
Discussion in 'Official Eleon Server' started by RexXxuS, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. Minelaus

    Minelaus Captain

    Sep 12, 2016
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    I can only join Vermillion , you can build realy SC hungry ships that is still CPU T4 my Imperial I class is still T4 with arround 2 mill free CPU but Size Class 97 , of course i never spawned it on a server...:rolleyes:...perhaps one time :cool: but i learned my lesson :D .
  2. fa_q2

    fa_q2 Commander

    Oct 30, 2019
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    What stops large CV's like this is movement.

    On the US sever, that CV would essentially be a base. Forget moving like an SV - it aint moving at all. You might as well just spawn it in as a a base.

    And you can still build bases to virtually any size - CPU tiers does not actually limit some PvE base designs. My own PvE base is around 6 million CPU and counting.
  3. Minelaus

    Minelaus Captain

    Sep 12, 2016
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    @fa_q2 : not necessarily , if you use a lot of railings or other parts that cost a lot of SC-points but cheap in CPU and wight , the build can end realy fast in exorbitant SC .
  4. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Not sure if the routine reboot has fixed the issue or not yet, but the Official US Server was getting pretty ill last night. There were some pretty weird lags. At one point I was able to make about a half-mile jetpack flight before things "caught up" and I fell from the sky. Another user reported being able to jet pack up around 535 feet before things caught up.
    I noticed things like wild, harvestable plants simply disappearing when close, and at least one POI that was "full of dirt" in the below-ground areas that are normally empty of dirt. Really bad around 9:30-10:00pm EST. Seemed to get a little better here and there, but had not completely stopped.
    I also noted some much longer than usual times warp-jumping, and at least one player got "stuck" in a CV after a disconnection during a warp jump and had to console-disconnect from the seat.

    Figured no one can know what they're not told.
  5. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Thanks for the report @IndigoWyrd
    Yes, something changed but I don't know what yet.
    I'll investigate why the CPU is suddenly at its limit
  6. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    No problem! I can say things were a little better last night, save for the visit from the player with the 65k ping that gave everyone fits. Still a bit spotty. Got more than a few "Connection lost to playfield server" messages that lasted between What-Was-That-Message? and a few seconds.
  7. Andrylik

    Andrylik Lieutenant

    Jan 15, 2016
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    I made 1 class 5 and 2 class 4 CV's. Docked them. One is main ship, two others are shields. Last pvp combat against 3 normal small cv's crashed my game twice and dropped my framerate to 1 frame evry THREE SECONDS. Unplayable. I had to quit the session. The othere players were lagging but they were able to fight. Not me. I think that either they had some particular lag ship that grifed my game (since they are known griefers on official EU server), or my ship lagged only at me because I got tons of hits ofcourse and my ship has been designed with tons of pyramidal blocks that, u know, have a collison check each one of them.
    So, tons of projectiles on me from 100 turrets (3 cv ships), tons of pyramidal block, tons per tons of collision checks for my ship.
    I did not code the game so I dont know if I am right. Devs said nothing about it, so maybe I have been griefed in some way....
    my 2 cents about lag, crash, and huge CV's.

    EDIT: I think my absurd lag and freezing when multiple ships fighting is due to cpu always at 100% usage, since Im playing on my old pc with i5 3570k. did some tests today.
    some pics from the work in progress of my ship:
    Nuova Partita_6_2020-01-21_21-47-35.png Nuova Partita_6_2020-01-21_21-44-33.png Nuova Partita_6_2020-01-21_21-43-22.png
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2020
  8. Ronewird

    Ronewird Commander

    Oct 8, 2019
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    new pvp ship under cpu are really bad looking.....
    Kassonnade and Germanicus like this.
  9. Andrylik

    Andrylik Lieutenant

    Jan 15, 2016
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    1) this is not 1 ship but 3 ships in one, so we have 30 mill cpu points here
    2) these pic are alpha stage, pretty incomplete.
    3) PVP ships are ALWAYS ugly, not for cpu. When you learn PVP, you know why.

