RED vs BLUE: Weekly PvP, Massive Battles, and more! All are welcome!

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by Slam Jones, Feb 10, 2016.


Red or Blue?

  1. Red!

  2. Blue!

  1. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    ---- NEWS ----


    Recent Skirmish:
    -- Date.................: April 24, 2016
    -- Location.............: Jotunhiem Planet
    -- Battle type..........: POI Attack/Defend
    -- Blue Vessels involved: Mostly infantry, with HV support
    -- Red Vessels involved.: -Not present-
    -- GMT Vessels involved.: Multiple Stryke Fighter SVs
    -- Outcome..............: Mass confusion of the battlefield
    -- Territory............: Jotunhiem remains neutral for now

    ANNOUNCEMENT! We have moved our game to a new server with a new solar map! @Brokenshakles has been working very hard to get both of these ready for the Alpha release! Here's a quick preview of what you can expect of the new custom solar system:


    Red and Blue teams will now start on dedicated planets, on opposite sides of the system, while neutral trading factions will begin somewhere near the middle. The asteroid belt will act somewhat as a barrier between inner and outer system. Resources are still being divided up, but the Homeworlds will contain a small amount of almost all the resources, and as you move in to the center of the system, the resource variety decreases, while the yield increases.

    If you'd like to check it out further, simply log into the Red vs Blue server and see for yourself!



    -- Date.................: - To be determined -
    -- Location.............: - To be determined -
    -- Battle type..........: - To be determined -
    -- Blue Vessels involved: - To be determined -
    -- Red Vessels involved.: - To be determined -
    -- Gray Vessels involved: - To be determined -
    -- Outcome..............: - To be determined -
    -- Territory............: - To be determined -

    --- INTRO ---

    RED VS BLUE is as simple as it sounds: we've got Red Team on Pyrite and Blue Team on Azurus. We are currently in the Build-Up phase, where we are building and expanding planetary and orbital bases and stations, in anticipation or all-out war.

    How to find us? Easy! Just search "Red vs Blue" (without the quotes) into the server browser, and you'll find us! If it doesn't appear, be sure to A.) double-check your spelling, and B.) contact one of us to see if the server is down for maintenance (usually only briefly). :)

    Currently, PvP rules are as follow:
    - Both teams "home systems" (Pyrite planet, orbit, and moon for Red // Azurus planet, orbit, and moon for Blue // Danube Alpha and orbit for GMT) are currently set to PvE.
    - - Once we have enough members and the fighting becomes more frequent, we will open the "home systems" to PvP, at which point just about everything will be open to PvP.
    - This said, all other systems, planets, and orbits will be PvP enabled. This means that, for now, PvP is most likely to occur if one side attempts to ambush the other outside their home system. In the future, the fighting will be near-constant as both teams strive for land, resources, and dominance of the galaxy.

    Our server is currently open to the public, so feel free to stop by if you are interested in checking it out! If you already know which team you want to join, read below and contact the appropriate Leader. :)

    (Update): We now have a server TeamSpeak! Be sure to download TeamSpeak 3, and join us at:

    Server Etiquette

    This server is mainly PvP, however we like to adhere to a set of bylaws that promote fairness and sportsman-like conduct. We believe that battles should be fought most often on even footing, to keep combat fair and balanced, and most importantly, fun for all involved, winner or otherwise. All Bans will be discussed and voted upon by the Three Main Faction Leaders (Myself representing RGC, @WarMachine representing GMT, and @MechPilot524 representing BNS) before any ban-related punishments are handed out.

    - Griefing and exploiting glitches will result in temporary bans. This includes circumventing Offline Protection Modules. If the behavior continues, it will result in a full ban.
    If you are unsure whether what you plan to do is considered griefing or exploiting, please defer to your Faction Leader for judgement.

    - Be aware that if your vessel is set to Private or Public, it is liable to be shot at by any other vessel that is near enough, accidentally or deliberately. If you are in a PvP zone, always exercise caution, regardless how safe you may think the area to be.

    - However, attacking an unmanned vessel is frowned upon. We consider this an unfair fight, and multiple violations will lead to punishment from the leadership of their Faction.

    - If in doubt, always defer to your Faction leadership before initiating combat. Be aware that if you openly attack a vessel marked by another Faction, you may be declaring war on behalf of your Faction, which may be to the disapproval of your Leader.

