Drop down menu looting system

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by arcticsnowyt, Aug 26, 2020.

  1. arcticsnowyt

    arcticsnowyt Commander

    May 5, 2018
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    I'm pretty sure this has been brought up before but I couldn't find a specific thread. Thought I'd put my $0.02 worth in.

    I really like the F4 logistics system that's been implemented for the moving of cargo, it's a real time saver....in most cases. However, as always, there's always that one situation that has to be different.

    My case in point. The Abandoned Assembly Yard POI has 89 cargo boxes and that's not even including alien containers, wardrobes, tables, tanks, etc. Don't get me wrong, I love all the loot you get as it really helps you get up and going on the starter planet. But it's this type of huge POI that doesn't lend itself well at all to using F4, it's "drop down simulator" at its worst. Each time you use the drop down, pick a box and loot it...the darn menu pops itself right back up to the top again and you have to scroll all the way down to where you were.

    Assembly Yard Cargo.jpg

    I know, I know...I should loot as I go or come back around after I'm done to grab all the goodies. Unfortunately, I don't have hours and hours that I can spend on a single POI. It takes me long enough to go through it the first time (I suck at FPS's) that to be honest, I really don't have the time or patience to go through it all again to grab the loot.

    My suggestion (I know, bout time she came to the point) would be to add an extra set of options to scroll through the cargo boxes. (shown below)

    Loot Drop Down Suggestion.jpg

    It's simple in theory but as I'm not a programmer, I have no idea how difficult this would be to implement. It would be a nice, clean and simple way to scroll up or down through the list without getting reset to the top every time.

    Just a thought.

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  2. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    While I haven't used it that much, it seems like a reasonable solution that, if possible ( I don't know either) should be implemented. I hope they do.
    arcticsnowyt likes this.
  3. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    From what I can see it looks like you're asking for something that already exists, with perhaps a little tweak to not restart the list that already exists after you clean out a particular container.

    Personally, I do loot-as-I-go, at least the first time I clear a particular POI type.

    But I've learned a lazy way to do it too - find a device, a food processor, constructor, furnace - anything that links to containers, open it, click the little bent arrow next to a linked container, and you can browse through the drop down from container to container, emptying them into whatever you want to empty them into rather quickly and easily. Looting even the largest of POI's this way takes a few minutes at most.

    Now this won't get all the non-linkable containers - typically those Tech containers like Tubes, Tables, or a few other odd container types - one of the reasons I prefer to just loot as I go, but it's not usually that hard to track these down and empty them by hand, or loot them as you go and do the big clean-out at the end.
  4. arcticsnowyt

    arcticsnowyt Commander

    May 5, 2018
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    Yea I guess it is kind of a tweak to what's there. It's the constant scrolling down of the menu that's somewhat aggravating. Great idea of using a device though, never thought of that one.
  5. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I connect myself always with my Vessels Loot-Container and shuffle all loot, just like @IndigoWyrd , into the Container while moving on. OR I connect myself after conquering the POI and work my way from Box to Box and Multitool each Container which I have emptied. So the List gets shorter too.;)
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2020
  6. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    The device method is great, perhaps too great, and will likely get patched out at some point, but while it lasts, no reason not to use it.
  7. Phantom 3

    Phantom 3 Lieutenant

    Jul 16, 2020
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    Another way, which I really like, is when the mouse pointer is over a combobox and you can use the wheel for prev/next item.

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