    we did some test with my friend and we found out that the lag/lost connection has to be some software bug.
    Lag starts in fight. When fight stops we continue to lag, even warping out.
    Lag stops when we logoff and login back.
    ship has only 100 engines, so its not engine related
    ATM game is unplayable for pvp.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2020
  10. boo

    boo Commander

    May 8, 2019
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    in all games i played with Unity , this game engine need a lot of ressource, the more you stay in game, the more it will eat your pc ressource, not about the cpu , but the memory.

    so uou need to restart the game every 2-3 hours ....

    check how much memory (ram) you have on your computer, at last if you have windows 10, you will need 16g ram to be really comfy.
    also, check your graphic card too , if you are able to play with the video graphic default setting

    i need around 4-5 players shooting at same time to have lagg, and dit not have any lagg when you two was fighting me.

    your giant duckface ship full of pyramidal block inside is a lagg generator and wont help you playing better
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2020
    Kassonnade, Germanicus and Ronewird like this.
  11. Andrylik

    Andrylik Lieutenant

    Jan 15, 2016
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    I already wrote that the problem maybe is the pyramidal blocks. Devs should confirm that. I saw that your giant suppository ship was not lagging, but you said you lost a cockpit very early in the battle due to lag shot... My duck had just some scratches, even if I crashed 3 times and everybody came back my azz to grief me logged off. Your suppository was half eaten by rockets in the meantime....
    The pc I played had windows 10 and 16gb ram, ryzen 5 2600x with gtx 1070 8 gb ram. My friend had better pc than mine, but same lag. Cpu was always at 30% and gpu at 15% (lowest settings). Also, my duck is 120k sathium, almost twice your 75k suppository. We were just making tests. That was my first pvp ship. So easy to make them (without griefing ehehh...) the only limit is the alpha game atm...

    also... your suppository was one ship only. My ship was three ships docked. We had to test with your other suppository with helm and wings (3 cv docked too), hoping you wouldnt glitch the stacked shields bug, as you did weeks ago.
    Finally, relax... this is not real war, nor a beauty contest for voxel blocks. This is just an alpha game and we are trying to help devs to fix bugs.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2020
  12. boo

    boo Commander

    May 8, 2019
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    my cockpit was destroyed when i was close to both you, and you two got a d/c at this time too, maybe try to make a ship with less pyramidal block, guess too much pyramidal block inside your ship will just make the rendering worst and eat all your pc ressource ....

    laggship was something some players used for pvp exploits in the previous patch, with full pyramidal block, full device and full light , because the game cant hold so much rendering
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2020
    Kassonnade likes this.
  13. Andrylik

    Andrylik Lieutenant

    Jan 15, 2016
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    my ship has zero lights, the covers are class 4 and the main ship is class 5. Pyramidal blocks lag because of collision checks during fight, not because of rendering. Maybe they eat memory, I dont know, devs know. ofcourse 4+5+4 is class 13 vessel and it will lag even with less pyramidal blocks. You should compare with your three ships in one... Maybe we just hit server limits and nothing can be done, we can just change ship. U also ping 13 ms, I ping 36
  14. Bizalho

    Bizalho Ensign

    Apr 21, 2020
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    I'm wondering what's up with the profanity filter. I understand having one in the global chat but getting warnings / banned for saying stuff like "sh**" in the faction chat which is supposed to be private (correct me if i'm wrong) makes no sense to me and i think that should be removed.
  15. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    That depends on the Server Settings. The Server Owner can disable it on Faction Chat

    As on the Official Servers, there can be someone in your faction who doesnt like this. Hence its on
    Germanicus likes this.
  16. boo

    boo Commander

    May 8, 2019
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    i dont know if it's the good room to post it, but some Legacy ship (the decimator) seems to not take any damage, and they dont move correctly, they disapear and appear 1-3 km away ... it's on EU server of course.

  17. Skiapodes

    Skiapodes Ensign

    May 19, 2020
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    What is the likely hood of getting more then one Official server per area? the US server seems to be full all the time. It makes logging in to play difficult, and if you have a group of folks that want to get together and play on an official server.. You might as well forget it.
  18. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    atm 0% chance
  19. gevans

    gevans Lieutenant

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Some Stability would be nice.
    Your US server is broken .........I've been having CTD's all afternoon and lost 2 ships.
  20. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Known issue. Will be fixed

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