Turrets stop firing after a while

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Splendid gentleman, Jul 29, 2020.

  1. Splendid gentleman

    Splendid gentleman Lieutenant

    Jun 30, 2020
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    any body else had this?

    you get jumped by around 20 space drones, after a couple mins the turrets just stop firing on them. still have ammo etc... what gives?

    also, managed to kite one of them while firing rockets at it manually. 4 rockets per salvo so hit it directly with at least 16-20 rockets and its bloody invincible!

    any ideas?

    were MP - reforged eden dedi server thru low.ms if that helps. (not had this problem since the drone update the other day.
  2. Darksynapse

    Darksynapse Lieutenant

    Apr 20, 2017
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    This has been an issue ever since the game was first made. You can stand right in front of turrets/drones and sometimes and they won't shoot at you.

    I've ran past turrets inside POI's and didn't even notice them until they shot at me later on.
  3. Splendid gentleman

    Splendid gentleman Lieutenant

    Jun 30, 2020
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    yup were having that issue as well. the enemy sentries work fine, but the main base turrets wont fire. (this is reforged edens dome-style turrets) vanilla game works fine, in SP anyway.

    main issue here is the fact our CV turrets stop firing and tracking enemy drones after a while, leaving those super quick drones to pick at your shields and not allow you to warp off, until you die.

    We've had to stop our exploration of space until this starts working again..
  4. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    sometimes if you log off and log back in they start working again. Sometimes if you can switch playfields and back and they work again. sometimes nothing works.
  5. Splendid gentleman

    Splendid gentleman Lieutenant

    Jun 30, 2020
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    yeah we thought that might be the case.. cant really log off when youre on a dedi server though. come back to a big 'splosion :(

    meh as long as theyre aware of it, im sure devs will fix it quickly enough
  6. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    look at my signup date to this forum. The issue with turrets has been there since before that.
  7. Splendid gentleman

    Splendid gentleman Lieutenant

    Jun 30, 2020
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    It seemed to work fine until a few days ago.. i think the update before last may have caused it simply due to the timing.
    Enemy base turrets dont fire on us either, but the main, game breaking issue here is the space drones.

    Mostly in legacy space when a swarm suddenly appears.

    I mentioned it in the reforged eden dicussion and vermillion reckons its an issue with the main game rather than the scenario.
  8. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I suggest the OP writes a Bug Report, includes a use Case, a how to re produce it, step by step and eventually include a video that shows it happening.
    The Moderators stated several times that even if was already reported it helps to nail the problem down if more reports being done.
    The "how to reproduce" Thing is the most important part of all Bug Reports. If there is no way to reproduce the Bug even with a marginal chance a solution might not be found. Even after Years happening.
  9. TechieZero

    TechieZero Ensign

    Jul 1, 2020
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    This all sounds great and I agree --- however, the use case would be something like,

    1. Explore Space with your CV.
    2. Encounter a carrier or something that throws a bunch of drones on you.
    3. Play game until turrets stop firing at drones --- there it is.
  10. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Don't explain it to me.;)

    If that "sounds great" to you why not step over to the Bug report section and post how to recreate the issue?
    I am neither a Developer nor a Moderator.:rolleyes:
    dichebach and Kassonnade like this.
  11. fa_q2

    fa_q2 Commander

    Oct 30, 2019
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    Likely because the 'play until it happens' is generally ignored by devs.

    I have had this problem with many bugs here and in 7 days - bugs that I can reliably and easily reproduce... after a few hours of game play. Always get the same response - cannot reliably reproduce. Not much a player really can do for those specific type of bugs.

    Not sure if that really applies here though, just sayin that is a common problem for me when reporting some of those pesky bugs that happen a lot but take a lot of times to reproduce.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  12. Splendid gentleman

    Splendid gentleman Lieutenant

    Jun 30, 2020
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    As advised, i submitted a bug report, dev came back with anupdate within the hour and the bug has been marked as fixed in the next update.

