Some simple feedback on CPU

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Fractalite, Feb 24, 2020.

  1. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    May be we brought this on ourselves when the complainers demanded the implementation of Shields into the game?
    All Materials we have are conductive - so maybe the reason for CPU on Block-Material has something to do with the connectivity of the Building Material.
  2. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    CPU was to limit our builds and make everything smaller.
    Its a two fold update.
    They tried to improve performance via restrictions in building.
    CPU utterly destroys building freedom to anywhere near the level that it was in this game before CPU.
    CPU is not really specialization.
    The new flight model is just whacky.

    CPU on inert blocks is absolute proof that its been used to restrict the size of building.
    The level up tier system with CPU is a just a complete mess.

    Or we can lie to ourselves and bluff our own selves that its specialization.
    Simple feedback on CPU indeed.

    No simple solution to it though because we cant turn off the whacky flight model.....

    The off switch is broken !
    Cos it dont exist !

    Oh joy, the new flight model with CPU off, yay, what a joke.

    Oh sorry, mybad.

    CPU does not belong in this game and will forever be a detriment to its building freedoms.
    But I fear other games are going to come along and wipe out alot of Empyrions progress because of this feature that took months and months to get into the game, and when it did it completely unbalanced the game.
    Other games not intent on restricting how WE want to build.
    Its extremely arrogant in my opinion, to build a game with such open free building and to promote it as such, to then smash it with such building restrictions, over and over and over again, from weight to block limits to size class to CPU, what fuking planet are you devs on thinking this was a good idea ?
    Where do you think the big builders will go when given a better choice, and those choices, they are coming...

    Look as SEs version of CPU , PU or whatever it is, its stinks that this game has tried to copy that restriction system, they are almost identical in how they work.
    They are even almost called the same thing, I cant be the only one who has noticed that.

    I know, but someone has to toss some truth into this lop sided thread.

    CPU Sux.
    ECubed and stanley bourdon like this.
  3. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Sure, sure I suppose you know @jrandall ?
    You follow him on YouTube? No?
    I suggest you go there AND Learn something about "Limitations of Imagination" from what he is building.
    Yes, he has his own quarrels with CPU but he is still Moving Forward.
    Like with his
    Or look for his Super Carrier for which he takes himself the time he needs to finish it.

    So of what Limitation in Dimension and quality you are philosophy is beyond me!:rolleyes:
  4. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    And Jrandall said he dislikes CPU, so what is your point? It is a restriction on building and has no reason to exist except to help PVP's get gud.
    It has no place in an open world game.
  5. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    If someone lacks Imagination - that IS a Restriction!

    And still he - @jrandall - builds within the CPU Limits real Master-Class Vessels.

    IMHO your sentence It has no place in an open world game stands for PvP in a Survival Game, set up in a Story line like EGS.
    Just think for a Moment ...
    What reason could Humankind have to fight each other when Earth is Dying? Just for the fun of it? Because they like killing?
    They should fight for Survival of our Race! But no! Who cares. We still fight each other like we do on Earth.
    PvP out, survival in. PvE provides enough challenges in the Game. No need for slaughtering each other. There are enough Aliens out there.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2020
  6. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    You really aren't getting it. It is an artificial restriction with no upside, no improvement for the game, and no reason for being here except for helping some PVPers continue to rule noobs. It is a grinding mechanic that has NO way of actually doing what is was claimed and no reason to be in the game.
    The devs have absolutely lost their way and are programming things that do NOT have an upside. Ex. Flight model where I am told to hang thrusters on places that don't exist to get torque......sorry what?
    The game devs think that by enforcing restrictions this game will grow? Flat or falling numbers on this game and this is the way they go?
    ECubed likes this.
  7. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    I'm really starting to think you dislike older people.:( More and more, I'm having to get my magnifying glass out just to read parts of your post.:eek:;)
    Germanicus likes this.
  8. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Not at all but I try to keep my Opinion - as it was not requested by the "barking poster" - on a personal, not so loud, level.
    Also I know about the Superior Intellect;) of the older Generations to find ways how to read it anyway.:D
    elmo, piddlefoot and RazzleWin like this.
  9. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Oh and here I thought you were running out of CPU space for your text.:);)
    elmo and Germanicus like this.
  10. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Your opinion Germanicus is just that, your opinion.
    Mine is that CPU is nothing but restrictions in building to make builds smaller ,which absolutely takes away from the many different shapes we could once build without restriction, even stupid inert blocks have a CPU cost, its utterly stupid.
    But hey, my opinion is based on what Ive seen happen, with our game loosing dozen and dozen and dozens of players over CPU.....
    My opinion never attacked your opinion though.

