
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SubtleSloth, Jan 30, 2020.

  1. SubtleSloth

    SubtleSloth Ensign

    Jan 27, 2020
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    I recently came back to EGS from a long absence. I soon found out that the game still runs a little twitchy and bogs down even the best of PC’s. Not saying I have the best PC by any means, but even a single 1080 GTX, let alone 2 should be able to run EGS with no issues imo.

    I played around with the settings ALOT, and had a lot of the big performance culprits either off, or on the lowest they could be, and was still only getting 40-60 FPS max and a lot of the time lower when in bigger developed areas of the map with a lot going on. All of this was happening WITH A TON OF STUTTERING and tearing and the game just felt sluggish. I messed with VSYNC and SLi settings you see if anything changed. Maybe a little, but not to the point where I was happy playing like that.

    I was on the fence about something pretty big for my PC for awhile, and that was a new monitor. I’ve been playing on a 3440x1440 ultrawide 60hz for 5 years now, I love the monitor. It’s gorgeous...BUT, 60hz, no GSYNC. So, I started looking around, and found the ASUS ROG Swift PG279. It was a little pricey, but I bit the bullet and took the chance that MAYBE it would help smooth out my games (because this wasn’t just happening in EGS). A lot of other games do similar things, but not as bad.

    I got home yesterday, plugged in the new monitor, fired up EGS...SMOOTH AS SILK, but still 40-60 FPS...BUT SMOOOOOOOTTTHHH. I can’t even tell the FPS drops or when it drops, and honestly, I couldn’t care less because it’s so smooth. So if you are one of those people who thinks GSYNC is a ploy, I highly suggest you try it out and bask in its gloriousness . I turned the settings of EGS to maximum and the game still runs like nothing is even phasing it.
  2. Have you tried disabling sli and just using a single gpu?
    The game is not configured for sli or crossfire at all and most players actually reported worse performance when using multi gpu setups.

    Unless you are forcing sli or crossfire then it should only use one gpu anyhow.
    Germanicus and SylenThunder like this.
  3. SubtleSloth

    SubtleSloth Ensign

    Jan 27, 2020
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    I am pretty sure I tried single GPU, I think it is still setup that way, if not I’ll try it when I get home. Thanks for the info bud! Space engineers is the same exact way.
    Germanicus likes this.
  4. SylenThunder

    SylenThunder Captain

    Jul 30, 2016
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    Something else to note is that voxel games like this don't really work great at higher than 1080p. Running at 1440p is going to be a lot more taxing on your system. Sure you can play other games just fine, but most of them aren't even 3D, much less 3D Voxel.
  5. SubtleSloth

    SubtleSloth Ensign

    Jan 27, 2020
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    This may be true in SOME instances, but I suspect poor optimization in those cases. I ran space engineers all night last night at 100+ FPS on full settings at 1440p. The fact that EGS doesn’t run perfectly doesn’t bother me other than the fact that it’s a little annoying on the eyes. I completely understand that it’s still only in alpha and as they continue to update, things will get better. Most times, with any alpha stage game, it gets worse before it gets better. This is the reason we, the player base exist, isn’t it? To help the devs finish their product and get all the kinks smoothed out as much as possible before final release. I’ve played the game for awhile now and it’s only gotten better. EGS doesn’t run perfectly because of lack of optimization, though it’s playable which is all that matters. I’ve seen games that are COMPLETELY unplayable even at the same stage as EGS is. So yes, while the game WOULD run smoother if I dropped the resolution, I refuse, because I would miss out on the beauty of the game. What can I say, I like pretty things .

    @krazzykid2006 I did check it out last night, I am running forced single GPU in Nvidia settings. Game runs as smoothly as it is going to with graphics all the way up. With the new monitor, I can’t even tell it’s below 60FPS other than the fact that I have a big number in the right hand corner saying it is lol.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2020
  6. Atomino

    Atomino Captain

    Aug 17, 2019
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    Survival Mode, Singel Player
    ......very huge structur.......

    When I look in this direction, the GPU is busy.........


    ...and it delivers reasonably acceptable framerates.......

    .......if I turn my sight just one (Empyrion)meter.......
    then the GPU clocks down...........

    ...... the number of blocks to be calculated should also be the same........
    .......this can be repeated at any point in the structure.........

