
Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by EleonGameStudios, Nov 17, 2015.

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  1. Visha

    Visha Ensign

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Thanks for your reply ;)

    1) You mean the server config file? Yes there is noticed port 30.000
    2) Got a new Router, but I placed any port forwarding (30.000 - 30.004, 26.900-26.904) for empyrion
    3) In first test I played with original sector.yaml. Currently I edited it myself to create a new planet section (is working on my PC in local MP).
    4) Yes Im running a dedicated server, not a single player. leads always to your own computer in network ;)

    One correction ... I didnt played in multiplayer (own dedicated server) since patch 5.2.1 ... perhaps there was any changes in between?
    Cause it works with version 5.2.1 and then, my server gets updated and my server config was overwritten by the update ...

    I changed the game name and server name to my old name and then I could load my map again. but MP dont work. perhaps I have to setup more things ?

    Last edited: Feb 23, 2016
  2. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Definitely sounds like a port forward error.
    When a game can be connected to locally but not on the internet server list its almost always a fort forward issue.

    Common problems are , is the modem loading the correct profile after its re-started ? , modem firewall has no exception rule, port forward is in some way incorrect, modem port forward rule internal LAN network incorrect internal ip, restrictions settings on the modem, hope it helps.
  3. Visha

    Visha Ensign

    Sep 6, 2015
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    I dont know what was wrong ... but now it works ... I think my router was not updating the new forwarding setups ... anyway =)
    Thank you for your ideas and help ;)
  4. Landychev

    Landychev Ensign

    Feb 25, 2016
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    Yesterday i had to update the game and the dedicate.yaml file was rewritten. Is it possible to restore dedicated data ?
    Is there a way to backup the dedicated data if say HDD failure ?
    Can i run more then one instance for server hosting ?
    Like hosting one public and one private game at same time ?
    Best regard Alex
  5. Visha

    Visha Ensign

    Sep 6, 2015
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    For next time you can copy and paste the config file as backup (and the game files!). Ive done the same error =D

    The file directly cannot be restored ... BUT! the game is not lost ...
    You have to set the Server name and the Game Name to the old one ... Then the old game should be restored ;)

    But if your HDD is broken and your game files are corrupted ... there is no way to restore it ... cause the dedicated files are local on your PC and not shared ... So Backup is everything ;)

    2 Instances could be possible ... Try to create 2 different server config files and start the batch files via an additional option parameter. (See dedicated server tutorial in wiki). Perhaps you can run 2 different servers ... 2 instances of the same config file will not work and the second one will be closed.

    Last edited: Feb 25, 2016
  6. Omnipotent Entity

    Omnipotent Entity Ensign

    Feb 25, 2016
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    Hello everyone!
    Ive managed to put up a dedicated server by forwarding the needed ports and my server shows up and is playable but the yaml data doesnt take any changes but the server name , no player amount or password will be applied.

    Thanks in advance!

    # Dedicated server settings
    # To use your own dedicated.yaml (e.g., "MyDedicatedConfig.yaml"), add "-dedicated MyDedicatedConfig.yaml" to the corresponding batch file

    - { prop: Srv_Port, value: 30000 }
    - { prop: Srv_Name, value: Hodenserver }
    #- { prop: Srv_Password, value: HODEN }
    #- { prop: Srv_MaxPlayers, value: 20 }
    #- { prop: Srv_Description, value: "Server info, can contain bold text or a link." } # max chars = 127
    #- { prop: Srv_ReservePlayfields, value: 2 } # Determines the number of playfield servers that are held in reserve. For busy public servers, we recommend at least 2 (default is 1)

    #- { prop: Tel_Enabled, value: true }
    #- { prop: Tel_Port, value: 30004 }
    #- { prop: Tel_Pwd, value: HODEN }

