Mode: SP Mode: any SERVER NAME: n/a SEED-ID: any If applicable: MODIFIED PLAYFIELDS:no Reproducibility: always Severity: major Type: game start Summary: Unable to start a new game in exp 12 Description: Got a COQ when resuming a game started when 12 dropped. Upon exiting the game and restarting the save game was not on the game list. Attempted to start a new game - COQ when loading. Reverted to 11.5.8 and can start a game successfully. Back to 12 and verify files, no game start - COQ. Loaded game on second computer, first install, game starts successfully in exp 12. Did a complete uninstall on main computer, deleted entire empyrion folder in steamapps. reinstall and verify, still cannot start a new game in exp 12. Both computers run Nvidia GPU's and the same drivers. Main machine runs intel 4790K other runs AMD 2600x. Both have 16 Gb of ram. Steps to Reproduce:
Hey, There is a solution Please install the latest "VC Redistributable" package, provided by Microsoft here: Then everything should work fine!
Thanks Taelyn, that worked a treat. Started a new game and have resumed twice so all is working. Thanks again. Steve K. P.S. Best Dev's ever.