Patches v1.1.x

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by EleonGameStudios, Aug 13, 2020.

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  1. The Salty Snake Chef

    The Salty Snake Chef Captain

    Apr 18, 2020
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    Even though I messed up my comment last time the dev's are coming back from vacation (US) aka holiday. Anyways, Taelyn is still active in the community on Discord and I occasionally see the other dev's inquiring about bugs. I don't see a problem right now.
    byo13 and Germanicus like this.
  2. Kratos

    Kratos Ensign

    Jan 30, 2020
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    Playing on the official server, he traveled around the planets on his big ship. When I jumped to another planet, an error message and a blank screen appeared. Ignore the error and failed to continue. I also cannot send a letter with the data on the error, because the mail is on my postal service.
    Should I start from scratch? New? All my ships and bases would be easy for someone else. Thanks for the release.
  3. Obcy

    Obcy Commander

    Apr 4, 2019
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    It has been a month now...
  4. You do know they just pushed an update to the experimental branch earlier today, right?

    It's a small update but an update none the less.
    They haven't abandoned things......
    ravien_ff, ChumSickle and Germanicus like this.
  5. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    SO I read your post last page and just assumed you were kidding sorry.

    But looking at this page, you appear serious.

    So, in closed testing we have had 24 updates since 1.0 was released.

    You guys dont see a lot of the extra work the dev's and closed testers do to ready the games updates, but they are still active, and the tester updates literally have not slowed down one bit, for years infact.
    One of the most prolific game studios for updates Ive ever seen.

    People dont realise, this game has had literally thousands of updates if you add up the tester updates, hundreds if you just add up the public updates and the same can be said for its features, most people really dont realise just how many features the game actually has, it literally has hundreds of features, changes, done to it over the last 5 odd years.

    Te game has a long way to go, we all understand that, but that should not take away from the incredible achievement , just a few minecrafters started in 2013 trying to make a better voxel building game with AI and actual goals and reasons to build.

    Personally, even though the story is not complete yet, I think they are very close to achieving this.

    I think the real kicker for Empyrion is in its AI, and if the devs can get AI to work for us as friendly AI and complete the story, games going to hang out with Subnautica on the top end of Steams charts for sure.
    Bollen, Cluascorp, malrose1 and 2 others like this.

    FUE DENIS Commander

    Sep 15, 2015
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    Beaucoup de joueur joue sur leur pc en solo et d'autre uniquement en constructeur.
    Mais moi qui joue uniquement en PVP/PVE sur des serveurs de bonne taille, et bien je peux vous dire que le jeux et très très loin d'être finit et stable, il reste des centaine de bugs désagréable, et je vois les joueurs fuir le jeux....
    j'aime beaucoup ce jeux mais franchement l’optimisation, la stabilité, elle et pas la.
    (je parle pas du code réseaux qui et calamiteux )

    Many players play solo on their pc and others only play as a constructor.
    But I, who only play in PVP / PVE on good size servers, well I can tell you that the game is very far from being finished and stable, there are still hundreds of nasty bugs, and I see the players fleeing the game....
    I really like this game but frankly the optimization, the stability, it and not the.
    (I'm not talking about the network code which is disastrous)
  7. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Network code is fine, worlds internet is pretty crap though and any ping over 100 is bad or Empyrion.

    Eleon built there own dedicated server code, its fine.

    Consider a few things at play there also, like Unity, out of Eleons hands, your connection speed, the amount of hops it goes through to get to you from server, the quality of that network also, now Empyrion, splitting the game into multiple threads on your CPU, and then re-syncing them, absolutely ANY latency at all from your network, just a few dropped packets even, and you have bugs and problem,s thats not actually net code, its game engine and internet issues.

    CPU is meh, agreed.

    We have bugs, yea, normal for developing games.
    But then Eleon never said they were finished, they specifically said development will go on so thats a non issue .....

    FUE DENIS Commander

    Sep 15, 2015
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    Network code is fine, worlds internet is pretty crap though and any ping over 100 is bad or Empyrion.

    Eleon built there own dedicated server code, its fine.

    Quelle blague :cool: je joue avec un ping de 11 en moyenne, et le code réseaux et exécrable.
    et pas que le code, malheureusement, les aficionados de eleon ne reflète pas la réalité :rolleyes:
  9. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Taelyn likes this.
  10. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    I will translate that for you champ...

    What a joke: cool: I play with an average ping of 11, and the network code is terrible. and not that the code, unfortunately, eleon aficionados does not reflect reality: rolleyes:

    Now I will answer, this is because you just ignored what was said, just because your internet is ok, does not mean the rest of the worlds internet is good.....

    Your ping at 15, means absolutely nothing at all if its going through 2 dozen hops, where anyone of them can cause latency, its does not account for OTHER players with high pings in the render range of your character, in fact most of the latency in this game actually comes from peoples PCs.
    Our netcode only tranfers the data of your position, pretty much most of everything else is all processed, computed and sent to server, the positional data of your character in relation to the map and objects on said map.

    The server is not running the entire map and sending all of the map data every second.
    Our net code is better than heaps of MP games out there, that to use Steam netcode and effectively piggyback there way onto another network, but that comes with limits, like max 4 a game, its a co op system effectively.
    Empyrion used that at first, then built its own from the ground up netcode.
    No netcode can ever account for personal PC latency or internet quality. Ever.

    This is why we stress so much that you spec your PC for modern games not AM3 era games, that was so 2016....

