Feedback Required Your most wanted QUALITY OF LIFE feature?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, Jul 3, 2020.

  1. Dreadarm

    Dreadarm Lieutenant

    Aug 18, 2020
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    These two are already in game.

    When in a hover, the depth meter is on the left side of the screen.

    Item dropping is already an option in starting a new game and on dedi servers.
  2. Tricksy

    Tricksy Ensign

    Aug 30, 2017
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    An SMG. Also a series of 4 block high hangar doors; 4x6, 4x7, 4x8, 4x9 for those of us who do not use massive tanks.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2020
  3. Garaman

    Garaman Captain

    Aug 23, 2020
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    +1 for remembering first/third person when going in and out of ships. I basically never want to be in 3rd person on foot.
    +1 for some kind of eyedropper mode that lets you pick the shape / orientation / color / texture of the block you're pointing at

    Ability to toggle mass/volume on/off in creative mode without restarting, like you can with SI

    I'd like to see some more tunable sliders for engine / rcs performance. Basically instead of a general multiplier value, set it to a min/max value and allow the systems to auto-adjust their sensitivity. So if I set my yaw to max 50 m/s, it would throttle down thrusters to match, or as thrusters got destroyed the RCS would have more effect to compensate to match the fixed rotation speed (up to their actual limits). Same as the mass load increases. Having it affect fuel economy would be an added bonus.

    Same as above, but for acceleration during lateral movement instead of rotation. This would give you better control over empty cargo vessels which currently shoot off the ground when launching.
  4. PappyNinja

    PappyNinja Ensign

    Jan 8, 2017
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    Crouch... I cannot overstate this enough why is there no crouch?
    You have a character skeleton rigged, just bend those little knee joints and set it to the C button guys... come on your at 1.0 without a CROUCH!

    All joking aside though, I need crouch to really finish off my NX-01 with Jeffries tubes, don't make me begin an 'insert crouch' campaign. . .
  5. SGP Corp

    SGP Corp Captain

    Feb 12, 2019
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    I would like to see a few more options added for the crew members icons. I think one of a crew member standing holding a tablet and/or one using a hand device would be nice. Also one for crew member seated at the pilot station with the control panels not just the one with the SV pilot seat style.
  6. Treeshell

    Treeshell Lieutenant

    Feb 29, 2020
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    A crosshair that's a tad more visible would be quality of life indeed. It shouldn't be that hard to pick up those starter rocks :p
    Deadalready and bluemax151 like this.
  7. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    We should have a keybind that lets us set a target for our turrets.

    Basically in 3rd person view during ship to ship combat i should be able to unlock my mouse with [ALT] button and then use my (currently disappearing) crosshair to look at a certain device. After pressing the keybind all my turrets should shoot this target until it is exploded.
    Treeshell likes this.
  8. TG67

    TG67 Ensign

    Sep 3, 2020
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    Most important right now is how the mining lasers T2 work... or not work. Its so bad that I don't wanna play the game and I suggest a change according to picture. Make a visual faint holo like thing that shows the actual mining area. Make the rings move slowly from the laser and out. Make the disk be at the place where there is anything that interferes with the rings or inside the rings. And do make the system actually detect all of the ground. So if standing still with the miner and using 1 miner then the hole should be semi round and nice (Think TBM Tunner Bore Machine). As soon as you move the laser should shave off more from the wall in the hole. Also please make the range adjustable (maybe by pressing Shift and scrolling). This way you can make really nice dig outs. Even more can be done here. Make the lasers interactive. Meaning the following. • When 1 laser detects a rock or a meteorite then all align to a centre point and kill that meteorite and when done they turn off shortly so that you don't destroy the scenery everywhere. • Make them mine trees as the survival tool does it with a laser beam and the current tree harvesting thing cant make logs (can only make a mess with the trees)(so in fact just delete that thing :) And delete the chain saw also cos there is way to much crap in inventory anyway). So when hitting a tree again focus on one point and make the laser / lasers move in a log size like manner. Empy Laser.jpg

    PS. Most of the normal ore sites leave less then 10% which are impossible to get rid of. Really sad cos it works against the feeling of completion.
    PS. Again. So unspecified update today seems to have made laser mining a bit better but also now the deposit % does not count down at all.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2020
  9. TG67

    TG67 Ensign

    Sep 3, 2020
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    New blocks. I think we all lack some blocks and the picture shows some. These are not just a picture but they are actual CAD files and can be had as .stp .sat or .x_t file. Let me know if you want them. And I can make more. Empy Sample.jpg
    Deadalready and michaelhartman89 like this.
  10. TG67

    TG67 Ensign

    Sep 3, 2020
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    P Menu - Main - Signals. I really badly miss the possibility to assign keyboard keys to them. Specially since ALL my ships have a first Signal called parking. To that I connect everything not needed when parked (inverted connected). Different weapon systems and other stuff has their own signal on / off. But many items have been messed up and can not be turned of. The most insane example is the CV Detector that can not be turned off and eats insane 320 PU. With that said... ALL things should have an input on / off... and an output saying On or Off. For those things being idle or active we need an output for that also.
  11. TG67

