What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Viktuz

    Viktuz Ensign

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Well just go to crashed ms titan or find hyperion and salvage their crop plots :) Alot faster and u gain alot more.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  2. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Alternatively ya can kill Plant Monsters on Akua for Spoiled Food. ;)

    This works too. :)

    My 2nd Survival Mode SV is done! I tried to make it look at least Dragonish, & in exchange it's one big bulky bugger that needed a ton of RCSs to be able to turn ok & even then still doesn't Q or E spin very fast. Not sure if i'm gonna try again at making a Ship based on a Creature Theme again anytime soon... damn it's hard work, & might not make for real effective Ships...:


    *Pants from the effort it took to Survival Mode this thing... all the placing, experimenting, taking stuff back out, trying other stuff, having to return to Base to restock on Blocks & rebuild stuff the SV Small Constructor was too stupid to be able to re-craft including but not limited to SV Automatic Doors yet somehow it CAN do CV/BA Automatic Doors that are bigger dudes, disliking how something was working & having to rip it back out & try something else... more then once... getting it built & test driving it & finding its Turning Capabilities completely inadequate, having to pop Blocks out & add more RCSs, finding the Turning still not good enough, having to go all the way back to Base to build a LOT more RCSs, stick more of them on, FINALLY having its turning power close enough to adequate & its weak Q & E spin speed will have to be put up with yet the involuntary Q & E spins the Mouse Turning does is more then twice as fast as the voluntary Q & E press spinnings & my hurting my brain trying to figure out how the hell that makes any sense, then giving up at it & just hoping this new Creation will be at least ok...*

    Anyone hear any word yet on any ETA on a fix for the "Real Man Bug"? How the hell is anyone supposed to experiment with stuff in Survival Mode any good? This NEEDS fixed so us Builders can experiment & build stuff in Creative without losing our Real Man-ness. :( *Especially looks in LiftPizzas's direction*

    Edit: Oh yeah, almost forgot, also FINALLY got my Tyrax Starter CV BPed for sharing, & for ya'all to stick into your Creative Mode, run around in it, & laugh at.

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    Last edited: Feb 28, 2016
    StarCitizen, Gordholm and Viktuz like this.
  3. Boss_CyAn1d3

    Boss_CyAn1d3 Commander

    Aug 10, 2015
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    uhmmm.... we hunted....

    .... like alot.

    enough to make ~40 E.Rations worth.

    then i got shot down on a solo trip on Akua over the Epislon factory...
    .... the events and how it happened are deemed "classified" <.< >.>
    Jokerace and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  4. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    How was that for you?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  5. StarCitizen

    StarCitizen Lieutenant

    Feb 14, 2016
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    I finished another ship, this one just a SV. The one its replacing took a really good pounding today while raiding alien outposts on Akua's moon, I was fighting a 5 plasma turret alien tower, doing my usual maneuvers when I backed right into the barrier surrounding the north pole for the planet, not realizing it I thought I was still moving backwards.... nope. Slam, slam, slam, BOOM BOOM, slam as the plasma cannons give me a pounding while I realize my error with the barrier and at that point I got the heck out of there, ship was so badly damaged I ended up salvaging what was left of it and rebuilt this monstrosity. My first SV with a fully enclosed cockpit, no windows, I just blocked right over it. Made a little engineering room in the mid of the ship with almost all of its components with the back of the cockpit on one side of the room which is how I get in to fly it in third person view only. Built to take a massive beating, like my Hammerhead CV this one was also made in survival mode. 8 plasma cannons, my weapon of choice so far by quite a margin. Oh and because of the fully enclosed fact, figured she could use some eyes in her paintjob ;) Cockpit is there right behind the eyes lol MadMuncher.png
  6. StarCitizen

    StarCitizen Lieutenant

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Heres the first person view from my enclosed cockpit SV and a shot of her on my CV which should be getting shared this week as I am happy with my test run for my first CV made to date, and in survival mode no less, she sure is a fun boat New-Game_11_2016-02-29_23-53-35.png

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  7. StarCitizen

    StarCitizen Lieutenant

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Today I went through the Mitsu-something shipyard in the trading post area in survival.

