Feedback Required Your TOP3 MOST WANTED feature addition or change?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Sep 26, 2019.

  1. Leftcoast

    Leftcoast Lieutenant

    Oct 22, 2018
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    We're going to try motion sensors on our server at a base complex, however, this is just one example. I think we need expanded controls. I'm tired of turrets shooting at targets I don't care about, etc.
  2. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    How about retractable turrets that actually, well you know - retract (other than just visually).

    The stupid things still occupy the space when retracted so will still prevent landing gear / landing pad activation which makes them a bit useless really. The point of retracting is surely to get them out of the way or is this just some useless cosmetic function and that's all it ever will be?

    FRAGaLOT Captain

    Dec 28, 2015
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    1. The ability to unlock an item from the tech tree from a constructor’s template menu, with out having to exit the constructor.
    2. Allow plant fiber to be crafted from wood planks and wood logs, since wood planks have no other use other than wood blocks.
    3. Allow Small Constructor (BA/CV) to craft 30mm for Cannon turrets, so I can dedicate a Small Constructor to craft ammo for base defenses.
    Maverick241 and daddychillin like this.

    FRAGaLOT Captain

    Dec 28, 2015
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    It is realistic once you enter deeper space, and get closer to the galactic core. Nebula are colorful. Space isn't just vast nothingness, though there should be a skybox texture that does look like what you described for playfieleds further away from the center of the galaxy (like the milkyway is)
    IMtz likes this.
  5. Soliloquis

    Soliloquis Lieutenant

    Jan 1, 2020
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    Would love to see a pass done at weapons. One that aims to diversify and expand the arsenal available to players and zirax and maybe even Polaris. Things like arty cannons that arc when fired over long distances. Maybe ICBMs for Bases. Broadside cannons for CVs. Bomb bays for SVs.
    daddychillin likes this.
  6. Ephoie

    Ephoie Captain

    Jan 27, 2018
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    1. A Crouch/Prone Function?

    2. Camera Position settings that are set for each HV/SV/CV, and remain upon exit/entry of another vehicle. This would include settings for camera height and distance, along with '1st person/3rd person' for Player, '1st person/3rd person' for HV/SV/CV, if set as such when in or out of vehicle.

    3. Walking while inside moving HV/SV/CV.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2020
  7. Draxx

    Draxx Ensign

    Mar 27, 2019
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    1. Collision damage. This will also solve the problem where people use SV to block CV physically in combat so it cant move.
    2. Running water...its water...not a carpet.
    3. Improving core engine so that you can have more people on 1 server without lag. Pls dont make a bigger world/multiple solar systems before this is fixed..we dont need several planets per player..we will never meet each other...we will all be alone and bored...:(
  8. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Ok, time to revise my list:

    1. Vastly Improved AI - not just for existing factions (Talon, Polaris and Zirax), but also for obtainable Crew (Human/Alien), that are currently little more than Decorations. I'd love to see more and improved combat tactics, interactions between Factions, Crew with both purpose and function, as well as general interactions for the myriad of NPC's that are just "decorative" - even if it's just a "Hey, I'm workin' 'ere!" from the Alien Tele-worker NPC's. This should also extend to Predators/Prey so they both interact not only with Players and Factions, but with each other as well. Talon Hunting Parties should hunt and kill or be killed by their marks. Polaris should be out in the field, scouting resources, making trades, fiddling with machinery and devices, and Zirax should be... doing... things... for the glory of the Empire... or whatever they do... opressing Talons, shooting Polaris, torturing small animals... whatever they do.

    2. Enhanced Environments - environmental hazards like dangerous flora, more hostile predators, regions of toxic fumes, and plague-infested areas would help keep the level of survival going as we progress. Additionally, repurposing many of the harvestable items - Phoenix Fern Fronds, Alien Spike Lemons, Varon Root, Spiky Mushrooms, Trumpet Greens (I don't know that I've ever seen a 'wild' one growing), along with Food and Medicine Recipes using these things, would be great.

    3. Animations and Actions - how long have we all been asking to Crouch? The Zirax do it, have done it for as long as I remember. Want to sit on a bench or sofa to restore stamina? Then let's see us sit and lounge. Pushing buttons on a keypad? Let's see it. We've got a nice selection of NPC's as well who could use some more, varied and improved animations as well. might be worth looking into to get some good motion captures, and from what I can see they're already Unity-compliant.
  9. Ephoie

    Ephoie Captain

    Jan 27, 2018
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  10. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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  11. SacredGlade

    SacredGlade Captain

    Oct 18, 2016
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    As we move to multi system gameplay the need for character persistence in co op or multi player becomes more important to immersion. In log off on a CV, log back on to that CV even if it has moved.
    Ephoie and CyberMech like this.
  12. CyberMech

    CyberMech Commander

    Jun 23, 2018
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    1. New Armor/Weapons and improvements to existing ones armor models.
    2. A working and walking NPC is also possible giving some bonuses to the ship on which they are.
    3. Further optimization of CPU limits (reducing the amount of CPU consumed by HV units, as well as increasing the maneuverability of HV / For CV, reducing CPU consumption for Red trusters (size 3x3x6), as a result of which again it will be possible to make ships for PVP with several decks, and not like now - one room and that's it).
  13. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Some great suggestions in this thread. However, I'm going to be a little more down-beat than usual for my three things:

    1) Removal off mass-limited top speed
    2) Removal off mass-limited top speed
    3) Removal off mass-limited top speed

    It's not my intent for this to be any sort of mini-rant, however, this issue is having quite an impact on my desire to play - and plenty here know how hooked I've been on this game since I joined the forums. Plus I hope I usually come across as fairly positive for the most part regarding the direction the game is going in. I was open to Mass and Volume changes - and I now love them. I was a little more wary of CPU, but it's not terrible now and I was quite welcoming of the aerodynamic drag concept. It was the "hidden" addition of this mass-related speed limit that broke things for me, and there was a lot of confusion early-on regarding what was actually causing peoples vessels to be largely broken after the update.

