You start by fighting your way out of a crashed Zirax prison transport, and that's the easy part! Lots of Zirax patrols and hungry predators. I made a preview video of the Rogue starting planet. The Dark Rogue version is the same except the planet is pitch black making it a lot more difficult.
I was going to point him to your own "blunders" on your Planet/Scenario that you had posted on the Forum starting about here->
@Khazul That is a very good question. My recommendation would be the snow dwarf start. It has challenging weather conditions, a need for multiple members to gather resources, a neat mysterious starting chapter, and plenty of enemies to fight(mainly in the form of the POI's.) The Odd Temperate is also decent but get shotguns early. I would recommend against the dead planet or the new upcoming rogue planet. I say this not so much because of the challenge but because of their beginner qualities would see them lost without knowledge of the game mechanics. Those would be excellent starts once they had one under their belt(a good dead planet start success makes one feel awfully awesome.) Do not sleep on the good ole Arid start either. It is a solid all around experience with a touch of challenge and resources. The ocean start is more challenging than it seems and offers the bonus of building neat bases next to the water front. The swamp start is probably the most overall balanced start in P.E. with enemies, resources, a PV and the unknown. The swamp can be pretty intense at night.
Updated the main workshop description with plans for Alpha 12. Basically I'll release a separate temporary test version of the scenario just for the experimental, and then update the main scenario once alpha 12 goes on the live branch.
Agree on most points but would maybe reccomend avoiding the swamp start for newer players. Especially in multiplayer. I did it on a server as my second project eden one run when i was still new to how empyrion is now. The last time i had played drones were the only enemy and i wanna say warping wasnt a thing yet... i uh had fun. Edit to add: "get shotguns early" should be rule number 1 of empyrion.