Question regarding CV Weapons

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Maotisjan, Jan 25, 2020.

  1. Maotisjan

    Maotisjan Ensign

    Jan 25, 2020
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    Will Capital Vessel weapons EVER work on planets, I'm asking IF not WHEN
    Germanicus likes this.
  2. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Right now, IF you make appropriate changes to the Config.ecf file. It's a pain in the ass, as you have to redo it periodically. If you are into the MP game, it's called cheating. If you're an SP player, it's still cheating, but usually you can forgive yourself and overlook it. ;)
    Germanicus likes this.
  3. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Some work, Most not. Prob never by default. They are way to overpowered.

    As @Track Driver says. You can make them work with a Custom Config.ecf
  4. There is a good reason on why the majority of the CV weapons are disabled when on a planet or moon.
    It didn't used to be like that and all CV weapons worked everywhere. The issue with that was it was all too easy for players to take a fully loaded CV and just hover it in the air near a POI and then just sit back and watch your CV basically just melt the POI.
    There was no skill involved at all.

    Then you have the MP side of things as well and it was making it WAY too easy for a player to wipe out another player base in just a minute or two flat. It just severely hurt the games balance to have them active.
  5. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    That's what I said.
    Germanicus likes this.
  6. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Only Mini-Gun and Cannon Turret work on Planets, also the Sentry Guns.
  7. mogthew

    mogthew Ensign

    Oct 5, 2019
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    This particular question is a sore point for me. All of these responses explain why it's not allowed currently, but not whether we SHOULD continue to have this behaviour

    The first time I played this game, the single most disappointing thing was discovering after 45 hours of game play that CV weapons did not work on a planet. Here's a standard game

    1) Spend 45 hours raiding POIs and flying to planets, collecting and raiding resources
    2) Spend hours building your CV with excitement, looking forward to finishing it and seeing what it's like
    3) Finish it, and you want to test your new guns that you've never seen before
    4) Fly to a POI or add a manually controlled turret, and discover it doesn't work on a planet
    5) Fly to space, shoot a bit to even SEE what it looks like, but then there's no way to find something to ACTUALLY shoot at. Basically, in SP, CV turrets are useless.

    So disappointing. I honestly cannot underscore it enough. I really wish the devs would listen to feedback about this. The new player experience is absolutely abysmal.

    Just make CV weapons plasma/laser only and have their damage reduced while in atmosphere to something just above cannon turrets. This would mean MP would be fine and POI's would still be safe from OP CV turrets.

    Alternatively, just let it happen in SP. Either the CV is the end of the game or it is not. If it is the end of the game it doesn't matter if you have god tier weapons anyway. If it is not the end of the game, then add an ultra-powerful turret and shield for important POI's that can only be raided by CV's. Doing that would give the CV's a use other than just carriers in SP, and would also let you use your guns on important stuff without melting it completely.

    Something really needs to be done about this in SP
  8. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    You have much to learn, Young Padawan!;)
    CV with Weapons in SP is not at all useless. The least function is the ability to defend yourself. There are several chances to proof your Construction against Space-Stations. And, if you are willing to try new stuff, subscribe to the Project Eden Scenario, make your way through THAT Galaxy and try to stay alive against some Enemies like the Alien -Drone Forces. All in SP of course!
    Track Driver and krazzykid2006 like this.
  9. Maotisjan

    Maotisjan Ensign

    Jan 25, 2020
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    Well after all that feedback i think I'll just drop it and let things stay as they are, see you around the galaxy ;)
    Germanicus likes this.
  10. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I thought that the Planetary limitation for CV weapons was going to be lifted eventually. Quite some time ago now, there was a balance pass that buffed BA weapons to out-class (range and/or damage IIRC) the equivalent CV weapon. So, you could attack a POI in your CV, but the POI would out-range you. This was prior to shields being a thing, so one extra long-range Artillery shot could be the end of the CV, unless layered in armour.

    Now we have shields of course, things could be rebalanced further. Attacking a POI that's got far better shields, longer ranged and more damaging weapons than your CV would be....entertaining. Of course the player can always go nuts with their CV if they wish, but then designers might equally go nuts with certain POI's.

    Personally, I say make it a game option to limit what weapons work where, the same as it's optional to have a weapons cap in general. People can then choose what they want.

    I think if the game were fully balanced so BA's can have more shields and weapons that are markedly better in damage and, more importantly, range, then CV weapons on planets would be fine. However, I suspect the real reason this hasn't happened is because Turreted weapons don't work well as the AI's engagement range is poor. I can have turrets with huge ranges on my BA's and CV's yet they don't actually start shooting stuff until things are MUCH closer. There seems to be quite a harsh limit on how much of what's going on around the player is "Live" so to speak.

    To give an extreme example. I've built bases with Turrets far aware from the Core of the base, protecting the approach that Drone Waves used to come from, when it worked that way. If I'm standing near those Turrets, they'd open up on the Drones as they approached. Nice. However, if I was in my main base, 150-200 metres away, they'd NOT open fire until the Drones were on top of them - this meant they regularly got taken out, as they didn't start firing until the last possible moment. Even on smaller bases, this range limit can be seen - the difference between BA Turrets taking out a target before it gets a shot off and not, is a fine line. Turrets, their ranges depending on where the player is standing and their issues with actually starting to fire / switch to a new target, remain pretty critical to any future weapon balance.