    - Never rely on an Offline Protection Module to keep you fully protected in a PvP zone. From what I've seen, they are not reliable enough to put your faith in. Perhaps in the future they will be less exploit-able, but for now, always be wary of leaving a ship in PvP orbit for any extended period of time.

    However, laws are nothing if they are not enforced. I ask all server members to please REPORT any violations they see, WITH SCREENSHOTS of the issue. Evidence is vital. We don't want to have to start banning people (really it's a last resort) but if there are those who just wish to ruin others experiences in the game, we will make sure they do so somewhere other than our server.

    --- TEAMS ---
    If you would like to join RED team, speak with me, and/or spawn in on Pyrite!
    - or -
    If you would like to join BLUE team, speak with MechPilot, and/or spawn on Azures!
    -or -
    If you would like to join the GRAY MARKET team, speak with WarMachine, and/or spawn on Danube!

    (Please note: We would like to keep teams balanced, so you may not get to be on the side of your preference! We apologize for this.)

    Currently, the teams are as follows:

    -- BLUE TEAM --
    Leader: MechPilot524
    Members: Son_of_Anarchy, Josh, Nicoid, Lord_Borris, Chroute, PREDGEHAMMER, Zoral, Rayah, Auroris, Espata, Darnoc, Mersegum, BrokenShakles

    -- RED TEAM --
    Leader: Slam_Jones
    Members: Razr291, Yolofessional, aoa_111, |TvM| N99024, red general, Zalrik, motokid402, Wrenchinator, Furian, Decrypter, Cory

    -- GRAY MARKET TRADERS (formerly neutral trading faction) --
    Leader: WarMachine
    Members: 82nd, Jandrel, Tyrax Lightning, plus a bunch more (please send me your name so I can add it here!)

    ----- If I missed any members, feel free to ping me and I'll add you!

    --- SKIRMISHES ---

    SKIRMISH #004:
    -- Date.................: Sunday, March 13th, at 3:00PM CST
    -- Location.............: Aestus Orbit
    -- Battle type..........: SV Dogfight, Orbital
    -- Blue Vessels involved: Longswords, Fang,Callendor, Tortuga Mk-1

    -- Red Vessels involved.: Hornet Mk-2s, Scorpion Mk-2s, Venom Fighters, Furian Prototype
    -- Outcome..............: Very close battle, currently undecided pending further damage tallying.
    -- Territory............: Aestus Orbit still contested

    -- Media................: (see below)


    SKIRMISH #003 (Attack on Terraformer):
    -- Date.................:Sunday, March the 6th, at 3:00PM CST
    -- Location.............: Akua Planet
    -- Battle type..........: Base Siege (Planetside)
    -- Blue Vessels involved: APC HVs, Defensive Satellites, Footsoldiers

    -- Red Vessels involved.: Main Battle Tank, Light Battle Tank, Patrol HVs, various Fighter SVs
    -- Outcome..............: Clear Victory for Red
    -- Territory............: Red Team re-claims ownership of Akua!


    SKIRMISH #002 (The First Battle of Akua):
    -- Date.................: Sunday, February the 21st at 3:00PM CST
    -- Location.............: Akua Orbit and Planet
    -- Battle type..........: SV Dogfight (Orbital, then Planetside)
    -- Blue Vessels involved: 3x Longswords, 1x Durendal
    -- Red Vessels involved.: 2x RF-5 Mantis, 1x RF-2 Scorpion Mk-2, 1x Valiant Mercenary Fighter
    -- Outcome..............: CLEAR VICTORY FOR BLUE
    -- Territory............: BLUE TEAM NOW CONTROLS AKUA PLANET
    ........................: RED TEAM ROUTED TO AKUA MOON
    -- Media................: (See below)


    SKIRMISH #001 (Opening shots):
    -- Date.................: Sunday, February the 14th at 3:00PM CST
    -- Location.............: Akua Orbit
    -- Battle type..........: SV Dogfight
    -- Blue Vessels involved: 2x Longsword Fighters, 2x Custom Fighters

    -- Red Vessels involved.: 3x Scorpion Fighters, 1x Hornet Fighter
    -- Outcome..............: CLOSE VICTORY FOR RED TEAM
    -- Territory............: RED TEAM NOW CONTROLS AKUA PLANET


    -- Date.................:
    -- Location.............:
    -- Battle type..........:
    -- Blue Vessels involved:

    -- Red Vessels involved.:
    -- Outcome..............:
    -- Territory............:

    --- TERRITORY ---

    "Neutral" means it has not been claimed by either side
    "Trading" means it is controlled by a neutral Trading faction
    "Contested" means both sides have attempted to claim, or assets from both factions present
    "Established" means there is at least one base/station present
    "Name Only" means that a faction has claimed ownership, but have no assets in place to defend it
    "Battleground" means it is a defined arena for organized combat




    -- GALLERY --

    Here are some promotional shots we have put together for your viewing pleasure! As I am leader of Red Team, most of these are of Red vessels. If you have any from the server, feel free to upload em and I may add them to the main post here!