    Nothing is at the limit of performance, CPU and GPU have at best increased fever.

    I can also display Empyrion twice, once as usual and then again on the VR desktop. The GPU then permanently clocks with 2000+. I only mention this so that nobody gets the idea that my GPU might be just too lazy.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2020
  7. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Something that helps me, indeed I posted on it moments ago...

    Set the in-game FPS limit to something above your actual monitor refresh rate. My old (but good) monitor can do 60 hz, so I have the game set to 75. Next go into the NV Control Panel and bring up the Profile for Empyrion - or add it, if one isn't there. Then, scroll down to "Vertical Sync" and set it to "Adaptive".

    Doing this give DRASTICALLY improved results for the "same" reported 60 FPS.

    I use a 1070 and play at 1920x1200 with a mix of settings, but generally quite high aside from the real performance hogs. This one change, letting the Driver handle vSync makes a staggering difference.

  8. builder680

    builder680 Lieutenant

    Mar 7, 2020
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    I’m really interested to try this after work tonight
  9. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I'd be interested in your results, it's a quite literally a game-changer for me. Game-play is so smooth now it's like I've completed a major hardware upgrade - which I haven't. Though the game still reports the same 60 FPS it always did, the experience is night and day.

    I think this is the only game where using driver-level vSync is significantly better than the in-game option.

  10. builder680

    builder680 Lieutenant

    Mar 7, 2020
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    Scoob I am having good subjective results around my base planet which is often rainy and also full of map markers which can both tank fps. I say subjective because I don't sit around measuring these things but I do have an FPS counter on my screen and in general I do see an improvement. I won't say DRASTIC but I would say noticeable. Take my anecdote as you will :) What I can say is I'm happy I saw this post.
  11. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Ive been suggesting for years that peoples monitors need to be up to scratch, because most are default at 60 hrtz, well done on the upgrade.
    My screen goes to 100htz which is in simple terms , 100FPS capability.
    But the flying stutter most get, with a 100htz screen, gone, huge bases or fleets of ships, much smoother.
    You will discover also that MP is SO SO SO much better, especially in games that are first person shooters, now you dont miss anything that happens on the screen, like a tracer bullet whizzing past your head.....that at 30 to 60 FPS doesnt even get seen in one single frame right across the screen or your field of view.
    At 100 or more htz, your going to see that !

    That screen you just bought goes to 165 htz !
    Great for gaming dude.

    You get what you pay for in the gaming industry.
    Unfortunately a perfect game, just is not cheap, anyway you cut it because its more than just the PC, its teh screen and net connection, all the peripherals.
    It adds up super fast, and its seems obvious to me, the low spec monitors and TV screens the masses of people seem to use for the most are the reason for half the complaints about micro stutter in Empyrion.

    100htz screens or more are what you want for gaming, and these companies know that, check out their lines of gaming screens, always much more expensive, doesnt actually cost them more to manufacture these, its a specialized market , not everyone will fork out for a good screen, but these companies know they can get more for screens with a higher frame rate, some have 300 FPS capabilities, insane awesome, but sheesh do they charge the earth for it also.

    Isnt gaming great without the stutter !
    Germanicus likes this.
  12. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Nice. I'm glad it's improved your in-game experience :)

    I am actually hoping to be able to pick up a modern monitor this year, along with a new GPU. I've been at 1920x1200 and 60hz for so long now. I did the bulk of my PC upgrade a few months back, but am still waiting for the next-gen GPU's. The 1070 is great, but it does work hard in several titles these days to provide "just" my vSync'd 60fps requirements.

    The main thing I'm looking forward to is popping my new GPU on water and plumbing it into the rest of my loop. I did see if I could snag a GPU block for my 1070, but as it's non-reference I can't find one anywhere. It's funny really, my GPU barely goes over 60c (in a warm 25c+ room) even after a long gaming session, but the back-plate gets really hot and the heat is vented into my case. My case is one of those double-glazed super-silent ones designed for external water cooling (which I have, it's awesome) but it doesn't lend its self very well to having an air-cooled card, so I run it with the side off.

  13. Wemper5

    Wemper5 Ensign

    Jun 4, 2017
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    Adding my solution to the one above. Since the game does not offer you options on screen refresh rates with the resolution options it seems to default to whatever you have on your desktop. Mine had reset back to 60hz on the desktop so the game denied to go any higher.

