It’s come to be my friend as I began setting up teleportation and portals for travel through the solar systems...
Is project Eden upto date with 11.5? I ask as i have heard so much good things about this Scenario and various people have told me this is the Scenario to play.
Yep, been running without issue on our dedicated. Some really mean poi's we've been finding lately... Been great fun minus the few SV's I've lost to the Zirax...
So the Aln Drone harvesters are immune to player shooting but not the Nexus POIs, or am I missing something?
If you mean the Rogue Drones...they are shielded AFAIR but not immune. They can take a lot of beating.
@ravien_ff Thanks so much for this wonderful scenario! You brought the exploration factor back to this game in a very big way. Noticed something I didn't expect though. During my first playthrough, I checked and verified that mining other faction's territory should give me a reputation penalty with whoever I violated. After many days, I was running out of my own resources so I encroached on their territory and... mined their resources! But I didn't see the rep penalty occur. (I saw plenty of other penalties for doing other things, just not for mining in their territory.) To be clear I believe this penalty is among the most important of all the possible rep penalties, because it really forces the player to make some tough decisions. Any idea why I'm not seeing territory mining penalty happen? Also, are you aware of anything I can do to fix it? Otherwise, is this possibly a game bug or simply "by design" in PE? Thanks again.
I actually noticed the same thing on a playthrough myself. It shouldn't be anything with the scenario (it doesn't change any of the reputation stuff). It's probably a game bug! And thank you so much for the kind words. I hope to do a huge update for Alpha 12.
Could i be cheeky and ask for someone to post the Steam Link here for the Project Eden 11.5 as i seem to be have difficulties Finding it
It's in the first post (it said 10.5 but was the correct one).
When you insert the word "Eden" in the search box better also tick/select "Single player" on the scenario selection on the botom right section. See the green selection on photo.
Thanks for confirmation that you're seeing it too! I'm assuming you were doing a PE playthrough? Can anyone confirm if reputation penalty for mining in other faction's territory in vanilla game is working or not? If necessary, I'll try it out eventually and report back. Also, I'm happy to write up a bug report if warranted.
I had it happen in a project eden playthrough and I also had it work during a second game start so I don't know what triggers it. I've seen posts from people saying they had the same thing happen in a default game too.
Thanks ravien_ff, I see. Maybe that rep penalty is only suppose to happen if you mine inside their territory and also within certain radius of one of their facilities or something like that. Would be nice to get some clarity from a dev (if they happen to read this). Anyhow, I will write it up if someone thinks that will help.
See the list of Rep penalties, I do not remember all the details. Mining ore rocks or ground in a territory do not have penalties, but mining ore deposits should (Polaris and Talon at least) if not in high enough rep group. Of course never know if bugs or scenario/server settings have created issues. BTW: Almost the worst penalty is if you (accidentally) press F on a storage thingy when have max rep. You ought to test on a regular SP and build version before claiming a general bug, preferable repeatable.
All 3 penalize Mining on their ZOC. You have to be at least Friendly to mine without FP loss -5 Talon -15 Zirax -20 Polaris