
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Brain_Dawgs

    Brain_Dawgs Ensign

    Nov 25, 2015
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    That I can't answer precisely. I know that starmade seemed to have this particular mechanic working well enough, but I don't know how they did that.
  2. Dionysos

    Dionysos Commander

    Jan 24, 2016
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    - Guns need auto reload :p

    - A Visual help for firing arcs/ranges would be nice when it comes to ship building
    - virtual simulator to test ship combat would be nice to save resources :p

    - Turrets! I Love em! Make even more variations and put even more barrels on em :p

    - More turret options like only defend, focus on cap ships, save ammo (salvo vs continuous firing), etc.

    - Damage spread/diffent gun precisions or different ammo classes like he/ap might be worth a thought

    - Front and Wing based weapons need a better convergence/tracking

    - Missiles need autolock + u may seperate between dumpfire and homing variants

    - alien ai is still very very basic and 2 or more aliens tend to spawn in the same spot

    - beside firing rate and a litte range there is not much difference between eg sniper and assault rifle; dont know yet but the weapon use may need some sort of specialisation

    - Scopes seem to freez game in some situations for a short periode
  3. GlassDeviant

    GlassDeviant Commander

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Oh, yes!

    This is worth saying twice: Oh, yes!

    At least fifteen barrels! With extra little ones on the sides!
  4. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I'd love this so much. Creative Mode can only let you see how your Weapons align with your Crosshairs & check out how the guns themselves actually work both in how they fire & their aesthetics. Can't actually test them vs actual enemies, not even dummy ones, at this time.

    Priority 1: How the freaking buggers is a SINGLE more Clip Size on the Rocket Launcher Tier 2 ever supposed to be enough of a Upgrade, especially when it's PUNISHED for this with a hell of a nerf to its Reload time!? This needs fixed hard! I gotta better idea: How about the T2 has the 1 more Clip Size & the same reload speed as the Tier 1, & if you're shy about giving it higher damage then the T1 Rockets, at least give the T2 Rockets a faster traveling velocity + maybe 50 Meters more Max Range over the T1 Rocket Launcher.

    I'm torn on the possible gun auto-reload... on the one hand it'd give ya faster re-ability to fire the gun, but on the other hand, reloading compromises your ability to switch off the gun till the reload completes, & there's times when one might wanna empty a clip then change weapon instead of reload the current one. Could also screw over Lift Pizza's strategy real hard cause he seems to be a big fan of the "Al Capone Trick"* & it'd be a shame to deny people playstyle options unnecessarily. Not sure what to do here. As a band aid fix, maybe there could be a 'Auto-Reload' Toggle in the options?

    A future addition of a T2 Minigun could be cool. It's Upgrades to its Stats over the T1 could be 10 more damage per bullet & 1.5 seconds less Reload time. Unlock Level 20 would be appropriate.

    Pulse Rifles unlock earlier then Miniguns but ya can't actually build them without leaving the Starter Planet whereas I got my Minigun built on Akua without having to leave it first... Something seems off here... & no i'm not suggesting to nerf the Minigun so ya can't build it without leaving Akua/Omicron, please don't do that. Instead, might wanna rethink the Plasma Rifle... (Maybe hide enough of those 'offworld components' for 1 Plasma Rifle in Starter Planet loot so a person could build 1 Plasma Rifle without having to leave starter world but would have to leave starter world before they could build more then one?)

    Said this in another Thread & will repeat it here, when sitting in a Cockpit of a Vehicle it'd be cool if ya could Reload your automated guns from the Cockpit rather then only your manual fire ones. It's a pain to jump out & jump into each Turret to Reload them manually between combats so ya don't risk having that Turret go into combat with like 9 Bullets left in its Clip or some such...

    Lasers (MAYBE except the Manual Fire CV Weapon Pulse Laser... maybe.) need a rework. They should be channeled bad dude damage, not theatrical slower less useful Bullets... Lasers should channel damage onto the target like the Drill channels damage onto the Rocks & Ore it attacks.

    We could use Melee Weapons even if they would just be for both funner & ammo saving hunting so we can always do something combat-wise even if we run outta Magnesium. (I personally love 2-Handed Axes.) Martial Arts would be cool too. Run outta Magnesium in the beginning of the game? Better to be able to Kung Fu those damn Plant Monsters down then to have no defense left at all anymore. Plus Martial Arts are auto-Rule of Cool. :cool: Screw "This is the Space Age"... one, a person can still use Martial Arts for useful stuff, like sneaking up behind a Soldier & downing them silently & avoiding attracting attention foolishly... two, maybe your Character was at least initially 'dabbling' in Martial Arts as a hobby & after the crash landing, it could suddenly look REAL useful to develop the Abilities better & may even lead to a decision to go hardcore at training in the arts. :)

    Any chance for Flamethrowers, maybe built with materials from Aestus?

