What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    I am about at wits end with a currently play through I am trying. Starter system has one other planet. Thats all. No neo asteroids at all. Very few crashed CVs around. With the addition of spawning drones when mining/salvaging in space getting things from the mine field is more of a challenge. So, really hurting to get warp capable to get to a new system.

    Last night I decided to clear the Abandoned Mine POI thinking it may be good for some Neo. I had never run this POI, but I heard that with about 1200 mini-gun rounds you can bore through the top and pop its core. So, it worked. Popped the core, cleared out the few remaining baddies. And set to work looting and salvaging. On the bright side a bunch of the lower level is combat armor or alien blocks, so got a small amount of sathium, but still no neo. No epic loot drops, but a few capital weapons that added a good amount of zas and erestreum.

    Headed back to base with my loot and spawned a small CV, but it isnt warp ready. So...I am at my wits end. I totally dig the "risk/reward/challenge" of gathering materials...but the darn things are just so scarce it lost its fun factor.
    Kassonnade and dpburke2 like this.
  2. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I spent the last days and nights trying to make sense of the miscellaneous and (often) incomplete, badly worded, inconsistent and nonsensical explanations found in all the playfields Templates - vanilla version. We're lucky to have guys that made their own stuff much clearer (thinking of Invader vs Defender - Conflict of Cygnus) than what comes with the game...

    Do I feel like I'm loosing much of my time for no good reason ? Of course. I can't remember stumbling on any comparable messy lazy pile of crappy documentation for a subject that should be easy to document. Dammit, even same version stuff is worded differently for the same elements, things change place for no reason, sometimes it works/ sometimes not, mostly everything seems based on "luck" more than design, as if the developers themselves did not even understand how their own systems work. I just can't believe the amount of BS I saw in the last days.

    I hope they fix the SSG so it's not just a pile of dead junk on my hard drive like the pile of useless crap they left in the configs and in the templates.

    And one for the road...

    And the amount of bugs... Sometimes after a new game the game still thinks it's running the previous playfield I just deleted. Sometimes it forgets to delete half of the cache but not the saves, some times the contrary...

    My only comfort is that I finally found ONE element that is spatially "consistent" and reproducible (and that's not "bugs")... But even that only partly works for reasons I have yet to understand...
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2020
  3. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    At lunch today, just for giggles, I started another game, same settings and biome as my recent "There is nothing here" start, and the sky was full of asteroids, all types of ore. So, Ill be starting my new life here. If it aint fun...why do it.
  4. jepbindawernoch

    jepbindawernoch Commander

    Dec 19, 2017
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    Maybe this is the same problem that I had a year ago. It took me two weeks to get to the heart of the matter. It concerned my scenario. I thought a new game would only save everything in the savegame. In fact, Empyrion also created files in my scenario. A * .bin file was created in the playfield folder. It has loaded ancient data from it. Since then, I keep deleting them whenever I change my scenarios.

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Scenarios\B1-Mondbasis Beta\Playfields\Ghorn
    playfield.yaml.bin <- this is the file I have to remove

    Vielleicht ist das das gleiche Problem, dass ich vor einem Jahr hatte. Es kostete mich zwei Wochen um des Pudels Kern zu finden. Es betraf mein Scenario. Ich dachte bei einem neuen Spiel, würde er alles nur im Savegame speicher. Tatsächlich erzeugte Empyrion in meinem Scenario auch Dateien. Im Playfield-Ordner wurde eine *.bin Datei erzeugt. Von der hat er sich uralte Daten geladen. Seit dem lösche ich diese immer wieder, wenn ich meine Scenarios ändere.
    Kassonnade and dpburke2 like this.
  5. Lord Ganjanoof

    Lord Ganjanoof Commander

    Jun 12, 2020
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    You only need 10 ingots of Neodymium (see Merc MX5E blueprint https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1400275796, not from the game but from @jrandall's workshop on Steam). This vessel will make your life alot easier. Those Neodymium ingots can be looted or whatever. What's your starter planet's type ? There are some unusual ways to get 10 bloody ingots of Neodymium.
    [EDIT] You can add flux coils and oscillators directly to the factory. When adding processed components to the factory's stockpile, the raw materials they contain count as if they were ingots. This method also reduces the building time. These components can be looted from POI's containers or by salvaging POI thrusters with the multitool from crashed ships as the UCH Heidelberg or Crashed DSE-2 Mid.
    Desert Golems also contain Neodymium loot. You may encounter them on Arid (which is not the case since these planets do have neodymium deposits) or Swamp starter planets.

