What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. NafreiuX

    NafreiuX Captain

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Finished newest SV project - Wraith Sentinel. Video coming up soon:
    Wraith_Bomber_2016-02-12_13-24-50.png Wraith_Bomber_2016-02-12_13-25-06.png Wraith_Bomber_2016-02-12_13-24-57.png
  2. Davethsly

    Davethsly Lieutenant

    Sep 18, 2015
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    Not really what i did on empryion. But ordered a new pc plus monitor today. better spec and improved graphics card to play empryion on
  3. NafreiuX

    NafreiuX Captain

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Started a full-scale planetary invasion
    Gordholm, Tyrax Lightning and Rayah like this.
  4. eninrebmun

    eninrebmun Commander

    Nov 29, 2015
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    I deleted the Xenu Mining Complex. I put up trusses so I would not drive in, or fall out of the bottom of the map.

    [​IMG] edit: It looks like I missed a block in the bottom right of the pic. I'll get it.

    The morning light looks so lovely from below the land.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2016
    Gordholm and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  5. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Now that I think about it... I wonder if doin that kinda thing could be a effort saver in getting to the Bedrock to use it as a Underground Base Foundation & saving on Drilling up space for the Underground Base...? I like the way you're thinking. :)

    Edit: I have now gotten the Iron & Magnesium Mined & should be gtg on it for another while. I got to work building CV Components for my upcoming Survival Mode CV, well at least however much of it I can complete without the Power Coils, & got most of them built. I fell short on CV Directional Thrusters, so I had to go mine a Sathium Asteroid to get me enough Flux Coils for my needs. Also, acting on a Tip in another Thread, I went to the previously conquered Thermica Station & found the tip was true... those 2 Constructors I passed by before were indeed Advanced Constructors, not Large Constructors I mistook them for on glance! I looted them for their Power Coils then proceeded to make my first Advanced Constructor to replace the Large Constructor in my Akua Base. After the first one built I saw no reason to wait the Large Constructor build time & turned it off as the second one was building. I moved everything outta the Inventory into my HV Chests temporarily, R&R Tooled my Large Constructor out, put the Advanced one in, then put all the stuff back into the new Advanced Constructor... then realized... that after I had canceled the 2nd Advanced Constructor, it had never refunded my Materials for it... including the other 2 Power Coils... :eek: The loss was real... :(

    This Advanced Constructor is spiffy. I got it to work processing 3 Drill Charges of Sathium Ore which amounted to almost 3 1/2 full stacks of it & it took over a RL hour to get that (I mighta overdid it on the Mining of it...) & a bit of Crushed Rock processed then I got it to work getting my Thrusters done, then Hydrogen Fuel Packs to keep up on that supply, then a couple other things. Got the rest of my Crop Plots done too & then went hunting to get a good amount of Meat to turn into Salami to then pack into my SV Fridge. (I love hunting stuff down with my Minigun... maybe more then is Humane... or sane...)

    I should be all set to fly up into Space & get a Starter Survival Mode CV built, minus its 2 Rocket Launchers, & 2 Pulse Lasers to try my luck at a CV that can Dogfight at least a bit, & a Advanced Constructor which i'll have to IOU on & reserve a space in the CV for cause i'm a Mega Derp. :oops: (Who's stupid idea was it to make ME a Captain again...?)
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2016
  6. Frederick Taer

    Frederick Taer Lieutenant

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Two days of crafting and I went to Omicron to found a new base to swim and make emergency rations.

    Took my hover corvette with me, for battlefield tests. And it rocks. :)

    This is my small escort carrier (only 0.7 kt). She lacks even O2 system.
    And this's the only CV-class you need in game for now.

    Fall to Omicron just to find Drone base right under me. Took 20-30 plasma shots.
    No real damage, exept 1 of 2 main hover-corvette thrusters was acidentally destroyed. :)
    Already fixed that with the new base repair capabilities.

    2016-02-13_00002.jpg 2016-02-13_00003.jpg 2016-02-14_00001.jpg 2016-02-14_00003.jpg 2016-02-14_00004.jpg 2016-02-14_00005.jpg 2016-02-14_00006.jpg
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  7. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    War!!! War happened today as Red and Blue fought over Akua, resulting in a close Red victory. Red team now has rights to Akua's surface, where they will start setting up defenses.

    No video recordings, sadly, but I did get one or two screenshots.