    You missed the point about Randal completely, he doesnt like CPU, he lives with it under duress dude, because its forced on workshop builders because people wont see anything non CPU compliant ships because of how the steam vote and rank system works and how the devs have tied the flight model into the CPU system almost forces it anyway.

    Open your mind to some of the complexities that surround this CPU feature.

    We lost many good builders because of CPU, not because they cant build, but because they dont like to have that building system, thats been promoted to be open and free for years to then become really restrictive.

    Not complying with the default version of teh game basically means less people will see your workshop builds and alot of our big builders at that point just walked away.
    From my chats with some of them on Steam chat, most of them are waiting for Starbase and hoping it adds more PvE.

    RazzleWin makes the best point in here really, imagine if Eleon hit us up for CPU points per letter on the forum.......
    Do you see how completely non immersive, and arbitrary that is now, well thats CPU.

    Its a number that says I cant do what I want to do in this game anymore.
    Its not based on weight or mass, like previous logical restrictions, its completely out of place and utterly stinks of SE copycat crap.
    Go take a close look at how SE did this, [PU] [ its almost even named the same ] its almost identical, its really disapointing.

    So my post is now out of CPU 17 lines up the page, so effectively I have to upgrade my CPU tiers to finish the post, but wait the tiers dont go high enough to achieve what I wanted to anyway so I should delete this post right up to the 12th word of the post, because everyone likes being told how to do everything, especially in a voxel freedom building game, do it this way or become outcast.

    CPU utterly sux, its driven the biggest division of our playerbase in the games history, for that reason alone it sux completely.
    For restricting our freedom in building what we want to build it utterly sux.
    For specialization its an utter joke and a lie.
    But for restrictions, works a charm, oh joy.

    Strange I have to say, to see veterans of the game defend such a stupid feature and even stranger that some of them cant see CPU for what it truly is, restrictions, not specialization.

    That would be new starter cores with new flight controls, you know, how they gave us building freedom and flight controls in the first place that they are now taking away with each update.

    How do you alienate heaps of your veteran players, with restrictions.
    How do you impress your veterans, with features that achieve balance, that dont restrict in an arbitrary manner.

    This game simply took the wrong road in my opinion, and Im not alone in that opinion, and whats really frustrating about that,m is it was already on the right uking road.
    When they built this game, they gave us flight controls attached to the starter cores, that made them unique, that gave them the abilty to give each starter its OWN set of flight controls.

    What we got with CPU is a blending of ALL flight controls across ALL core types into a more bland form of flight control, its really stupid, doesnt feel realistic in any way shape or form and completely destroys any chance of building truly unique things in Empyrion.

    You can build a prop plane a jet and a space ship right now in Empyrion, all with the same flight controls, HOW UTTERLY STUPID, who voted for that stupid system, slap yourselves around the forhead, its moronic in every way.

    Over a dozen new starter cores with proper unique flight controls, a prop starter, an atmo jet starter, a space SV starter, TRUE and PROPER specialization done how it was at the start of this game, a system completely proven to work perfectly thats much easier to set up and program than the current messy CPU and flight control system.

    See I understand how they did this at the start before it was released to public, 16,000 hours of building flying and what not, yea I have no f__king clue of what I speak ay......

