Modding a dedicated server

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SylenThunder, Jul 2, 2020.

  1. SylenThunder

    SylenThunder Captain

    Jul 30, 2016
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    Ok, I have this idea. I want to seed the starter solar system with ships and bases that the players can explore, and use to some extent, but can't take over. I'm already using "Default Random" for the playfield, and have inserted the Robinson Protocol quests into it. (Still tinkering with the regen rates for those POI's.)

    For example, I have a large ship-building platform. Would like for it to have a repair area that is usable by players to repair their ships, but without them being able to access block inventories. (Would be nice f I didn't need to refill things every few days too, but I'm not going to split hairs on that. Turrets need ammo from somewhere.)

    I'd also like to spawn some larger CV's in space around the planets. Again, it would be nice if I didn't need to add o2 and fuel on a regular basis, but not required.

    I theorize that I could change the cores to admin, place them into the Prefabs folder (i.e. D:\Empyrion\Content\Prefabs), and then simply add them into the Playfield.yaml for the planet/sector (i.e. E:\Server_Saves\Empyrion\Games\MastersofChaos\Templates\Pluastaym\playfield.yaml).

    I am a little unclear on how this file functions for the most part though, and would like to place the new POI's at specific coordinates. (I can do this all day in 7 Days, but modding like this for Empyrion is a lil new to me.)

    Additionally, how in the world can I force all new sectors to be PvE? I've done everything that I can think of in the settings and configuration, but still end up with about half on the newly explored and generated sectors and planets being set to PvP. Currently I can fix it by shutting down the server, editing the database, and editing all the playfield files, then finally completely wiping the sectors that were flagged as PvP. Forcing everything to be PvP is stupid simple. It should be similar for making a server fully PvE.
  2. SylenThunder

    SylenThunder Captain

    Jul 30, 2016
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    Also, is there a way to force a specific playfield to unload/restart without restarting the entire server?
  3. SylenThunder

    SylenThunder Captain

    Jul 30, 2016
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    Ok, figured out how to make a structure with an admin core, and allow players to access specific devices in it. Still need to test if the repair bay will work this way, and not sure if I'll need to constantly refill the fuel in it.

    Still working to figure out the rest as well, so any help is appreciated. Seems like most of the information you can find stopped being updated a couple of years ago, and doesn't work after a9 or a10.
  4. ArcticPrism

    ArcticPrism Commander

    Nov 4, 2016
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    If you're using the Empyrion Admin Helper you can. If you right click on a player who is at the playfield(online or not) and click edit, you'll see an option to unload the playfield. I'm not sure if there's a better way but I haven't found one. It's strange that the unload playfield button isn't present where you can tell the server to load a playfield (Features > playfields)

    You can wipe a playfield from the Playfield menu as well but it needs to restart to take effect.
  5. SylenThunder

    SylenThunder Captain

    Jul 30, 2016
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    Yeah, that's basically what I ran into. Was attempting to wipe the surface. Tooltip says it will occur when the playfield is reloaded. Emptying the playfield of players for several minutes did not reload it.
    Which is contrary to the very scarce information I could find on the subject.

    Seems like past 2016/2017 there is very little exact information on how to run and maintain a server properly, or on how to do some of the custom builds that many good servers do. What information I can find is hit or miss as to whether it's accurate or not, and half the time it's accurate the information isn't even complete.
  6. ArcticPrism

    ArcticPrism Commander

    Nov 4, 2016
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    Maybe try this website? The EAH actually isn't made by the Empyiron Devs.

    Personally, I find that just deleting the playfields files works way more reliably for wiping.

    SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Dedicated Server\Saves\Games\MyGame\Playfields

    The folders in this directory are the save files for each playfield. Just delete the server and unload/load or restart the server(delete when the server is offline if it doesn't wipe) and it will regenerate based on what's inside the Templates folder.
  7. SylenThunder

    SylenThunder Captain

    Jul 30, 2016
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    Yeah, I'm using EAH, that's were I ran the tool to wipe the terrain. But only takes effect after playfield restart, and was trying to get the playfield to restart without having to kick 20 people off the server and reboot it.

    I've also noticed that "Reset whole ground" seems to ignore areas where players have structures. Other areas where there used to be structures, or where people dug out resources seem to get reset just fine though.
  8. SylenThunder

    SylenThunder Captain

    Jul 30, 2016
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    So far we're still at a loss on...

