Improved Zirax Base Attack

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by IndigoWyrd, Sep 10, 2020.

  1. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    So it finally happened, and through no fault of my own - I was attacked by Talons for the first time. I have to say, I really liked a few things about this attack. First, I liked the fact that it had options, either fend off the attackers for 30 minutes or find and eliminate all the shamans. I also liked that the attack actually persisted until the conditions were met, with new waves of enemies spawning from time to time.

    So what does this have to do with Zirax base attacks? Well, I'd love to see them follow the same kind of format - time-based, with options. Something like this:

    The attack begins with a small group of drones, followed by another wave of drones and a couple drop ships. Those drop ships drop off the Zirax Commanders and some ground forces, and persist until all the Zirax Commanders are defeated, or the time-frame of the attack comes to an end. At the attack continues, waves of drones and ground forces should continue, with Bombers joining in close to the end of the time limit.

    Of course, this should not be the only format of these attacks, but rather the format for attacks as the player gains in rank - I would say around level 18-20 before launching these sorts of attacks.
    arcticsnowyt likes this.
  2. arcticsnowyt

    arcticsnowyt Commander

    May 5, 2018
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    This is actually something like I had expected when Zirax ground attacks were introduced in Alpha 10. I thought (perhaps wrongly so) that there would be waves of attacks like you described, not the singular types we still have. One attack of drones, next attack is troop transport...rinse and repeat.

    I hardly bother with anything more than a couple cannons and a flak turret on my bases now as any drones or troop transports get destroyed before they get close to my base. Waste of resources and ammo manufacturing to bother with anything else.

    I'd love to see this kind of system implemented....add a challenge to base attacks for a change.

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