ammo and then forget about it for a few days.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2019
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    As Asteroids are of no concern for landing and lift off in Empyrion I took an artistic License and swapped Planets with Asteroids.;)

    But Thanks for your input
    StyleBBQ and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  12. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Now. please stop picking on my CV! It is only build for SP. Not for MP.

    Minigun, Gun, Rocket-Turrets - Fixed Rocket Launchers. Nothing else.

    Don't take away my last motivation to be part of this Tester-Community by dissecting my Build.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2019
    StyleBBQ and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  13. I misread Pulse Laser and thought I saw Plasma Turrets. It still has a lot of Ammo variety that may need more than 128 slots.

    Your ship is one of the best attempts to max out the CPU without exceeding the limit. CPU is simply a mistake.

    What Empyrion needs is $$$, like every other game.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2019
    StyleBBQ and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  14. Supay

    Supay Captain

    Feb 23, 2019
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    My opinion on this matter so far is as follows...

    Overall I thought cpu was going to be different. Like finding a cpu upgrade that makes thrusters use less fuel? Regenerate shields faster? maybe cpu upgrade allowed to push warp engine further? That to me is logical step for cpu and makes the game way more interesting without crippling the builds and add to the game as a awhole.

    I think for starters devs are aware of other variables that current players are not?
    For example remote blocks or crew when doing things? If we can not have a jack of all trades for single player than we are handicapping single player, which is a big part of the community according to the survey. Remote blocks or crew would mean a crew/remote block could pilot a cargo ship and the player could fly the armed escort to protect the transport. Space should be dangerous and specializing is fine as long as it is done in a way that makes the game fun and not insane mission to play single player. If crew or remote blocks can not happen than single player is at a loss with cpu enabled in my opinion.

    The current numbers are too low and hope they get bumped a bit more along with other adjustments. I think there many options to make cpu more viable but the current model still seems scary and pain with single player games.

    Another idea is to scrap cpu and just make specialized vehicles for example : Drop ships - Cant have warp engines or a lot of weapons, only allowed shields and mini gun turrets and not much cargo space. Drop ships get access to specialized armor and thursters.
    StyleBBQ, Ambaire and Softwalker001 like this.
  15. [RCF]Grodark

    [RCF]Grodark Lieutenant

    Mar 7, 2018
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    Exactly some server have a bad hardware so they have to ether have fewer people or smaller ships I have been on a server with size class 8 and 30 people on at a time with 0 lag
    banksman45 likes this.
  16. Ambaire

    Ambaire Captain

    Nov 23, 2015
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    In my personal opinion, CPU only serves to stifle creativity and reduce the amount of fun people can have with the game.

    I don't play multiplayer and certainly don't pvp, though.

    For my singleplayer games, I play on full hard difficulty with blueprint spawn limit, block limits and check mass/volume enabled, but I will most definitely be leaving CPU disabled as it adds nothing fun or exciting.
  17. Softwalker001

    Softwalker001 Commander

    Feb 28, 2019
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    Any chance of getting a 4th option on the poll?

    "Got It, But think it is unnecessary and damaging to the game."

    That would be my preferred choice Because I do care.
  18. TrashMan

    TrashMan Commander

    Jan 10, 2018
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    The limits are real germanicus. And the way it works, like I said, prevents redundancy and de-centralization. You haven't proven that wrong.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  19. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    That's why I'm not buying the performance reason for this CPU feature. I don't play much multiplayer but one of the few times I've played it was on a server where I saw CVs that were beyond the tier 4 limit flying around and I didn't experience any lag.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  20. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Maybe some of this could be avoided if Elon updated the hardware requirements especially for servers for this game again.. This is where I give Keen credit because Keen is willing to admit that their game needs pretty good hardware to run SE .
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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