Feedback Required Your TOP3 MOST WANTED feature addition or change?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Sep 26, 2019.

  1. marcianito2112

    marcianito2112 Ensign

    Aug 14, 2020
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    1. Stairs in SV.

    2. Crouch

    3. Character edition.
  2. Obcy

    Obcy Commander

    Apr 4, 2019
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    - Fully transparent windows. Can be made with tool. Thanks to this custom made cockpits will have the same visibility as prefabs.
    - Engines rebalancing. CPU/POWER → 0. Sometimes it is constant (acceptable if fuel usage has been reducted) sometimes growing with bettter engines.
    - active cockpit displays. Fuel, Oxygen (in tanks), ammo etc.
    nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯ likes this.
  3. Comp625

    Comp625 Lieutenant

    Jul 24, 2020
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    Some more suggestions (not necessarily "top 3" but still valuable to share here):
    • Allow the community to create blocks shareable via Steam workshop.
    • Easily share community created playfields and scenarios via Steam workshop; these are "shareable" today manually outside of the workshop and it likely breaks existing saves.
    • Greater customization of light colors (beyond the existing 16 colors) with RGB, Hue, Saturation sliders like the texturing tool.
    • Extend draw light distance beyond 100m (rough equivalent of an American football field). Also not have lighting suddenly disappear at the 100m mark. A gradual fade would be nice.
    KRanKO5 likes this.
  4. Comp625

    Comp625 Lieutenant

    Jul 24, 2020
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    Some warp-related suggestions:
    • When warping to a different system, I'd love the ability to warp directly to a planet or moon. In Sci-Fi, no one warps to the sun first and then warps again to their destination.
    • Similarly, it'd be nice to have inter-sector warp -- example: warping from a planet to a base that's far away (~20km) but both are in the same playfield. That travel time is a good 5 mins of checking my phone while my ship is in cruise control.
  5. tony hug

    tony hug Commander

    Sep 27, 2015
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    a bit nitpicky (and the feature may exist - i just don't know about it)

    1a.) A keyboard selection to toggle the yellow location marrkers on and off
    (i can find it hard to see where i am going in an hv since they take up the view ans are somewhat immersion breaking)

    1b.) Again in an hv - i find the pilots gui sort of irrelavant, and in the way of seeing what i,m doing
    most of the information in an hv is somewhat irrelavant - and i would like an on/off toggle for it. to better see where i'm actually going.

    2.) Some more help information - for instsance i'm still not sure i'm using the connected toolbar wi-fi stuff correctly
    i would like a sybol on the bottom left to indicate i am connected to something as i keep leaving a planet
    only to find i've somehow put all my spare fuel into a different base containor - not my sv.

    3.) Creative menu 'N' commands in survival - think of it as putting your ship up on bricks in space dock
    so you can take it apart and access the internals and upgrade it without having to remember which locks you used
    for that ever so intricate shape. (maybe you have an 'inspection pit' component for your base
  6. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    Have you tried using the F6 key? This may sort out your problem.

    The Repair Bay T2 / Console repairs damaged vessels. It can't upgrade items though or add things to your vessel.
    tony hug likes this.
  7. Milarwen

    Milarwen Lieutenant

    Jul 3, 2020
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    Water Pumps! that you can connect to the base! Should be easy to make as you can use the same principal as with any other device, connect it with blocks to the base or alteratively make pipes. You all ready got the mesh for it. A portable water generator seems pretty low tech considering all the wonderous tech we can make all ready. Specially since we have showers and toilets. A water tank for the base should be cakewalk to make. With this concept there is also another interesting device you could make for bases/CV in space is a water recycling/purifying plant device with this.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2020
  8. Shadd

    Shadd Ensign

    Aug 18, 2020
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    HOTAS (throttle and stick) support
  9. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    Shareable Blocks (like my base really needs a hanging walkway right now)

    better npc-trading, especially in sp (manny buy/sell orders by npc factions and traders that buy more stuff)

    more sensor/actor stuff: power-meter, light sensitive switch, cammeras, signal/sensor if constructor is working...
    (power-meter so one can see how much power one thing is using)
    (light sensitive switch for automatic light)
    (cameras so one can have a screen on bridge and not a window)
    (replicator sensor so it can be turned off one completed)
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2020
  10. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Trading via the Station services tab...ran into a tough spot last night, got me a big hole in my ship that needs I need to see what I can craft to sell. As it is, I have to fly over, land, walk in, find the trader, make a list, walk back to the ship, fly home, make stuff, fly back, walk in, sell, walk out...blah blah blah...I figure they can reload my guns, pump me some fuel, stock some crystals...least they can do is match McDonalds in their drive through offerings.
  11. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    With the Advent of 1.0 xxxx I must revise my Top 3 Most Wanted Features somewhat...

