Empyrion has been removed from Geforce now

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Evil Master, Jun 1, 2020.

  1. Evil Master

    Evil Master Ensign

    Jun 1, 2020
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    I make a request.

    For empyrion to return to the Geforce Now platform.

    I just bought Geforce Now and bought empyrion to play it.

    Turns out, they removed it from the Geforce Now service.

    I hope this soon in Geforce now or return my money
  2. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Ive already discussed this with one of the Founders. Once I have an answer to it ill update here

    DEPREDADOR1888 Ensign

    Jun 2, 2020
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    I do not know why they removed the empyrion from the Geforce Now platform because I and my friends just bought the game and paid the silver fee to be able to play it and it is not fair that they remove it, I ask you in the most attentive way to return it to upload because we even thought to invite more people and upload video to youtube and if they do not plan to do it, tell me what solution they give me because I can not play it flat and I am not giving away my money.
    Lars_The_Viking likes this.
  4. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    It was added by NVIDIA and it was removed by NVIDIA. So blame them.

    We didnt do anything. We didnt add it and we didnt remove it. NVIDIA changed there policy

    As I said we will discuss this internal if we want to do this "opt in" that NVIDIA requiers.
    I will update here once I have an answer to share.
  5. Lars_The_Viking

    Lars_The_Viking Ensign

    Jul 11, 2019
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    I hope you guys decide to opt in, I've "recruited" 8 other gamers last month alone, and some of them (including my wife who only plays Empyrion and Ylands) , rely on Geforce Now to play.
  6. ThomasReed01

    ThomasReed01 Ensign

    Jun 4, 2020
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    I am adding my voice to this request. I was literally about to buy the game when I saw that it got removed from GeForce Now. Unfortunately given my hardware that is the only reasonable way for me to play the game.
    I spotted Empyrion once or twice about a year ago on LetsPlays of streamers who I watched because of other survival games. At the time it did not catch my eye. This month I saw it again and this time I got hooked and watched tens of hours of gameplay. With the ship building and base building similar to early Space Engineers, space battles that remind me of EVE Online, POI raiding, base defense and survival mechanics rivaling some of the best survival games, Empyrion combines my all-time favorite games into one and I can absolutely see this being THE game I put all of my gaming time into from now on.

    I would be really happy if it came back to GeForce, if not, I will buy it as soon as a decent PC becomes a possibility. Either way, amazing work devs, keep it up!

    Shoutout to Kage848 and especially Spanj for the passionate marketing :)
  7. Lars_The_Viking

    Lars_The_Viking Ensign

    Jul 11, 2019
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    It's a truly great game that deserves much more attention. I have sunk over 800 hours into it so far. (Not sure if that's something to brag about, or if I should seek professional help lol) Geforce Now makes it more visible and accessible.
    banksman45 and GoldDragon like this.
  8. GoldDragon

    GoldDragon Captain

    Jan 25, 2017
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    Only 800? Tame. 1324 for me. And I know of several here with over 3,000 hours.
    banksman45 and Lars_The_Viking like this.
  9. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    About 5.200 hours now...if that counts;)
  10. Lars_The_Viking

    Lars_The_Viking Ensign

    Jul 11, 2019
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    That makes me feel a little better about my addiction lol
  11. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Devs have to make sure Empyrion fully works on GeForce Now if they opt in so it's not as easy as them just opting in.

    By opting in they take on the full responsibility of keeping Empyrion compatible and stable on GeForce Now for the foreseeable future, which means they have to keep Empyrion within whatever hardware and software limitations GeForce Now comes with currently and all future iterations of it.

    That may add a ton of extra work and limitations for the devs going forward, so they have to look into it and make sure they can do it properly.
    Kassonnade and Germanicus like this.
  12. Lars_The_Viking

    Lars_The_Viking Ensign

    Jul 11, 2019
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    It was already on there and working quite well... It's basically a cloud based graphics card/gaming pc rental service... I don't want to come across ignorant or rude, but I don't see or understand what extra work would be involved. From what I understand, it's kinda like using a glorified TeamViewer or other PC remote software?
  13. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    When it was "opt out" NVidia added it to their library without the knowledge or consent of the game studio. The game studio had no responsibility to ensure their game worked on GeForce Now because they were not the ones who added it.

