INFO & FEEDBACK [Alpha 11] CPU Points and Tiers - How does it work?

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Oct 26, 2019.


Did you understand the EXPLANATION on how the CPU and CPU Tier system works?

  1. Got it!

  2. Not really

  3. Do not care / do not see why we need CPU

  1. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    I think they thought it would be the universal language by now, but the cold war has been and gone and we still don't all speak Russian ;)
    Germanicus likes this.
  2. brecers

    brecers Lieutenant

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Универсальный переводчик, в частности , не переводит тексты должным образом. Люди не понимают друг друга. а сами не могут или не желают выучить русский язык. В школе я учил немецкий, самостоятельно начал учить английский (что-то вроде хобби).
  3. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    And still you deny other People to "better" understand you by forcing them to translate your messages?

    Than YOU, Sir, are one of those who are not willing to take lessons from History.
    Living together AND understanding AND working together for a common Goal works only if we do it together.
    And not each one for himself. History teaches this. Politicians and some parts of the People never learns to understand this.

    The Will to work together is one of the Reasons why ROME - Republic and Empire - existed over 1000 Years. That is why so many others failed. Russia is often called "the 3rd Rome". For Reasons. I am a Scholar of History. Countries I like to know I learn ALL of its History.
    So. Take whatever lesson you want from this. Other, Russian language, Players on this Forum translate their postings even knowing it might be not correctly understood but still they do it. For the Common good. For working together. For achieving, in the final analysis, a game all want to get.

    Be a nice Guy and show others your will to do this too. Its to Your Benefit as well as ours. For All. Together.


    (sorry for the rambling)
    Tyrax Lightning and Ephoie like this.
  4. brecers

    brecers Lieutenant

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Germanicus, nothing personal. But why call me little Putin? I, in turn, did not offend you?
  5. Ephoie

    Ephoie Captain

    Jan 27, 2018
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    @brecers I believe its more to do with your Avatar, than the fact you are Russian. Maybe a mix of both.
    Nonetheless, a comment made in fun, and not really anything to get offended over, imo.

    I can see the point he is trying to make though, as I had to copy/paste your comments to understand your posts, and had I not done so, as many other probably have neglected to do, would have ignored your posts, thus lessening your opportunity to engage with others and have meaningful conversation around the topic.

    I have Russain players on my server, and am forced to pop in and out of game constantly to translate (from Google), and resolve issues that affect all players, that my Russian comrades are so kind to point out, but only in Russian, as their English is not as well translated as yours.

    If I was on a Russian or German site, I would make the effort to pre-translate my post to be better involved in the discussion, but that is just me.

    Back to the Topic at hand!
    Wait, what were we talking about?
    Oh, yeah, WATER PHYSICS!

    Yeah, that would be nice to see in A13... A14?
    Some underwater POI's.... Vessels that don't flood? Aquatic Life? Boats/Submarines (AV - Aquatic Vessels)?
    Should @EleonGameStudios maybe outsource the work to a thrid-party as they are a small team trying to tackle so much?
    Undoubtably, this would only increase their costs, which in turn would drive the game costs up, and lose us potential growth in the playerbase? At the same time, having such features, ideally, would only make the game more attractive, and raise its value to new, and existig player, no?
    Tyrax Lightning and Germanicus like this.
  6. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Sorry, I know it was unappropriated, but the look of your Avatar provoked me to title you with 'Little Putin'. I removed it from the Post.
    Ephoie and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  7. El Poto

    El Poto Ensign

    Jan 30, 2017
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    I've been away for quite some time. I still need to go over all the feedback. However, being a player that expends about 50% of the time in creative - I like to build and a test what I use in game myself - this is one of a very few times that I've thrown my hands up and say "oh my, I don't want to deal with this... forget it!". I've managed to adapt a few of my blueprints but not without loosing most of the capability for future ingame upgrades.
    I find this system to be overly complicated, cumbersome. Why do we need to craft more than one extender for T3 and T4? That makes no sense. Also, the non-craftable requirements. I hate those in this game, so I generally avoid them at all cost. It becomes, in my opinion, an RNG element. I don't like relaying on traders for anything, it actually breaks immersion for me. This also might break and/or put unnecessary limits for scenarios in the future.

    I know this CPU system, as a balancing factor, is more or less necessary. However, we have other systems that are arguably working toward the same goal, the weight/volume limits, and the power requirement systems. I think is going to be really hard to balance weight-volume along CPU limits, if you continue with your hard limited tiered system. You need to allow for more granularity. If you are going to demand two extenders for T3, then allow the T3 extenders to be upgrades for T2. Same for the T4 extenders with respect to T3. Still, I believe there should be only two levels, normal and advanced with the “normal” one allowing for everything from basic to a sufficiently high level so only the really advanced stuff is actually limited to the “advanced” level. The "normal" level should allow upgrades a far as the next upgrade doesn't take it to the "advanced" level. And forget about non-craftable items.