    - { prop: GameName, value: New Game666 }
    - { prop: Mode, value: 1 } # 1=Survival, 2=Creative
    - { prop: Seed, value: 2309115 } # Seed determines how the world is procedurally generated - the same seed means the same world
    - { prop: DecayTime, value: 24 } # Time in game hours when player-built structures without core and/or less than 10 blocks get removed. 24h in game = ca 1h real time
    - { prop: WipeTime, value: 0 } # 0 = disabled. Time in game hours when player-built structures that have not been visited by a player get removed. 4000h in game = ca 1 week real time
    - { prop: MaxStructures, value: 64 } # Set this if you want to limit max number of structures per playfield due to performance. Currently, max number must not exceed 100
    - { prop: AntiGriefDistance, value: 30 } # For PvE playfields: distance (in m) around a faction's base where no other faction's base can be built
  7. Visha

    Visha Ensign

    Sep 6, 2015
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    "#" remove this ... Everything after the hash is ignored ... cause this is the comment function ;)
    i. e. - { prop: Srv_Port, value: 30000 } # this is ignored
    #ignore - { prop: Srv_Port, value: 30000 }
  8. Omnipotent Entity

    Omnipotent Entity Ensign

    Feb 25, 2016
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    Will try that good sir , thank you.

    Works , of course.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2016
  9. machine6fd

    machine6fd Ensign

    Oct 19, 2015
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    Players on my server can not log in. they are stuck at loading after being in the server during a restart. Is there another way to fix this besides a server wipe? I have tried removing just their player save but they are still stuck at loading.
  10. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Yes there is but it can be a little tricky.

    What you can do is delete there PLY files, but , this will render all levelling up out the window and every player with there PLY file deleted will start a fresh game and drop in a pod.
    But it will leave all the builds there.

    Or, If you have saves, say you save every 24 hours, then you can just do a roll back 24 hours and everyone will loose everything they have done just in the last 24 hours.
    This will leave most stuff on map just last 24 hours will be lost.

    You can reboot the server and re-start the game. See if that helps.

    If you know what play field everyone is stuck in you can try deleting that playfield folder in the game save its happening in , verify game cache and restart server, see if people can then connect again.
    Any holes or underground bases will be filled in this way though and you will loose the builds in this area also.

    Good luck.
  11. Uncle Billy

    Uncle Billy Ensign

    Dec 20, 2015
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    Also, very carefully check your .yaml file if you edited it at all. It's incredibly sensitive to syntax, characters, and allowed lengths of text fields. If something's amiss, you won't get a message. You'll either just get a white window or blue window with no text or messages whatsoever and the game won't start.
  12. Reverend Tron

    Reverend Tron Ensign

    Apr 4, 2016
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    Hey everyone, I'm hoping I can get a little help setting up my server.

    I'm unable to get it to show up on the server list, but more troubling is that I'm unable to connect to it through telnet either.

    Here is my config:

    - { prop: Srv_Port, value: 30000 }
    - { prop: Srv_Name, value: WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING?! }
    - { prop: Srv_Password, value: would like this to work }
    - { prop: Srv_MaxPlayers, value: 16 }
    #- { prop: Srv_Description, value: "Server info, can contain bold text or a link." } # max chars = 127
    #- { prop: Srv_ReservePlayfields, value: 2 } # Determines the number of playfield servers that are held in reserve. For busy public servers, we recommend at least 2 (default is 1)

    - { prop: Tel_Enabled, value: true }
    - { prop: Tel_Port, value: 30004 }
    - { prop: Tel_Pwd, value: workdammit }

    I'm running on a Win 10 installation with the firewall completely off at a the moment. I'm using the nographics dedicated server and I can see the process running in the background.

    I'm using PuTTY to try and connect via telnet on, all it gives me is a "connection refused" error.

    As to the server appearing on the server list, I have ports 26900-04 and 30000-04 TCP/UDP forwarded, but I've run into wonkiness with port forwarding on watchguards before, so any suggestions would help. However I suspect there's something wrong on the server end, since I can't telnet.

    I'm probably missing something obvious, but any insight would be helpful.


    EDIT: I also just tried starting the server with the GUI and all it gave me was a blue box, no text, no nothing
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2016
  13. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    (disclaimer: I did not read all pages of this one thread, I think a single thread for all questions to be of bad format, so I'm just going to stick my post in here to get lost with the rest)

    I was wondering what is the base minimum hardware specs just to make a closed dedicated server for 2 people to play in the same survival universe?

