What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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  2. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Today in Empyrion I did not feel as inspired to build so I went back to my PE game and decided to head in-system. The longer warp jump took me to this precious nugget:


    I could not help thinking to myself, "oh god oh god, is it going to be another death by gravity??" and promptly went EVA and added some more down-thrust. I also peaked around the planet and saw this little gem in the distance:


    and I was filled with curio... wait... what is that?


    I had to know. When met with several rockets I realized that this "drone swarm"was not something to be messed with so I went to the flag with the assembler and found:


    What on Terra? Fearing for my life as I was only in entry level SV/CV I decided to head to the planet and come back with a more powerful CV. I was greeted by a gorgeous dead planet that was a neat combo between dead planet and lava planet:


    What is that?!

    After cresting a ravine I found:


    Trying to by-pass I ran into another that I spied on in the "hull-down" position:


    Realizing that coming to this planet might not be such a good idea at the moment I decided to head back to my CV and THEN, I RAN INTO THREE MORE!


    Oh **** Oh **** Oh ****!!! AiEEEEEE!!! RUN AWAAAYYY!!

    In alpha twelve this is going to be quite the planet!

    Upon returning to my CV I gazed out upon the landscape wistfully thinking that I wish I had heavier equipment:


    My CV, which I aptly named "orange donkey" even though it is black... :cool::D:eek:

    Now on to that precious blue orb I had spied in the distance!

    Attached Files:

  3. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Upon entering the orbit of the pretty planet, I was greeted by an astonishing landscape. I saw a building a ways below me and exited first person mode into third person mode to get a better look and then, to my horror, there was a space plasma drone!!!


    It got off quite a few shots as I was frantically telling it to go away:


    ... got my warpdrive and some fuel... boooo... @ravien_ff do not change a thing - that was awesome!

    I got into my SV to go kill the thing and after its demise, noticed several more in the distance, one of which was heading in the general direction of my CV! I killed that one too and ran back to my CV to leave. It is a pretty planet though...


    So I have not discovered the mysteries of these planets, but it was fun and I will return. Now onto this system that is a blood red planet on the map screen:


    Nothing bad could happen there right? :)

    Upon arrival I DID see the super scary lava death planet hanging below me, but what intrigued me more was the moon arrangement, specifically:


    What the hell?? So, being me, I had to investigate!







    I am in the planet? How..? What...? I mean, if it wasn't such a crazy bug, that'd be pretty sweet...

    I was curious to see if it was a duplicate of the other moon in the system and flew over to explore and found that yes it seemed to be. However, it also showed up on the solar system screen? So maybe a... I have no idea. I also did not stay on that planet as the temp readings had it at 445 degrees and I am only in my puny little Starter CV...

    So on to another planet!

    I entered the system and noticed this crazy super red death orb:


    And promptly decided to land on it! :)

    I was not disappointed;


    There are 78 pentaxid deposits on the damn thing! Even crazier; those darker splotches possess a large number of surface crystals! Mental note: When I need pentaxid, I know where to go!
  4. Haha!
    I would have not relogged, lol. Just for the laughs I would have stayed that way until the server restarted.
    I would have had to find other players to see if they saw me as Antman too. I'm assuming it looked normal to you in first person though :(.
    Tyrax Lightning and Germanicus like this.
  5. Foofaspoon

    Foofaspoon Commander

    Oct 28, 2019
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    No, thats what confused me... thought I had glitched through the floor, and was really puzzled when I could see I went up the ramp properly. Brain just didn't engage. From my POV, the HV was rendered as if it were a CV... everything else was normal size. My faction-mate who was on at the same time, however, saw it as normal. When I was standing on the chair, I was just floating in the air from his POV!
  6. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    What an adventure! :D

    Today I find myself in a creative game on this planet:
  7. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    I have slowly been uploading all my junk to the workshop. Having got really sick of manually resizing images for the workshop, I found this that does bulk resizing from explorer folders in case that helps anyone with this chore - https://github.com/bricelam/ImageResizer.

    Most of my small/hover vessels are up (but only main versions, not some of the early build versions yet as need to document upgrade process which for a couple of them is quite complex and few have full details yet). The 'shed' bases and defence tower are up (again lacking details). One of my little CVs, (my other progression CV to follow soon and the big late game CV are a long way from finished yet).
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2020
  8. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    Khazul please excuse my ignorance but why do the images have to be resized? Are you taking screenshots outside of Steam? I haven't really put much on the workshop. Basically just posted some builds to test the feature out. I've always just used the Steam screenshots and they seem to work.
    Tyrax Lightning and Khazul like this.
  9. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    If you press "F12" during gameplay it takes a steam screenshot. They do not need to be resized. :)
    Tyrax Lightning and Khazul like this.
  10. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    TBH - I have never used the steam screenshot as I dumbly assumed they got auto published to my steam screenshots, but it seems not :)

