Some simple feedback on CPU

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Fractalite, Feb 24, 2020.

  1. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    I can say this, 260 plus in my friends list, most of them are interested in the game Starbase, its building system is INCREDIBLE and the game does not restrict your building to a set of building rules like CPU does.

    Where do you think most of them will end up.?

    Cos Ive got a pretty good idea.

    Starbase looks like its going to beat all of the games mention in this thread and more, it is very very popular already and not even released yet.

    Smashing players in this game with arbitrary building rules is destroying the immersive feeling you get when playing teh game.

    @ indigo, its easy to make the connection, when you have played many many flight control style games, like war thunder or Microsoft flight sim and many many others.

    Its really really really EASY to see how other games achieved proper specialization and how it should have been done in Empyrion.

    I dont really believe that you cant see that.

    It is absolutely the flight control set that determines ship class.

    Homeworld game.

    Its the Flight control set that determined ship class, those flight controls were designed to fit each class of ship, speed turn rates etc, it is very very easy to show this is how its done in GOOD games.

    From space games, to atmo based games, they do it that way for a reason, because people can relate to it.
    That should be obvious.

    Hey and purpose focused, your words, is not the same as actual specialization.
    I could be focussed on building 12 different class of ship right now, but I have ONE flight control set, stupid stupid stupid it is, my mothership is just as capable as my battleship, they fly the same, they both conform to CPU RULES, they are a bland mix of the same ol same ol........

    But what I proposed was completely different to that boring crap.

    How Empyrion has done it, stinks of cutting corners being arbitrary and not realizing its over complex for what it is.
    The very worst kind of programming in a game that now uses more processing power than it should.

    For a mechanic that absolutely is forced, even Creative is set default to CPU on, there is a definite reason for that, to push players onto the CPU system, to make it more hassle to turn off and stuff around than its worth.

    Flight controls could have made this game awesome, we could have real classes of ships like in homeworld, where a frigate is actually a frigate, and a battle ship a battleship and a fart a fart, but no, we got a blend of everything must be built on this ONE set of flight controls for CV class, and suck it up you plebs who cant define the difference, conned you all.

    And they did.

    Because half of this closed test crew does not actually understand what proper flight controls are, or how GOOD games incorporate them into the classes of ships.
    Something there are dozens of examples of in the gaming industry.
    Its frustrating.

    Some that get personal and nasty because Im relentless and passionate about this game, but its not my fault they dont understand how flight controls work or how other great games have used them to determine ship class.

    Im srill waiting, all these months after the CPU and flight control changes for just ONE of you to show me proper examples of true ship class in Empyrion, we have no new categories in workshop to show such a thing, with new flight controls on new starter cores we would have had maybe 2 dowzen new class of ship, people would have wanted to build on those new cores because they give a special advantage for a specific task, LOL SPECIALIZATION, people would still be able to use the 70,0000 redundant blueprints on workshop right now, my proposal did not effect the current CV block, it would have just become the ''mothership'' class of CV, the fact not a single one of you people can prove that wrong should tell you everything you need to know really.

    This is not a matter of personal opinion, its how most good flying games have done it, given real specialization and distinct flight control sets for each class of ship.

    So its not really a matter of anything more than your lack of understanding how most good flying games have approached this problem / task.

    I proposed something much easier to program, much more robust , much more specialized, much more defined, simply put, a much better feature than the current CPU or flight control set, which is a total mess.

    I know that because almost every flying game in history is made that way, with flight controls determining its class.

    I mean, ffs its a game where you fly a shitton, and where you can build, why not have starter cores with Propeller flight controls, why not have proper atmo jet flight controls, why not have these things, your arguing that the ONE set of flight controls is best for the game over multiple sets of flight controls, think about that for 30 seconds and how silly that really is in a game where you do so much flying, where the potential for workshop to bring new customers because of the diversity in ship class and flight control set is available, you just have to be as blind as a bat to not see the potential this game missed out on when it did it the CPU way, over that great specialisation proposal they had months and months before CPU was ever invented, what a crap gfeature.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2020
  2. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Theres no need to be rude, thatsa smug response that was not even in need of posting at all, short of teh fact you like to insult people at a personal level.
    A common trait of yours mate, when people dont agree with you, Ive noticed, you get nasty and personal.

