What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Scouted another planet, picked two potential base sites, and found very little in terms of lootable POI's.
    I've made peace with the Zirax, Polaris and Talons, so I don't want to provoke any of them. It's nice to be able to cruise a planet and not get shot at, but it does limit ones options when it comes to collecting resources.

    Fortunately I have at least two locations that are good for resource-gathering, and a few more planets to scout yet. We'll see what tonight brings.
  2. EternalHeathen

    EternalHeathen Captain

    Feb 15, 2019
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  3. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Started today and you are already that far?
    I bow to the master.
  4. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    WIP Pictures from my CV...as I currently have a bit of crisis how to proceed I played around with the texturing tool

  5. Minelaus

    Minelaus Captain

    Sep 12, 2016
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    @Germanicus : Die Hülle schaut wirklich nice aus , aber wofür der Rammsporn , und ich glaube mit einer Turm Brücke würde das Schiff massiver und bedrohlicher wirken .

    Translated : The hull looks really nice, but what the ram spur for, and I think with a tower bridge the ship would look more massive and more threatening.
    Tyrax Lightning and Germanicus like this.
  6. Lonesome Joe

    Lonesome Joe Lieutenant

    Jan 27, 2017
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    I recently came back to Empyrion after a long pause (lost faith in Elite Dangerous... again), and on this play, I've made it a rule to rely on HVs for PoI combat, and that of course meant having to design a battle HV, which in turn of course meant having to design a dropship to support it, particularly so I don't have to cross half a planet at 20-30 m/s to bully the Zirax once I've cleared the PoIs near my base.
    So that was a lot more hours in Creative mode before I even got around to playing, but I've been having at it lately, and it's been a lot of fun.
    Behold, the Offender Mk.III Main Battle Hovertank:
    A Mk.V is already in the works to address some issues that have turned up, notably moving the maneouver thrusters down because the turrets attract fire and thus splash damage, which left me without the ability to turn left after a particularly fierce battle, and adding another layer to the back of the vessel to improve survivability when, for example, "advancing in the other direction" from a PoI I underestimated.
  7. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Last night proved interesting. Scouted a second planet and found it particularly lacking, so I returned to one of the planets where I've already established bases, and decided to investigate just how tough one of these "Promethium Spires" was...

    Well it turns out there's really not that tough, but they have a LOT of turrets and sentry guns in a lot of places, and while the site failed to take down my shields, it did deplete my supply of missiles, forcing me to break off my engagement to rearm and return to finish putting the place out of its misery. The cleanup went quickly enough, and I soon found myself aboard the facility.

    The facility wasn't about to just roll over so easy though. There were a number of armed Roombas wandering the halls, as well as a few ALN Zirax, including a Commander with a Minicheat Gun that can be pushed through a closed door and fired with 100% accuracy.

    An Epic shotgun changed his mind - in a fine red mist.

    Oh, the loot... my CV has a respectable capacity of 260,500 cargo units, though I'd reached the 128 item limit much faster than the actual capacity, and wound up having to shuffle items into my weapons magazine and refrigerator, just to get all that stuff hauled back to base.

    It was a good night overall, but it did make me think about a few things...

    First, I'm curious if the Zirax models used for ALN faction members are meant to be a permanent thing, or if at some point the ALN faction will get its own member models. I know there are a couple already - the weird Bugman alien and the Alien Assassin. I suspect the ALN faction Zirax are just hired mercenaries, but it would be nice for the ALN faction to have their own members too.

    POI's, especially Zirax POI's will often times "call for reinforcements", in the form of dropships. Could this sort of thing be done with these kinds of space-based POI's, perhaps calling in a Drone carrier or Patrol Vessel? It would make for more interesting and challenging battles that way.
    ion_storm, Tyrax Lightning and Ephoie like this.
  8. Ephoie

    Ephoie Captain

    Jan 27, 2018
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    Ha! I see what ya' did ther'!
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  9. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    POI faction is set in the playfield files, so a scenario author can choose to set NPCs as any faction. I think Nightmares, Overlords, those scorpions, and Alien Assassins are supposed to be the alien faction right now. The things you find in the abandoned POIs.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  10. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    The bleak and unforgiving landscape of a world just waking up from a million year slumber lost in deep space by the light of a distant star:


    Supay, Needleship, Marbod and 7 others like this.
  11. EternalHeathen

    EternalHeathen Captain

    Feb 15, 2019
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    Duuuuuuuuude! I'm extra happy that I'm playing this game again. I'm raiding a space base(possibly the sector drone base?) with my mothership parked what I thought was out of weapons range. It's cold in this sector, and I don't have epic armor yet, didn't want her blasting a bunch of holes. So I work my way out of the hanger and into an atreum, must have triggered a sensor because robots start spawning in. I duck behind some cover, pull out my shotty turn on my jetpack and charge them. Then the windows behind them explode as my mothership rips them to pieces. And me. And now it's so so cold. That was fantastic, but it got better.