    Wont lie, more than anything today I am kinda holding my breath that we might see Alpha drop tonight.
  8. ADustyGlommer

    ADustyGlommer Lieutenant

    Dec 26, 2015
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    I'm holding my breath for a RCS fix. Dogfights with unresponsive/weird moving ships is a real bummer
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  9. StarCitizen

    StarCitizen Lieutenant

    Feb 14, 2016
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    I find that I am not having any problems with the RCS modules. I find they have a radius sort of like the gravity generator. I had three in my Hammerhead CV to start, was brutal on the turning to the left or right, spinning wasnt bad, added one more RCS to the back end of the ship and she flies like a charm now, I have 4 of them placed in a straight line down the middle of my CV spaced around 20-25 blocks apart a piece and she flies awesome now. Had to do the same thing with the RCS modules when making any larger sized SVs too.
  10. StarCitizen

    StarCitizen Lieutenant

    Feb 14, 2016
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    With just the initial three RCS in my CV I would have to move my mouse all the way to the side just to get the ship to turn about a 5 degree amount. Now I mouse slightly to either side and she starts moving that way and doesnt stop. Spins great too.
  11. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    Don't you just love that barrier. The very first time I flew into space I hit that thing. Had no idea what the hell it was. Crashed and dame near wrecked my old escape vehicle. Wish the game still had them instead of the escape pod thing.
  12. ADustyGlommer

    ADustyGlommer Lieutenant

    Dec 26, 2015
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    The moment i add more than 1 RCS to any small nimble sv, it starts stuttering when turning quite alot, causing it to abruptly stop midturn, which makes pvp pretty much impossible to do if the opponent doenst face the same problem. Due to that,i kinda had to limit myself to very small fighters. Just one example.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  13. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    Took on the mining camp last night. I was shooting and dodging there defense fire. Then I lost power and dropped to the surface in my SV fighter craft. 5 drones and base fire was killing me. I rotated though 5 sets of fire arms to defend my self. It was just to much. All was lost. Luckily I had just done a backup. Loaded up the backup. While checking out my SV fighter I found out why my ship fell from the sky and died. The craft only had one cell of fuel. My bad lol it was fun though.
    Tyrax Lightning and Rayah like this.
  14. StarCitizen

    StarCitizen Lieutenant

    Feb 14, 2016
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    I have a feeling I know what your problem with the RCS modules is. Could be wrong but I figure its worth a stab. My first vehicles I made I made the mistake of rotating the RCS modules. DO NOT ROTATE THEM, DO NOT SPIN THEM UPSIDE DOWN, when you put them onto your hotkey bar do not move them at all before you place them. Ever. I found that was causing my ship to act like you describe, since I stopped messing with the direction the RCS faces I have had way fewer problems.
  15. StarCitizen

    StarCitizen Lieutenant

    Feb 14, 2016
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    99% certain that your problems are caused by having RCS modules facing different directions on the same ship, causes mayhem with the ship not knowing which way is up/down, or two parts of the ship reading it differently, causing the jerking or stuttering. Let me know if it helps, made my life a lot easier once I stopped messing with how I was placing them for appearances sakes.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  16. ADustyGlommer

    ADustyGlommer Lieutenant

    Dec 26, 2015
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    I gave it a shot,but nope. Rotating/Not rotating doesn't seem to create a differnet behaviour for me. Infact i never even bothered rotating them prior,so i guess i could've ruled it out from the start. Ty for the suggestion tho :)
    PS: Doesn't change the fact that RCS need a serious remake. Most reasonable change is probably just having different sizes of rcs, which will result in any given vessel only needing 1 of the appropriate size,with no gravity generator like field which could create weird behavior. Well... or simply a field that covers the entire vehicle. Whatever works,i suppose :p .
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  17. StarCitizen

    StarCitizen Lieutenant

    Feb 14, 2016
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    That little red and white SV i made a few posts above has 4 RCS modules on it, 2 was not enough, 3 was not enough, 4 did the job.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  18. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    Hm I use two. One front one back. Great little ship. Just got to keep fuel in it. Lol
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  19. StarCitizen

    StarCitizen Lieutenant

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Uploaded my Hammerhead after doing a final touch up pass on her to the CV blueprints forum, top of page 28 i think it is. 480 plastic required, shes a luxury CV :)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  20. Rayah

    Rayah Lieutenant

    Jan 8, 2016
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    Made a two-person fighter with some cargo space, also wanted to fiddle with the new building blocks.
    Boss_CyAn1d3 and Tyrax Lightning like this.

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