
Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by Jackall, Dec 22, 2017.

  1. Jackall

    Jackall Commander

    May 12, 2017
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    Name: Transcendence
    Slots: 40
    EAC: Active

    Server Location: Seattle Washington

    Admin Ingame Name: Jackal / Dark Koreth / Airelon / Wolfhound
    Admin Forum contact: Jackal / Dark Koreth / Airelon / Wolfhound

    Offers donations or perks: No
    Infolink to donations: -n/a-
    Uses 3rd Party Tool: EAH

    Savegame started with version: 6.0.0. build 1077
    Mode: Survival
    Seed: 2309115

    MP Type: Scenario
    Scenario Name: Transcendence81

    Maximal Blueprint Spawn Class: 10
    Allowed BP Types: ALL (owned, subscribed, stock)
    (Possible: Non, Stock-Only, All)

    Decay Time: 2
    (Time after which player-built structures without core or less than 10 blocks get removed when not visited)
    Wipe Time: 120
    (Time after which any player-built structures get removed when not visited)
    Protect Time: 48
    (Time during which structures are offline protected)

    -All times are given in real time hours, 1h real time = approximately 24h in game
    -Timer counts down as long as the dedicated process is active - deactivated playfields do not stop the timer)


    Maximum Structures per playfield: 62
    Antigrief Distance: 30m
    AntiGrief Zones: PvE Primarily
    AntiGrief Ore Distance: 50m
    AntiGrief Ore Zones: PvE

    Max Block Count: Active
    (Max count for certain devices per vessel or structure, e.g. turrets, fixed weapons..)

    Allow alliances between Origins: Yes
    (Yes = will allow alliances with or join factions from other Origins)
    Auto-allied within Origin: No
    (Yes = Factions of the same Origin are allied per default)
    FriendlyFire in PvP: No
    (Yes = will not damage any allied structure even in PvP. Will still hurt players)

    Global Marketplace: Available

    Difficulty Settings:

    Escape Pod Content: Medium
    Player Progression: Normal
    Degradation Speed: Low
    Radiation Temperature: Low
    Amount Of Ore: Rich
    Number Of Deposits: Plenty
    Drone Base Attack: Hard
    Drone Presence: High
    Enemy Spawn Rate: Normal
    Attack Strength: Medium
    Constructor Craft Time: Normal
    Blueprint Production Time: Normal

    Additional Info: -n/a-



    Verified Servers are neither run, nor owned by Eleon Game Studio staff, but are 100% driven by community members only (Owners). Eleon Game Studios only provides the dedicated server files for free. Any costs that results from 3rd party hosters are fully up to their individual contracts and offers. The VerifiedServer initiative does not offer compensation or other monetary gifts or other, similar advantages for the owners of such servers.

    The owners are fully responsible what happens on their server(s) in terms of user management and world layout. If you do not agree with their administration, please file a complaint directly at their admins. Eleon Game Studios staff can not moderate or manage such complaints.

    If you run into a game issue, please report this at our bug forums:

    Although the servers with the VerifiedServer label have been chosen after a careful review, Eleon Games Studios can not be held responsible for bad behavior of either the owners or their admins towards their players - although this will lead to a removal of the VerifiedServer label. Same applies to update frequency of the server and technical issues that are not related to the game itself (aka "bugs").
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2018
  2. Suzuka Sakurai

    Suzuka Sakurai Lieutenant

    Aug 16, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Same guy who made Oblivion Server
  3. Javarox87

    Javarox87 Captain

    Oct 19, 2016
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    This post has been for a while...

    Transcendence is now on the workshop as a single player scenario for v1.7/1.8 as of June 2022.

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