Improving the games actual Story and exploration.

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by piddlefoot, Sep 7, 2020.

  1. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Im going to start with a few ideas I posted back in 2015 - 2016, 2017, and I would like to apologise for the MASSIVE wall of text your about to get slapped with but I really care for this game, and now we have a HUGE galaxy, only literally limited by one's own imagination, it would sure be nice as a scenario builder to have the option to add some new things, but to do that we need core parts added to the backend of the games file system.
    I hope this is possible, this is the sort of thing that makes games like this one, or minecraft last the tyranny of time, modding capabilities.

    So first, get these earlier posts out of the way , they contain some good ideas that the devs have done some of and added to game, but we are still missing a few key components to do things outside the square so to speak.
    I wont post entire post of each thread, be like a mile long post then lol, so just the topic titles of thread will do.

    Some of you might wonder why I like Eleon so much, why I would defend them so passionately, well the reason is below, they really do listen to there tester base and playerbase.
    So as blunt as some of my threads may seem, its only about one thing, improving this game so I hope no one takes anything personally.

    Features I and other closed testers requested and have mostly been done - Thread titles.

    Map barriers. 2015
    Making planets more dynamic. 2015
    Plants . 2015
    Grid limit. 2015
    Money / economy. 2015
    SKYBOX effects. 2016
    Steam Workshop. 2016
    Ore deposit. 2016
    Tech tree. 2016
    Automated mining. 2015 - 2016
    Your lost crew. 2016
    Joining BA to CV etc . 2016

    The auto miner thread. 2016
    Mechanical blocks. 2016
    CV to BA to CV to CV . 2016
    SP and MP exploration diversity. 2016
    T2 drill and CV drill turret. 2016
    Is This Possible, player helper AI. 2016
    New Terrains and Terrain Generator Editor. 2017
    Mining. 2017
    Better level system. 2017
    Epic Weapons. 2017
    Solar system improvements. 2017
    Jet and Rocket engines, atmo and space. 2017
    If playfields get joined. 2017
    NPC crews.2017
    Mid game entertainment. 2017
    Rivers oceans and lakes. 2016
    Unique planets . 2018
    Heat seekers. 2018
    Asteroids Galore. 2018
    New star type. 2018
    Flight controls. 2018
    Map manipulation - scenario builders. 2018
    New Block Shape. 2018
    Data pads for scenario builders. 2019
    Jetpacks and walkers. 2019
    Space playfield goals. 2019
    Underwater. 2019
    Bike v hover bike. 2019
    Grav gen on SV. 2018
    Allience options taxes and faction warfare. 2017
    Tutorial. 2019
    Improving LODs and Performance. Player made assets. 2019
    Primitive Talons can Hack . . . . . . .2019
    Tech tree re-work. 2020

    The lonely Universe. 2019
    Polarised shields. 2019
    Empyrions future. 2020
    Flight controls. 2020

    These are but a fraction of the threads Ive started.

    This post however is about diversifying the space playfields to be worthy of exploration in there own right and the missing planet of Empyrion for the story end game.

    One particular post I made a while back I would like to re-post here in the public section save typing it out again because it still could be vastly improved on.

    I believe its better to teach a man to fish, rather than give him a fish.

    Meaning, its better if Eleon put in place the tools for scenario builders to add such unique things to the game, rather than it be limited to ''just'' what the devs put into the game.

    That means the game needs the files and folders in the games backend to add and save such things.
    It needs an orderly structure.
    Via yaml.

    The actual request is under these pasted posts.



    , Mar 26, 2017.
    We need special planets, not planets that we can land on so much, but things to see and explore in our space travels, some planet types I can see would go well in this game I have posted below this paragraph, please all you testers out there add to this thread with ideas for the developers on what sort of things we want to just randomly run into out there in Empyrions Universe.

    They don't have to be planets, anything you can think of that will work inside of Unity that might be fun to run into and explore, run for your life from, sort of thing.

    These planets or ''things'' phenomonomnomonnomon or the like don't have to serve any purpose other than to be interesting and maybe scan-able for story reasons, as this gives us a trigger point..

    No doubt if some of these things get added, tasks and objectives may be add to the game at a later stage to incorporate some of them into the story line, especially for the SP side of the game.

    So I will start with a couple of planets I would love to see in my exploration of Empyrions Universe.

    We need a special planet that has MEGGA gravity, one that you cant land on in any CV or SV, so gravitationally strong that getting to close = death every time, its a different type of planet, you never change playfields, you just smash into the surface straight up and watch your ship get smashed to pieces, so it would be more like a giant round asteroid around 1000m round, which is just 300m smaller than the current planets, there would be little to render just asteroid craters like on the moons surface, the real moon that is.
    A sound warning would go off if you get near the planets gravitation well.

    Just for fun you know.

    A QUASAR , the closer you get to it the higher your radiation levels are effected, the higher the heat level is also effected.
    A Quasar system could have it planets spread around the edge of the solar system with a couple in closer to the star with the special loots on those planets.

    Just for fun you know.

    GAS GIANTS, really the game should have these at the very least, get to close get sucked down to a crushing death, Everytime ! No mercy, these places are for the true pioneers.
    Player stats like, who can get the closest to the center of the planet would be something players would compete over for sure, you could even tie that in with the games achievement system, and or players could learn/achieve/gain special skills, maybe even for the ships AI, make it smarter so to speak.

