Playfield.yaml - Playfield_Dynamic.yaml - Playfield_Static.yaml Editing & Setup Explained

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by Bazslaz, Sep 16, 2020.

  1. Bazslaz

    Bazslaz Ensign

    Aug 21, 2020
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    Much of the information on the forums is incomplete, outdated or just missing. I am a new server admin and am setting up a new dedicated server for windows server 2019. As I learn key things I will post what I learn to help others. This information comes from one of the dev's Taelyn, he was an awesome source and helped explain in detail how playfield.yamls work so this information is accurate and up to date as of
    Sept 16, 2020

    Playfield.yaml vs playfield_dynamic.yaml vs playfield_static.yaml.

    The game has what is called a SolarSystemGenerator people refer to it as the SSG.
    This Random Generator, randomly generates the world.

    Both Dynamic + Static Playfield files = Playfield.yaml

    Static Playfield Files contain Static settings like deposits, POIs, weather
    Dynamic Playfield Files only contain Biome setup
    Playfield.yaml = all of that together
    so Both Dynamic + Static = Playfield.yaml

    Once you start your Server, the SSG will create from the dynamic and static playfield files your save game AKA Playfield.yaml

    So my next question was when do I edit which file?
    Active game = Edit Playfield.yaml in the SaveGame Folder
    New Game = Edit Scenario Folder either Dynamic and Static or Playfield.yaml

    If you see files with a .bin extension such as playfield_static.yaml.bin LEAVE THOSE ALONE. Those files are generated and updated by the game and are for speeding up the load process.

    Each planet has a Playfield.yaml. In my case I want to enable the LandClaimDevice on all planets. That means I have to edit the playfield.yaml for every planet I wish to enable the landclaimdevice to work on.

    For Details on how to enable a LandClaim Device go HERE

    There are example playfield files for you to look at located in your
    Steam\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Playfields\+ExamplePlanet

    NOTE: Any time you edit a yaml file always test it before you save the file and start your server:
    You can use the Yaml tester site do check for errors
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2020

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