What has been your 'you better would have told me that before' game moment

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, Sep 27, 2019.

  1. Softwalker001

    Softwalker001 Commander

    Feb 28, 2019
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    My 3 biggest were:

    1>Personal Drone.
    Didn't find out about it until I hit the Steam forum. Had already restarted 10+ due to getting trapped in various ways.
    2>Armor capabilities (Jump+Light)
    Most new peeps will start on Temperate and will never know how handy the Light Armor is until they get to a No-O2
    3>First Base Attacks.
    I was so happy to figure out how to put together a simple base. Then 3 drones show up less than 2 min later and flatten it.
    No clue as to turrets ammo anything.

    Biofuel used to be #2 but the Dev's have made it better documented. For the longest time I thought it was only for portables and Drill/Chainsaw
  2. skuriles

    skuriles Ensign

    Nov 21, 2018
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    Drone for mining (do I have a drone at all?)

    In earlier versions: Place core will activate drone attacks!
    Did I already mentioned personal drone?

    Placing of blocks (rotate etc.) and in general maybe some advice about hot keys

    Blueprints are not explained at all!

    Personal drone
  3. Ambaire

    Ambaire Captain

    Nov 23, 2015
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    For everyone who doesn't know about the drone, does noone check keybinds these days? One of the first things I do when I start a new game is look up the keybinds and then use any ingame that I'm not sure about. And/or look them up on google with the game name if it seems obscure.
    Sup, johnietoth1967 and Dreuseff like this.
  4. skuriles

    skuriles Ensign

    Nov 21, 2018
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    Think it is not the duty of a gamer to spend 1 or 2 hrs reading and googleing keyboard settings to play a game properly. And if you not provide a good solution for that a lot of gamer will drop the game after few minutes of playing because they don't know what to do or stuck in a mining hole.
    And this group of gamer is much bigger than the ones which handles it like you do
  5. Ambaire

    Ambaire Captain

    Nov 23, 2015
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    It seems phone games have ruined most of this generation of gamers. If they can't just 'jump in and go' then it's garbage, or something.

    Checking keybinds is the number 1 thing I do for any new game. Why would someone not want to know what they could do? And maybe reconfigure for personal taste. Also, checking keybinds takes literally a couple of minutes if that...

    edit: think of it as reading the manual when you buy a new appliance or buy a car or similar.

    edit 2: VVVV yeah, alright, agreed about the drone.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2019
    johnietoth1967 and Dreuseff like this.
  6. skuriles

    skuriles Ensign

    Nov 21, 2018
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    I understand your intention and share your opinion. But as a software developer myself I can say that the end users are lazy and stupid (or at least you have to assume that) and if you think "nobody will ever to that" it will be done within the first day of the release!
    Nothing hurts more than bad reviews on steam or other platforms and to fix that you have to spend much more time than to implement a short tutorial in advance.
    And: most of the games provide a tutorial at the beginning and so you expect it somehow. Not for every small key binding, but the drone for example is way to important that it is not mentioned anywhere in the game beside the key binding settings.
    Just implement it in the base tutorial or as a tool tip on loading screen (e.g. like WOW does it)
    cmguardia, Softwalker001 and Ambaire like this.
  7. Softwalker001

    Softwalker001 Commander

    Feb 28, 2019
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    Put it in the Robinson Protocol right after the Inventory steeps, and make sure to emphasize that you can use tools/place blocks.
    cmguardia likes this.
  8. sillyrobot

    sillyrobot Captain

    Aug 21, 2016
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    Studios deciding documenting features and actually providing a manual was non-essential is what ruined gamers. I will happily peruse a manual especially one with some thought as to layout, but trying to piece together what a game thinks a player can/should do is beyond irritating.
    Miznit, Wellingtoon, xelthor and 2 others like this.
  9. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Yep - gotta say, the personal drone needs its own tutorial. Even when I figured out it was there I managed to discover time and time again all the things you could actually do with it, and on occasion been disappointed by what you couldn't do with it.... I can pick up my backpack, but I can't flip a switch... hmm...
    Germanicus likes this.
  10. Ballard

    Ballard Rear Admiral

    Feb 9, 2017
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    Oh Man! Me too. I remember that I used to mine at night down in a hole to be safe from monsters. Oh yes, more than once I almost ended up trapped. Personal drone? What's that? huh? REALLY!!! oh my god it changed everything.
  11. Orclover

    Orclover Lieutenant

    Aug 4, 2019
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    *2 weeks into the game* "Drone? I have a drone that solves all the headaches and hatred I have for what I have been going through??!?"
    Yea a scripted 2 minute tutorial for new players would solve a lot of headaches for new players. Is it that impossible to put that into the game?
    DASHEDM and stanley bourdon like this.

