
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. upsetkiller

    upsetkiller Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    As for the last few patches , One thing that is hampering the PVP experience is the inability to loot Backpacks . This seriously hampers pvp play as well as punishing a few kids that come on the server and kill for fun . Looting backpack enabled us to kill the troll and confiscate guns and apart from that it makes base raiding useless as most people would save their resources in their backpacks
  2. Ehta

    Ehta Commander

    Feb 10, 2016
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    Not quite sure where this belongs to as it's not part of the basic GUI used for the game itself, but rather general GUI used in menus. Currently there is no "create multiplayer game" or "host server" button so I think many of new players are either starting up as we did, by making a singleplayer game and then just joining it using direct IP.

    Since this P2P play is not currently supported and making dedicated server takes up reading wiki article and/or guides outside of the game, it may affect the numbers of new players finding the game and staying because making server for a few man co-op party takes either considerable effort or using non supported format, which leads into a few problems.

    1st immediate problem when creating game via P2P process is that only original player will get escape pod, so there will only be 1 set of basic equipment regardless of how many players there are.

    2nd problem will be the turret bug as described here

    That's all downsides we've discovered so far, but the main thing is: starting a new multiplayer game is quite hard to do atm, which might discourage new players coming into the game from continuing playing. I know there's plenty of good dedicated servers out there and how to start your own even, but when we first started to play we wanted to make a tiny world of our own to get used to the mechanics of the game itself, to explore and build. So we used the P2P method because that's all we could find. So either enabling steam "click to join game" and making every new player come into server on their own escape pod or "create new multiplayer game" button in multiplayer menu would be greatly appreciated.
    redbaron and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  3. Dionysos

    Dionysos Commander

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Since i'm waiting for the Multiplayer Server to update some quick thoughts on the single player Alpha so far. In depth testing will have to wait till tomorrow:

    New Akua looks way better in some regions. Exceptions are mountain areas - the sparse tree line doesnt fit into the scenery. The Water blue is nice but the reflection looks way to artificial.
    PC performance got some issues. Dinosaurs and popping up vegetation seem to cause micro lags - which didnt happen in pre alpha. Lower gfx settings seem to have no effect.

    @Drones and Balancing:
    Hughe step back. I liked the old look of the drones better - but thats debatable. The current look is more like "borderland" comic style which doesnt fit to the game imo.
    The worst thing ist that the ai seem to be more retarded than before. I engaged cannon and mini gun drones. They hit now and then but most of the time i stand in front of em and they miss. Also the flight path seems messier. Seen some drones which cant fly aound wrecks or trees and get kind of stuck.
    Also: Do they try to use cover? - I recognise a drop in hight now and then when i fire on em. It looks dull and i'm not sure if there are problems with the flight path/keeping altitude or if its part of the movement. Some drones have very long and weired flight path when they got killed - 1 drone wreck looked like matrix slomo to me till it touched the ground.

    Needs work. Just compare the damage new Dinos do - you get a full blow + bleeding damage and they are way to fast for their size. Beside that the loot eg meat has the same size like the small ones have... and they look way to artificial.
    So here you have major damage compared to eg drones which dont hit and do nearly none damage. Also compared to fall damage. Jumping without jetpack from the CV wreck or high mountains does nearly none damage especially compared to the big dinos.

    Well now thers a "noble savage" on Akua - but whats the purpose? It seem you cant interact and the animation is awful. Instead of bad animations you better do none or virtual population. The spear attack looks like a bad joke and feels like playing one of those scam games on steam. I can live with the bad ai look we had in alien bases because i thought of place holders but thers no need to put more bad animated pvs into the game especially when they have no function.

    @New Survival Capsule:
    Looks nice and the opportunity to steer is a great addition. But would it be possible to start the capsule scene a bit earlier? Like when entering the atmosphere? I thought about giving the opportunity to select the landing spot a bit more carefully eg in terms of resources near by. Steering is nice and the capsule is no jet but a bit more of a choice in terms of landing radius would be great.

    @Single player deaths:
    As i enganged the jurassic park i died. Choosing New Spawn on the same planet leaves you with no resources. Is that a bug or feature?
    Why then not start a new game when you get full ammo/metal bars instead of none or 20 bullets? Makes no sense to have this option that way.
    I also dont get why still the "loosing inventory" when die thing is here. Empyrion is no dark souls, path of exile or similar games where you have to master movement and get punished in terms of exp or inventory loss. I dont see a logical connection the the game mechanic. And thers the option to spawn where you died so i dont see the advantage.