    I still really enjoy the early-game survival aspect, with Scenarios such as Project Eden enhancing that no end. However, as soon as I get my first HV or SV, and later with CV's of course if I make it that far, I start getting frustrated. Having a slow-accelerating, poor-handling vessel due to mass is fine, perfectly fine. This top speed limit - even in space - just because I'm carrying stuff though is crazy. Sure, I can strap on more thrusters, more generators, carry more fuel and add CPU to work around this, but that's really not fun.

    This is why my top three most wanted features are the same - I'm trying to communicate how important this is to my enjoyment of the game, and why I've not really played much lately. I want to, but this issue just irks me sufficiently that playing stops being fun.

    I know others feel this way too, it's not just me, and I wonder where things are going in this regard.

    Apologies for the somewhat pessimistic tone of this post lol.

    3ndM4n, Ephoie, Bollen and 7 others like this.
  14. Don't apologize. Most of us agree 100% with you.
    @Scoob anyone can go through your post history and see how calm and level headed you generally always are. Your posts are always a delight to read and are so honest and straight to the point. I do believe there are a LOT of people here that would agree with me on that.

    The fact that this bothers you so much just goes to show how completely broken the feature is.
    For the record it bothers me just as much. It has almost completely killed all desire for me to play this game. Every other feature that has been added to the game I can learn to live with, and in most cases end up loving, but not the new flight mechanics mass dependent top speed. It's probably the worst thing ever added to this game, IMO.
    Ephoie, stanley bourdon and vscuorzo like this.
  15. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Thanks @krazzykid2006 I appreciate your words. Hopefully the devs are listening and their planned direction for the game means this mass-related speed limit isn't a thing in the future.

    The game universe has been getting larger and will only continue to do so I imagine. Travelling so slowly, just because you did some mining / POI Looting in a ship that can easily overcome its increased weight to take off, only to then be stuck at single-figures speeds when flying / driving to the other side of a large planet. Well, it's not really gameplay. Flying an unwieldy craft at high speeds - drifting when trying to turn - is rather amusing.

    I know I've said it before, but getting your first vessel - usually an HV for me - in a survival game used to be quite a major game-changer. If your HV could get off the ground, it could carry whatever you loaded it with, and at full speed, though it'd take a while to get there & still struggle with hills. It'd handle terribly but you could still zoom over the landscape with your haul - you just needed to hope that trees and rocks would render in time for your to be able to avoid them lol. Don't know why, but I really liked that. Always thought to myself "this is going to be hilarious when the collision model is further developed".

    The other side of this is time spent on an activity of course. Even an early-game HV (or SV) could carry quite a lot, meaning the player could do in one trip what takes several slower trips now. Having to visit a POI / resource deposit multiple times in order to not be hit too hard by the speed penalties is a drag. It's only once the player has the resources to add extra Thrusters and CPU that thing get better, but that's wasting a lot of resources on something that used to work just fine with Weights and Volumes enabled.

    I'm aware that by the late-game I can overcome most issue by simple over-engineering - aka, strapping on more Thrusters, RCS's, Generators and Fuel Tanks. However, it's the early-game - a part I particularly enjoy - where resources are scarce and many technologies are not yet unlocked, that is most heavily impacted by this change.

    Ephoie, MadRussian and Germanicus like this.
  16. Beasthammer

    Beasthammer Commander

    May 4, 2018
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    Hi guys, i've decided to check back...

    So my list of improvements i would like to see in game:
    - Logic, LOGIC! (stop spamming stupid npcs, this is not GTA, (endless cops?), ice in space? mineable? so we can make water?)
    - Physics! yees allow ppl walk on those beauties they create while moving!
    - Stop Simempyrioncity!! Builders got enough stuff for years they can chew on! Time to upgrade exploring, fighting, solo and endgame content/mechanics!! I'm fed up with those stupid blocks you always try to please us with!

    Sorry for the honest post, i don't want to offend anyone but this game could be sooo much more and sooo much more fun with some adjustments. It makes me angry when i see this unpolished gem to sink. Remember Devs you might have a great community, but you earn your living from paying customers... The time works against you!
    Germanicus likes this.
  17. RedSamurai

    RedSamurai Lieutenant

    Feb 4, 2020
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    1. Crouch and free walking of passengers during the flight

    2. more armor upgrades: a combat drone - protecting the player from the NPC, a pilot assistance system - more speed and maneuverability of the vessel, a miner’s assistant - + speed and quantity of ore, stealth mode for a while, run and jump booster, etc. d.

    3. The ability to create a block for construction by yourself, and save it to the library of blocks, for example, to cut according to given points
    daddychillin likes this.
  18. Bollen

    Bollen Captain

    Mar 22, 2017
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    1.- Joystick support
    2.- More people i.e. human NPCs
    3.- Ship targetting (both enemies and destinations)
    daddychillin likes this.
  19. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Mini gun turrets for SVs - I suggest a maximum allowed of 2 just for pest control when it is parked really (probably the one from the HV in surface and retractable forms - don't even mind if it is just the reactrable and force retracted while flying and only deployable while parked). Kind of getting annoying to have to cart a turret equipped HV around, disconnect it, do you thing, reconnect the thing etc before your fly off.
    zztong, Orclover and daddychillin like this.
  20. Curben Justic

    Curben Justic Ensign

    Feb 5, 2020
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    More keybinding Options

    Avatar remains bound to ship even after logoff

    ability to walk around a moving ship

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