    DASHEDM Lieutenant

    Jul 6, 2019
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    Was disappointed when my wreckage 'CV' couldn't fly because it was a BASE
    DuLux, Sup and etmoonshade like this.
  13. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Other than the drone... "This game is highly addictive" would have been nice to know. I've lost so many hours of sleep doing "just one more quick thing..."
    Thor'sHammer, Sup and Josey Wales like this.
  14. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Ensign

    Apr 17, 2020
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    As a current new player I would have liked to have known that you don't take your unarmoured and unarmed HV on a drive through Zirax territory when they don't like you.

    However, after they blew up my contraption, then shot my motorbike from under me, what then followed was an extremely immersive escape and evasion adventure which was immense fun!
  15. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    Those are the things I liked about this game! That is survival!
    The protocol should show you what you have and how it should be used. The enemies and nature run on your own !!
    Welcome to adventure! : D

    Esas son las cosas que me gustaron de este juego! Eso es supervivencia!
    El protocolo debe mostrarte lo que tienes y como debe usarse. Los enemigos y la naturaleza corren por tu cuenta!!
    Bienvenido a la aventura! :D
    Josey Wales likes this.
  16. jharyl

    jharyl Ensign

    Mar 24, 2017
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    Volume/weight enabled landing on a planet with extremly high gravity without water for O2 and Zirax (hardmode) all over...
    monktk and zztong like this.
  17. Bine

    Bine Ensign

    May 14, 2020
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    I started with Alpha12 so this is my list of things I found out on my own or were told by other people and I really should have had some way of knowing earlier.

    1) Base attacks. This is a thing? Took over a POI and set it to private. Next time I got on a group of xirax drones flew out to me, flattened most of the POI (a crashed junked ship or shuttle of some sort), and flattened me. Several times. That was fun. All I had was a shotgun so my only option was to run right at them and keep shooting hoping some of the shots would hit.

    2) MY FAVORITE FEATURE. But it was a butt to learn. The Factory and how it works. I learned through experimentation- it eats all of whatever you put into it. You dont get any excess back. That was cool to learn. Came at the expense of dumping all my iron, copper, and silicon into it. So. That was cool. Also. A week into playing I had no idea you could dump things that weren't their base components and get credit to those base components. Like dropping steel plates and it fills in iron ingots. I had literally complained the entire week about not having some component to get off the first planet before I was finally filled in. The only change I might consider making to this feature is reducing the time it takes to produce blueprints. I'm more likely to leave the game running and die repeatedly to hunger than actually play a full 24 hours of time to produce some of the things.

    3) As of reading this post, we have a drone?

    EDIT: 4) There's an auto pilot?
    Last edited: May 14, 2020
    zztong likes this.
  18. Yes and one of the settings in the difficulty settings screen when setting up a new game or resuming is even called Drone Base Attack. If you hold your mouse over it you will see it influences the frequency of drone base attacks.
    You can avoid them by either shutting them off in the difficulty screen, setting the base to public, or I believe also by shutting the power off. These have to be done before you get the warning of an incoming attack or they will apply after that one.
    Yes, F5 to launch it and then press it again to exit it. It has a short range. It's very useful for mining and building.
    It's cruise control and not auto pilot. Hold down your direction button or buttons of choice (W,A,S,D,Space, or C) and then hold Ctrl until the arrow on the side of the velocity indicator reaches your desired throttle percentage and let go.
    Press any direction button again to cancel it.
    Bine likes this.
  19. Bine

    Bine Ensign

    May 14, 2020
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    Thanks for this info. I learned about the drone on my own but had no clue where to find the cruise control stuff. Big help. This post was, of course, intended to answer OPs question.
    krazzykid2006 likes this.
  20. tony hug

    tony hug Commander

    Sep 27, 2015
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    1.) That i had to worry about radiation and heat from Components when building CVs .. only found out through forums (1 block rule)

    2.) The prefabinfo and clear pivot commands

    3.) general terminal commands , smp, im, replaceblocks

    4,~) When i first played it .. How to eat!!

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