Fixed Totally Overpowered Polaris mission (again)

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by FionnMacCumhaill, May 27, 2020.

  1. FionnMacCumhaill

    FionnMacCumhaill Commander

    Aug 9, 2019
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    Ok, so like the new pois. Could not get the recipe though from pirate stations.

    Arrive at pirates station, could not open either hangar or door (other faction). Tried to drill around door, faction rep dropped to negative. Shooting the door would have been the same. If it is intentional to force you to make the pirates angry, all fine and good. If not, the door access needs to be made public.

    Anyway went into the base. Found a bar trader. Message appeared from Ida regarding the mission. Went up to trader, nothing happened. Couldn't trade. Went through rest of the base, killed everything. Checked every container, no joy went up to every console and Alien static NPC. Thought I might have missed a container so cored the base, and went though every container on F4. Also godmoded through the base, found nothing.
    Thought it might be the trader dude, so I reset pirate rep to friendly so I could talk to him, again, nothing triggered. Could be me being thick or perhaps you need friendly rep to walk up to the zirax commander (which is impossible as there is no access).

    POI is very nice btw, surprising amount of stuff inside and the placement of the laser turrets is sneaky, almost didnt see them in time.

    Manually completed this step, will do remainder of mission.
  2. FionnMacCumhaill

    FionnMacCumhaill Commander

    Aug 9, 2019
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    Rest of the mission seemed to work fine. One of the brewmasters says take this (but nothing appeared in my inventory). Epic armour is no longer given to you at the start of the quest, but it still is in the armor locker. Presumably the no epic armour is intentional (as you aren't on a fire planet now), but if so, would be best to remove it from the locker and/or make the locker have no lock code.

    The latter might be nice as generally POL are worth being friendly with and their POIs have poor loot so it would make it worthwhile killing them..
  3. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Can you plz go to the console and type in 'stats' and send a screenshot so I can see if the Zirax Commander spawns in that bar? (It should, though)

    And yes, blasting the doors and make them angry is intentional - otherwise they would not shoot at you :D
  4. FionnMacCumhaill

    FionnMacCumhaill Commander

    Aug 9, 2019
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    Where do you want me to go to stype stats? The sector I was in or inside the pirate hideout?
  5. FionnMacCumhaill

    FionnMacCumhaill Commander

    Aug 9, 2019
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    Regardless at least 1 zirax commander spawned (and was shot and almost certainly looted).
  6. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Then he should have had a token pad?
  7. FionnMacCumhaill

    FionnMacCumhaill Commander

    Aug 9, 2019
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    Hmm actually I do have a root beer key in one of my CV containers.

    Looting dead dudes always goes into personal inventory I believe (and the root beer key was not in the container I am normally connected to). so I probaly looted, transferred stuff to CV and then it didn't work. So it is a mix of:
    1) me being an idiot
    2) the mission not triggering fast enough upon receipt of the root beer formula. It would probably take 3-5 seconds for me to F4, navigate to the right container and move things across.
    Pach likes this.
  8. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    There is another way in

    There is an airshaft in the roof of the hangar cave that takes you straight to the bar, but you do have to blast at least one grate to get out. You can potentially remain neutral with just one block destroyed
    FionnMacCumhaill and Pach like this.
  9. Godis

    Godis Ensign

    May 2, 2020
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    I have the very same problem, so I blowed up the entrance. But none of them got angry at me. No matter destructing the doort. Is that intentianl too? I've breaked the door at the landing pad, and inside there are some turrets and cyborg patrols. But they aren't hostile. Even the Zirax and pirate monsters inside don't care about me.

    Edit: Ok, never mind. I've been flying around the ateroid and found the hole that leads straight into the bar. There I had to blow a block to get inside, which led them to shoot at me. I killed them and found the fomular on one of the dead bodies.

    Well, what I find a bit odd is the fact, that you're given "VIP" status at the club and everyone talks to you like to a hero. But the faction rep is still "neutral", so you can't even trade with the barkeeper xD

    And one more thing: I went to the moon to look for the TITAN wreck. I found the maintanance console and started reading the dialogue. In the middle of it my ship was attacked by Zirax drones and I had to close the dialogue. When I returned and read through the entire dialogue until its end, the next stage of the mission didn't trigger. So while reading stuff, we or our vessels shouldn't be attacked, or at least when closing dialigue ealier than intended, it should continue the stages.

    When you hit the PAUSE key in the middle of a dialogue, it will close it and proceed to the next mission stage. That shouldn't happen as well.

    That's it for now. If I find anything else, I'll let you know.

    Wait, this is weird! The first mission stages on the moon are somehow bugged. Or at least the one, where you have to get to the first token station. When you get there, nothing happens. And I activated the station which opened a dialogue. Then the dron attacked my ship and I closed it. And then I've thought that closing it before its end, caused the mission not to proceed. But actually this token station was NOT the correct one! I've finished that stage manually and went on with the mission. After checking each wreck and their token stations, I finally was sent to the last one - which appeared to be the very same station, were I've been sent at the beginning. And this time the mission proceeded after the dialogue ended. That means after all that the first waypoint is pointing to the wrong station or the actual dialogue is missing.
    Last edited: May 31, 2020
    FionnMacCumhaill likes this.
  10. Paganizer

    Paganizer Commander

    Jul 5, 2018
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    In my game I didn't get recipe either (had to manually complete), but I found out it was because "half" the asteroid was missing. So the pirate asteroid base basicly had a hole in the side from where I could land and loot everything. Laser turrets didn't shoot, which i thought was weird but it turns out some of the base hadn't spawned properly so there was no power in the base.
  11. Dragazhar

    Dragazhar Lieutenant

    Oct 31, 2017
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    I just started the mission at the Hidden pirate base and I did something that totally messed me up.. I found the core.. blew it up and that stopped all spawns totally. Which... caused the commander to not show up in the bar area.. oops.. DONT BLOW the CORE.

    Edit.. one thing about blowing the core... opening conainaers did not make you loose faction because its no longer theirs :) .
  12. Balthazod

    Balthazod Lieutenant

    Mar 3, 2020
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    I have done this mission 3 times in phase 4 and I could not find the recipe either, also when the brewery was attacked the stoners wander around the court yard like spice zombies and caused me to loose rep with Polaris when one got slightly charred from some aoe damage.
  13. Balthazod

    Balthazod Lieutenant

    Mar 3, 2020
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    you have already lost rep if you blew the core up.
  14. FionnMacCumhaill

    FionnMacCumhaill Commander

    Aug 9, 2019
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    True but, if I recall correctly, while opening a container sets you immediately to a certain level, damaging blocks gives you penalty per damage so you can core something and loot everything and lose less rep than if you opened one of the containers.
  15. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    You cannot blow the core, because it is an admin core.
    For the recipe > the Zirax Commander in the Pirate "bar" has it as loot.
  16. FionnMacCumhaill

    FionnMacCumhaill Commander

    Aug 9, 2019
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    Isn't that a 12.5 thing Hummel? I definitely cored it before as well.
  17. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Yep. 12.5 has the changes. The Pirate base for TOP mission should not be core-able anymore.
  18. Balthazod

    Balthazod Lieutenant

    Mar 3, 2020
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    I cored it unless the change was yesterday
  19. FionnMacCumhaill

    FionnMacCumhaill Commander

    Aug 9, 2019
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    The change would affect new games started under 12.5/ I imagine your 12.4 save is set the way the universe was generated (and presumably you cant reach the legacy area either).
  20. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Note: The next update will have the Root beer recipe added via PDA and not via loot.

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