    They simply went down the wrong road, and where that ends in the long run, less overall players.
    But who let them copy SE's system, when they had the best system possible for proper specialisation already built into teh game, I just can not understand the unbelievably stupid logic in that at all.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2020
    ECubed and Germanicus like this.
  11. [BB]Drifter

    [BB]Drifter Commander

    Jul 30, 2017
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    I have to agree with a majority of your post. I’ve not put near as many hours in this game as others but at just over 500 hours I have seen a great deal of changes. Some I like, many recent ones I don’t. CPU needs to go away. Weight and volume might be alright if the option stays to turn it off but I doubt it will see any use in my game or on my servers.
    I have several workshop ships I like that are massive. I wanted to use one in a Project Eden server and while I can bring it in it is always way over CPU. Granted, it doesn’t seem to matter much but just not being able to reduce its stats, even after removing all the rcs that were in it, I even went so far as to remove several thrusters to bring it into compliance. It will never work. I used a prebuilt since I liked it and it literally saved me hours of work as it’s creator had already done the majority of work. I didn’t create it yet I’m angry over how the implementation of the restrictions have made all that work meaningless. Can’t imagine how this makes those that have given all this work to the community feel.
    I also think this aspect of the game has taken a turn in the wrong direction. There’s potential in this game that exists in no other so I hope the devs are actually listening. Just my thoughts, opinion, and experience to this point.
    Fractalite likes this.
  12. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
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  13. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Oh wow! Mate your the Master of Custom Terrain. Never saw there was a different title other the basics.
    If that's the case then I really think @ravien_ff should be giving the title "Master of Eden" :D
  14. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
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    Yes. :D
    (I play Eden too)

    ( I got the title during the old days, for my .xml terrains, probably out of a whim of a forum mod.
    Since then, built most of the EGS standard worlds.)
    Fractalite and Germanicus like this.
  15. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    I third this, @Hummel-o-War is it possible for you or a forum mod to tack that onto his avatar? That would be fun. :cool:
  16. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Hey Piddlefoot, I just want to let you know that your opinion is welcome here. I understand that we differ on this topic and that is fine; we can just have different view points.
    bluemax151 and Germanicus like this.
  17. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    I just dont understand how any of you can see CPU as specialization after whats its been clearly shown to actually be.

    Restrictions in building and teh slowing of progression and not in a good way if you read all the feedback.

    CPU is a mess, and has screwed this game up for thousands of people, people that supported this game for a very long time are leaving.

    No amount of excuses, oh we can add a point to this CPU or extend that CPU tier to 5 or 6 or 7 or whatever is going to fix the flaws in the flight model thats directly effected by CPU.

    Turning off CPU does not change the whacky flight model, so its literally being forced on players, stop all the bullshit about '' you can turn it off'' you can not turn off the stupid flight model, which is what half of the whole problem is thats been completely ignored by everyone, who would rather make flimsy excuses as to why it should be that way, for you, not anyone else.

    Yea Im generalizing, but then so is this whole feature, generalised us all into a build small system, build as we say system, where the builds over the years will get more and more similar, being there is a perfect combination for this system, as soon as someone works that out, all ships will look similar to it.

    CPU created far more problems than it solved.

    It could be argued it didnt even solve one single issue.

    Just created more and divided our player base completely.

    I see no reason for CPU to even stay in this game as a default feature at all, it should be so you need to go and turn it on for it to work at all and the flight model should be completely thrown out, and some serious attention payed to it, this game has been slack in its flight controls from day one, they did it the right way, then just did not do anymore.

    Seems like utter stupidity to me to change that fundamental system into one that has no where near the same degree of flexibility.

    Eleon just cheaped out on us with the flight controls.

    Eleon should get serious about flight controls, in a game that promotes an absolute fekton of flying.

    Thanks for making every flying piece of garbage feel the same in the flight controls, some people seriously do not have a clue what proper flight controls consist of.
    Making the shitty control system we have now, function even shittier under CPU penalties is using a stick rather than using a carrot.

