What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Cool ! Wait... what happens with the black part ?
  2. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    You have to decide if you want what's in the crate, could be ore, fuel, armor, guns, ammo it can hold up to 296,000 volume. So it could be anything. I intend to make a number of these with all different load outs. So I will never know what I'm getting in the crate. Just as I won't know what kind of CV, SV and HV they could be cheep ones or fully decked out. I will never know. I could wind up with just a chain saw and some fuel in the crate and no ships what so every.

    So have to give up the fridge, the teleport to the space station in space along with a medic station and armor locker to see what's in side. It's all owned by the traders faction. So once it's all blown up the crate belongs to you. :D
  3. icky

    icky Lieutenant

    May 15, 2016
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    finally got around to building something ive had in my head for a while. a ship showroom! my idea is that id have a few on display, but when someone wanted to buy one id just spawn a new one. theres a secure hangar in the back for safely handing over possession. it even has room for the glorious KVE Aetheria. im not typically a creator in this game, so any ideas are welcome.

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  4. Na_Palm

    Na_Palm Captain

    Mar 29, 2017
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    @RazzleWin and @icky
    That are both cool ideas!

    couldn't sleep well this night, its simply to hot .
    So i built a bit more on the front and cockpit part. Not sure about the colors she should get in the end...
    Weaponry is only a placeholder for now to mark the spots

    the Core, behind the windows will move later. That room will later be a cantine or captians room.
    And i have to find out what these new consoles can do!! Can someone of you point me in the right direction?
  5. Love Is Flash

    Love Is Flash Captain

    May 26, 2020
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    Today I ...
    I started to equip the aircraft carrier again, but another friend bought the EGS ... I'm sitting teaching =)
    Well, the outline of my classic bridge and the letter T
    I think she will stay black
  6. EternalHeathen

    EternalHeathen Captain

    Feb 15, 2019
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    Real life work was ridiculous today, so when I got home I did some rage texturing. NewGame_19_2020-08-14_21-49-20.png
    I built up the artillery cannons on the USSF Oracle a bit to give some more space between them and the bridge/medbay. This along with combat armor reinforcement will hopefully prevent large holes in the future. The vessel above it is the... fourth, fifth? iteration of a combat CV. It's primary goal is to have massive firepower, agility and speed, and be small enough to easily land on the open landing pad of the oracle, with a small profile to avoid damage during surprise post warp attacks. Trying to fit all those goals into a small package along with internal components will be fun. Rp mission is to use massive firepower to hold off enemy ships while the Oracle lands and locks down any away ships, then combat land for warp.

    NewGame_19_2020-08-14_20-29-17.png NewGame_19_2020-08-14_20-30-20.png NewGame_19_2020-08-14_20-09-45.png

    This is the visitor/diplomatic greeting section. Atrium, court, is there a correct word for this? Four rooms for longer stays. I'm trying to stay lighter on texturing and colors with this build, but this area is intended to impress. Hence the rage texturing.
    Also finished up the conference room. Nothing I tried made the chairs fit to a large table, the size is just off. I felt better after finding a conference table in JRandalls Leviathan though. If all those awesome builders couldn't work out something better, I'll just work with it for now.
  7. Deadalready

    Deadalready Lieutenant

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Zirax attack, np hop in my tree harvester and it'll be over in a minute. GET CAUGHT ON TWIG, which goes through my HV and pins my vehicle to the ground unable to move or dodge as drones blow up my HV with me unable to react -_-

    Turrets do their job but unnecessary heavy damage done...

    20200815140337_1.jpg 20200815140351_1.jpg
  8. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Did you check if your Top Mounted Turrets - behind the T - are able to shoot straight? Sometimes those thin Blocks prevent Turrets from firing on a Target straight ahead as they perform like full Blocks. You'll get than this ominous message "no Ammo" which is of course BS, but it tells you most of the time they have no LOS.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2020
  9. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Worked on my T2 defensive CV, upgrade to T3. Determined that the T2 was pushing the two generators a bit too close for comfort so I added a third. To test that I had sufficient generators even after planned upgrades, I did a quick update to T3 of the WIP and then did a test flight to push the power system.

    Here's the WIP in progress. The hull covered in turrets in the T3 upgrade. It includes a few additional thrusters as well which should allow the T3 to take on higher gravity worlds, perhaps up to 5 g's? I still have a lot of interior work to do so it will get heavier and might slip from being 5 g capable fully upgraded.