    Will we ever get to use Aestus lava as a weapon, Minecraft Style? :p

    *Al Capone was a imfamous Mob Boss fond of the use of Tommy Guns... an ancestor of the Machine Gun... & a gun that could be a pain to reload & take a long time to. Al solved this problem by pre-packing a lot of fully loaded Tommy Guns & simply dropping an empty gun & picking up a fresh gun as needed, then Reloaded them post-combat in his Hideout... or had lackeys do it for him... though I can't imagine him trusting others then himself with something that important.
    Zedd likes this.
  5. wintah

    wintah Ensign

    Jan 25, 2016
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    Do we have any infos about the dmg system from game?

    - have we various hitzone i.g. head,body or legs
    - have we various armor on our suit or do we have armor in general
    - how is the aiming ,why i have only the red dot with scope and not in normal mode
    - do we have a realistic physic for the weapons or is it random or whatever

    and last not least where i can found infos about,the wiki show only the weapons and ammo but no more info.

  6. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    As best as I know, there's Headshots, rest of body is same zone.

    No Armor for Player. Hope we get to have it someday so I can be more of a Warrior, Warrior is my home Archetype.

    Have no clue why ya'd have only a red dot. I got a Crosshairs. Give F9 a try.

    Last one, others can answer better then I.

    Hope I was any help. :)

    Edit: I've now built & used a T2 Rocket Launcher in my Survival Game & now learned that they also have much faster firing speed compared to the T1. Despite this I still don't think the nerfed Reload Speed is at all called for, & it should still instead have at least = Reload Speed to the T1 version. It's a Upgrade over it's prior model, not a TF2 style 'sidegrade'.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2016
  7. Osfognarg

    Osfognarg Lieutenant

    Feb 17, 2016
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    Help! My ship is attacking itself! In all seriousness, are plans in the work for turrets that can tell when something is in the way of the target they're trying to hit? I have to be very careful with my turret placement to avoid wrecking my CV.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. ADustyGlommer

    ADustyGlommer Lieutenant

    Dec 26, 2015
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    I thought this was supposed to be fixed by a prior patch? On a similiar note,being able to shoot yourself with any weaponry just because you are turning left/right needs a fix. It maybe makes sense for a rocket launcher, but most weaponry should just not have that kind of behaviour. It forces weapons to be placed into sometimes awkward spots which can make protecting and aiming a pain while keeping proper balance overall, and faster projectiles wouldnt really be a bad thing anyways. Right now you don't get hit by anything if you don't want to get hit with a sv/cv.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  9. Viktuz

    Viktuz Ensign

    Feb 26, 2016
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    No no no plz hell no... I have and will always love games who make u reload, its a bit more realistic. And add so much more to gameplay, cause of reload time u need to think when to reload etc.

    With auto reload, no NO, it would make me, when I reach 0 ammo to wait (cause of reload time), before I can shoot again, without auto reload I can just swap guns fast and shoot back. So just to clarify NO hell no to auto reload :)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  10. Dionysos

    Dionysos Commander

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Well one can (not) debate how authentic and detailed the shooter element in Emp is and if the manual reloads adds to gameplay. In my opinion it doesnt add a lot - its just fun for micromanagement addicts since its a common standard i dont wanna miss. We are not talking about imersive shooter games like Stalker or Arma and even there the auto reload is a nice thing. The whole package fits well there and you have jams etc. - it simulates weapons its the goal there.

    I also can't remember where the reload made a significant difference in empyrion despite some comfort. I'm eager to the the vid on youtube where you need the timing - one might sum up as skill.

    But if you can toggle it on/off in your menu i think this solution fits to everyone. Why not care about minorities :p
  11. Viktuz

    Viktuz Ensign

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Well I have died a few times in Egs due to the reload time, it add and excitement to the play, then I just when I hit 0 in ammo on prefered weapon I can swap fast. With autoreload I would stall my self, cause It hit 0 when unloading a clip and then there aint no fast swap..

