Abandoned Reactor taken back by Zirax but no Core??

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Thor'sHammer, Aug 20, 2020.

  1. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Hi all!

    Single player mode, non creative.
    Just an oddball thing for me, but I attacked the Abandoned Reactor, fought my way to the Core and replaced it.

    Did a full grab of all important items and left the shell for later deconstruction and moved on to cleanup the other Zirax installations.

    After I successfully wiped the other Zirax bases out I went back to mine the Abandoned reactor only to find the Zirax had "claimed" it (don't recall if I left my core or not). There are a couple Zirax "guards" in the area. I killed one or two but there may be more. It seems to be the remaining Zirax presence on the planet.

    So I 'assumed' {AHEM} that the Zirax had left a core somewhere. Spent over an hour looking but couldn't find one, so I can't reclaim the bldg. Can't place my core either (duh).

    Finally, in desperation, I popped into GodMode just to fly through the structure as I was curious why it was "theirs" but no core. No core found.

    Now I imagine I could change the faction in the console but I'm trying to play without cheating.

    Can anyone shed light on how the devil I can reclaim this bldg? I shed good blood getting it, LOL!

    cmguardia likes this.
  2. jesterjunk

    jesterjunk Captain

    Nov 18, 2017
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    By default POIs regenerate 12 hours after any damage is done to them.

    If the POI regenerated, it would be exactly as it was before you attacked it and the core would be back in the same spot that you found it and blew it up originally.


    If the Zirax hacked the base, their core would more than likely be near the perimeter of the base at the surface just above dirt level.

    The core that the Zirax added should be listed in the Device Tab, and if it is listed there, you can toggle the Show on HUD option to have it show up as text when you are looking at the base..

    Of course to access the Device Tab would still require godmode, but at least it would let you see where the core was placed.
    Thor'sHammer and Kassonnade like this.
  3. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    My Hero! :D

    First place I looked was around the exterior, I figured they'd just drop a core wherever they landed.

    Then I checked original location which was a real PITA since I'd swiped all the elevator blocks and wasn't really using the Player Drone at that point, so endless walking & jumping, building ramps, drilling out from lower levels ... you know.

    I'm not against using godmode, I just try to play without it. Sometimes no choice, the game's not perfect. Some POI's have TOTALLY hidden loot boxes (Alien's not listed in Devices tab). I'm looking at YOU Burial Chamber!

    The only way you'd find a couple was dumb luck or completely tearing down every wall and who the hell need 50K tons of CONCRETE unless you're into huge bases??!? LOL
    I must have drilled 20 miles of tunnels in that place looking for them then gave up and flew it in godmode, found two I'd missed randomly behind walls.

    I'll go look later today (4am, couldn't sleep, LOL). Thx!

    OH, and @Kassonnade - thanks for checking too, I see you. :cool:
    Kassonnade and Germanicus like this.
  4. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Even in single player games?
  5. stecph

    stecph Lieutenant

    Aug 21, 2018
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    It does not happen in my SP game, so I guess not....
  6. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Well, to update, I went back this AM and went into godmode (also tried gm iv). It doesn't let me access the Devices list (P does nothing). It doesn't let me place a Core either.

    Took a brief look around again, can't find ANY core. There are no other Zirax bldgs on the planet, I killed them all.

    If I do an ents command it shows that only one bldg is Zirax. I played around with 'faction allow' and replaceblocks cmds and although it will let me have Adm control, it tells me there's no core to replace, but I can't place it manually.

    I also got myself "stuck" as Zirax, it told me Private 1067 (my id before I switched) didn't exist, but my Bases and vehicles were still assigned there. Odd.

    I'm new to the cmds, so haven't got them wired yet (obviously ... LOL). I was just playing around and didn't keep that save.

    Still think it's damn odd a bldg can belong to a faction without any core.
  7. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    it is not totally hidden there is a broken thin block with the corner missing that lets you see into that room unfortunately because of the way the spiral staircases do not work it is virtually imposable to find it
  8. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Yeah, that was one and I did see the cracked block, but the only way to reach it legitimately was to blow the wall and that took out the stairs!

    There was another that from what I could see could only be found by accident or a complete teardown.

    I get it on a base like the Abandoned Factory (I think) that I completely wiped and found the hidden boxes, but that chamber of horrors called the Burial Chamber. Like a nightmare the first time I tried a frontal assault. Later I got smart and on my second attempt drilled my little a** off. :cool:

    Who in their right mind would want to take that thing down block by block? Even with a HV harvester.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  9. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    if you are referring to the one I think you are there are two ways to see into that room and a thin block that you can destroy to get there but finding them is not obvious.
    Thor'sHammer likes this.
  10. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    LOL That's putting it mildly, but I get your point. It's hard to be so painstakingly observant in such a huge structure of seemingly endless rooms. Especially if the spiders are still chasing you ...

    I actually admire all the work that went into these POI's. The makers have a LOT of patience and other skills that I don't possess. Some are real works of art like this one.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  11. jesterjunk

    jesterjunk Captain

    Nov 18, 2017
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    My bad, somehow my mind skipped over the fact that we were discussing single player, pretty much all of my experience is in multi player.