    A SMALL moon/asteroid with 3 or 4 MOVING asteroids floating around, this small moon/asteroid could be classed as a rouge planet that's left its original system, now in its own playfield on its own, when a ship comes into a set distance from the moon the floating asteroids around it get slightly effected in there orbit, changing it a little, they don't have to move fast they can be slow, but they become unpredictable because any ship in the zone influences there direction, if hit by one of these floating asteroids, = total destruction of what it hits, so if its a huge ship it goes right through it and leaves a gaping huge hole.

    A playfield where they are deadly, in a suit they can kill you fast, in a ship they pepper your hull, depending on its strength is depending how it lasts and if you survive.


    Maybe use a purple gas to show where the black hole is, gas obviously being sucked in a spiral to the middle and spat out backside a fraction.

    Get to close, sucked in to blackness, now here the animation guys could just have a field day stretching the view to , well forever and slowing sound, and the games time, LOL, and death.

    Watch Farscape and remember that huge Dugong that eats whole ships inside of asteroid fields, well one of those things would be freeking funny as farts in an elevator , just a wacky thing the game should have, you know , just for fun.

    A donut planet and other strange shaped things, geometry matters.

    Tyrax Lightning-

    Lightning Planets! :D

    Eternal Night Planet, akin to Starbound's "Midnight Planets", except done better!

    Bigger Asteroids including those we could build Bases into, maybe even with pre-generated Caves/Tunnels in them! (Occasionally that turns out to already be 'lived in'...)

    Space Monster that looks like a Moon from far off, like a Space equivalent of a Rock Golem!

    Brown Dwarf Star with Planets around them adapted to Brown Dwarf mechanics!

    Nebulas with hidden Planets in them!

    Crystal Planets!

    Alien Dyson Spheres!

    Alien Homeworlds we can blow to hell!


    So you can see we have been going in hard for many years for the exploration side of the game and the devs have been good and added a lot of our requests to date, we love them for that and we are selfish in that we would like to ask for more.

    So to get to the actual request itself, its simply more of the above, in a more out of the box way, right now, if I build a scenario, I can not add strange things to orbit, large 3d models converted for Empyrions voxel scale, to be used in space as POIs.
    Doing it this way, removes thousands of voxel box polygons if we did it with blocks.
    Means we can have much larger things in the map with no real performance hit.
    This could even work for large scale cities you can not enter, but you could fly over that and what a view.
    Diversify the game to have more scenario builder options.

    The better you make the tools for scenario builders, the longer the game will last.

    Look at the massive diversity of mincraft, and what modders have done to that, we are in the same boat here in relation to modding.
    We have a great yaml system that anyone can learn.
    We just lack a few tools to really change the game up to suit.

    Like the ability to add large 3d objects.
    Like the ability to add audio files to an ipad so they work like the ones in subnautica. [ extremely important ]
    Like the ability to create starter cores for ships with our own flight parameters.
    Like the ability to assign players an AI entity as a helper.
    Like the ability to give individual command instruction to hostile AI.
    Like the ability to set up a dozen hostile Ai and set tactics and advance waypoints, goals and aggression levels.

    These are the sorts of tools that make this game just incredible, that take it to a point, where AAA games will be hard pressed to offer as much for the price, where we can make story after story, all different, all diverse, all new.
    All up to you Eleon, I know we are selfish to ask so much for such a small game price, please forgive our insolence !
    lol games just to good and so thus should be made even better !

    Please make our scenario tools better.

    One last request, the planet Empyrion.

    This game will never feel complete, EVER, without THE planet Empyrion, the planet of perfection of the gods.
    Empyrion really is just not Empyrion, without Empyrion and can never be for Empyrionites if there is no Empyrion in the game Empyrion ! Dr Zues would be proud of that one !

    So the game, in my opinion, desperately needs the end game planet of Empyrion itself.

    And that planet should be something very special, a hand made planet, which brings me back to the terrain shaping suggestion I made couple of years ago, where we can manually raise and lower terrain in creative and build things with terrain in creative and save those planet files as a set terrain, a manual terrain editor , along side the auto generator would be just the best of both worlds for Empyrion.

    The planet Empyrion, should probably even have a few new assets never seen before in the game by anyone.

    And it could even be done i na way where those assets can only be placed on one type of planet, the planet Empyrion, make that a planet type also, as its the only one in its class in the game, set a rule that only allows ONE Empyrion class planet in a scenario and we have something very special there.
    Very special indeed.

    Anyway, we are closing in on a time where the exploration side of the game and default story needs addressing or conclusion is a better way to put that, so I hope you devs are thinking about all of this sort of stuff.
    StyxAnnihilator likes this.
  2. SacredGlade

    SacredGlade Captain

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Great (long;)) post!

    More creator options tools agree. It is what can set Empyrion apart from rest, many different game experiences created by the community and devs.

    A low voxel count way of producing large deco entities would be great for immersion and performance. Let's have large settlements that make worlds feel inhabited. I don't need to be able to I interact with every building...

    Content, content, content. (My perennial favourite "wish" is underwater vessels and critters. )
    Bollen likes this.

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