    Port forwarding, networking, all thats the easy stuff... but what I don't know, and cannot find, is "what do you need"... hmm?

    Like, I have multiple old MacBookPro's that I could turn into windows bootable, or I have an old AMD opty rig in the closet with 2gb ram, or I have a aged i7 930 on 6gb ram... or do I need some monster rack beast with 12 cores and 120gb ram with raid drives and redundancy nic cards....?

    Just 2 people. Only 2 people.
  14. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    It looks like you have deleted a couple of spaces.
    You cant do that.
    Well you can but it wont work.

    Thats mine, working. Just tested it.

    # Dedicated server settings
    # To use your own dedicated.yaml (e.g., "MyDedicatedConfig.yaml"), add "-dedicated MyDedicatedConfig.yaml" to the corresponding batch file

    - { prop: Srv_Port, value: 30000 }
    - { prop: Srv_Name, value: piddles }
    #- { prop: Srv_Password, value: Abc }
    - { prop: Srv_MaxPlayers, value: 15 }
    #- { prop: Srv_ReservePlayfields, value: 2 } # Determines the number of playfield servers that are held in reserve. For busy public servers, we recommend at least 2 (default is 1)
    - { prop: Srv_Description, value: "This is working for me also." } # Server description shown in Server Browser, max chars = 127
    #- { prop: Srv_LoginMessage, value: "Welcome to ABC server!" } # Message shown to player on login
    #- { prop: Srv_StopPeriod, value: 48 } # All playfield servers will be automatically stopped every <n> hours real time. Players will get some warning messages before

    #- { prop: Tel_Enabled, value: true }
    #- { prop: Tel_Port, value: 30004 }
    #- { prop: Tel_Pwd, value: Abc }

    - { prop: GameName, value: works_for_me } # Determines name of the save game
    - { prop: Mode, value: 1 } # 1=Survival, 2=Creative
    - { prop: Seed, value: 2309115 } # Seed determines how the world is procedurally generated - the same seed means the same world
    - { prop: DecayTime, value: 2 } # Hours in real time after which player-built structures without core and/or less than 10 blocks get removed. 1h real time = ca 24h in game
    - { prop: WipeTime, value: 0 } # 0 = disabled. Hours in real time after which player-built structures that have not been visited by a player get removed
    - { prop: MaxStructures, value: 64 } # Set this if you want to limit max number of structures per playfield due to performance. Currently, max number must not exceed 100
    - { prop: AntiGriefDistance, value: 30 } # For PvE playfields: distance (in m) around a faction's base where no other faction's base can be built

    The best way I have found to track down YAML errors is to start from scratch and only change one line at a time and start the server after every line is changed to find the line the error is on.
    If you do this, its a little fiddly , you will find the error.

    Usually its just the deletion of one simple space that causes this.
  15. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    You will be fine with a 4 core CPU 2.5ghtz or better with 8g ram for a server for just 2 people. For such a light load on the server a faster CPU will be better than one with more cores. So if you had an 8 core at 1.6ghtz and a 4 core at 2.2ghtz the 4 core will run it better for just 2 people.
    Your not likely to hit the RAM limit at 8 gigs with 2 people unless you both build massive cities everywhere.
    Frigidman likes this.
  16. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    Ah, ok. So 8gb is the minimum though, even if its running in dedicated (no graphics) mode? Hmm. Well, that rules out every spare computer I have in the closets lol!
  17. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    Demanding little game for 2 people.
  18. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    You could try it with 4 but I dont hold much hope for stability with just 4 gigs of RAM, 6 might be ok. If you have the rig just sitting there you might as well test it at least. If it isnt going to cost you anything but time.
  19. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    Hm. I'll try it out on the old 6gb rig then. I mean, this rig (see sig) runs EGS flawlessly in full play mode (not dedicated server command line mode)... and I never see ram go above 4gb used... unlike some other game... *cough* ... which eats all my ram, pagefile, and then shreds the HDD and crashes.
  20. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    You going to just use it as a server? And play on a different machine?
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