    However, I do not see why POIs would not regenerate in single player too.

    Just now I was looking at the playfield.yaml files in a single player save directory, and although I could not find Abandoned Reactor in any of them, I did however see other POIs stuctures with the following entries for the majority of them.
        - Key: RegenAfter
          Value: 720

    So I may be right or I may be wrong, but I honestly have not played single player enough to know for sure.

    I was not intentionally trying to be misleading.
  12. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    The defaults for default random singleplayer can be set in the gameoptions.yaml :

    # RegeneratePOIs: False # default value

    In the "gameoptions.yaml" the line (to disable the regen) is commented out. Your guess is as good as mine... Does it mean that by default, even if the option is not "active" in the gameoptions, what's in the playfield's yaml is "disabled" by default ? Then what is the point of commenting out that line ? Or does it mean that by commenting out that line, the "default" is now that regen is active ?

    I'm encountering similar statements in many files that make apparently simple things difficult to understand.
    Thor'sHammer and jesterjunk like this.
  13. jesterjunk

    jesterjunk Captain

    Nov 18, 2017
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    For some reason I did not check that file and as such did not see that line, it would have clarified for me that POI regeneration is Off by default.

    It may be there purely for documentation purpose only, as an example of what to use if you want to change that option.

    The reason for commenting it out is one less thing for the game code to have to deal with.

    If the option is already set False elsewhere by default, there is no reason to redundantly set it False again.
    Thor'sHammer and Kassonnade like this.
  14. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    The point is : why not write that line like this :

    # RegeneratePOIs: True # Default is 'False'

    If you check some files (yamls) you will also notice that some items can be "false" or "False" or "true" or "True" and if the type is not correct it may just be skipped (no crash/ bug), so there's no way to find out if the option worked or not and for what reasons. For groups of options concerning similar parameters, this is very confusing.

    Last edited: Sep 4, 2020
  15. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Sheeze, a guy wanders off for a while and look at all the fun stuff he misses. :D

    Thanks for chasing it for me guys, the Tech in me hates unsolved puzzles. I want to raze that thing to the ground but it just laughs at my attempts to take it over again.

    Seems odd you can Core something and make it yours but if you walk away and come back it says "Nope you HAD your chance now go away"
  16. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    @jesterjunk @Kassonnade @Thor'sHammer

    I just had to know. So in my own scenario I changed my RegeneratePOIs: to True and unremarked it. I also changed the re-spawn time to 72 instead of the 720 it normally is on my admin building. As it's designed to blow 50% of it up with a flip of a switch. (evil grin here):eek:
    Anyways after blowing it up I waited the day it would take. And sure enough the whole thing regenerated.

    Remember this is a single player game.
    So I have to assume that the regen does work on everything else in a single player. :D
  17. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    OMG I hate having to say this. In my day when file size was a precious thing. You had to keep your remarks to a bare minimum so like this line
    "# RegeneratePOIs: False # default value" would have been used but without the value at the end saving as much space as you could.
    # RegeneratePOIs: False # default
    So this could just be a hold over from those days. To show the default state.
    But what do I know I'm just and old programmer ;)
    Thor'sHammer and Kassonnade like this.
  18. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    If space was a concern ( it's a space game after all... ) then I guess the following would have been adequate :

    # RegeneratePOIs: True

    Adding anything else defeats the purpose of commenting-off a line. It is implicit that it's "off" (False) by default. When making an example file, it suffices to name the file properly, and since it will not be "active" the examples in the file don't have to be all commented-off like they are in the "gameoptions_example.yaml".

    I have another sweet example of that type of "informative cues" in the yamls. In the +ExamplePlanet's playfield_dynamic.yaml there is this line not far from the top, before the individual biomes definitions:

    BiomeStampTries: 20 # Number of tries to place biome stamps for a class 2 planet with 100% land, more tries the more water and the bigger the planet (class 3 = x3, class 4 = x6, class 5 = x15)

    Then going down the file we can see this as an active parameter in a specific biome definition :

    StampTries: 50 # Controls maximum number of spawning attempts for the following stamps; Number of tries to place the stamps on a class 2 planet with 100% land, more tries will be automatically used the more water and the bigger the planet (class 3 = x2, class 4 = x3, class 5 = x6)

    So if the 2nd occurrence is active, what is the point of having the first occurrence ? It doesn't even act as a "limit" for the following statements. What is the point of duplicating parameters like this ? This looks like risky business where same-level class parameters might conflict with each other for no good reason. Why not just set that " # of tries" for each biome ?

    Last edited: Sep 5, 2020
    Thor'sHammer likes this.
  19. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    Well I have reported a similar case in V1.0
    Pues he reportado un caso similar en V1.0
    Thor'sHammer likes this.
  20. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    That is the exact behavior I've been having. I attributed it to my not fully grasping the nuances of the game, resulting in this post.

    What's considered the 'correct' way to respond to this, add a comment on your very accurate report or add my own bug report?
    cmguardia likes this.

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