I feel like Eleon is the hostage taker and our creative freedom is the hostage.
I can see where you're coming from, but I'd rather fight the Stupid Thing™ than accommodate it or work around it.
Suppose that they decided to charge people $5 for every additional 20 hours one put into the game. Suppose after a massive outcry and negative feedback that they decided to change it to only $2. Would you cry tears of joy and worship their feet like you seem to be doing here? Or would you call them out on it and demand that the entire concept of the idea be reverted?
would you please do me a favor? Show me your Typical CV Build for SP Survival or COOP/Survival - not MP. Thanks in advance.
No I agree. I'm not saying I agree with the system but this is a LITTLE more reasonable... Maybe if we keep pointing out the flaws we will get 20,000,000. to 50,000.000.00 T4? Should the system exist at all is the real question because I still think Weight and volume plus block limits were enough but if the DEVs are set on putting this into the game I rather them up the numbers as high as possible.
Man, I was pretty fine with the old values. And I was also fine with building blocks costing some CPU, even if not 100% logical. But logic has nothing to do with most games. There was more than enough CPU for large builds already. And if you wanted more, you could just have disabled it, but no, you ruin it for people who are actually willing to try. If you have a build that takes more than 1,600,000 CPU, you should have a little trouble get it going. Building big is not a skill, it just takes time. With the first CPU system you finally needed to think to get a decent build. All this constant whining instead of people actually trying to work within a given system and achieve some results they can be proud of. Thanks to all the nay-sayers. Hope you're happy now... /jmc
There are plenty of pictures on the forums. I don't hide the fact that build all sizes from really small to huge. You know for a fact that I'm not the only one who do so. Spanj and others do the same. So I don't see the point in your request
@jmcburn I'm assuming that post was intended to be sarcastic and tongue in cheek. I can't really parse it any other way.
I wasn't, but then I read your commentary... Anyway, I imagine the main reason for increasing the CV T4 numbers was to address a repeated complaint that people had- namely that having more than one CV is a logistics nightmare in single player. Making it possible for a late-game CV to do everything lifts that problem. You might say people could just turn CPU off, but we're talking about a problem that would make the majority of players turn it off as a necessity. The change is far from perfect, but it's also better than I was expecting.
What I will never understand is people who have this idea that they should control how others play this game. It's like only their style of game play should be accepted . Well that's non sense. Unless you bought the game for another individual then it's not up to you how they play their game. People who love to build should have the ability to build a bigger ship if that's their style. It's not stopping anyone who doesn't want to build that way from building what they would like .
That's my view.. I'm not saying it's perfect but it's better. Hopefully it will get even better if the Devs are set on including this in the game.
As I've said before, the fundamental problem with the CPU system as currently implemented is that it does not reward players for specializing their ships. As per Hummel-o-War's post: Where is the so-called specialization? I'm not seeing it. I'm only seeing penalties for not conforming to the box.
Maybe I do have Stockholm syndrome. haha I never expected this CPU feature to happen because I was playing Empyrion in 2016 when Hummel said a grid size increase MAYBE possible. How we went from that to the CPU stuff is beyond me. I'm not saying it's perfect but at least we're getting somewhere. So maybe the final release will be a set of numbers that let's you still build whatever you would like it.. I still think T3 and T4 should not have special parts you have to find or buy. I still think the W/V and block limits were enough. Don't get me wrong I'm not inlove with the CPU idea but this is a little more reasonable.
Yay Waves Flag except a Shield on an HV/SV will still automatically push the Vehicle to T3. The increase will allow 2 more turrets on a T2 HV but it will otherwise be unarmoured and unshielded. Similarly an SV can have (Gasp) 2 more guns but remains unarmoured, unshielded and unless it is engines strapped to a chair, unable to warp. As for Bases taking a 100k reduction at T2 over what was already pretty bad that is harsh, a 50k drop maybe but 100k is daft. Any servers limiting the number of deployable buildings and implementing CPU will cripple players early game. Its almost as if shielding being added to the game is being seen as a regrettable introduction and everybody is being forced back to A9 vehicle specs. Perhaps introducing A T2 sield for SV/HV with stupidly hi CPU requirements could be reasonable but 15k for 4000 HP on and SV again is silly. Time for an Empyrion holiday until the pieces fall solidly into place however I never wanted to play this game in anything other than hard with weight and volume, spawn limits, device limits and CPU as active. The changes are making that difficult to envision as being fun to play any longer.
They didn't really fix anything though, they're just making it irrelevant. Seriously, what's the point of even having a system like this if it does absolutely nothing?
There was a system planned to address this known limitation (was answered in the Q&A streams). Nope, no sarcasm - ever. Just massively po'ed. Most likely adressed to me. You could have still built as large as you wanted, just without CPU or (based on actual size) with reduced efficiency. However, watering down the system to a superfluous state is never a solution. I was originally for lowering the max values a bit, but now this. If the CPU system does not challenge you, it is pointless and can also be omitted altogether. /jmc
Yeah, I did the same. The forced CPU enabled makes it impossible to enjoy the actually good changes (flight model and hv>sv docking).