    1. NPC "Life" - The addition of interaction with some NPC's is great, though we can't actually make use of them in Player build structures, but I'm looking for more from them - actual functions. Security NPC's that patrol and shoot hostiles or pests, Tactical Officers that add perks to turrets, and idle animations that make these NPC's more interesting.

    2. Targeting Controls for Turrets - Something along the lines of using the Num Pad or CTRL+# to toggle the various targeting options for turrets without having to stop, go into the Control Panel, fiddle, come back, find out you were shot half apart while you were fiddling. This would be perhaps the single biggest improvement to combat that could be made.

    3. More Variety - 10-15 minutes, maybe 2 or 3 planets, and you've seen everything there is to see in the flora and fauna spectrum. I'm not expecting No Man's Sky level of variety (which also has a pretty good number of a lot of the same things too), but another 5-10 kinds of predators and 5-10 kinds of prey, with some attention to what kinds of worlds these spawn on, what kinds of star systems these are found in, and the vast galaxy will certainly start to feel more vast and varied. Most importantly, and most challenging for Unity I'm sure, is Sea Life, especially when it comes to keeping it in the sea, but it would be an enormous improvement to the experience overall.
    KRanKO5, PickleJar and Comp625 like this.
  12. Comp625

    Comp625 Lieutenant

    Jul 24, 2020
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    I agree - especially #1 and #3. It adds much needed "life" and "density" to the game universe. Perhaps consider allowing users to add custom playfields, blocks, textures, etc. for the ultimate sandbox customization.
    KRanKO5 likes this.
  13. PickleJar

    PickleJar Lieutenant

    Jul 13, 2020
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    1. Gravity generators should normalize gravity in high-g environments. (stick them in your base and no longer be stuck to the floor!)

    2. Implement a "penetration" mechanic for projectile weapons which do not have explosions - railguns for example should penetrate the hull if it's below a certain quality, but not necessarily cause things 3 blocks away to explode.

    3. Human and Alien crewmembers should have some effect on the operation of your CV. Either by reducing CPU load of an object by assigning them to that object, or being able to assign them to a turret and giving them a specific target to follow rather than a category / group of objects. Something that makes their presence worthwhile!
  14. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    Nothing causes 3 blocks of damage at the moment, even if it says it does. I did a test. See post #16 of this thread.
  15. PickleJar

    PickleJar Lieutenant

    Jul 13, 2020
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    well i'm not talking about existing mechanics, just this suggested mechanic.
    Spoon likes this.
  16. Longshanks

    Longshanks Ensign

    Aug 25, 2020
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    I would love the ability to be able to hook up tow package so I can drag destroyed capital vessels back to my base to fix or lift other capital vessel when they crash on top of a resource deposit and im not allowed to add any blocks

    Or so that I could use a trailer system for my CV, be able to attach and drag around the system and then drop off next to an asteroid
    tony hug likes this.
  17. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Autohealing: When we get hurt, at all, the only way to recover that I have found is through bandages, food, medbay, etc. I think that over time, if not under the effects of bleeding/open wounds whatever that health should improve at least a little just over time.
  18. Shadowpuppy

    Shadowpuppy Ensign

    Aug 26, 2020
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    • Docking Pad Receiver so my ship will dock to my CV perfectly lined up
    • CV CPU Dock so i can create a CV that docks to another CV and becomes one ship
    • Single Pain version of the double pain glass for SV with all the build options it has
    I would prefer that ships could not dock without a receiver so my ship will stop sticking to things i dont want it to.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2020
    tony hug likes this.
  19. MoST

    MoST Ensign

    Jul 1, 2020
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    My 3
    1) Unique Items with Random buffs or even customizable slots that are like the armor: This will give us another reason to raid pois
    "Ultralite Thruster" Weighs a certain percent less
    "Onboard CPU" Uses a fraction of the cpu power or even gives cpu power to the ship.
    "Extended Magazine" Holds more rounds
    "Overclocked" Faster rate of fire
    2) New class of vessels Marine Vessel, Wheeled Vessel, Tracked Vessel
    3) Have enemies employ vehicles in base attacks after a set iteration.
  20. Lord Ganjanoof

    Lord Ganjanoof Commander

    Jun 12, 2020
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    My new 3 :

    1) Block shape identification through 'di' and/or hovering with multitool
    1.5) More block shapes
    2) Mirror functionality to the selection tool and/or symmetry axis
    3) Slow motion movement in godmode to be able to access small blocks (SV, HV) in order to remove/change/paint them whatsoever.
    3.5) Lower block CPU usage for large structures, why not by adding a new thing that has to be included in the build. A docking pad for a CV can fry alot of cpu by being just made of... concrete. This is ridiculous. With the new thing : Concrete block = 1 cpu (BA), Steel block = 1 cpu (CV).

    Cheers !
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2020
    nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯ likes this.

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