    This core issue needs to be addressed before weapon / turret ranges can be balanced properly to make all CV weapons useable on a planet - at least with a "fair" (subjective of course) balance.

  11. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    I don't know why they cant be made a config file switch to re-enable them at admin/solo player discretion.
    Blocking them completely like this (and the overly short de-spawn timer) just seems to be being deliberately annoying.

    I'm not sure what there problem is - if you have a huge maxed out T4 late game CV then you deserve to be able to trash everything, and if you have a shielded early/mid game CV that doesn't have the manoeuvrability you get with massive late game thrusters, then you will probably find its shields get chewed up very quickly (with a possibly long recharge time).

    I don't see why they don't re-enable it and leave it to the config file. Default it off if they really want, but they should stop being pig headed over this.
  12. You may want to read the thread again. It IS in the config file already. You can re-enable them already if you wish, you just have to go through the config file and make the appropriate changes yourself.

    As was already said, this will likely never be activated by default again. You will have to do it yourself.
    Germanicus and Track Driver like this.
  13. El_Globo

    El_Globo Commander

    Jul 2, 2020
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    I'm trying to test some mods in config.ecf.
    I putted it in path\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Configuration and it works for some things, like shield modification which is took into account when I launch a new survival solo game. So I guess the reading of the file is correct by the game.

    I wanted to modify the space CV weapons to enable them on planet and tried this (in commentaries, original settings and tries) :

    But it won't work, the game conitnues telling me usage of space weapon is prohibited on planet.....
    Is there a syntax problem or it isn't effective anymore in the current version of the game, or I'm missing something ?
    The current listed is a copy/paste from the multitool (this is why underwater) but before the AllowAt: "Space,Planet" don't work either.

    Thanks for your help

    # ==================== TOOLS, WEAPONS, ITEMS ====================
    { Item Id: 4206, Name: RocketLauncherMSWeapon
    StackSize: 500
    Mass: 2485, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
    Category: Weapons/Items
    AllowAt: "UnderWater, Planet, Space"
    #AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
    #AllowAt: Space
    ROF: 4, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
    Range: 560, display: false
    RangeSpace: 975, display: false
    AmmoCapacity: 15, display: true
    AmmoType: FastRocketMS, display: true
    Automatic: false
    NoiseStrength: 150, display: false
    ReloadDelay: 8, display: true
    { Item Id: 4208, Name: PulseLaserMSWeapon
    StackSize: 500
    Mass: 2715, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
    Category: Weapons/Items
    #AllowAt: Space
    #AllowAt: Space,Planet
    AllowAt: "UnderWater, Planet, Space"
    ROF: 0.6, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
    Range: 510, display: false
    RangeSpace: 925, display: false
    Damage: 1000, display: true
    Automatic: true
    AmmoCapacity: 150, display: true
    AmmoType: PulseLaserChargeMSWeapon, display: true
    NoiseStrength: 100, display: false
    ReloadDelay: 1, display: true
    Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerLaserShotBlueCV
    TracerPerBullet: 1
    DamageMultiplier_1: 0.3, data: head|body
    DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock|wood
    DamageMultiplier_3: 0.083, data: shield
  14. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    You cant use the Config.ecf anymore. It wont work

    Make the changes in the ItemsConfig.ecf and BlocksConfig.ecf
  15. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Great! Now I have TWO lists to search thru to have a satisfactory game. :eek:
    El_Globo and Kassonnade like this.
  16. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    I have a workshop CV in my vanilla game and can switch planet retractable turrets or space retractable turrets, the canons and miniguns always work planetside, the others (flaks, artillery, plasma) are for space. I actually had very good results against POIs, troops on the ground as well as POI turrets, all this without messing with any files.
    Against very powerful planet POI laser turrets I'd need to use mounted plasma guns in a SV or HV if my CV canons don't show any effect, but then my shields are way inferior compared to CV shields.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2021
    Kassonnade likes this.
  17. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Different strokes for diferent folks.
    Personally, I think projectile weapons should function anywhere. I would accept energy weapons to work in space only, but then it would seem that the same should be true of SV/HV weapons and even hand held weapons. I wouldn't care for that. I get it about "balance" even though I don't agree with it. This is largely due to being strictly SP gameplayer. And as long as we're allowed to make these adjustments, I'm for making them as simple as possible to avoid major cock-ups.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  18. El_Globo

    El_Globo Commander

    Jul 2, 2020
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    For now, I was trying this as a sandbox test and in single player.

    Anyway thank you for the advice about ItemsConfig.ecf and BlocksConfig.ecf. Curiously my tests in config.ecf work fine for shields, and not at all for armors and guns..... I'll try immediatly what you said.

    Edit: I just tried and it all works ! Thanks a lot !

    But regarding itemconfig.cfg can you confirm that the file needs all the entries already in it (not like config.ecf that just need modded items). So I can modify anything, but I should not delete what I'm not planning to mod ?
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2021
  19. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Yes, keep everything in there else it can crash the game. You can use comments like


    (your modded stuff)


    ... to isolate the items you modded so they're easier to find after. Or even better : make a list (with # before each line) of the items/ blocks you modded and their line number, at the top of the file (where lots of other comments are already) to make searches easier.

    You can use block comments ( put several lines between /* and */ ) to "preserve" the original versions of each block/ item you mod instead of using backup copies of the whole file.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2021
  20. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Good to know. Thanks.

    I'll be in touch soon. :)

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