What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. NafreiuX

    NafreiuX Captain

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Just zip the files mate, the site allows to attach only certain filetypes. You can upload the .zip file.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  2. AlphaOmega

    AlphaOmega Lieutenant

    Dec 10, 2015
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  3. Necra

    Necra Commander

    Dec 23, 2015
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    I made a room for mass production.


    Took about 3 minutes. I think it works well.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  4. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Many thanks for the info! :)

    Hope I did this right:

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    Necra and LiftPizzas like this.
  5. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Nice build. And nice paint job. :)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  6. NafreiuX

    NafreiuX Captain

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Built a Hover Vessel - I call it 'PathSeeker':
    StarSeeker_2016-01-29_16-11-53.png StarSeeker_2016-01-29_16-11-39.png StarSeeker_2016-01-29_16-12-04.png StarSeeker_2016-01-29_16-11-46.png
    Also finished an ultralight and economic CV 'StarSeeker' - BP gets produced in 45 minutes: StarSeeker_2016-01-29_11-58-51.png
  7. Snowbeard62

    Snowbeard62 Lieutenant

    Jan 4, 2016
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    I really like that CV. Very cool
  8. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Many thanks! :D Blue, especially Cobalt Blue, & almost as much so, Electric Blue, & Sapphire Blue, has always been my fav colors. Don't be surprised if a LOT of my Creations are in Blue... including with Blue Interior Lights for inner areas. :) Also, while giving my HV a drive I screwed around with my Artillery Turret again & tried to use it while my HV was parked on a Mountain Peak & it decided to bug & lose the ability to ever turn downwards... only sideways & upwards, & its Interface glitched & disappeared entirely. Didn't try firing it to see what would happen cause there's nothing up in the Sky for me to shoot in Creative Mode anyway.

    For the Topic: Built my first SV in Creative Mode & am not happy with how it turned out overall... but will still eventually Blueprint it & share here for ya'all to laugh at. Especially, I like my idea of using a Automatic Door in the back as a sort of 'Giant Access Hatch' for stuff but am annoyed that the Ramp Blocks bordering it, even with the Door oriented so the Doors open into the fatter part of the Ramp Blocks, the Doors still stick out the other side of the Ramp Blocks a little when the Doors are open. Aside from that, i'm still digging this 'Giant Access Hatch' idea for a armored openable closable access to my Fuel Tanks & Ammo Boxes in future builds.

    Also trying out making a Moon Base on Akua's Moon. I dug straight down to the Bedrock (Facepalm at me if ya must Minecraft, but no Lava here, so... :p) & am mining out a big hole on the Bedrock around this starting access hole & have placed a Base Starter here. Gone through most of a 25 supply of Drill Charges to widen the Hole enough to get a 3 Block Diameter of Blue Hull Block Floor down & have more Hole to widen. Is it intended for Rock to 'grow back', even the Bedrock on the floor, even if it has to do so in midair at the sides around where you're Drilling? I keep having to Re-Drill this 'Growing Rock' as I drill the Rock away & that's eating over half my Drill Charges. Do the Devs NOT want us making Underground Bases? If yes, that'll make me very sad because I can't help but to think fully flattened out smooth Bedrock is a PERFECT Base Foundation... plus this enables floor flattening with the Drill instead of the F&F Tool.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2016
  9. GlassDeviant

    GlassDeviant Commander

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Today I found a drone that spawns a chain of copies out of thin air, nowhere near a base, that eventually spawns an invulnerable Large Plasma Drone, or at least one that can absorb over 1000 15mm minigun rounds at <50m range.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  10. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Objective met. Here's my first ever SV for ya'all to laugh at... i've got a LOT of work to do learning how to SV Build... :oops:

    On the bright side, love how my Rail Guns on this dude works, & aiming-wise, it's only a little bit below my Crosshairs so adjusting my Aim for them isn't too hard. Can't understand how ya peeps that stick your weapons on opposite parts of outer parts of your Wings are ever supposed to properly aim or concentrate your fire... :confused:

    Edit: Oh yeah, also, how does one EVER use the Cockpit 4...? It's 2 blocks wide & the upper rear blocks don't synergize with ANY Building Block in ANY way I can see, so how does one go about actually USING it at all...? :confused:

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  11. Snowbeard62

    Snowbeard62 Lieutenant

    Jan 4, 2016
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    Attacked a drone base on Omicron. Killed everything. Could not find the Core :(
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  12. GlassDeviant

    GlassDeviant Commander

    Jan 10, 2016
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    That's pretty sweet. I am working on a new concept so I will drop it here when it is done.
  13. Frederick Taer

    Frederick Taer Lieutenant

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Accidentaly exited SV in Akua gravity field and got sucked to the planet.
    Adjusted fall to hit a water harbor, engaged jump pack before water surface.

    Fallen from orbit to Akua, survived. :)
    Rayah and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  14. NafreiuX

    NafreiuX Captain

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Found the entrance to Atlantis..at last...
    New Game_2016-02-01_16-22-08.png
    Tyrax Lightning and Krenios like this.
  15. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Got a V2 SV done now, i'm a bit more happy with this one & think it'll do. After seeing how the current SV Combat works, i'm still opting for my 3x3 grid of Railguns mounted as a Nose of the Ship as my combat power of choice, as this gets my attacks as close to my Crosshairs as possible as I fly in 1st Person. (Can't help it, feels more Immersive an experience this way.) I figured if my Ship's gonna be funny compared to how a 'normal' ship would be since Wing Mounted Weapons can't work that great at this time cause then it's too hard to aim & focus the damage where ya want it, I can at least be funny with its name... so I decided to fly around in a big "Flying Fist", never mind the fact that it won't really look like such, but I hope it hits foes like such! :p

    Also have begun a Creative Mode 1st ever CV & am experimenting with getting 'creative' & screwy with the design of my Bridge + Warp Room. We'll see if I manage to get anywhere with that.