    TG67 Ensign

    Sep 3, 2020
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    Ore bits from mining rocks. PLEASE don't make me pick up any more of them :). The solution is that you can put on addons on your drill and one of those addons should be a little tractor beam. So you pop the rock and out comes ore bits that roll around for one second before the tractor pulls them in. This would look very neat and I want it to be the same way with ALL mining and wood harvesting. Thus you then could pick rocks with your mining vessel. And if its to much work with addons then just make it level dependent... So at level X your tractor beam jumps into action.
  12. TG67

    TG67 Ensign

    Sep 3, 2020
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    Light... Your personal light and the ships light and the drones light should be all the same. Meaning IF you run around and the normal light is active then when hopping into your ship the ships light gets active (needs to be possible to set which ship lights are "main lights" ). If you have night vision active then the drones light should turn off and also the ships light off and in both cases you still have night vision on. And finally if you activate the drone or sit in your ship without your light active then none of them should have lights on.
  13. TG67

    TG67 Ensign

    Sep 3, 2020
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    Ship and what slot was selected. IF for example slot 3 with the detector was selected when exit ship... then that same slot should be selected when getting back into ship. One of many things that mess up my quality of life in Empyrion.
  14. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Germanicus likes this.
  15. WEC

    WEC Ensign

    Jul 27, 2020
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    I'd like to see more textures and shapes, for designing and building.

    I'd also like to see the multitool get simplified to automatically change mode based on what it is pointed at when it is fired (i.e. if you fire it while pointing at a tree or ore, it harvests the material , but if you fire while pointing at an NPC its automatically in weapon mode).
    iliapugach likes this.
  16. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    An adjustable UI to resize the Text, reposition the Popup Windows.
    KRanKO5 likes this.
  17. Arthmoor

    Arthmoor Commander

    Sep 30, 2020
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    My short wish list:

    Boats - so you can sail out over the water and not have your HV sink under you :p

    Identify the specific block shape and type your cursor is over. It's often very difficult to figure out what block is in some part of a POI or ship you're taking over and fixing, but there's a similar spot elsewhere in the design you can tell has what you want.

    Salvage bots that will disassemble a ship or POI automatically for you as long as you keep it supplied with energy.
    iliapugach and KRanKO5 like this.
  18. krosbonez

    krosbonez Lieutenant

    Sep 30, 2020
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    Keybinds for sensors in the P menu
    Ship switches on the tool bar
    as above "Identify the specific block shape and type your cursor is over" maybe with the multitool.
    More shapes and maybe textures
    KRanKO5 likes this.
  19. Máethorel

    Máethorel Lieutenant

    Dec 23, 2019
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    Number one request? Control panel revamp:

    Large structures or vessels get a little tricky to manage devices - lights in particular. It would be super handy to be able to not only create new groups, but new subgroups as well: under the Lights group, you could create such groups as "hall one" "hangar bay" "workshop" et cetera.

    Additionally, this could be used to manage custom toggles. If a custom switch were bound to a group containing subgroups, a checkbox could be selected so that instead of activating/deactivating the entire subgroup, clicking the button would open up a new UI screen that then contained toggles for all of the subgroups.

    While I'm on the topic of activating/deactivating things, it would be super convenient to add that feature to more devices, e.g. generators, force fields, specific ventilators instead of the whole system, light blocks, and so on.

    Beyond this, there are a number of other QOL things that could be integrated. One idea I'm particularly fond of is scalable device limits, especially for turrets - a small vessel could theoretically be overwhelmed by turrets, whereas a larger warship starts to look pretty skimpy on the pew pew past a certain point. Another super nice feature would be gravity generators with configurable field sizes/strengths, with a UI similar to sensors for ease of application. Lastly for today, usable furniture would be awesome. I know it doesn't make much difference in gameplay, and would seldom be used, but who doesn't want to sit down at their desk, or take a nap in their nice house they've built?

    P.S. Something else just occurred to me: improved turret targeting priorities. Right now we can select what we want to be targeted, but not any sort of priority order. Would be super nice to be able to say, arbitrarily, shoot at POI weapons, POI generators, and infantry, but rather than choosing by which is closest, shoot POI weapons first, if none are found, move to infantry, if none are found, move to POI generators. Along these lines, it would be convenient to be able to target drones separately from ground-based NPCs.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2020
  20. icky

    icky Lieutenant

    May 15, 2016
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    i just want turrets to only shoot stuff they can see. i watched spanj go at a base and after the outside was cleared of defenses, his turrets were just going to town on the side of it (ultimately breaching the base which made surviving once inside very difficult if not for an o2 exploit). couldnt figure out why his turrets were going ham on the wall, gets inside and theres a full size turret chilling in the basement.
    ProcyonLotor likes this.

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