    A Blue Lancet Frigate under construction (top) and a Red Goblin Frigate fully armed (bottom) squared up for a ____ measuring contest. (Insert your favorite word into the blank).

    Keep in mind that once we have modding support, Blue vessels will typically be outfitted with shield generators, while Red vessels will have heavier armor. As a result, Blue vessels will be slightly smaller, but more agile, than their red contemporaries.



    A Red Gargoyle Destroyer (v1-a), painted but unarmed



    A Red Heavy Fighter: the RF-4 Stinger (current variation is v1-d I believe)



    Another Red Fighter: the RF-2 Scorpion



    A Red RF-5 Mantis getting hit hard by a Blue Durandel



    More coming soon!
    Submit your own shots and they may be featured here!


    Feb 10, 2016 at 6:15PM PST: Added missing members, corrected a few grievous spelling errors.
    Feb 11, 2016 at 2:39PM PST: Re-organized roster, corrected names
    Feb 11, 2016 at 7:11PM PST: Names added to roster
    Feb 12, 2016 at 10:34AM PST: Added Black Market Traders to team list
    Feb 13, 2016 at 11:27AM PST: Changed "Omicron Orbit" from "Red (name only)" to "Red (established)"
    Feb 13, 2016 at 3:25PM PST: Added name to roster
    Feb 13, 2016 at 4:17PM PST: Added name to roster
    Feb 13, 2016 at 8:26PM PST: Added names to roster
    Feb 13, 2016 at 11:49PM PST: Updated Upcoming Skirmish
    Feb 14, 2016 at 3:04PM PST: Updated Recent Skirmish, Changed "Akua Planet" from "neutral" to "Red (name only)", Changed "Omicron Moon" from "Red (name only)" to "Red (established)"
    Feb 15, 2016 at 4:40PM PST: Added name to roster
    Feb 18, 2016 at 3:55PM PST: Added names (2) to roster
    Feb 21, 2016 at 3:58PM PST: Updated Recent Skirmish, Changed "Akua Planet" to "Blue (established)", Changed "Akua Moon" to "Red (name only)"
    Feb 22, 2016 at 2:45PM PST: Updated "skirmish" template with "media" section, added additional media for "Recent Skirmish"
    Feb 25, 2016 at 12:08PM PST: Added names (2) to roster
    March 1, 2016 at 3:32PM PST: Updated "Next Planned Skirmish"
    March 2, 2016 at 10:14PM PST: Updated Rosters
    March 6, 2016 at 10:56AM PST: Updated Rosters
    March 6, 2016 at 3:48PM PST: Updated "Skirmish" and "Territory" sections
    March 14, 2016 at 1:35PM PST: Updated "skirmish" sections, cleaned up "Past skirmishes" section, other general clean-up
    March 16, 2016 at 2:04PM PST: Re-organized "skirmish" and "latest news" sections, moving "next planned skirmish" to the top of the page
    March 17, 2016 at 12:08AM PST: Added member to Blue team
    March 17, 2016 at 11:25AM PST: Updated and cleaned up various sections
    April 6, 2016 at 1:42PM PST: Changed "Next Planned Skirmish," made changes to BMT (notably changing name to GMT, and making Tyrax Lightning leader)
    April 8, 2016 at 11:21AM PST: Added announcement regarding new solar map, and upcoming Alpha
    April 8, 2016 at 9:49PM PST: Changed names of home planets to align with new custom system
    April 15, 2016 at 2:03PM PST: Updated GMT to include new leader (WarMachine)
    April 25, 2016 at 1:45PM PST: Updated general OP to include new server info
    April 29, 2016 at 2:16PM PST: Updated various sections
    May 1, 2016 at 4:25PM PST: Added "Server Etiquette" section
    May 2, 2016 at 1:48AM PST: Updated Etiquette
    May 12, 2016 at 5:16PM PST: Maintenance update
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2016
  2. WarMachine