    I wont do the same, I will never block you, I respect your opinion even if critical, I dont agree, but thats life, Im probably just better at debating than you at a guess, I seem to have more patience in anycase, , as shown by your failure to understand flight controls , getting nasty and then running away and trying to insult me in the process, lol, fail.

    Go play a game with real flight controls and get back to us champ.

    But know, when you post, I will still read it mate, I dont hold a grudge towards people, ever.
    Germanicus likes this.
  3. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Medice, cura te ipsum.

    Hard to take you serious or be interested in almost anything you say currently when you are being so insulting yourself dude. I understand you being angry over this game being flown into a neutron-star(and it Really is). However name calling never won the day except in movies. It also has Never, that I can recall, been the opener for productive debate. No, generally it makes people feel at least isolated and at worst Polarized.
    Ephoie and Germanicus like this.
  4. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Where have I named a single person and insulted them, Ive taken shots at groups, nothing on a personal level mate, there is a difference, but I dont expect everyone to understand that either, we are all educated differently.

    That post above, is a response to a personal insult above it, I dont see you quoting that post and relaying teh same message to that person ?
    Not that fair of you champ.

    And what NAME CALLING ?

    Dude, where do I call him any names in that post, did you even read it ?

    But go quote the post where I target someone specifically and insult them.

    You know from where I sit, people on this forum are absolutely terrible at debating anything from a fair position.
    I never derail threads attacking the OP or any other poster with personal insults, the guy you forgot to quote could take a lesson from that mate, not me.
    I have kids, I know for a fact, Im a fair person, Im not unreasonable but I speak my mind and wont be conned by a feature that is touted as specialization when it can clearly be shown its not.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2020
  5. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Oh I haven't any specific names, Don't really need them. But, even in your responding sentence you are dismissive of points people raise and are insulting out of the side of your mouth by insinuating that people are less educated than yourself.

    Said to me. Champ? Really? A trite attempt to demean the person you are responding to.

    Belittling a specific player.

    Fabrication it may Be but your Aggression is plain to see. Frustration is understandable. So. I'm done on this subject.
    Ephoie, wrenchinator and Germanicus like this.
  6. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Alone for talking about me in a 3rd Person view is insulting and not well educated.
    Therefore I like to say only this. I apologies if you felt Personally attacked by me which was not intended. And by quoting me constantly you make me read your rumbling over and over again. Therefore, as many times before I called for a "higher Judge" to decide what Postings here are aggressive, harassing, completely off Topic, etc., to CLEAN this Thread from my Postings if Judged as such.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2020
    Ephoie likes this.
  7. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    So, again, as I invited in the previous post; your opinion is always welcome here piddlefoot but I do take a little umbrage at your statement about Starbase. I was not familiar with the game and just went and looked it up on Steam and starbase is an MMO. It definitely does NOT scratch the same itch as Empyrion. Simply put; be passionate all you want, but please do not lie or wield duplicity. I have called out others elsewhere on these forums and will do so here as well.
    Ephoie, ravien_ff, RazzleWin and 2 others like this.
  8. Gillwin

    Gillwin Lieutenant

    Dec 4, 2019
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    Ick just looked at starbase. Terrible graphics. Not for me. Will stay with emperion
    Ephoie and Germanicus like this.
  9. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Starbase looks fun and unique, but is more of a mmo with a big focus on pvp. No landing on planets. And everyone is a robot. Very different to empyrion.
    Ephoie and Germanicus like this.
  10. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Yes but all of you are missing the point, all of you, wow.

    That game is massive on building.
    Half of THIS game is building, just look at workshop and how many of them great builders do you see in game or servers daily ?
    See what I mean yet ?

    We absolutely are going to loose many builders of this game to that game.

    Empyrion is better for its PvE yes, but its building system vs that game, is completely inferior.
    Its build system is truly unique, inspiring and a really fresh take, its incredibly clever how they have done that and allows for shapes we will forver only be dreaming of in Empyrion.

    SE was mostly popular for its building system, its what drove that game into high sales, there really isnt much more to the game anyway.
    Ignore builders or treat them as minority , or whatever, will only cost builders later.

    This other game, has taken redstone, so to speak, and put it on wires, meaning all sorts of circuits can be created, builders LOVE that stuff in general, the way you build the shapes you can achieve, are just incredible in that game, for builders its a dream.