    Hope I make sense :)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  12. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    For Vehicle Weapons, especially SV Weapons, it'd be real cool if ya could switch Weapons & fire them as the weapon ya just spent your Clip on deals with its Reloading. It's done by Machine in Vehicle Weapon's case so why is the Vehicle's Interface locking you out of ability to switch Weapon Control to another weapon & using it to cover for the Weapon that's Reloading? Why is the SV's Weapons requiring you to stay locked onto that Weapon Selection in order for the Reloading to work correctly, especially when the Reloading Mechanism(s) are Machine Controlled & Automatic, only needing Pilot Command to Initiate the Reload? There's little incentive to ever use more then one single Weapon Species only on SVs... unless you're like me & favor having one Dogfighting Weapon & one 'all other jobs' Weapon... & I might be a oddball in this regard.
  13. PhiPhi

    PhiPhi Commander

    Sep 1, 2015
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    The miniguns are painfully slow, more like a hand cranked gatling gun from the 19th century, today's real life mini-guns are at 6,000 rounds per minute or more. Need to mine a lot of magnesium to keep it fed but a 1 second hit on target would be an insta kill.
    Zedd and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  14. Zedd

    Zedd Captain

    Feb 23, 2016
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    Sniper Rifle T2 does a bit too much damage for a handheld weapon. Takes down turrets with ease.

    Shotgun T2 reload time is too long but otherwise a great weapon.

    Rocket Launcher T2 - not really any better than T1, at least give it the same reload time. Would be awesome if T2 used smart missiles, and could lock on to ships/drones. This should be your weapon of choice for taking down heavy targets.

    Minigun - damage output seems too low, it should be putting out a ridiculous number of bullets, only drawback should be weight (no jetpack or running) and eats ammo like crazy.

    Laser weapons - agree with Tyrax, they shouldn't just be slower versions of bullets. Continuous damage would be good. It's a scifi game, so they should be the best weapons in the game or at least better in certain scenarios (taking out vehicles/doors?). If they are going to be slow projectiles, don't call them lasers. Lasers travel at 300,000,000 m/s give or take :D

    Overall, handheld weapons need to be weaker than SV weapons. Right now it's much more effective to get out your SV and shoot with handheld guns. Partly because it's easier to aim, but also because the damage is the same or less. e.g. Rail gun 200 vs. sniper rifle 240 :S
    PhiPhi and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  15. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Not to mention the Player Character has more HPs then the SV Cockpit & Core Block put together. :p

    Rocket Launcher T2 can rapid fire Rockets. Useful for shooting at multiple Base Turrets at once, compared to the T1 Rocket Launcher that can't spit them out fast so if 2+ Turrets are attackin ya at once ya kinda have no choice but to fire once, duck, fire once, duck, rinse & repeat. (I like attacking Bases that were stupid enough to build in/on a Mountainside then it's easy for me to foot it up the Mountain's opposite Slope & use the Mountaintop as cover.)
    Zedd and PhiPhi like this.
  16. ADustyGlommer

    ADustyGlommer Lieutenant

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Considering the ammo that snipers fire, i'm pretty certain that their purpose is supposed to be what you just described. Including smaller vehicles. The rest tho,i do agree with.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  17. Zedd

    Zedd Captain

    Feb 23, 2016
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    We'll have to agree to disagree then :D Turrets usually have at least 30cm of composite armor...that's too thick for a handheld gun.


    Aside from that, it just makes assaulting bases ridiculously easy. At least you need to get closer to use the rocket launcher.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  18. ADustyGlommer

    ADustyGlommer Lieutenant

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Considering that you can easily get into any base with nothing but a pistol, i don't think the sniper is the primary issue in that regard lol
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  19. Zedd

    Zedd Captain

    Feb 23, 2016
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    How did you get close enough to use the pistol out of interest? At 250m I can dodge the plasma and take them out with ease , but within 100m it's a lot tougher as the projectiles get much more accurate. Did you tunnel there?
  20. ADustyGlommer

    ADustyGlommer Lieutenant

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Alot of times the terrain gives you an easy access to get close. Be it a mountain or whatever, i find alot of bases placed in a way that allow easy infiltration. If they are completely in the open this doesn't apply so much, but i hardly ever find bases that don't offer any form of cover. In those cases tho, you can probably still manage by just rushing through with a sv directly to the base and use itself as cover, and then use the pistol. Either way, the fact that you more or less don't have to upgrade your weapons at all and can still take down any foe is an issue.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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