    Lastly, some of the chaos of my RL has temporarily subsided so hopefully I can now start that new Survival Run this week. I've decided to try to make my former Seed work again deciding that I can't find any fault with it, I just tried to look for the Magnesium & Promethium Ore in a Mega Derp manner & that's my fault. This time i'm gonna play along to the Survival Guide that I now know can be easy accessed from the Guides thing in the Steam Overlay & see if it can help me 'get on my feet' at the beginning... *Sigh* shoulda did that the first run... :oops:

    Also I will make a mental note to find at least my first Magnesium Ore Vein before I dare use any Ammo I don't have to, & will wait on offensive hunting, though those Parts from those Drones are always SO tempting... then I can save my Ingots for stuff I can't just hunt for... but running outta combat power is guaranteed defeat... ... I hope I don't lose this time...

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  16. NafreiuX

    NafreiuX Captain

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Finally got the chance to get back to my first CV project - Wraith BattleCruiser. Building the interior at the moment.
    One of four fighter hangars:
    ProjectWraith_2016-02-01_21-04-47.png ProjectWraith_2016-02-01_21-04-31.png
    One of four generator chambers:
  17. ADustyGlommer

    ADustyGlommer Lieutenant

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Checked if it was possible to build the Spear of Adun today by trying to build its exterior(or well,a small portion. Didn't think it would be possible in the first place) and came to realization that this project has to indeed wait until the size limit has been removed/extended. And without appropriate weaponry it's just kinda silly anyways :p
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  18. eninrebmun

    eninrebmun Commander

    Nov 29, 2015
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    My day was exciting.

    I was standing around in my Omicron farm, reading the interwebs on my other monitor, while grinding about 4 stacks of H2 bottles to fuel packs, when I noticed I needed to o2 up and eat.

    Instead, I decided to see how long I could last in a medical station without oxygen and food. You'd eventually die. I watched the health fluctuate in about a 50 point range, 430 back to 480, then 420 to 470... and I got bored when my health dipped to around 300.

    It just won't keep up with both starvation and asphyxiation.

    Helmet off AFK on Akua or Masperon, and you'd probably be ok... unless your base runs out of power.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  19. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Getting Red Team ready for war.

    SV landing field: built to hold 24 Hornet Interceptors and 12 Scorpion Fighters

    The big picture: our entire operation on Omicron so far

    RF-2 Scorpion

    RF-1 Hornet (or, as described by the Blue Team, Tie-Fighters with scoliosis)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  20. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I have now restarted my Survival Run. The Seed is the same, but my strategy changed. I got a Starter Base down near water & it's a temporary hidey hole for now. Got attacked by a bug in the game that caused a Base Attack consisting of 1 Drone that took over 5 RL minutes to show up to my Base even though I had never yet turned it on at the time, & I COULDN'T have turned it on even by accident cause at the time I had a Large Constructor & Small Generator down, but not yet my first Small Fuel Tank, so I couldn't have the Base on. I already had my Assault Rifle & Rounds for it built beforehand, so thanks for the parts Drone Sucker.

    Got basic survival down like last time, & this time still haven't got my starter HV built yet, but hopefully soon. TOP PRIORITY, I wanted to avoid my doom of last time so I scoured around a 1,500 - 2,000 Meter proximity around where my Temp Base got set up looking for Magnesium Ore. It was a LONG search... along the way I found Iron, Copper, Promethium, & Silicon Ore Veins... not about to say no to those. At last, near the end of my full circumference around my Temp Base, I found some at last, & unloaded all three of my 3 available Drill Charges into the sucker & got about 16ish% of it mined out. Got back to Base with it with no significant event & Saved the game & called it a night in middle of my Magnesium Ore processing into precious precious Magnesium Dust.

    In addition to Assault Rifle Rounds, it'll also be great to be able to get a Ammo Box crafted then be able to Ammo Up my future Temp Base Defense Gun after I get it Crafted & Installed, then maybe I won't have to power my Core down before leaving to go out & about... but cause my Asperger comes Integrated with paranoia, I might do it anyway till I got 2-3 Guns ammo'd up, especially with Turret Reliability still getting spiffed up in the 5.2 Patch then hopefully later on down the road. Still need to craft 2 Cores too, one as a Base Backup & one for the future HV.

    Still on my to-do list to try out the Shotgun, but gonna see if I can loot one of those dudes & maybe some Ammo for it before I unlock the skill for it. No point Unlocking it before it's available to me to wield. I look forward to someday obsoleting the Pistol & no longer needing to carry it around, i'm just plain never gonna be a Pistoleer... I need me my brute force & power. :cool:

    Edit: Oh, also almost forgot, is it a known bug that ya can set your Survival Constructor on the Terrain, & a Oxygen Generator on Terrain in water, then park blocks in middle of parts of them & have parts of the machines & parts of the Hull Blocks sharing the same space & co-existing? (Likely yes, but figured still better safe then sorry.)

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