    The flight model is the very worst thing about this game and effects far to many players to just ignore for ever, unless you dont want to see those players ever again.

    Everyone in this game has to fly at some point.

    Why not make that really interesting rather than the completely bland, everythings the same crap is what CPU brought us with the whacky flight model incorporates.

    Yep, poop CPU and poop the flight model, literally ruined the game for thousands of players.
    And left our workshop, to this day, with tens of thousands of useless builds, and even more pisseed of players.
    Such a well though out feature that was ay.

    Dont talk poop about turning it off when you cant.

    I know most of the folk in here will just agree with the devs on pretty much anything, thats why we are now stuck with such garbage features like CPU and this flight model.

    Very sad thing to watch happen to Empyrion and its playerbase.
    I have to say, I never thought Eleon would ever do such a thing, I thought they valued there playerbase more than that.
    There was a right and wrong way to do flight controls, and they had already done them the right way, just needed more for specialisation, changing that was nothing short of loopy, to go to a system that cannot give you the same control or flexibility is just so not logical it defies belief.
    It stinks.
    stanley bourdon and ECubed like this.
  18. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    To be fair though, players were building ships with embedded thrusters even when they knew that thruster damage could be down the road. <- the point being that the workshop was always going to end up with thousands of useless builds, some from expected future game mechanics, and yet others from the unexpected. This is not a reason to inhibit or not see the game develop.

    I really do not see it as a mess now that I have actually played with it. I confess, I was a little unsure when I first set out to try it(even started a game thinking it was on and turns out it wasn't that gave me a false first impression) but now that I have played with it, I have found I can still build nice ships at every level. As I wrote in the OP I know it needs tweaks, but it does offer an added element of game progression and pushes players. I also really enjoy having to fight through POI's to get the materials I need to do so. What the developers should do is introduce a new material instead of gold for the augments and then something along the lines of "for high speed transmission" or somesuch. But the mechanic is still sound.

    I do love the minecraft element to Empyrion so if players are playing with it "off" more power to 'em. I do not think less of them and will enjoy seeing their builds in the "What did you do in Empyrion today" thread. "To each their own" as they say.

    I am with you on this. This current flight model needs a lot of help and the old one, while not tremendously realistic, wasn't bad for a game. The only thing they really needed was to prevent an angled ship from falling out of the sky(which they did.) I think this observation + criticism should be paired with:

    I completely disagree. The problem is exactly the opposite of what you are saying here. We got this new flight system plus some degree of simulation of atmospheric resistance because players like @geostar1024 pushed so hard for it. I do not think that players always realize what is needed for games and especially that something might seem nice on paper or in a spreadsheet but also might not always play out well with respect to what a developer is capable of doing(or interested.) To make matters worse, he pushed really hard for something, then left after it got implemented and did not stick around to help refine it?

    So remember to tell Eleon that you LIKE things and not just wanting new features or disagree with them on things.

    Going with that; I do not think the flight system is currently working. It has eliminated SV usefulness because any kind of precision aiming is very unsteady. If they want to "clean it up" somehow I would be happy to post another feedback thread on how much I am enjoying it, but for now, cannot recommend. You are currently stuck with strafing with an HV + turrets, digging under the ground and assaulting from below, and peppering a base from afar with high explosives with your SV(which I understand a lot of players did anyways.)

    I am secretly hoping that with the change to A12 and the additions of player turrets on POI's that CV weapons will be usable on planet. That will help alleviate the problem while they figure out what to do with the flight model.

    Anywho, I am tangenting; lets try to keep things focused on CPU and as always; everyone's opinion is welcome here - whether you like it or not.
    Germanicus likes this.
  19. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Alpha 12 will also have adjustable turning speeds for ships which will help.
    Germanicus likes this.
  20. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Yeah, I hope so. Gatling cannons, Railguns, and pulse lasers really need the precision.
    Germanicus likes this.

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