Alpha 10.6 EXP - CPU: What can you build with each Tier?

Discussion in 'Projects and Challenges' started by Hummel-o-War, Nov 11, 2019.

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  1. casta_03

    casta_03 Captain

    Sep 3, 2019
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    were they changed again?
    StyleBBQ likes this.
  2. sillyrobot

    sillyrobot Captain

    Aug 21, 2016
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    Turrets doubled, turn/roll movement got slashed, and penalties boosted since most of these were posted.
    StyleBBQ likes this.
  3. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I am feeling a bit mocked:mad:. Asking us to what we can built in each CPU-Tier, posting it up here and, with a swift Dev-stroke similar to death strike-wiping their functionality off the board.
    Khazul, geostar1024, casta_03 and 2 others like this.
  4. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    An HV very similar to what I posted here previously (a minor rework of that ship, removed drills mainly), that did turn L/R ok prior to the patch at 37 degrees per second had Yaw drop to 13 post patch. Had to add 2 RCS to bring it mostly back; 35 d/s. But at 600 CPU a pop per RCS that 1,200 points took it way over the T1 5,000 CPU budget.
    Germanicus likes this.
  5. casta_03

    casta_03 Captain

    Sep 3, 2019
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    cpu totals.jpg

    The factory tag says 40,674. The CPU total says 39,989, & the itemized count says 40,631.

    So it's pretty hard to verify how broken my designs are now, because the in-game numbers don't agree with each other. What is clear is that they don't perform the same as when I built them. & now I simply don't have a desire to mess with this further because of this:
    Those blueprints have been up for less than a week & they're already broken. So now the exposure of my skills says that I'm inept because now the numbers don't match, the performance is pathetic compared to what I saw when I designed these ships, &, most annoying, I was asked to do this as a 'fun challenge'. Now there's half a dozen blueprints out there with my name on them advertising a lack of skill because the mechanics were changed post-production.

    How about you write up the next challenge on construction paper? I'll leave you to pick out a crayon color of your choice to give it the gravity it deserves.
    Kieve, geostar1024 and Germanicus like this.
  6. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    Clear wax crayon, like they use on Easter eggs. Invisible until you soak it in dye.
  7. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Guys, we know they are still developing the game.
    Just roll with it and see what you can come up with.
    If the values / parameters change make a tweak.

    Please, lets not kill the fun we get from playing and adapt to the challenge.


    For the challenge, these are point defense pods.
    They are HV's that do not have docking pads on the bottom, so they will not dock when parked on a BA.
    Their docking pads are in the rear, so you back them into the carrier when you want to transport them.
    They are not made to be fast, you set em and forget em.
    (there is a switch in the control panel to turn the engines & thrusters off.)

    If the devs ever nerf the rear-facing docking pads, just park them on the ground around the area you want to protect.

    The T1 version is CPU Tier 1, level 5, and does not require any rare ores to construct. I had to remove some container extensions to keep it a CPU Tier 1 but you can see the truss blocks I put in their place when you open the rear hatch. Just remove them when you want to add extenders (including a CPU extender).

    The T2 version is combat steel, CPU Tier 2, level 15, has extended ammo capacity and will not go above CPU Tier 2 with an artillery turret mounted on the top.


    Here is a link to the workshop version, which I will be updating when V11 goes live.

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    Last edited: Nov 16, 2019
    StyleBBQ likes this.
  8. casta_03

    casta_03 Captain

    Sep 3, 2019
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    The purpose of the challenge was to fit as much as possible into designs under the new CPU mechanic. Or, to put it another way, getting vessels near threshold CPU values.

    The changes put out less than a week later broke designs that were near CPU tier thresholds. That is, basically everything submitted no longer worked as intended. & since they're finished designs near CPU caps for their tiers, they're a pain to modify properly.

    I can draw one of two conclusions from this:

    Option A: the purpose of the challenge was to see how designs played out under the current system to decide how to best alter CPU & flight mechanics for balance.

    Option B: these changes were already planned in advance.

    If it's option A, then it was a breach of trust. This could have easily been put under the experimental section with the full intent of trying to get us to put out overpowered designs. I could've taken part in that. Hell, I could've done it more efficiently because I wouldn't've spent 40% of my design time trying to make the ships look presentable.

    If it's option B, then this challenge could've easily been postponed for a few days until the changes came out. Instead we were asked to participate in this challenge, totally unaware that all our creative effort was going to be rendered useless within a few days. I would not have wasted time trying to cram as much as possible in my designs without the presence of this challenge. Instead I would've left room to adapt them to unforeseen changes.

    It's not the changes to mechanics that bother me; it's that the best case scenario for this series of events is utterly insulting & disrespectful of my time.
    Germanicus, Kieve and stanley bourdon like this.
  9. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    My CV was, after the last patch, practically a BASE or rather a train on rails. It turned at ONE Degree/sec. So my guess its B that was here in place. Therefore I withdrew all my entries.
    Nb., the CV has now 2.500.000 CPU, 12 RCS and about 20 Thrusters more and still is not able to turn better than several degrees per sec.
    StyleBBQ and stanley bourdon like this.
  10. casta_03

    casta_03 Captain

    Sep 3, 2019
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    Contrast with auto-level speed. Contrast with strafing speed. Contrast with actual torque that should be coming from the thrusters.

    Either someone made a mistake & screwed up, or someone intended to do this & really screwed up.