    Just tried a short mining session and it lookes to me like thers still the T-hammering for picking up ore. Please tell me i missed something! Patch notes tell me about a lot of thoughts to impove ui and building experience and a mass pickup for ore right at start would be great to avoid hurting my fingers. - Putting a T2 drill in just for this purpose is just not enough. A T2 should produce larger chunks/reduce mining time and not completely eliminate the pickup or leave u with the dull and physically exausting mass pick while T1 mining. A good ui also produces less or no stress for your body and fingers so pls overhaul!

    Beside that im eager to see what else the alpha has to offer and your patch list looks promising!
    Your still doing a good job in flushing out new versions - not like other devs who want to stay forever in early access. I really have the feeling you walk forward. Communication is also great. Well there are hollywood trailers but in your announcements you always get a good picture about the upcoming features and flaws which are still there. I like that very much!
  4. Sectiplave

    Sectiplave Ensign

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Thoughts on Alpha and patch so far (keep in mind I haven't played in 3-4 months before Alpha was released);
    • Absolutely loving the added plant life and sounds, the planets feel more alive now. Noticed Akua has bird sounds 24/7, sounds of out place at night time.
    • The T2 drill is so damn good that it should be standard! Auto collect helps ore gathering feel less tedious. Ore gathering is a boring task so this is a step in the right direction, it's something 7 Days 2 Die implemented and it was widely positively received by players as being something that helps make gameplay enjoyable.
    • Resource balance still needs tuning, I've used more iron creating metal pieces than creating a small CV. However Neodym, Sathium, Eres and Zacos you'll only use a handful to build what you need from it. It'd be a large rework, but try work these in more to T2 or higher level items?
    • Speaking of resources, with POI looting you actually never NEED to leave Akua to have top-tier constructors, drill, and weapons. Reworking resources use would extend the mid game and encourage exploring the solar system. This delays reaching the end game point all open world building games suffer from where the player hits that wall of "well, what do I do now?"
    • Re-spawning enemies can be brutal in SP, Crog have sniper accuracy unlike drones, so by the time you've reloaded and patched up with a med kit, more have spawned. The alternative is shooting the floors out and farming them which makes food and med kits a near infinite resource. Infinite spawning pads wasn't the right direction IMO, fixing the spawning positioning and AI pathing would be more useful.
    • Disconnected model design, the new flying drones and armored golem look very colourful and out of place compared to the more gritty and realistic Crog, Crog dogs and defense drones.
    All in all I really like the direction things are going, the modular building system and range of shapes, textures and colours available is great, this is the core of the game and it's handled really well.

    The areas that required further development is survival, XP system, and resource balance, as well as the player and enemy animations. One of the main things to note, is that slow moving melee enemies are not a real threat to the player, woodwalkers and armored golems are very easy to kite and kill, all they effectively do is drain bullets which drains iron.

    I dislike being the person to come and post about how I think you should make your game, I'm aware your decisions are based on what you can get the most out of for your time, just my thoughts on what would make the experience more paletable to new players and SP players.
  5. Domo

    Domo Ensign

    Aug 15, 2015
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    The save/load/backup system is one of the worst Ive ever seen in a game.

    Dont get me wrong. I love the game. But this feature starting to annoying me.
    Why isnt ther a typical, regular, normal save/load option?
    Why do I have to leave the game and make a backup?
    Why do I have to leave the game to load a game at all?
    Grodi and Frigidman like this.
  6. Bansheedragon

    Bansheedragon Commander

    Mar 31, 2016
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    Not sure where this belongs, so this is probably the best place to put it.
    I really like the new texture and symbol tool, but there is one thing I miss.

    I would like to be able to write both smaller and bigger texts.
    I would like to be able to write a word or two over 1-2 blocks instead of having to write one letter per block, this would be useful to make "signs" to tell people what is where.
    I would like to be able to write really big letters that fills multiple tiles so you can see them from the air, I for one would find this useful to mark landing pads for ships by my base.
  7. Grodi

    Grodi Ensign

    Mar 30, 2016
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    Right, first the apologies :
    1) My bad English, grammer and spelling.
    2) If this is posted in the wrong place.
    3) I tend to ramble on.

    So the patch today 22/04/16 introduced the Improved Device Management - I can not see why it was put in and to me this breaks the game in quite a serious way.. and possibly even more for the PvP side which I don't take part in.

    In creative mode I placed a Generator, Fuel Tank and Adv Constructer onto a new base and wrapped them all up in over 500 hardened steel blocks with no gaps. Just by standing on top this monolith I was able to directly access, move items to and from both containers. I have not tried this is Survival, I assume, and as the patch notes did not point otherwise, it works the same.

    This to me is a serious issue of both realism and gameplay, maybe even enough to put me off playing - I would be interested to know the in game logic

    "you can access the cocooned containers because the 18 layers of hardened steel blocks have micro conveyor belt systems built in that nanomises the atoms and teletransmoves it..."