    And with this game constantly restricting building, there is only one way that can go long term for most of the big builders.
    Means Empyrion will depend more and more on new players coming in , in the hope they snag some great big builders as they go.
    Retaining builders gets harder and harder the more building rules or restrictions that are added.

    MMO yes, devs are considering private servers if it doesnt go well though, but thats not likely as its had a spike of interest and its huge, and discord took off etc, signs are good.

    But its a one off payment MMO, something you did not mention, its not a subscription based game where you pay every month etc.
    Strange but there it is.
    Very attractive to builders that is.
    Have you even seen the scale at which you can build in that game, thats something really special.
    Have you seen the non janky combat ? Again special.
    Have you seen what the robots can actually do, man I wish Empyrion would try some of those things.
    Being you dont have to pay every month to play this other game, its a threat to this games builders, no question in my mind about that at all.
    Maybe not you couple in this thread, but averages, thats a whole different story.

    You know in Empyrion the CPU system was really more about restricting building so the performance of servers would be better, but what janks me, is now the game is processing more and in some cases for nothing and the feature is boring and it does not bring specialization.

    You guys all know, from the hundreds and hundreds of posts about hating CPU that alot of those folks will end up in that new game or others.
    You guys all know the reason people hate CPU is because it restricts building freedom and if you dont your not paying attention..

    You guys must realize at some point, people get fed up with building restrictions and just move to a new game.......

    This game promotes free building in a sandbox environment and then restricts you so really you dont have that open sandbox you have a sandbox with strict rules....which is hardly a sandbox at all.
    Its akin to dropping a kid in a real sand pit, and saying you can ONLY build with this bucket and spade, you may not build anything else or any other shape than the bucket, but you can add tiny detail to your bucket, oh joy.....

    Loosing touch with what a sandbox is suppose to be really.

    Considering they could have expanded that freedom with new cores and new flight controls, rather than restrict it with CPU, epic failage for the sandbox.....
  11. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I can't speak for anyone else, but I know for me I don't really get into the spirit of building in a game if I don't also enjoy playing the game as a whole.
    I'll probably enjoy Starbase, Dual Universe, and any other similar games that eventually come out. Will I like those games more than Empyrion? Probably not. Even though I'd enjoy the building more, the game as a whole that appeals to me the most is still Empyrion. That doesn't mean I wouldn't take a break from Empyrion, but I'm sure I'd come back to it.

    The more I think about it, the more I realize that the best chances for the type of game I enjoy lies with Empyrion. But again that is just my own personal preference.
  12. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Ephoie likes this.
  13. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    There are a kind of symbiosis between different play styles in EGS. Some like building and constructing, some survival on their own exploring, some PvE, some PvP, some do not build much or at all, and so on. So the workshop then feed all by either ideas to build/modify or blueprints to use in game. The ways to play can influence the builders to how do certain builds and devices used.

    Then there are different game mechanics and functions that some like, some hate, and some whatever.
    But it is still an Early Access game, meaning do not know what to come or what will change.
    We users of this game can just suggest stuff for the devs, then see what happens. They probably have statistics and goals that we no say/view in.

    If I do not like something or want a change, difficult to say if I'm a minority or see way ahead. Almost a certain thing that is an advantage, is the option to choose. Just that then the choices ought to be clear and function as intended. My impression of feedback from players of a game are that very few bother participate in official forums.

    CPU, mass & volume, controls, and more are still in a development state, so have to see what the end result will be, if still feel like playing the game. In meantime we get postings as this thread, where have to see what the devs see as valid information.
    Ephoie likes this.
  14. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Go read post 55, all you need to know about CPU right there champ.

    Ravien, P55 was not reviews, might be one or two in there I guess, but that was just 10 minutes on Steam forum mate.
    Multiply that by, who knows what for the real figure of how many hate it.
    There are half a dozen forums where CPU is talked about that I did not visit.
    That would be hundreds more complaints.
    But I didnt think 4 full pages used up in this thread just to drive that point home was really appropriate, so I just posted the Steam comments.

    We should be thankful not all of those posters have actually changed there review or even written one in most cases.

    Valid information, thats an interesting term, because what determines that, its obviously not based on what the players feedback is repeatedly stating.