    So thanks dude, sage advice!
    Germanicus and Kassonnade like this.
  13. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    have seen that 4-5 times for this bug since I started playing
    dichebach likes this.
  14. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    And how often did you write a bug report yourself about it?;):p
    dichebach and Kassonnade like this.
  15. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    when I first started I did one, only to be told "known issue" so I do not anymore for this issue.
    dichebach likes this.
  16. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    "Known issue" does not mean you are not allowed to remind them of their oversight.
    But lets see if the FIX is now working:)
    dichebach likes this.
  17. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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  18. BiffRoders

    BiffRoders Lieutenant

    Feb 6, 2020
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    This issue of turrets that stop firing is still occurring if not getting worse. Logging off, then back on works but only for a short time. Is there any updates on this one.
  19. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Turrets have been near broken for too long now and it's proving to be a real show-stopper in many instances. They've always been sluggish to respond - generally getting worse the longer the session - when it comes to initially targetting something. They'll then take an age to switch to the next target. More recently, I've noticed them hesitating while engaging one target. I.e. they'll fire a couple of shots - pause for a few seconds - fire a couple more at the same target before pausing again and repeat. This is on an HV with Minigun turrets that are shooting at Zirax Troops. Turrets have perfect LoS at all times.

    I'll go as far to say that this is truly game-breaking at times as it effects gameplay hugely. I might be in my Base with Drones incoming, yet my turrets fail to fire in a timely manner and I take damage / die. Or the first Drone of a group is taken care of, but subsequent Drones get ignored for 20 seconds - which is too long. Things that should be near zero threat become dangerous purely because Turrets are not working.

    I had a CV parked near a POI I was raiding, the CV's Minigun and Sentry Turrets (supposedly) covering me. Sure, they'd take pot-shots at the odd enemy that appeared (POI with many external Spawners) but if two or more spawned in (which they did, constantly) most would be ignored, negating the CV covering me. It's sorta funny that a handful of Laser Zirax can be a genuine threat to a shielded CV purely because the CV chooses not to shoot back!

    Note: much evidence is out there of turrets failing. Eleon have (valid request) asked for save game evidence of this as well, however, that's not possible. Many a time I've been in a situation when my HV / CV / Base Turrets have largely stopped firing so I make a save. Upon reloading that save, they start working instantly so, the save is not saving the actual game-state in this regard and the issue cannot be demonstrated in this way.

    I hope they can get to the bottom of this as is totally negates the (potential) capabilities of vessels with many turrets.

    Note: I don't know about others, but turrets seem to be better / worse in certain scenarios. For example, the Minigun Turrets on my CV are generally fairly responsive when it comes to engaging space Drones, they also switch targets faster. They're also not too bad vs. planetary Drones - better than my BA oddly. However, they are TERRIBLE when it comes to shooting the Turrets on POI's when given that priority. They're slow to initially engage and even slower to switch to the next turret. The worst though seems to be my HV's Minigun turrets shooting at troops / critters, they simply cannot keep even a well-shielded HV safe from a small group due to rarely firing.

    Note 2: While Turrets are indeed generally more responsive vs. space drones for me, this responsiveness does still degrade over time and Drones can end up being ignored after long enough. I've often been caught out in situations where my CV should be guarding me while mining an asteroid manually (earlyish game) and my first warning of a Drone is being shot. CV Turret remain silent. This is a Single Player RE game FYI.

    I don't think turret targetting is particularly sophisticated, LoS calculations are limited and they'll shoot through a target at an obscured, but closer, Turret on that target rather than one further away, actively shooting with full LoS. LoS works in regards to a Turret not shooting through it's own structure. I.e. a CV Turret should never shoot the CV it's mounted on, full LoS works in this regard, just not on the target object. With this in mind, I don't understand why they can be so unresponsive. It must be, at least in part, bug related due to how they get worse the longer the play session.

    I don't mean to rant, but this has been a known issue for a while, is a core game mechanic, and has ruined many an otherwise fun enemy encounter.

  20. BiffRoders

    BiffRoders Lieutenant

    Feb 6, 2020
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    Seems to affects Plasma, auto cannon and artillery. HV or CV or BA
    Does not affect or no where near as much for Auto gun and missiles.
    For BA I had Auto cannon defense, Zirax sent forth their drones against my base and the cannons did not even move (target options were set to fire on NPC, drones etc). They at least worked before this latest update, in fact the turret issue in general got alot worse in this last update. They would fire on what ever was set for, for 10 to 20 seconds then stop. Move around and the affected diseased turrets will twitch like Max Headroom in a stuck loop while the last remaining working turret will haplessly ping away at a POI with no effect on it's shields.
    (Edit) Sorry. 90% of the time this is not an issue, the targets present normally the turrets work fine. It's only when there is an expended battel and or a target rich enviroment.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2021

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