Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Roteshertz, Dec 23, 2019.

  1. Roteshertz

    Roteshertz Ensign

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Ich finde das CPU System schlecht umgesetzt.Ich mag es gar nicht.Ich kann mit KEINEM meiner Raumschiffe mehr Fliegen. Wenn ich überlege beim CV 1 RCS T2 hat 1250000 CPU,da pack ich mir an den Kopf und frag mich "Gehts noch?" Was soll der schwachsinn? Oder das Stahlblöcke....Betonblöcke CPU verbrauchen....Finde ich genau so schwachsinnig. Eleon so langsam macht Ihr das Spiel echt Kaputt.Erst das un-durchdachte Gewichtssystem,jetzt das un-durchdachte CPU System.
    Don't Panic likes this.
  2. SylenThunder

    SylenThunder Captain

    Jul 30, 2016
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  3. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    I hear people say "You don't need RCS" but I've tried builds with and without, and based on how I fly, I find I still need at least 1 RCS. Sometimes two. My largest CV's have used either 1 or 2 RCS 2's, but the CPU cost now is too extreme.

    Dropping from 74m to 4m - what did you have, 60 RCS2's? By any standard, I'd call that excessive.
    HoboTruth likes this.
  4. HoboTruth

    HoboTruth Lieutenant

    Jan 3, 2019
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    Would be nice to see a huge drop in CPU cost for RCS. Yes, they are not totally necessary, but they could be used as a backup maneuvering system for when you start to lose thrusters in battle. It's super annoying when you get knocked out of the fight simply because your front most side thrusters got knocked out and you can't turn anymore, when 90% of your ship is still intact.

    They don't provide near enough torque in relation to CPU cost, this needs to be addressed! And if that isn't planned then what's the point of the RCS still existing?
  5. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    I've tried builds with and without RCS - identical builds at that, and I find with RCS to have more responsive turning, especially tight turning.
    No they're not completely necessary, but they certainly help.
  6. I tend to think the people claiming "you don't need RCS anymore" aren't actually testing their vessels in battle.

    Sure, I can get thrusters placed in just the right places to where I have a halfway decent turning speed. What happens once a single thruster gets shot out in battle though?
    Typically that means you have next to no turning (or no turning at all) in one or more directions now because of losing that one thruster, unless you had way too much turning to begin with.

    Relying on only thrusters for turning results in really poor performance in a battle once you start taking damage.
    I'm not just talking about PvP either. Same thing in PvE against POI's.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  7. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    You still seem to need at least some RCS on an HV miner if you want it to be able to pitch up/down easily. The ones that I have tried without any RCS are a complete pain to get to pitch down to start making a hole or pitch back up again to dig back to surface.

    You at least don't need 5+ 0f them any more, but certainly at least one seems mandatory, and a few can be a lot better.
  8. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    My HV miners typically use only 1 RCS. I find pitch up and pitch down much easier to control not by RCS but by hover pad placement and enabling or disabling the front most or rear most pads.
    SylenThunder likes this.
  9. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Makes sense - it would help if we could bind stuff like this to keys (like in SE - sorry :)).

    Of course there is drill mode as well which slings the whole HV flight model out of the window and replaces it with something very simplistic which does allow easy pitching (and some kind of flight apparently too).
  10. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    No need to apologize for that one - I've long supported the notion of being able to set key binds to our Signals and Customs for easier, faster access than the P-panel allows.
  11. Roteshertz

    Roteshertz Ensign

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Ich habe gemerkt,das Eleon es nicht Interessiert wie die Spieler Denken.Sie zwingen einen die CPU auf ob man will oder nicht.Auch wenn man die CPU in den Einstellungen abschaltet,muss man sie trotzdem einbauen,Weil sonst Friert man im Weltall auf dem Schiff,egal ob man Ventilatoren und Sauerstoff hat.Es ist aber immer noch so,das Das CPU und das Gewichts System schlecht bis absolut Katastrophal umgesetzt ist.Ich weiß nicht,welche Praktikant die Idee hatte aber es muss ein Praktikant gewesen sein.Denn es ist gelinde gesagt nur Müll.Und jetzt Release bei den ganzen Baustellen.!.Baustelle CPU/Gewichtsystem 2.Baustelle das Motorrad man kommt nicht mal mehr einen kleinen Hügel hoch.3. Baustelle:Schilde...doch war nicht schlecht mit den Schilden,doch wenn es ausfällt,dann sitzt man in einem Papierflieger egal aus welchen Blöcken das Schiff gebaut wurde und nun der Witz in einem SV verbraucht das Schild 16.300 CPU.Die CPU sind in der Herstellung einfach zu Kompliziert und zu Teuer. So langsam kommt doch die Zeit,das Spiel von der Platte zu entfernen und Eleon auf wiedersehen zu sagen.Nochmal würde ich kein Spiel von dennen Kaufen.
  12. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    using thrusters for up and down really helps in that regards, plus it also helps for barrel rolls! :)

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