    Now that it's "opt in", game studios have to opt in to having their game on GeForce Now, which also means the game studio is basically saying "yes our game will work on GeForce Now." This shifts the burden of ensuring the game works onto the game studio since they are now the ones who opted in.

    So even if things like the ToS and EULA cover the game studio from a legal standpoint, there's still the whole public relations aspect of it and the backlash if the game ever stops working on GeForce Now (even if it's the fault of NVidia) would be pretty bad. Think of all the backlash the game studio is already receiving, now imagine it much worse "you told us it would work!" "you added it, you need to fix it!" "it's YOUR fault!"
    And the players might even have legal grounds to sue the game studio.

    Yes GeForce Now is a game hardware streaming service, but by "opting in" a game studio is guaranteeing that their game will always work on this streaming service, regardless of future changes to either the game or GeForce Now. And if GeForce Now ever downgrades their hardware or if the game ever needs to increase their own hardware requirements, guess what has to happen to the game then?

    Again, this might not be an issue legally speaking, but it will be a public relations nightmare for any game studio who opts in and doesn't make sure their game is 100% fully compatible with Geforce Now.

    Hopefully they can add it but an alpha game is hard to do for this.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2020
  14. ThomasReed01

    ThomasReed01 Ensign

    Jun 4, 2020
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    Thanks for the explanation. Seems like I will looking for a suitable PC sooner rather than later.
    Kassonnade, banksman45 and Germanicus like this.
  15. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Well wait to see what the devs do. They might decide to do it after all.
    banksman45 likes this.
  16. Lars_The_Viking

    Lars_The_Viking Ensign

    Jul 11, 2019
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    Hey again, I'm not trying to aggro anyone or come off the wrong way, but I do want to clarify a few things based on my own experiences and research for the past year. ☺️

    I, along with my brother-in-law and wife were part of the beta testing for Geforce Now, and the only thing I have found to affect anything, is your internet quality. As far as how the developers go, there really isn't much they need to do make sure their game works on the platform. To those who aren't too familiar with Geforce Now, this is how it works; You launch the software like any other launcher and log in. You select the title you want to play, let's say Empyrion on Steam. The stream viewer window pops up and launches Steam, Installs any updates in question, then starts the game. You then have either an hour of game time on a free account, or I believe it's 3 hours on a paid account. There is a waiting queue for the free accounts, by the way. Usually not too long of a wait to get back on.

    The developer downloads a pretty simple to use SDK in order to "activate" their game on Geforce Now, and if the game doesn't use a third party launcher like Steam, there is a button to upload updates and launch betas.
    I might be missing something on the technical end, but considering many games worked on there without much issue during the beta version with some of the Devs not even realizing their game was on there, I would imagine that it is very low maintenance.

    It's like using TeamViewer to play a game on your friend's computer.

    I hope this is helpful, I'm gonna post a link to the Geforce now FAQ page too if anyone wants more information.

  17. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    As a developer there is way more then "just make sure the game work"

    You seem to forget the Legal side.

    We have to be sure we dont get ANY unexpected requests or demands from them

    Its not as easy as just pressing a button to get it back on there ;)
  18. Plus, I'm pretty sure they also have to make sure things like the workshop blueprints and scenarios download and work correctly.
    There is so much more to it than just "opting in".

    Adding it back to GeForce Now simply may not be a possibility at this point in development. For many reasons.
    GeForce Now created these problems in the first place. They really should be the ones that deal with the fallout from their actions.
    ravien_ff, Brimstone and Taelyn like this.
  19. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    ^^ wut he said..

    Bottom line is, Empyrion works just fine and dandy on Steam with only the cost of the game itself
    Track Driver and ravien_ff like this.
  20. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I didn't know where to post this so.. Last week, I learned Elon opted out of the Nvidia Cloud gaming service Geforce now which resulted in Empyrion being removed from the Service. It's not such a huge deal but this service makes it easy for those of us who like playing Empyrion on our tablets and smartphones. This service allows those who would not normal play a PC game like Empyrion to play it. Which expands Empyrions gamer base. Plus Cloud gaming is the future in my opinion.

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