    Also, here's a less dark picture of the Cruiser I posted before, now named the Minotaur Cruiser. If it's still hard to see, well, it's painted black and that's sort of the point. :)

    Gordholm and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  8. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    My congratulations on your Glorious Victory Team Red. :) (Is this a bad time for me to mention my fav color is Blue, especially Cobalt Blue? :p)

    I've now made my second SV for Eleon Submission. :)
    Slam Jones likes this.
  9. Gordholm

    Gordholm Commander

    Dec 28, 2015
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    done some meteroide farming :) i liked the home delivery service
  10. viking17791

    viking17791 Lieutenant

    Jan 4, 2016
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    Haha nice one:)
    Gordholm and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  11. Boss_CyAn1d3

    Boss_CyAn1d3 Commander

    Aug 10, 2015
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    got my CV done and down to Akua, built out the Phase 2 areas, living space, manufacturing spaces, and food processing spaces, also put in a nice farm deck with (x8) 3x3 grids to grow out veggies for canning. placed 4 fore weapons underneath for support (X2 miniguns, X2 cannons)

    Phase 3 is where i add in the ventral docking bay/GV ramp to deploy my GV on the surface.

    did all this work, fired it up then the depressing realization that CVs chew through INSANE amounts of power just sitting on surface....

    so now i have to amend power setups so that itll be more efficient as a "planet hopper".

    ill post pics when i take some tonight.
    Gordholm and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  12. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I have begun work on my Survival Mode CV. Got it part way done then ran outta Silicon & Copper, (For Parts for more CV Directional Thrusters.) so I emptied out 2 smallish Veins of them, & ran outta play time for the day waiting for it to Process. My apologies that this isn't all that exciting to read, but sadly the most interesting thing that happened during this Play is that when emptying out both Veins both of them coughed up a few more Ores then the Marker thing claimed was in the Vein & I was getting a couple to few more to pop out even after the Marker died trying to claim that I HAD gotten it all. Good thing i'm not immune to the temptation of Greed... & that there's use for Crushed Stone. :p
    Gordholm and Rayah like this.
  13. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    I think the markers disappear at around 10%, as often there will be areas in the wall/ceilings/etc that can be quite tricky to reach.

    But it's always nice getting every little bit out :p
    Gordholm and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  14. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    Went out and got a good load of special ore's last night. The E ore and Z ore's. Really dislike lava planets.
    Gordholm and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  15. Gordholm

    Gordholm Commander

    Dec 28, 2015
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    finaly i found some time to continue my pr inspired ship. after i had finished the hull for the bowl i just cleared another task for the toroidal belt and finished the raw build in 3 hours.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    well still a long way to go until finishing this one :)
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2016
  16. wrenchinator

    wrenchinator Commander

    Jan 6, 2016
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    COPE aka COP, our own little faction on Event Horizon a PVP server, took the offensive after motokid402 was blown clean out of his ship after being attacked by a rogue base. Obviously, Moto had to do something, he was alone and stuck on the planet. So he waited until the base had exhausted its heavy arms trying to take out the heavily armored core of his ship, and then went in pistol blazing easily finding their core and taking it out. He looted the joint for as much as he could carry, which was substantial. He then hijacked a conveniently parked CV with a luckily carried core and made it back to base on the moon.

    Upon my arrival, it was decided to use our new found loot and very large ship to acquire yet more ill gotten gains. We prepared for the journey by hopping on board the well stocked ship and docking a couple small ships to it. Upon attempting to map out a course we found targeting buggy, we could not see a visual indication of the desired destination. Knowing the ice planet well I set course for there, aligned and jumped. The jump went smoothly and we were surprised to find a large base in the area. After initially disagreeing about whether to continue on to our original planet (targeting indicators had begun to work) or just hitting this target of opportunity we opted to get on with the pirating.