    A few minutes later as I'm working further up, i look out a window and see an orbital patrol vessel attacking the mother ship. Lasers everywhere. All my stuff is in that ship. I confusedly race back to my sv and get over there to help, rip through it's engines, and now I'm looking to core it. Just fantastic. Haven't had a game give me that kind of excitement in a while.

    Now for the burning questions, which were likely topics of conversation before I started playing or lurking in these forums.
    How do orbital patrol vessels, or any ships in space, work? More often than not, when i find them, I can't shoot them. All my shots just go right through, and they keep on moving, maybe popping out some drones on their way. Is there a certain thing that makes them fightable?

    Also, there was a strange graphical glitch that made me look out that window to see my cv being attacked, and it didn't go away until I turned off the cvs turrets. Is this a known thing? You can see it in the picture, but it was a constant flashing thing in game.

    Attached Files:

  12. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Testing the rogue planet starter. Still some balancing and customization to do on it.

    Base camp:

    Getting close to night time:

    Went exploring at night only to find something that wanted to eat me!

    Turned around to run away only to be greeted by more alien creatures:

    Survived, barely!

    Fell a little too far...

    Finally, a source of wood!

    I am unstoppable on a bike!

    Trying to climb a mountain (there's wood on top) but have to wait until sunrise:
  13. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    This starting planet is really starting to take shape! Did a couple hours of survival testing with my brother tonight and it's quite a challenge, harder than the Dead planet in my scenario so far. Got some good plans for it too, just need to make the POIs and PDA missions and the moons. :D

    Last edited: Jan 10, 2020
    Supay, jmcburn, Needleship and 12 others like this.
  14. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Today I continued with the Hull of my CV. It is closed now and Air tight. While still a few Devices are not in place I started with the interior texturing.
    ExtLevEvent-191230-1712_2020-01-10_13-21-24.png ExtLevEvent-191230-1712_2020-01-10_13-08-17.png ExtLevEvent-191230-1712_2020-01-10_13-07-59.png ExtLevEvent-191230-1712_2020-01-10_13-07-46.png ExtLevEvent-191230-1712_2020-01-10_13-07-17.png ExtLevEvent-191230-1712_2020-01-10_13-07-09.png ExtLevEvent-191230-1712_2020-01-10_13-06-45.png ExtLevEvent-191230-1712_2020-01-10_13-06-20.png ExtLevEvent-191230-1712_2020-01-10_13-04-51.png ExtLevEvent-191230-1712_2020-01-10_13-04-35.png
  15. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    I had a bad case of the Lazies last night, along with a bad case of indecision, and wound up not doing a whole lot - until I remembered something I've been wanting to try out, so I went Creative for a while and did some experimenting. So far, I'm liking the results, and if the end proves to be what I'm wanting, I'll have something to show for it soon.
  16. Minelaus

    Minelaus Captain

    Sep 12, 2016
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    was today bored to death again so i started to build a corellian destroyer , hull is nearly done but interrior is missing ^^ a cr-90 , dp-20 and a TIE-Fighter (near the bridge) for size comprehension .
    the other think i build a couple of days ago was a YT-Dart for the YT-1300 , docked it is close to invisible ^^ .
    Supay, Needleship, Ephoie and 11 others like this.
  17. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I have a question for the survival players.

    Many moons ago, before we had plastic blocks, O2 pressurized cabins, & warp-capable SV's, I created the "Jumping Jack" as a cheap warp vessel.
    I finally got around to updating it, but my question is, does it still serve a purpose?

    I replaced the truss blocks with plastic blocks, made it air tight, and extended it by 1 block so a gravity generator would fit in it.
    So, is "Plastic Pete" something that would have a place in a survival game?

    Germanicus and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  18. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Enemy CVs sometimes not being solid & such like that is among the Top 10 Bug Fugitives from Justice... 2nd one sounds new to me... Bug Report worthy.

    Whereas meanwhile, the hardest start i've ever survived & made it off Starter Planet with no Deaths on thus far is... the old Omicron... Holy freaking Halibut how do ya Survival Elite do it...? :eek:

    This... is so rad! :D
  19. Minelaus

    Minelaus Captain

    Sep 12, 2016
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    with 2 player the yt dart can be realy nasty there are 2 versions a escape ship with 2 miniguns and a attack varriant with 3 homing rocket launcher but both are cappable as a 2 man escape ship .
    the YT-Dart with rocket launcher
    and the rearanged interrior of my YT-1300
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2020
  20. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    You do some amazing work creating these landscapes.

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