    A12 Creative_2020-08-15_01-57-33.png
  10. Love Is Flash

    Love Is Flash Captain

    May 26, 2020
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    okay, I'll check it in the evening =) well, and actually the angle of fire of the turrets will still not be quite parallel to the ship's hull ... although ... in short, I'll check it, but there I will think there are theoretically two more places where I can make T
    really not so epic.

    ah, I have the same problem with tables, I want to make a semi-object large and then you realize that you turn into a very short person next to such a table. And half-blocks are not an option?
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2020
    dpburke2 likes this.
  11. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    One way or another we all find our way the famous Wedge Shape to have a maximized "Forward Firepower"....;):D
    dpburke2 likes this.
  12. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Is the outer Hull of the Vessel one or more layer of CS? If more than one layer try to use a in-lay look with half blocks?
    EternalHeathen likes this.
  13. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I just had an Idea: how about heavy frameless windows, as the are appear to be positioned in the middle of the Blocks? May be adding thin half blocks to the edges like supports?
  14. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Noodling with sector and galaxy parameters...


    Look at this... space ! Stars ! No more %#$@$ kaleidoscopic nebulas !

    Last edited: Aug 15, 2020
  15. EternalHeathen

    EternalHeathen Captain

    Feb 15, 2019
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    @Germanicus for the win! Woke up this morning, saw your idea, and tried it out. The Heavy windows look much less awkward. Half and thin blocks still end up overshooting the edge, but for a nice clean look the railings can cap the table off. Now I just need more heavy window shapes to pull off an angled table... or a full redesign of that room.

    Here's some pictures from trying it out, could work out real well for you. At least on CV's, the round pilot chair and the (now-sittable) office chairs have the best sitting height to match the glass table. The passenger chairs still put you a bit low.
    NewGame_19_2020-08-15_06-08-24.png NewGame_19_2020-08-15_06-08-00.png NewGame_19_2020-08-15_06-07-44.png NewGame_19_2020-08-15_06-06-22.png NewGame_19_2020-08-15_06-06-03.png NewGame_19_2020-08-15_06-05-42.png

    For an angled table, now I'm thinking with the railings and some crazy lcd work an angled table could potentially be created. So I'm gonna have to learn how to do crazy lcd work.
    Edit: due to forgetting this picture, heavy window table with railing legs in background.
  16. Love Is Flash

    Love Is Flash Captain

    May 26, 2020
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    Yes, after all, a thin plate is also considered a complete block - f*cking nonsense ...
    But it seems to me that this will not be a strong problem for turrets :)

    As for the layers of armor ... I'm not making it for pvp, but it can be made very thick as Momo loves;)
    depending on the location of the block, this is either a full block or a ramp or two ramps combined into one block
    the weakest point is the hangar, but what a hangar! =) there are everywhere 1 - 1.5 blocks
    otherwise 1.5 - 3
    special places are simply laid by blocks of combat armor:p
  17. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Actually, the vessel is using that wedge shape front, back, and sides. As I said, a defensive CV.

    Prior to CPU, I did try some CV with a wedge of sorts for all the turrets plus the fixed guns, but most of designs would end up with "CV big butt syndrome". I have seen others make great looking CV with the wedge. It just takes me a lot of work to make a wedge that the big butt actually looks halfway decent. However, my goal with this CV was for it to start at tier 2. And since a bit butt to the vessel would mean a bigger ship and more hull to fill in the rear, well, I thought I needed to avoid the big butt syndrome my past combat CV have had. Thus, by avoiding the big butt by using a reverse wedge on the aft, it looks like the vessel may still be on target for the initial hull to stay within T2.

    Of course, one of the challenges with making it T2 with upgrades to T3 is that those shutter windows that don't block thrusters are also not airtight. So I had some "leaks" I had to find ways to plug until the intended thrusters are installed. Though perhaps my favorite part of creating the O2 seals is that the vessel uses about 3 O2 ventilators to create around 9 different O2 seals. Finding the leaks was easier once the seals were completed so that I wasn't searching the whole vessel as various regions revealed that they were airtight after all.
  18. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Working slowly but surely on the second half of the dead mission in my scenario.

    Most of it is classified but UCH Command has authorized release of this image, processed from data obtained by a weak but repeating signal somewhere in the Andromeda galaxy.
    Unknown Signal 1 (Empyrion - Galactic Survival).jpg

    More information will come.
  19. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Now noodling with Moons...


    I was a bit lazy on colors...


    With the sun...

    Last edited: Aug 16, 2020
  20. EternalHeathen

    EternalHeathen Captain

    Feb 15, 2019
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    ion_storm, Bigtoad, SGP Corp and 6 others like this.

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