    WarMachine Captain

    Oct 25, 2015
    Likes Received:
    He left my name off the list.... didn't wanna scare reds off I see.
  3. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Heh, sorry, made the rough draft at work, didn't have a list in front of me... you'll be added momentarily :)
  4. Brokenshakles

    Brokenshakles Rear Admiral

    Feb 14, 2015
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    Ich bin ein Blauliner!
  5. Yolofessional

    Yolofessional Captain

    Aug 13, 2015
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    that is not a jelly doughnut. but i heard blue's ships have squishy centers, so i understand the confusion :p <sick burn>
  6. WarMachine

    WarMachine Captain

    Oct 25, 2015
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    Yea, its called a pilot, doesn't red have any of those or are they giving up early?
  7. Yolofessional

    Yolofessional Captain

    Aug 13, 2015
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    pilots? ya we got em.. check out this classified footage of the red team pilot training-

  8. WarMachine

    WarMachine Captain

    Oct 25, 2015
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    And after seeing that you guys still think you have a chance? We got mad skills, and a little extra hair.
  9. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Well we have enough ships to blot out the sun!

    We just have to take em one at a time.

  10. WarMachine

    WarMachine Captain

    Oct 25, 2015
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    Someone tried to parallel park a space station. Didn't go too well......
  11. NafreiuX

    NafreiuX Captain

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Are you planning on streaming or recording skirmishes? Would be really awesome to be able to see all those fights :)
  12. Brokenshakles

    Brokenshakles Rear Admiral

    Feb 14, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Are you interested in streaming or recording fights?
    Yolofessional likes this.
  13. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Go RED !

    Prepare the Imperial Destroyers , for these blue rebel inferior plebs !

    We will squash you like bugs !
  14. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    I would like to, but unfortunately Empyrion is one of the few games that doesn't play nicely with my current video recording software :\

    It used to, but now it always makes it hang at the first Loading screen :( I may look into alternatives.

    Also, 82nd, if you're out there, I built you a new ship for your trading endeavors! I just need to pop some extra thrusters and a warp drive in there and you're set.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2016
  15. Brokenshakles

    Brokenshakles Rear Admiral

    Feb 14, 2015
    Likes Received:
    This isn't Star Wars dude, try again.
  16. WarMachine

    WarMachine Captain

    Oct 25, 2015
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    I liked watching him run from scorpions in the dark.
  17. nicholas downey

    nicholas downey Ensign

    Dec 26, 2015
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  18. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Soldiers! Today is a day of battle!

    Any interested in PvP should join today, and be sure to be on at 3:00PM CST (central standard time)

    Be there or die! Or... be there and die! Or wait... be there and make others die! Yeah. That's the one.
  19. WarMachine

    WarMachine Captain

    Oct 25, 2015
    Likes Received:
    I'm planning on being there. May run a little late, but My gear is ready.
  20. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Today's Skirmish has been decided!

    Once both teams had warped in to Akua, we set up and got organized. As Red Team had more pilots available, a few volunteered to sit out the fight.

    The first skirmish was fierce. Longswords, Scorpions, Hornets, and a Wyvern fired many round at each other, from miniguns and rocket launchers. As the battle progressed, ships were hit but not taken out of the fight.

    After a couple minutes, an intermission was called to resupply and regroup. At this time, the battle could go either way. Red team was beginning to run low on rockets, so they held a vote to continue the battle, or call it a draw. They decided to proceed with the battle.

    The second skirmish began shortly thereafter, with intensity matching the first. As supplies dwindled, the pilots became desperate, trying to bring down their enemies without wasting shots.

    During the fight, something odd occurred, and the miniguns on every ship jammed up. Both teams focused on rockets and fired away, hoping ti disable an opponent. Eventually, ammo ran low and both teams returned to their carriers.

    After a quick tally of damage, it was determined that RED TEAM had dealt more damage to the enemy, and as such were declared the winners! To the victors go the spoils, and Red Team now has conquest rights to Akua Planet, where they will soon build defenses to protect their assets.

    No video recording was available at the time, but I did get a few screenshots.




    Also, a big apology to @Yolofessional, I was dumb and forgot to sub you in for the second skirmish. I'm dumb! Sorry!
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2016

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