So after several years of playing SP survival only, and increasingly coming to the conclusion that there is basically zero incentive to keep playing after acquiring a CV and thus achieving survival ('exploration' gets old fast), I've decided the only way I can keep playing Empyrion after that initial push to survive is to introduce PvP. PvP in Empyrion is something I've never done. I see that there are servers, but a vast number are private, password-protected servers, and many more don't seem to have much information about them. Is there a PvP-noob-friendly checklist or thread or something which will point me in the right direction on how to find/get into the server I want? Or am I supposed to pick un-password-protected servers at random and hope I get one I like?
Noob friendly pvp is probably not existing, you got to learn it the hard way. I only know 3 nice PvP servers 1. is running the invaders vs defenders szenario 2. is a star trek themed server, they play federation vs Borg 3. is the server i am currently on, custom map, custom playfields, custom trade, not the HWS magic but lots of fun thanks to the claim system question now is, where do you live?
US. I'm not really looking to faction up or anything. I just want a threat of other players coming and taking my stuff. That will provide the incentive I want to actually keep moving and keep building. I'd prefer to be on my own time and schedule rather than have to be in discord and the like. Mainly I guess I'm looking for a 'server directory' of sorts, and some basic information, like how the landclaim device works/what it does (which I've never used before obviously). And I'm not expecting noob-friendly PvP. There's just some stuff I don't know how to do yet, to get to the PvP.
The primary use of the Land Claim device is to prevent others from digging under your base, covering the bottom with explosive charges, or finding that core you sunk under it and taking it out.
What does it do on a CV? I was under the impression it kept people from attacking your stuff when you were offline. EDIT: Facepalm moment: not landclaim device, offline protection. Not that I really know how either work.
Offline protection throws a blue shield box around your ship, similar to the green shield box a repair bay raises while repairing. As I recall, Offline Protection has a duration, so you can't set one, go on vacation for a week and expect nothing to have happened.