    Edit: If it's a mistake, it's gonna be fixed & soon. If it's intentional, there's gonna be a lot of backlash, considering this basically destroys flight mechanics, which was the one redeeming quality of the problems in this patch. It also means the devs are programming themselves into a corner.
    StyleBBQ and Germanicus like this.
  11. RadsK99

    RadsK99 Ensign

    Nov 7, 2019
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    What happened ?, why are you complexed ?, it was you who criticized other users, because they criticized the game and CPU system, haa
    Khazul likes this.
  12. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Didn't you read this?
    Note: Only SUBMISSIONS allowed in this thread! No discussions. (we have more than enough threads about CPU points and tiers where you can discuss the feature ;) )

    It is NOT the CPU System but the last small patch that broke my Constructs.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2019
  13. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Just a FYI if you missed it. :) This latest thruster nerf was a bug and not intentional (to have this effect) and will be fixed in tomorrow's public release. ;)

    Germanicus likes this.
  14. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Thanks @jmcburn yes I got the Memo:)
    jmcburn likes this.
  15. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Role: HV Transport
    CPU Tier: 4

    Takes off and runs like a scalded cat, handles like a semi with the power steering out.
    Warp capable, with a shield generator.

    Made to transport 4 of the HV defense pods I posted earlier.
    Crew in the front, engineering in the back.


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    Last edited: Nov 17, 2019
  16. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    UPDATE: (hope it last longer than the public release:rolleyes:)

    SV - Speculator (Latin for SCOUT), Light Scout T1, Level 7, pure Recon Vessel, no Armor, no shields, no Weapons.
    Changed Thruster Layout and a few Textures and Blocks.

    MH-Foothold_2019-11-17_09-45-08.png MH-Foothold_2019-11-17_09-45-28.png MH-Foothold_2019-11-17_09-45-53.png MH-Foothold_2019-11-17_09-47-37.png MH-Foothold_2019-11-17_09-47-53.png
    MH-Foothold_2019-11-17_09-18-46.png MH-Foothold_2019-11-17_09-18-40.png
    Kahrek and StyleBBQ like this.
  17. Kahrek

    Kahrek Captain

    Mar 7, 2017
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    20191118015550_1.jpg 20191118015612_1.jpg 20191118015616_1.jpg 20191118015620_1.jpg 20191118015630_1.jpg 20191118015638_1.jpg 20191118015652_1.jpg 20191118015656_1.jpg 20191118015658_1.jpg

    Drop Base - Tier 1 - Level 7

    Type: Capital Vessel
    Usage: Entry level mobile base
    Class: 2, Unlock Level: 7
    Hull: Steel
    Defence: 12 cannon turrets
    Ammo: Container 16K
    Cargo: Container 120k, Container 32K, Cargo Box 3 X 8K
    Constructor: Large (1)
    Fridge / Food Processor: Yes
    Growth plots: None (room for 9)
    Medical / O2: Clone Bay (1), O2 (1)
    Armor Station / Repair Station : Yes / No
    Warp / Shield: No (room to add) / No (room to add)
    Wireless: Yes
    CPU Usage: 193,589

    Fully up-gradable using a T2 CPU. (Upgraded version coming shortly). This very early CV has 3 decent sized landing pads on top and a generous hangar with a 9 X 5 door. In it's default configuration it has 22m/s of upwards thrust on a 1.0 planet allowing it to carry more than it's weight in cargo. There are LCD panels indicating the upgrade path for the ship.



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    Last edited: Nov 18, 2019
    Robot Shark and Germanicus like this.
  18. Kahrek

    Kahrek Captain

    Mar 7, 2017
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    20191118030553_1.jpg 20191118030548_1.jpg 20191118030120_1.jpg 20191118030137_1.jpg 20191118030146_1.jpg 20191118030158_1.jpg 20191118030206_1.jpg 20191118032744_1.jpg 20191118032747_1.jpg
    Drop Base - Tier 2 - Level 20

    Type: Capital Vessel
    Usage: Entry level mobile base
    Class: 2, Unlock Level: 20
    Hull: Steel
    Defence: 12 cannon turrets
    Ammo: Container 16K
    Cargo: Container 120k, 3 X Container 32K, Cargo Box 5 X 8K
    Constructor: Advanced (1)
    Fridge / Food Processor: Yes (1) / Yes (1)
    Growth plots: 9
    Medical / O2: Medical Bay, All medical devices / Yes (1)
    Armor Station / Repair Station : Yes / Yes
    Warp / Shield: Yes / Yes (T1)
    Wireless: Yes
    CPU Usage: 491,522

    This is the upgraded version of my Level 7 starter CV. The exterior looks almost the same except that all the thruster slots have been filled in and allot of the S thrusters are now M thrusters. Included upgrades are a warp drive, T1 shield, upgraded T3 fuel tanks, Upgraded Large O2 tanks, full medical bay and T2 repair bay. The growth plots are also included instead of being an option. There are 2 new 32K containers and 2 new 8K containers.

    If you remove the T2 repair bay, console and downgrade the fuel tanks to T2 then the ship is level 10.



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    Last edited: Nov 18, 2019
    Robot Shark and Germanicus like this.
  19. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    - Closed -

    (also to give you some time to build ;) Will be reopened in a new thread soon; thanks for ALL your submissions!! Keep it up!)
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