    So thanks both, I ill try using these in future :)
    Tyrax Lightning and Fractalite like this.
  11. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I'll stick with EGS Screenshot F7 as I do not use Steam Overlay. Steam runs already 9 times on my Engine and I do not need any additional intrusive program from them that bogs my poor Laptop even more down. Last time I had it active it reduced my FPS by 10-15 Frames - therefore a NO GO.
  12. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    I was looking for a small CV yesterday that would fit through the largest hangar door. Looking to setup a space base CV that a lander CV can be stored inside instead of setting up multiple bases. I found a few on the workshop. Some of which I should have paid more attention to the actual dimensions instead of eyeballing. Nosuri was pretty close by default but not close enough and chopping it up would have totally ruined the aesthetics. CV-Start-10 was just partial blocks too high. So I trimmed it down and started rearranging the interior. I've got a pretty compact armed and shielded T2 CV out of it so far. You can just barely fit a Scarab HST in the back atm. I might lengthen the body a bit to get more Hangar space. No pics yet since it's not nearly finished. Anyone have any recommendations for small CVs on the workshop that already fit through a hangar door? I doubt there's much if anything out there since it would have to be a box or tube essentially :)



    Vagar A10

    SI - Osiris CX10 [T1]

    Tyrax Lightning, jsivak and Khazul like this.
  13. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    It needs to be no more than 5 blocks high for the 7 high hangar door as it looses the top 1.5 blocks because hit boxes seem to be to a larger cube. That 5 block has to include the invisable bounding cube of things like landing gear, retractable turrets thin blocks etc (incl sensors etc), so basically you cant have landing gear or any turrets/sentries, railing or whatever crap on the top. It isn't consistent either - some thing seem to have flush bounding cubes and something that you would expect to do not. Really all of these odd cubes need to be posted as bugs as plainly that what they are, but getting the dev team to accept that seems to be a bit of a battle.

    Also you have the problem that you cant trigger sensors when sat in a CV cockpit (another bug/design flaw), so you have to get out and open the door.

    Therefore, I just park my tiny CV on the roof landing pad of my larger CV. My small CVs body (C1 camper on my workshop link below) will fit through a 13x7 hangar door, however it appears that landing gear, sentries and a sensor on the bottom and the turrets and railings have to be removed.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  14. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    I've read of a few different work arounds to the hangar door issue. One is to dock an HV/SV core to the front of the CV. Another is using light beams. I haven't tried those yet but I have tried a pressure plate before and that seems to work. You have to go low to clear the door anyway and the plate seems to be pretty generous on the trigger area with vehicles.

    I think I've finished the remodel. I couldn't get one block to color like a wanted when it was mirrored on the other side so I had to give up the striping I wanted to do and I might switch back to the non retractable turrets but I think it came out ok.

    20200304185532_1.jpg 20200304185607_1.jpg 20200304185629_1.jpg 20200304185641_1.jpg 20200304185734_1.jpg 20200304185840_1.jpg 20200304185845_1.jpg 20200304185849_1.jpg 20200304190005_1.jpg
  15. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    That the 13x7 hangar door? I remember a challenge build we had once for CV's that had to fit through it.

    As for today, I received a message saying that the performance of my old DROF H-150 had taken a serious hit.
    I tried it out and had to agree, so I spent a bit of time adding a RCS, spacing out the thrusters, and doing what I could to keep it a CPU Tier 1 build.

    I ended up scrapping one of it's two generators to get the CPU points down, but it does not readline during operations so I guess that's fine.
    Tyrax Lightning and dpburke2 like this.
  16. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    I remember that. Actually built a CV that qualified but lost motivation along the way and now it seems I cannot find the thread anymore. I have no motivation to texture / paint this, but it has been on the workshop for a little while now. Tier 1 last I checked.

    It has a side hangar bay and cargo storage. Rooftop door for possible SV docking topside. Sentry guns underside. Half block underside for the illusion of resting on the landing gear. Once upgraded to T2, there is space for 4 turrets without interfering with ability to go through large hangar door. Mount spot on the rear exterior for shield generator. Space inside to add in a T2 fuel tank if I remember correctly. Plus some space on the ceiling of the cabin where a constructor could be added. Warp drive is included in the T1 basics. Haven't tested it lately if changes to the game wrecked its ability to lift a full cargo hold in 2.0 gravity.
  17. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    *Frowns* Xirax shot up my base. I objected Vigorously. Spent some time today modifying my gunbase blueprint to provide living/working space. I am Irritated with my neighbor's rudeness and will proceed accordingly.
  18. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    14 x 7 hangar door and as it turns out having an HV docked does indeed let you trigger a motion. I also figured out that if you switch the door from follow to toggle if you briefly get out of the CV seat it will trigger the motion. Then you can set another motion inside to close the door when you're in or maybe a manual switch? Not sure what would work better in practice.
  19. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    I think the retractable turrets are a waste of time - they take up in-hull space and the outside hit box still remains when they are in retracted form so they still snag on things. Apparently this is not a bug (intentionally broken?)
  20. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Added a new HV to my Stable - HV Currus
    Texturing isn't quite possible on the Dead Planet as most of the effort remains unrecognizable because of the bad light effects.
    Interregnum_2020-03-05_13-30-39.png Interregnum_2020-03-05_13-24-35.png Interregnum_2020-03-05_13-24-45.png Interregnum_2020-03-05_13-23-10.png Interregnum_2020-03-05_13-23-23.png

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