Factory Q

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by Space Viking, Mar 3, 2020.

  1. Space Viking

    Space Viking Ensign

    Feb 18, 2020
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    If I am building an X and I throw some specific parts (like thrusters) that it needs into the factory the time spent to build it will be less than if I just toss in ingots, correct? It seems to work that way.

    OK, suppose I wan to build two (or more) Xs. I queue up the first one and then toss in twice (or more) as many thrusters, etc. as it needs. Then build the first one. Now I go to build the second one ... will it remember the stuff I put in or does it just remember the broken down parts between builds?
  2. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    All unused stuff stays in the factory.
  3. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    That's a very good question. To even be able to put in twice the amount of items needed you would have to tell it to build something larger then what your intending to build. Then you can switch back to what you intend to build. Once you have the amount that's needed it won't accept anymore items.
    So to your question does it remember the bulk items or just the components. I'm really not sure. What Germanicus says is true. Your wanting to know if the next item built in the factory will be less time like your first item.

    I will try a test and get back to you on it.

    Edit: Okay I started by telling the factory I was building a large CV and dumped in a number of thrusters and even a forge for good measure. Then switched to a small SV that would normal take 13m 31s to build. I had enough in the factory to build 3 of them. So the first SV only took .1s to build. I again tried to build the 2nd SV it was going to take 13m 31s.

    So it looks like it only effects the time of the first item you build in the factory.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2020
    Space Viking likes this.
  4. It will remember all the resources that stuff had in them and the resources will stay in the factory until the next time you need it.

    However, it will NOT subtract time from the second blueprint. The time reduction from adding in parts or components is only applied to the first blueprint you produce after adding in the parts and components.
    Space Viking likes this.
  5. Space Viking

    Space Viking Ensign

    Feb 18, 2020
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    OK, thanks. This matches what I thought I saw. I have been putting some huge CV in the build queue and then dumping stuff I find into it but I think I will instead make a wall of crates somewhere and store parts.

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