POI resetting rules (for Vanilla and Reforged Eden)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by hairlessOrphan, Sep 9, 2020.

  1. hairlessOrphan

    hairlessOrphan Ensign

    Sep 5, 2020
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    The big question: do POI's reset in single-player?

    The real questions:
    I know "regenerable" POI's (typically quest-critical POI's) can't be cored or modified. Ignoring those...

    1. Do non-regenerable POI's (like random legacy POI's) reset on their own in single-player?
    2. If so, after how long?
    3. If so, how can I avoid that? Will putting my own core down stop it?
    4. Do these rules apply to Reforged Eden?
    5. If NOT (i.e. if they only reset in MP), is there a setting to make them regen? Out of curiosity (and maybe future plans)

    arcticsnowyt likes this.
  2. arcticsnowyt

    arcticsnowyt Commander

    May 5, 2018
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    Great questions, I've been curious about this myself. I'm very interested to hear the answers.
  3. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    By default POIs do not regenerate in both default survival and in reforged Eden. They might on the default mp scenario however.
    You can enable it in your game options.yaml file under your save game.
    If poi regeneration is enabled then you cannot place a core in any poi that is set to regenerate.

    Most POIs regenerate after 12 hours and orbital asteroids after 3 hours. Some POIs do not regenerate because they aren't meant to.

    If you remove every single block of a poi then it probably won't regenerate
    arcticsnowyt and Fractalite like this.
  4. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    yeah, from what I have noticed in Vanilla SP is if you knock out a turret on a POI, then return a week later, that one turret is still gone. There have been times where I have started a POI, realized I didnt have the firepower to go much deeper (or I got lazy) and would just return later and all my progress was still there.

    If you core a POI and salvage it all it will vanish from the map, takes a while, but it will go away.
  5. hairlessOrphan

    hairlessOrphan Ensign

    Sep 5, 2020
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    So trying to put all the info I have together, but confused about how "by default POI's do not regenerate" combines with "Most POI's regenerate after 12 hours" which I think has something to do with the difference between regenerable POI's (like the UCH Heidelberg), non-regenerable POIs ("some POI's do not regenerate because they aren't meant to"), and POI's that are not marked as either regenerable or non-regenerable...?

    Here's how I'm interpreting this. Some of these statements will probably be wrong, looking for corrections!

    1. Some POI's are marked as "regenerable" (UCH Heidelberg) and will regenerate IF and ONLY IF the game settings are set to regenerate POI's
    1a. You CAN NOT place a core on these POI's regardless of game settings
    1b. If game setting is set to regenerate, most of these POI's will regenerate after 12 hours of not visiting it. Orbital asteroids will regenerate after 3 hours of not visiting it.

    2. Some POI's are marked as "not regenerable," and will not regenerate even if the game settings are set to regenerate POI's
    2a. You CAN place a core on these POI's...? Can't?

    3. The rest of the POI's are "default" (Abandoned Factory / Assembly Yard / Reactor) and will regenerate, won't regenerate, respect the game settings? No idea.
    3a. You CAN place a core on these POIs.
    3b. If game setting is set to regenerate, most of these POI's will regenerate after 12 hours of not visiting it. Orbital asteroids will regenerate after 3 hours of not visiting it.
    3c. Placing a core on these POI's... will stop it from regenerating? Won't?

    Which means the only difference between "regenerable" POI's and default POI's are whether or not you can place a core on them? Because both will respect the game settings?
  6. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    Regenerating POIs has been discussed above, but more in line with the thread title I would like to know:

    Can you reset non-story POIs (status undiscovered, undamaged, all NPCs active again) using some console commands or changing the config files without restarting the entire game?
  7. sulusdacor

    sulusdacor Captain

    Nov 27, 2018
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    console comands ingame to regenerate a POI:
    (turns debuginformation on, shows the id of the poi if you target it + other things. you need to be somewhat close for that. the "gm"=godmode and "tt"=teleport sometimes helps with that, to not die and zip around + since you are using console commands anyway)
    regenerate IDnumber
    (regenerates the poi/structure with the id number. for example if the poi id is 1016, then i would type "regenerate 1016" and poof my poi is freshly new.)

    this will make the poi undamaged und spawn all NPCs new etc., aka give you brand new poi. i do not think it will set it to undiscovered, at least i never noticed. But i am usually right next to them when doing that, since i use it to test poi's. With the "map" console command to uncover the whole map i would guess there is something else you would have to type or change to make it undiscovered, might need a yamal edit. but that last one is just a guess, more knowledgeable people will know the answer to the undiscovered question.
    japp_02 likes this.
  8. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    thank you very much for your feedback! Most likely it was also explained more above but I wasn't sure it also applies for my question. I will take note and go through your steps.
    Very appreciated, thanks.

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