    Or, scrap the CPU system, think of it as if any part we built has its own processing components built-in already; I always thought that was why some blocks required electronic components. By the way, demanding more CPU capacity for simple construction blocks (steel, wood, concrete) is dumb. Give us more options regarding power generators and use that then as an alternative balancing factor. You have done this already with trusters and a little bit with RCSs. Please don't make it more complicated, make it more interesting.
  8. Ephoie

    Ephoie Captain

    Jan 27, 2018
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    TLDR - If you are playing SP... then turn "it" (the CPU restrictions) off.... If you are playing on MP, play on a server that doesn't use CPU, or start your own server where you control the game play style completely.

    What? You don't like a challenge?
    Is this just supposed to be a sandbox game?
    No survival?
    No learning curve?
    Is this not Alpha still?

    The idea isn't to limit play, but extend it.
    Being able to build massive ships that can take over a planet in a day is something you have to build up to, and earn,
    I can understand the frustrations when transitioning from building in creative without limits..... to survival, where it has to be earned, and achieved.

    Demanding that a game be "less complicated" because reasons that are particular to you isn't realistic.
    You may also want to watch the Q&A @spanj did, most recently, where they (the devs and spanj) discuss these issues in detail, and expand on the future of the CPU system, and proposed various benefits of such too.
  9. El Poto

    El Poto Ensign

    Jan 30, 2017
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    TLDR - You just read my first line and assumed the rest, went to post a long response about things I didn't state. Learn how to read before talking crap.
  10. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    El Poto I will say. I did read your post in full. What your complaints are about are the same many of the people in here voiced their feeling about at the time it was being tested.
    Many people raised their concerns about the very same things. As you do finish reading all the feedback you will see your not alone in how you feel.
    You might find some people including myself have learned to work within the current system until more changes come in. Sadly it is what it is right now and all any of us can do is wait and see if they make more changes. Some of the things they have done defies logic.
    Please don't give up on what your trying to do.
    Anyways that's my 2 cents.
    As for my own I too lost a number of builds and they are on the back burner until things change. My newer builds are doing much better now that I am understanding the limits we are now working under.
  11. El Poto

    El Poto Ensign

    Jan 30, 2017
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    I've actually seen that some things have already changed. I guess I'll start a new save and see how it goes in order to learn what is doable now, as always after any important change. Thank you Razzle!!
  12. xerxes86

    xerxes86 Commander

    May 7, 2018
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    Well I watched that video. The developer said that there are going to be no changes in the points for each CPU tier. So all this talk about tiers is moot. What you have is a system where you can build a very bare bones level one CV, or a tier 4. You reach level 4 so fast that levels 2, and 3 really don't need to exist.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  13. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Depending Always on your type of play style or how "hard" you get XP... ;)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  14. Asmodan

    Asmodan Lieutenant

    Aug 23, 2016
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    I think it is interesting to play with CPU Limit, but Optronic Bridges and Matrixes are too difficult to obtain imo. Gold is nowhere to find at the starter system (exept for the very small start deposit) and buying one Bridge/Matrix is very expensive if one is available. I don't like the Trading in this Game at the moment and trying to get enough money to buy what i need annoys me. I don't have a Trader in the starting Planets Orbit and the ones on the Planet have few things and buy almost nothing. Traders should buy more stuff and sell Gold. I currently try to build a Warp Ship or a good Hover Tank but i can not get Optronic Bridges and the game is forcing me to a stop. I try to clean POI's but i do not find Gold or Optronic Bridges.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  15. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    You are Playing Vanilla SP or on a Server-Coop/MP?
    Normally POI's like Abandoned Mine or Factory provide, 25-75 Gold Ingots. If its a SP game it can be Seed related.
    I saw, while watching a Streamer, that Temperate Planets now sport 1-2 very small Gold Deposits. Again, it can be Seed related that they did not spawn. Out of not enough place/room to spawn.
    The Decision not to Trade...well, it deprives you of a chance to get what you seek. So far I found that only Polaris Space Stations have Traders who offer Optronic Bridges and such.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  16. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    You will also find them in the poi, traders
    Bertrams has the Small Optronic Bridge and Small Optronic Matrix
    ServantCorp has the Large Optronic Bridge and Large Optronic Matrix
  17. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  18. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    MACorp has Gold Ingots for sale.
  19. Asmodan

    Asmodan Lieutenant

    Aug 23, 2016
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    I just discovered that the second Polaris Story Mission gives Small Optronic Bridges as Reward and the first gives you the Location of the Polaris Space Station which i could not find without the Mission. Found the MACorp on the Station and got my Gold. Now i'm ready to build my Warp Ship. :)
  20. Buying the gold ingots from the trader and crafting the optronics yourself saves a TON of credits.
    Buying the gold ingots, crafting optronics, and then selling those optronics will earn you enough credits that you never have to worry about credits again.

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