    Cheers !
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2020
    Kassonnade and dpburke2 like this.
  6. Lord Ganjanoof

    Lord Ganjanoof Commander

    Jun 12, 2020
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    I'm a noob and totally lost. Do you mean it's possible to "hack" the game's logic and mix large and small blocks, and have them work together in the same build ? If yes, how ??? :D
    Kassonnade likes this.
  7. Love Is Flash

    Love Is Flash Captain

    May 26, 2020
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    Today I...
    Today my friend and I got hooked on the EGS finally collected all the resources for the LIF Zeus ... All night it will be built and we will finally move out to see what the ubiquitous lord has done with the Zirax ... then we will fly to the kriel and most likely we will move to the Legacy territory ...
    But I also had an idea ... let's write a petition in one thread with a vote and a video space evo ... well, something like - Oh our great minds, oh golden hands, coders and graphic gods of this world ... Make us something like this here on this!!!:);)
    Germanicus and Kassonnade like this.
  8. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Yes, I delete those each time I start the game religiously, but it's a good reminder. In fact the playfield that "loaded" was the "new" class 3 planet I was testing (ok) but with the "old" template of a class 2 version I deleted 4 or 5 tests before (wrong). Only after that I went to see how many savegames I had, and I saw that there were like 3 or 4 more "game" folders than "cache" folders, and some of these were also empty (crash results).

    But I think I found the solution for what I was looking for : a "stable" method that can be totally controlled for POI placement and terrain "drawing" that can cover all the planet:


    And it's the same at each new "generation". Now that's more interesting ! :)

    krosbonez, Alhira_K, dpburke2 and 6 others like this.
  9. Love Is Flash

    Love Is Flash Captain

    May 26, 2020
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    Then you will tell me how to draw your landscape, it will come in handy for a certain project in the EGS
    dpburke2 and Kassonnade like this.
  10. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I just have a few more things to check and I will then make a tutorial so everyone can do this. It's quite easy in fact, but it took me long to get there... ;)

    This is very cool.

    I thought you changed the big thruster for a new kind of Asteroid Cannon... If all blocks can be merged like this, maybe some of the extra "cosmetic" SV thruster models could be used for something else...
    dpburke2 and Love Is Flash like this.
  11. Lord Ganjanoof

    Lord Ganjanoof Commander

    Jun 12, 2020
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    Today, I ENJOYED my first modular base complex on a quite beautiful Arid whose only con is not to be breathable (not enough oxygen).
    Took inspiration on the MCRN design which I find great. Still need to polish my own buildings to have them look more real, "texturing with blocks". And... it's so good to be rich eventually ! Great solar yield too, I can run tons of things on solar only.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]
  12. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Hey bud! Thanks for the info. It was a swamp biome. The issue was that the entire solar system my starter planet was in had one single other planet in it. No asteroid fields, nothin. And that other planet had only three or so basic ore types. So the challenge wasnt so much "get to the other planet" as it was "Get out of this pitiful system".

    The Merc is an awesome little boat! My "go to" has been the Toukon XS.

    As far as loot/salvage, I did find a great deal scrapping the Heidelberg and a few other ships, but not quite enough. I think if I kept grinding I would be able to eek it out, dont get me wrong.

    Oh...and ***** me just found out that the "broken engine" wreck is pretty much a goldmine for this stuff. Found this on my new play through and had a major face palm moment as I think I recall seeing at least one on my old starter planet. So, I may go back to that old sparse map and see what I can do. All in all it became less of "Can I do this?" to "Do I really want to do this?" I still have the save, so I may return as each play through I learn just a little bit more.
    dpburke2 and Lord Ganjanoof like this.
  13. jepbindawernoch

    jepbindawernoch Commander

    Dec 19, 2017
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    I rebuilt my Charon teleporter network station. I think this is the fourth version now. It is a seed depot. When you have seeds over, you can throw them away. Or you can store them in a place like this depot. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for buildings and ships to suddenly run out of power or that hull breaks ruin the harvest. You then only need to visit this station via the teleporter network. Here you can stock up on the necessary material again.
    I also made a POI out of it. Station 012 was taken by Zirax troops.

    Meine Teleporter-Netzwerkstation Charon hab ich noch einmal umgebaut. Ich glaube das ist nun die vierte Version. Es handelt sich um ein Saatgut-Depot. Wenn man Saatgut über hat, dann kann man es wegwerfen. Oder man lagert es an einem Ort ein, wie dieses Depot. Es geschieht leider nicht selten, dass Gebäude und Schiffe auf einmal stromlos sind oder Hüllenbrüche die Ernte ruinieren. Man braucht dann nur über das Teleporter-Netzwerk diese Station besuchen. Hier kann man sich dann wieder mit dem notwendigen Material eindecken.
    Ein POI hab ich auch gleich daraus gemacht. Station 012 wurde von Zirax-Truppen eingenommen.

    POI-T1-RSSD012 Saatgut-Depot Semen.jpg
  14. Lord Ganjanoof

    Lord Ganjanoof Commander

    Jun 12, 2020
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    In a swamp starter you can get swamp golems, desert golems, both carrying semi-rare ores as a loot. You can also get Varon Root near the poles (Hills biome iirc), it's a harvest (plant) that heals 125/unit. You may find rare nuggets on the ground, even gold. Swamp is the best starter imo. Really more dangerous, but alot more rewarding. And you get more wood than you need to produce early fuel. I love swamps ! And if you get Kriel nests, once you have a HV with minigun turrets, you MUST go venturing in the swamp at night harvesting wood. You'll befriend the Zirax by killing Kriels, collect meat and alien parts/teeth, and loot these golems as you deserve.