    You get the idea. So why was this implemented this way and will there be any refinment to the workings.. the idea of my Canned meat being teleported from a Fridge thats 100m across my base and 2 floors up into my inventory is mad.
    Anyways.. Great Game! :)
    Flermpick and Frigidman like this.
  8. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    It's the Future dude, we SHOULD get to be able to do cool things 4 centuries from now that we can't do today imho. :)
    Frigidman and redbaron like this.
  9. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    Although I do agree on all points...

    There is one thing you should know: You don't have to use that Access button in the control panel. Its not a requirement to be used in any kind of game.

    Personally I don't ever see myself using it. If I do, its during an act of laziness where I needed just 1 of something, and didnt wanna run 200 m to the other side to my constructor to get it. But I see that being a rare case ;) At least the ability is there.
    Grodi and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  10. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Plus the new Feature did not enable Reloading Turrets from Vehicle Cockpit so it's a total Negated Moment of Awesome anyway. :(
    Grodi, Asheira and Frigidman like this.
  11. Grodi

    Grodi Ensign

    Mar 30, 2016
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    You are right, there is no requirement to use it. It just seems that in a game where from my relatively short 100hrs experience almost everything seems so well thought through and implemented sensibly this, lazy game mechanic, was chucked in last minute without much forethought.

    I am new to the game and newer to the community so was this a feature that was requested by players? Do you think this might be the start of something like the 'other game' conveyor system?

    I hope with the turret control they think more about the ingame mechanics of how it might work irl. I would like to see maybe the use of a control computer, put one of the deco stations to use. So that if you want to take control of a turret you leg it to the nearest computer terminal, access it to gain a view much like the players drone - but from the turret POV (1st or 3rd person) and then some function to cycle though available weapons on your base.

    Anyways, as before great game and on reflection nothing near serious enough to stop me playing :)
  12. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    I personally never saw the thread asking for it, but I guess it was requested by someone or some influential group. Probably those who make monster sized ships in Creative Mode (where there really are no rules already), and were tired of running 100m end to end filling tanks and opening five hundred containers due to their oversized creation.

    I agree, turret systems would benefit by an 'interior access point' (a special seat/panel like drone operators use IRL), but not 'just anywhere from the control panel ui'.

    Last night we poked some holes in our CV to see the 'bottom' of our outside turrets, so we could access them from inside the ship. It works, they act like access points you would see in like Star Wars lol. But yeah, some operator seats would be pretty cool, cause then you could also see who is manning which turret.
    redbaron and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  13. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Fully agreed. Those Console Decos need to quit being Decos & start being actually useful imho. :)
    redbaron and Frigidman like this.
  14. Treacherous Tim

    Treacherous Tim Ensign

    Nov 29, 2015
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    I can truly appreciate the things that get added with each new update and quite enjoy the game. I would however really ask that we can put more than one warp drive fuel tank on a ship. I love the idea of using special pentaxit crystals but you can only fit 25 in your tank. 25 pentaxit is the equivalent of traveling 25 AU. I deal with a server in which I have a custom solar system as everyone expands more planets get added that are all spaced out and the distance could easily get up to 25 AU or more. So then one would have to travel to an in between system fill it up and then jump again.

    Other than that great game!
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  15. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Ever since the server statistics and settings are shown on the right hand side of the server browser, I have had 3 times the traffic to my dedicated server, it is a great feature to have and if it could be expanded to include even more info would be cool, but even as it is now, its an awesome effort devs, thank you very much.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  16. SS Stark Hydra

    SS Stark Hydra Ensign

    May 14, 2016
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    Could you please fix where if im in a faction i can set my thing to private and not get shot by my own faction turrets. I would like to have my own personal storage base without my faction looking through it.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  17. Kannen2711

    Kannen2711 Lieutenant

    May 16, 2016
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    I hope you guys plan on adding some super difficult planets or alien bases.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  18. Olegs

    Olegs Commander

    Apr 16, 2016
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    It would be great to see in the game new beds, showers and toilets specially for CV. I think it would give more futuristic view! At the moment medic station and clone chamber can be interpreted like a sleeping capsules.
    Frankyln likes this.
  19. WesWes

    WesWes Ensign

    May 19, 2016
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    First off I just purchased this game. Pretty much went into it blind. I was playing co op with a friend on a server I was hosting on my local pc. We ran across an abandoned mine shaft. Everything about out expeience was awesome. Finding out that we had to break the spawners, destroy the core, that we could turn it into our base was amazing.

    I've played a ton of rust, minecraft, 7 days to die etc etc and we've never had this much fun in a Pve setting. Thanks so much!!!!
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  20. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    WesWes & your bud, welcome to Empyrion & its Forums. :)

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