    Forcing newly discovered playfields to be PvE.
    I currently have to shutdown the server, edit the database, search and edit the yaml files, then delete all area and world files for the affected playfields. Then I can re-load the server and they will all be PvE. It appears I will need to repeat this task until all twenty thousand or so playfields are discovered.

    Inserting tailor-made structures into the playfield.
    I have figured out how to make the repair dock function for players, yet cannot get the turrets to function on it for protection. Blocks also seems to be destructible by Zirax even though players cannot affect them. I am unable to save the blueprint, or insert it into the yaml so I don't have to spawn them manually every time the playfields are wiped.

    I think I've got the respawn rate down on the structures used for the starter quests, however I need for them to be such that players cannot destroy them.
  9. SylenThunder

    SylenThunder Captain

    Jul 30, 2016
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    ok, missing a POI, and resetting POI's hasn't replaced it. How can I spawn BAO-TOPSpiceDestillery back into the world where it should be for the quest? I'm guessing someone fully demolished it.
  10. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    If you perform a wipe POI command it should respawn it once the playfield is unloaded and reloaded. Check in EAH on how to do that.
  11. SylenThunder

    SylenThunder Captain

    Jul 30, 2016
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    That's just it though, I have been running this command regularly for the starter sectors, and the POI is still not returning. I'm currently assuming it's because the POI was completely removed, but am not sure.
  12. SylenThunder

    SylenThunder Captain

    Jul 30, 2016
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    SO I've figured out most of the things in this thread.

    Except for static POI spawns. As near as I can tell, there is no guide to this. Hardly any valid/current information on how things work with the current version of the client. It's extremely frustrating to be told "oh use this guide", to go there, and find that it's A. From 3 years ago and is completely invalid, or B. find that it's from within the past years, but is only half done, and only halfway in-line with the current version of the game.
    Even the Playfield editors that were updated just a couple of weeks ago don't work with anything newer than a11.
  13. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    An example of how to do a fixed POI, along with many other examples and comments, can be found in the +ExamplePlanet playfield in playfield_static.yaml.

    From the example planet:
            - Type: BA_Player               # Type of blueprint (BA, SV, HV, CV)
              Prefab: BA_Outpost-AkuaV2     # Filename of blueprint
              Mode: Creative                # Creative or Survival
              SubMode: Normal               # Empty / Normal (only evaluated in Creative mode) [default: Normal]
              Name: Outpost Akua            # Name of blueprint as displayed to player
              Pos: [ -522.5, 27, -356.4 ]   # Position coordinates
              Rot: [ 0, -42, 0 ]            # Rotation angles
              InitPower: True               # Set if POI should be initially powered, default: False
            - Type: BA_Player                         # Type of blueprint (BA, SV, HV, CV)
              Prefab: BA_Outpost-AkuaV2               # Filename of blueprint
              Mode: Survival                          # Creative or Survival
              SubMode: Normal                         # Empty / Normal (only evaluated in Creative mode) [default: Normal]
              Name: Outpost Akua                      # Name of blueprint as displayed to player
              SpawnResource: ["PromethiumResource:1"] # Tries to spawn 0 or 1 CopperResource deposits close to POI (list can contain several resources)
              ResourceDistance: 300                   # Distance to POI
              Pos: [ -522.5, 27, -356.4 ]             # Position coordinates
              Rot: [ 0, -42, 0 ]                      # Rotation angles
              InitPower: True                         # Set if POI should be initially powered, default: False
    Empyrion Playfield Designer has not been updated recently but should still work for placing fixed POIs.
  14. fcga1236

    fcga1236 Ensign

    Aug 21, 2020
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    How to set the administrator in the game. Thank you
  15. Tarc Novar

    Tarc Novar Commander

    Nov 14, 2017
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    That is incorrect. Please see this post by Taelyn where they say the EAH is indeed made by Eleon.
  16. fcga1236

    fcga1236 Ensign

    Aug 21, 2020
    Likes Received:
    How to disable the player's command in the game on the server
  17. That post doesn't say Eleon made EAH.
    It says they own it.....

    EAH was created by the fine folks over at HWS servers. They are NOT Eleon employees (at least, they weren't when they created it).

    Eleon may have purchased rights to it in order to bundle it with the game, but they DID NOT create EAH at all.
    Even to this day it's still the folks at HWS that update and fix it, not Eleon.
  18. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    The Public EAH Tool. The tool thats delivered with the game is owned by Eleon
    @Jascha made it and maintains it for us
    Tarc Novar likes this.

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