This is Dink, a level 5 scout SV with two Gatling guns built around the new small fuel tank gen set. Max speed is 70 m/s and able to lift 12.5t .. overall size a tiny 2.5x4.5x2m. Material costs are super low so you can spawn and map your starter planet in the first few hours of a medium difficulty game.
Hey Momo No. it is not just removing the RCS. Because of removing I had to think about the thrusters. And I used some wings instead of blocks like wings So it is still really cheap and handy. left side the new one
After a long time i uploadet somethink in the workshop again its the overworked YT-2400 that appears in my Star Wars Scenario Level 12 and T3 CPU , only the shield is missing YT-2400 And the matching Escapepod for the ship ^^
The S5X Aetherdrift Series of SVs I made.
B3-CKI001-Iris-Träger B3-CKI001-Iris-Dropship ---eng--- This is the small sister ship of the B4 container Kurier Iris. The container clamps have been replaced by docking supports for a hover. The iris fits wonderfully on the military raid hover Duffy. The small RPG film shows the use of the ship in connection with the HV Duffy (30 minutes). ---de--- Dies ist das kleine Schwesternschiff des B4-Container Kurier Iris. Die Containerklammern wurden durch Andockstützen für einen Hover ersetzt. Die Iris passt wunderbar auf den militärischen Überfall-Hover Duffy. Der kleine RPG Film zeigt den Einsatz des Schiffes in Verbindung mit dem HV Duffy (30 Minuten).
BarracudaFleet Python BF Corvette & Python BF miner Unlock Level: 20 & 20 Size Class: 2 & 1 Tier Class: T4 & T2 Shield: Yes & No Cargo: Yes & Yes Warp: Yes & No Main Purpose: Multi role, Cheap Cv substitute. Description: Python is a versatile and all in one small vessel. Instead to use an expansive and big CV, Python is small, cheap, and self content multi role vessel. Python is build as a multi ship vessel. One small vessel, and one hover docked on it. The corvette have a constructor inside with 2.5k cargo out and more than 10k cargo in. Plus shield and weapons. Miner have mining laser, locker, infirmary, cloning chamber, and 13k cargo storage. Both of them share they own unique characteristic to build together a cv like ship. They both can act independently with the hover who can provide mineral for the constructor and build is own fuel and pentax, Is very useful as a starting ship as can be used to raid, explore, build and mining. All for chep.
It's more its extreme maneuverability that made me choose this name. It reminded me some good times on warthunder with the me163. GALAXY TRIMARAN SUPERDELUXE Level 20 Size Class 4 Luxury SV CPU Compatible Tier 4 Build Alpha 11.5 Inspired by this- Enjoy!