    Or we would have got a system that doesnt effect the 70,000, correct, seventy thousand, damaged workshop blueprints because of CPU.

    I have no doubt I will probably never stop playing Empyrion, but that doesnt mean that I might not end up playing other games, more than Empyrion.
    None of that really matters, what matters are the SALES numbers.
    And a game with distinct flight controls that determine teh class of a vessel would definately attract more new players than a system that restricts building at and scale.
    This game, CPU, the devs, are depending on the fact, new players dont know any better.
    But if you read reviews or posts from players that are from before CPU, the general picture I keep getting is the games worse off for CPU than it should be, because it could have had real specialization and true diversity.

    • More animated signs have been added to Market Station
    • New logos are in the making
    • Sign and advertisement gradients have been updated with dithering to reduce banding
    • Animated pointing arrows and holographic area have been added to Asteroid Hall
    • 'Sell' advertisement has been made for Market Station
    • Skyscraper roof building is underway
    • New farLODs are in the making
    • New commercial signs are in the making

    Moons and Asteroids
    • More asteroid clusters have been worked on
    • Planet terrain height tests are in the making

    • Small improvements have been made for various animations
    • All tools/weapons now have sit animations
    • Pistol and tool aim animations have been fixed
    • Jumping and landing animations have been polished

    Sounds interesting does it not ?
    Planet terrain height tests are in the making !
  15. Don't Panic

    Don't Panic Commander

    Jul 5, 2019
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    The construction restrictions due to the CPU system and the new flight mechanics made me stop playing Empyrion. I'm going to look at the Alpha ..... but if the building restrictions stay that way I'll switch to a different game. Starbase is a very good candidate who also seems to have a reasonable multiplayer performance.
    Up to Alpha 10, I would have heartily recommended multiplayer the game, now it's a nice single player game.
  16. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    There is only 1 post with "cpu" in the title in the last 100 posts in Steam general discussions.
    I spend more than 10 minutes a day on the Steam forums and don't remember seeing any of the comments you posted.
    I even tried a search for "cpu" and nothing really stood out in the first few pages of the search result.

    I would say that posts from months ago when CPU was first talked about in the dev Q&A aren't really valid now since things have changed a lot since then. Where are you finding these comments, if not from the negative Steam reviews (while ignoring the 4x as many positive reviews)?
    Vermillion, Ephoie and Germanicus like this.
  17. Ephoie

    Ephoie Captain

    Jan 27, 2018
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    IMO - Steam forums are horrible, and not a place I care to browse for discussion on EGS, as it is riddled with poorly formed arguments, and opinions. Again, this is just my opinion.

    I am surprised that @EleonGameStudios hasn't put a direct link in game to the actual forums to direct traffic and discussion here.
    It could be a simple link on the game start options screen.... and would totally drive more discussion/bug reports/community building.
    Fingers crossed that one day that is the case.

    BTW, I do recognize that the CPU system has room to improve, (#stillinalpha).
    It has been a welcomed change, and provided another tier of challenge for me and those that play on the STARSPASSED server. We get the odd person who complains about it, but we are happy to help them learn, and use the mechanics of the CPU system to better specialize their builds.... or they leave and just find another server that is willing to cater to their expectations.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2020
    ravien_ff likes this.
  18. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    And there it is again, the opinion that your opinion is the only one that matters and everyone that disagrees with you is a "poorly formed argument". Their is no specialization in CPU. There never was and never will be. It was a lie when it was started and it still is a lie. It is reduction of builds to help a server run better. Specifically the pay to win server. You never get specialization with scarcity.
    But once again, you can have your opinion, even tho it is wrong and has been shown to be wrong. Even the devs gave up pushing the lie of specialization. But you can keep telling that if you want.
  19. Ephoie

    Ephoie Captain

    Jan 27, 2018
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    If anyone wants to have a discussion, I am all ears, and happy to engage in respectful and intelligent dialogue.
    That being said, I think I will take a page out of @Germanicus 's book, and add people who are looking to initiate a fight, with unfounded claims of things that weren't said, along with misrepresenting opinions or thoughts, to an ignore list.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2020
    Vermillion, Germanicus and ravien_ff like this.
  20. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Good advice, and I think I will do the same. :D
    Vermillion, Germanicus and Ephoie like this.

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