Complaint about bugs (En/Ger)

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Galaxy1701F, Aug 26, 2020.

  1. Galaxy1701F

    Galaxy1701F Ensign

    Jul 1, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Complaint about bugs:

    The Empyrion Server has been running hard for a few weeks. Today I got socked and heard that the upper limit of the weapons was active again, although the "EnableMaxBlockCount" parameter was used.

    I am also tired of the fact that one garbage patch after another becomes without being subjected to them. The various configuration tools of the provider processes, the correct one must belong to. Many parameter settings are not executed from the GUI or are added not at all or even incorrectly understood. You are no longer in the alpha phase, not even in the beta phase. As a customer, I can maintain a different patch quality than the one from the alpha phase.

    I hereby politely request you to reconsider your patch strategy. What I expected is more quality instead of quantity!

    Beschwerde über Bugs:

    Seit einigen Wochen läuft der Empyrion Server ziemlich problemlos. Heute habe ich mich eingelockt und musste feststellen, dass die maximale Beschränkung der Waffen wieder aktiv war, obwohl dass eindeutig über den Parameter „EnableMaxBlockCount“ deaktiviert wurde.

    Ich bin es auch leid, dass ein Müll Patch nach dem anderen herausgegeben wird, ohne dass diese vernünftig getestet wurde. Außerdem scheinen die Serverkonfigurationstools die sie den Providern liefern, ziemlich mieß zu funktionieren. Viele Parameter Einstellung werden aus der GUI nicht übernommen oder werden teilweise gar nicht oder sogar fehlerhaft ausgelesen. Sie befinden sich nicht mehr in der Alpha, auch nicht in der Beta Phase. Ich als Kunde kann deshalb eine andere Patch Qualität erwarten, als die aus der Alpha Phase.

    Ich fordere sie hiermit höflichst auf, zukünftig ihre Patch Strategie zu überdenken. Was ich erwarte ist mehr Qualität statt Quantität !!!
    Pear78 likes this.
  2. Pear78

    Pear78 Captain

    Dec 18, 2018
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    Im not sure about the technicalities.. but I do notice on the server Im playing that with every patch it takes a few hours before the server admin comes home, eats and has time to update the server.. thats half a day of server down time.. for every minor update.. maybe once a week a bigger update?
    Marc~ likes this.
  3. Marty

    Marty Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    I also got trouble. I am hosting a dedicated here on my PC. I have NO CHANCE to change any difficulty settings. I followed the tutorial on how to set up the dedicated server, changed playfield.yaml, adminconfig.yaml and dedicated.yaml to my needs. I started a new game > difficulty settings are default. Anoying.
  4. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    It's the gameoptions.yaml file under your save game.
  5. Marty

    Marty Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    My game is DediGame1, and this is the gameoptions.yaml I altered:

    And these are the relevant values:

    I'm starting the server, then the game:

    Right after joining the new game on my DediGame1 server:
    View attachment 81867

    Either I am dumb and make a fault somewhere, or I do not understand something, or the game somehow ignores my settings.

    Attached Files:

  6. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    You are not dumb... but you made a fault somewhere ! :p

    In the last block, you wrote " DiffDroneBaseAttack: Hard " but this option is not valid, so the game fetches the defaults instead of your file.

    In the "default multiplayer" scenario the options are:

    ### Influences the frequency of the drone base attacks
    ### Possible values: Low, Normal, High, Off

    # DiffDroneBaseAttack: Normal
  7. Marty

    Marty Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    Yes, I'm a mupet! Many many thanks for giving me the right hint. Because of that one faulty entry the whole thing stoped working. Once again, thanky you very much kind sir.
    Kassonnade likes this.

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