    Changed desktop refresh to 165hz, and voila. Game goes past the 60hz lock. Works for "Fullscreen Window". Looks like the game still caps back to 60hz at "Exclusive Fullscreen". (Edit: Works after game restart)
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2020
  14. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Usually if its refusing to go over 60htz, is a reflection of the feedback its getting from the screen telling it that 60htz is its limit anyway, card, driver and windows set up variables.

    Mine rolls right over 300 FPS at times, doesnt hold there just rolls up and down constantly as its totally unlocked. GTX980 so not a new card, 2015 manufactured.

    My screen is not capable of more than 100 FPS at 100 htz.
    But the graphics card is capable of much more obviously when it rolls over 300 FPS, this is good for seeing those tracers in other games, like War Thunder for example, bullets, hundreds of them flying around, looks quite incredible and works the graphics card harder than people think when a lot of its happening in render range.

    When they say, Frame Rate Is Life, thats what they are talking about, the bits you dont even see without a high frame rate..

    So FRAPS will report the GRAPHICS card frame rate, up to and over 300, where as some other frame counters go off screen feedback not graphics card output. Its much easier to draw a sample from screen feedback and not cause issues, FRAPS literally takes a frame out of your flow, so every second frame sent from graphics card, goes to SSD if your recording for example. Then your not actually seeing the full frame rate anyway but they are such high rates now the human eye can hardly see any difference, trained eyes will notice but its so minor the geenral public would likely never notice.

    When they say Ping is life......

    They are not wrong in First Person Shooters, I stand at your spawn point, you spawn I shoot you dead, but you have not even seen any of that yet with a 300 ping, you are 1/3 of a second behind the server, all you see is spawn dead. spawn dead, spawn dead.
    Thats how its done.

    BF2 , I must hold one of the highest TKing records of all time HAHAHA !
    Our clan was all made up of AMD shop owners, going back 20 years here, man we used to have some fun in them days, games like Delta Force through to BF Vietnam and BF2, we were a stupid bunch of loopy ozzies causing max kaos, but we all had GREAT PCs !
    And we tried to always play on AUS servers, some clan wars would take us to the US, where we were at a disadvantage to there 20 pings vs our 300 pings, and they would say, oi, ozzie, we own your ping, ping is life you know !

    20 years ago, literally, is when Australia should have been putting in a full optical internet system, but we privatized it didnt we, oops.....Profits over upgrades....

    Now we are seeing heaps of new screens hit the market with better refresh rates, htz.
    But with that comes millions of super cheap screens not capable of great frame rates, the masses of people will buy them not even knowing about pretty much anything to do with frame rates.

    Its money for jam !
    Germanicus likes this.
  15. Mazen IIXIS

    Mazen IIXIS Ensign

    Aug 20, 2019
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    Questions. I know this is more than a year old, but when you said NV Control Panel, you mean the NVIDIA Control Panel? Because the profile for games aren't in Control Panel, it's in GeForce Experience. Also, I don't see something for VSYNC in GeForce Experience, but it's in Control Panel and it seems to be a setting that applies globally rather than local. I'm also using GTX 1080 TI but I've been getting less than 20 fps when in the Polaris Sanctuary.
  16. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Nvidia control panel allows you to specify custom settings per program.
    GeForce experience let's you set up already optimized settings for many popular games automatically.
  17. Mazen IIXIS

    Mazen IIXIS Ensign

    Aug 20, 2019
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    Interesting. Because I haven't seen something for custom setting per program. I should double check to make sure. A friend was saying that it's ironic how his 6+ years old computer with a 970 ran it with better FPS than my 1080TI did. He was saying that it's between 50-60. I only see it between 25-32, depending on location. If it's Polaris Sanctuary, it drops below 20.
  18. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    I suppose you and your friend have set exactly the same video settings. Otherwise it might makes sense.
  19. Mazen IIXIS

    Mazen IIXIS Ensign

    Aug 20, 2019
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    Probably. I should double check with him, I think he set his settings to high. If it were the case, then it's likely that Empyrion wasn't optimized for graphic cards higher than 980, I could be wrong. I've set it to "Fast" and I am not quite sure, but on a creative world, I got between 59-60. I should double check to make sure if that helped.

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