    I suppose this is intended because you can actually find what you need on the starter planet. Still a harder start than the common temperate one.

    And about the Merc, yeah I when I discovered the concept of "Drone Hatch", I felt on my back. So easy, so obvious, still... someone had to think of it, imagine it, before. We as the mass are enjoying the game alot more thanks to outstanding designers. Congrats to them !

    Cheers !
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2020
    dpburke2 likes this.
  15. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Can anyone give me a quick and dirty "how to" regarding this ?


    I almost never play in "Creative" but now I want to test POI placement, and I can't find the old thread explaining this, although other info threads giving more advanced tricks all refer to this basic thread... but where is it ?

    Alhira_K likes this.
  16. jepbindawernoch

    jepbindawernoch Commander

    Dec 19, 2017
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    I'll try this without the google translater: (sorry in advance o: )
    BP"Group Name" is needed for the random positioning of the POIs. In the YAML you can say in which biome buildings of a named group can appear.
    - GroupName: JunkT2
    Faction: None
    BiomesExcluded: [ Radiated, RadiatedFog, Mountains, LowMountains ]

    BP"Spawn Nam" is the name that will appear, when you put this building or ship somewhere. If it is spawned by a YAML in FIXED, it will be ignored or overwritten.
    Prefab: POI-B1-Kolonie-Starter-B
    Mode: Survival
    Name: B1-Starterkolonie <- will appear, not what is written in the BP

    BP"Ground Offset" tells, how deep it will be in the ground. The YAML will do it, as you told him here. Every BA-Block counts 2. Example: Ground Offset: -2 -> Your building will be buried one block into the ground, by the YAML.
    BP"Flattens Ground" will flatten and remove all in a rectangle around the building, when positioned with the YMAL. Sometimes it works in single and multigame when you put it up manually. (Happened to me some weeks ago, on a multiplayer server :) )
    Terrain removal will burry out your building in a rectangle. If you have a cellar, you do not need to sweep the dirt out. If your fundament is not in a rectangle you should fill the gaps with filler blocks to get a rectangle. Sometimes "...Flattens Ground" and "Terrain removal" do not work well together.
    "Keep Top Soil" will prevent to remove the colour of the ground. If it is not marked, the flattened ground gets the colour that was under the top ground layer. Marked will put up the same colour as the removed top layer.

    I hope you can understand, what I've written o:

    Attached Files:

  17. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Great ! Thanks @jepbindawernoch . I finally found some explanations in the "filler blocks" thread, but that said nothing on the "groups" and spawn name. I must have done something wrong in my blueprint because it just refused to spawn, and after changing the code block in the playfield_static.yaml to another "method" ( I used what the Empyrion Playfield Designer wrote in a test file) and a stock blueprint it worked, with a manual positioning (from coordinates in the playfield_static).

    So I used a fixed biome (in fact I used many overlapping) and got this result :


    ... on this planet :


    In other words : we can draw the whole terrain via the fixed biomes stamps (here 2 huge stamps, each covering half the planet + another smaller fixed biome/stamp to hold the POI) and put down the POIs with coordinates...

    The other biomes still show through in the "black" parts of the bigger stamps, like water biome in the letters for example (only biome with trees here). And even some stamps from the normal biomes get put in there anyway. This is fun.


    The only thing I need to check is why the "fixed biomes" keep flipping the stamps. I think I will ask @EleonGameStudios to have a setting (flag) in the stamps database or in the playfield_dynamic.yaml to avoid rotation/ mirror of the fixed biomes stamps/ coordinates.

    Last edited: Aug 23, 2020
  18. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Isn't this the Point you like to make?

    2020-08-19: Experimental 1.1.5 (Build 3073)

    - Slightly brighter nights and less dark areas by setting Color Gradient Black In from 0.065 to 0.035
    - DialogueSystem: added variable type dbplayerpf_int that is only valid in the current playfield
    - NPC entity dialogs: removed NPCDialog from eclassconfig and moved into spawner. Removed need for manually adding EAI task to rotate to player.
    - PlanetGeneration: small improvement to stamping by generating rotated stamps only on demand
    jepbindawernoch and Kassonnade like this.
  19. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Exactly. How come stamps keep randomly rotating/ mirroring in a "fixed" biome ? In fact it's the whole biome that is doing this, since it's defined by its stamp.

    To be more accurate, all stamps do that, for example the big skull face on the planet I posted a few messages ago : on each game start it would flip/ reverse, and it's just a regular stamp.
  20. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I don't know anything about Planets and Stamps. I would think that the Rotation increases the diversity...?:confused:

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