    Moto closed in on the base in one of our heaviest armored fighters, an Enforcer model. The plan was to try and take out the 160mm's and then let the CV absorb the small arms fire. This was not to be as Moto died in the first volley from blast effects, the ship withstood a pretty good pummeling but did not last nearly long enough to exhaust the 160mm's. We decided to close in at let the CV turrets do some work and let the large ship take some rounds to see if the 160mm's would exhaust. They did not. Almost instantly we lost control, the core had been knocked out. We had not thought to re-position it and it was as easy to see as the base core had been on Akua. I tried to escape up to the docked ship, a transport really, lightly armed and armored. We still had gravity as the CV stayed powered up. I made it into the small ship under fire only to find the cockpit, core and RCS completely gone. I turned to exit as I saw the gaping hole in the ship, but took a few rounds almost instantly it seemed. Still I made it out only to be met by what I presume were yet more 160mm rounds. These killed me and I could not find a trace of my suitcase later. I respawned in the CV med bay to Moto telling me there was another core in one of the cargo boxes on board but it wasnt safe to move to the cargo bay due to the ship being full of holes and he was still in the cockpit anyway. It was still powered up, so I dropped through the floor down to the cargo bay, it was annihilated, only a few boxes remained toward the rear of the bay. Moto said the core was up front. I check the boxes one by one and there it was like a golden ticket, a core. I grabbed it and closed the box which was full of various things I could have used had I known my case was never to turn up. At that moment all hell broke loose, I must have made LOS to the guns when getting in the last box, it vanished in a flash and I was down to near death at the same moment. I ran to the back and used a med kit. I told Moto to get ready to jump into the cockpit. I placed the core and we moved ever so slowly backwards toward safe range noting that the 160mm's seemed silent. Somehow the warp core, devoid of nearly all armor and surrounding components was still in one piece. We warped home with two ships missing about 30% of their structures.

    During the next hour we did refit and repair, we revised our plan, abandoning the transport, and opting for a prototype fighter that had a single emergency passenger spot. During the process what we had feared came to pass in that the owner of the base we had been attacking returned from parts unknown. He is an admin and we were pretty straight about what we had been up to so we figured there was a very high likely hood that he had rearmed the place which had surely been nearly depleted of ammo, surely the 160's were gone. We had things to attend to in RL so we logged for about 2 hours and then returned. We decided we should at least go see if he had rearmed figuring if we saw 160's firing he had indeed, and he had indeed. Motokid402 is a pirate at heart, and he just couldn't abandon the place without a prize. I was in the prototype and he wanted me to fly toward the CV near the base and see if it fired on me. It did not and upon getting closer I could see there was an armored hanger. There were some sentry guns but my gatlings silenced them quickly. Moto wanted me to land in the hanger hoping the base turrets would light up the ship, always up for a challenge I did just that and hopped out. Silence. I shot through a airlock and entered the ship, the core could be anywhere, I searched high and low, finally noticing a small armored section near the fuel tanks. The problem was that I had started with 30 rounds of .50 cal and was now out of ammo. We had only armed up with a t2 and a rocket launcher in case of turrets and I hadn't run enough ammo during the refit but forgot when we got back online. So Moto says, just use the rocket launcher. I figure what the hell and back up a ways to avoid any blast effects by secondary fuel tank explosions. It was a great plan, except that the entire ship began to be rocked from secondary explosions. I could see things exploding one deck below me and tried to make my way out, the core had obviously been compromised and I could not tell you if the base guns caused all that or if there were lots of fuel tanks under that area. I made it to the prototype and looked back, I could see one fuel tank still standing, we took off back to our CV and we headed back to moon base alpha.

    Upon arrival we made a cockpit, core, fuel tank and generator. We also grabbed some blocks. We returned to the scene of the crime and relanded in the hanger under fire from the base. Moto hopped out and set to armoring the hanger better, he placed the cockpit and prepared to set the core, we noted the vessal was still operating under its own power. I backed out and thrusted toward the base drawing its fire, Moto place the core, sat in the cockpit and we returned to moon base alpha with our second prize.

    Today we had fun like no other game we have played.
  17. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Ahh, then I must be the only Empyrion Miner that systematically Mines the Ore Vein from top to bottom. :p

    Funny, i'm thinking of making my first Home Base on Aestus... around one of the Slime Patches of course. :p (Seems how there's no Lightning Planets thus far.)

    Wow, that's a big dude! Fan of the Death Star?
  18. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Messing around in Creative mostly today.


    Last edited: Feb 17, 2016
    Gordholm and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  19. Gordholm

    Gordholm Commander

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Na to be honest i didn't even watched the newest Star Wars Movie yet, this ship is inspired by the biggest SF Novella ever wich will eat StarWars and StarTrek and still got plenty room left :) it's called Perry Rhodan,
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  20. Gordholm

    Gordholm Commander

    Dec 28, 2015
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    As i found again some time to play the game, i wanted to continue on my CV Sphereship,

    but i was more in a mood to do some weird things, so i spawned the CV i builded in my very first game on top of my sphere filled up all fueltanks and was about to move to space as i remind another sphere ship i builded just to be placed in the big one,


    since its allready tested and i know how good that bowl is i just tryed some stuff,


    well go find another SV who is able to dock here !


    docking sucessfull :p
    Rayah and Tyrax Lightning like this.

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