A Bit Of Fun Before V1.0 Release

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mark117h, Aug 4, 2020.

  1. mark117h

    mark117h Ensign

    Jun 27, 2019
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    Hi Everyone.

    This thread is mainly for having a bit of fun & going to be all about what do you see when you are out and about in the real world that can remind you of Empyrion Galactic Survival.

    It could be anything from a building looking like a constructor, or, it could be some sounds that you might hear when you are out and about.

    Lets see what some of you have got, ill start with a few images that i got when out walking my dog around the farmers fields where i live.
    In this one particular field when i am some 100 meters away from the plant it reminds me of the food/plant you use for protein to make the food bars, mainly because it is brown like the plant protein plant.

    IMG_20200802_121833.jpg IMG_20200802_121921.jpg IMG_20200802_122021.jpg IMG_20200802_121833.jpg IMG_20200802_121921.jpg IMG_20200802_122021.jpg
    I've also seen some fungi that looks very similar to the Yellow Bud's Plant in game.

    IMG_20200802_122955.jpg IMG_20200802_123012.jpg IMG_20200802_123016.jpg

    Lets have some fun why we wait for the release of V1.0 & see what everyone else might probably see or tell us about a sound you might be able to hear that reminds you of playing Empyrion - Galactic survival.

    OK, as a side note and this has nothing to do with the thread in general, but i would just like to point out that a lot of people have been getting very vocal if not threating or making allegations of Eleon lying on this forum and on about it reporting and lying on steams forum too, so i felt the need to add this in to voice my own opinion on the matter.

    Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access ?
    “We are planning to be in Early Access until the game is complete.”

    What i have noticed a lot with the people that are complaining the most and making the most noise is that they are seeming to get a little transfixed on the paragraph' “We are planning to be in Early Access until the game is complete.”

    All i can say to that is that i think the people that are going on one over the V1.0 release are to busy looking and reading the last part, you know, about being in it until the game is complete, however what they are really missing is the main part right at the beginning where they say We Are "PLANNING" emphasis is on the "PLANNING" part of the steam store page EA Statement .

    You see, as we all know, a game in Early Access can and will change, sometimes for the better sometimes maybe not, either way i don't see the point in what some people have been trying to achieve by saying that Eleon have and are lying and that we should report it on steam and the like, i don't believe this to be fair to the Eleon team from what i have observed from my time in game and on the steam forum & the Empyrion forums, if anything, all i have seen and read is that Eleon is one helluva dedicated team of about 6 guys, so it doesn't hurt to cut the guys/gals some slack, sometimes you are just not gonna please everyone, and that is where the rub is.

    Peace Out To All
    Steam Name: mark117h
    KRanKO5, ravien_ff, Myrmidon and 3 others like this.
  2. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Beautiful landscape! Ireland?
    ravien_ff likes this.
  3. Don't Panic

    Don't Panic Commander

    Jul 5, 2019
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    A bit of fun is good, but unfortunately I have no comparison to the real world.

    Just a few old screenshots from Alpha 7, where a friend was offline and we pimped his SV and Starter Base. It exploded after being online again LoL.:D:D:D

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Aug 4, 2020
    Spoon, stanley bourdon and mark117h like this.
  4. mark117h

    mark117h Ensign

    Jun 27, 2019
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    Hi dichebach.
    Thank you, it is actually in England, Nottinghamshire, where i live we have some beautiful views of the farmers fields and woods, i am always out with my camera and or drone taking it all in, only issue now is we have got some kind of development happening in one of the farmers fields which is smack bang in front of where we are living, so more than likely we will have a Tesco Express along with some other building's being built there within the next say couple of years, its a shame really as we have got some lovely Kestrels that we have seen for the last few years using the fields and surrounding area's to hunt & breed.

    We have also seen a few fox's, my missus saw a female doe at about 5:30 in morning about the time when the corona virus was starting to ramp up, i saw a badger in the top field and i think i found his little entrance hole, was thinking of sticking a small nature cam nearby to see if i can see how the badgers doing.
  5. mark117h

    mark117h Ensign

    Jun 27, 2019
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    Hi Don't Panic.
    Wicked, i bet your mate loved you after that lol.
    dichebach and Don't Panic like this.
  6. Don't Panic

    Don't Panic Commander

    Jul 5, 2019
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    Oh yes, he wasn't amused.:rolleyes:
    mark117h and stanley bourdon like this.
  7. Don't Panic

    Don't Panic Commander

    Jul 5, 2019
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    Hi mark
    nice landscape, reminds me of Ireland, where I was often, what I always missed are forests.
    Probably because I am German and Germans always miss forests Lol.
    mark117h and stanley bourdon like this.
  8. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    The view outside my window includes this butterfly bush (buddleia davidii) which has clusters of purple flowers that bear a striking resemblance to the Akua berry. A native of China that is adapted to low nutrient soil and intermittent watering, the plant is declared a class B invasive noxious weed in Washinton state with sales prohibited since 2016. I'll be deadheading this one in a few weeks (seed spread is in winter/early spring) because as it's name suggests it attracts lots of butterflies, bees, and humming birds and other than cutting it back and bagging I can totally ignore it as far as care 'n feeding.
    mark117h likes this.
  9. MokahTGS

    MokahTGS Lieutenant

    Jun 4, 2019
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    Those in-game textures are amazing. So life-like.
    imlarry425 and mark117h like this.

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