    Its why our system spec went up, its why your CPU under 3ghtz is a bit of a fail, its why if your RAM speed is under 2100mhtz its a bit of a fail for a fast modern gaming rig that is, is you dont run SSD, fail, if your power supply is to weak, fail, if your motherboard is cheap garbage, fail, if your CPU is less than 4 cores WITH Hyperthreading, total fail, if your RAM is under 16GB, fail, and if your graphics card cant beat a GTX980 in a benchmark its a total fail for a gaming rig of todays standards.

    Just to put a point on it ! lol !

    Lets say you connect to a server, and that server is a 15 ping for you, and some dude with a 400 ping comes into your render range, at this point there is absolutely nothing you, or Eleon or any netcode can do to prevent the latency your about to suffer.
    The ping time for you to recieve that data, just jumped from 15ms to much closer to 815ms to 830ms because you cant get any of his [ high pinger ] data until its been to server and then sent to you.
    Now thats .8 of a second to be clear.
    And it has nothing to do with netcode. At all.
    It has everything to do with technology.

    Unfortunately the whole world is not on the awesome system you seem to be.

    If we were all on optical cable with 1000mb of speed, well then yes online gaming would be SO MUCH smoother, it would be literally 500 times better than now, when we get 10 players on a server here in oz, and we all have under 100 pings, its really great, we can even dogfight SVs without to much issue, not all of us have great PCs, but when your on a clean fast network it really shows the difference.
    Germanicus likes this.
  11. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    People need to stop expecting empyrion to run smoothly with 50+ players on a server. It's not designed for that. The servers that do are ran on professional grade server centers and cost hundreds of dollars a month to run.

    Of course there's always room for improvement but empyrion is not a mmo.
    byo13, Germanicus and ChumSickle like this.
  12. Lord Ganjanoof

    Lord Ganjanoof Commander

    Jun 12, 2020
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    New Flamethrower fuel since 1.1.7 ??? but not researchable yet ? Have I missed it before ?
  13. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    As you only LOOT Flamethrowers... :)
    you can BUY the Fuel from certain Traders;).
    It is completely unneccessary to be able to research and produce ALL stuff yourself.
  14. jesterjunk

    jesterjunk Captain

    Nov 18, 2017
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    Then why is the Flamethrower Fuel listed in the Weapons & Items list in all of the following constructors by default?


    In each of those it has a crafting icon with a lock symbol on it.

    If we should not be allowed to unlock / craft that item, it should not be listed in the crafting menu of any constructor.

    For anyone that would like make Flamethrower Fuel unlockable in the Tech Tree, this is the Config.ecf code block that is for that item.
    { Item Id: 2115, Name: FlameThrowerCanister
      Category: Weapons/Items
      StackSize: 2000
      Mass: 4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
      Volume: 0.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
        Damage: 50, display: true
        BlastRadius: 1, display: true
        BlastDamage: 50, display: true
        Speed: 150
        Range: 6
        BulletsPerShot: 8
        BulletSpread: 5
        NoiseStrength: 80, display: false
        Ballistic: true
        DamageMultiplier_1: 2, data: head, display: DmgMultiplierHead
        DamageMultiplier_2: 2, data: wood|woodblock|plastic
        DamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock
        DamageMultiplier_4: 0, data: concrete|hull|hullarmored|hullcombat|metal|metalhard
        DamageMultiplier_5: 0, data: shield
        DamageMultiplier_6: 2, data: human
        BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 2, data: head, display: DmgMultiplierHead
        BlastDamageMultiplier_2: 2, data: wood|woodblock|plastic
        BlastDamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock
        BlastDamageMultiplier_4: 0, data: concrete|hull|hullarmored|hullcombat|metal|metalhard
        BlastDamageMultiplier_5: 0, data: shield
        BlastDamageMultiplier_6: 2, data: human
      UnlockLevel: 1
      TechTreeNames: Hidden

    Edit this line:
      TechTreeNames: Hidden

    To this:
      TechTreeNames: Weapons
  15. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Even YOU must have noticed the slight difference between VANILLA and MODIFIED
    Whatever you "find" within the Gamefiles is not automatically part of the Vanilla Game.
    Its in there, YOU can implement it if you want, but its not(yet) intended to be part of the Vanilla game.
  16. jesterjunk

    jesterjunk Captain

    Nov 18, 2017
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    Yes I do know the difference between Vanilla and Modified.

    This is shown in the game Vanilla without any modifications.

    These constructors are currently showing in Vanilla a locked craftable item for Flamethrower Fuel.
    Portable Constructor
    SV Constructor
    HV Constructor
    Small Constructor
    Large Constructor
    Advanced Constructor​

    There is no where in the Tech Tree to Unlock this item in Vanilla.

    If that is something that was left in by mistake, then it needs to be corrected, so it does not confuse / frustrate players because it cannot be unlocked in the Tech Tree in Vanilla.
    stanley bourdon and Germanicus like this.
  17. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    One step at a time than. Maybe with the next patch we get at least the Fuel to produce while the FT remains a Loot. We'll see;)
    jesterjunk likes this.
  18. Dreadarm

    Dreadarm Lieutenant

    Aug 18, 2020
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    I'm not quite sure I agree with this. I don't really have too much time to point out everything but, I really don't see what a system spec has to do with net-code and ping. Also plenty of games use a server authoritative approach that leads to the person with the crap latency being the one who suffers rather than slowing down the entire game for everyone. I have a 0 Ping to our pub server and am on a direct fiber connection with 1 hop. Even with no other players online, I still get some random latency at times. It seems to be more to do with the server program rather than the netcode itself. I think it is important to distinguish the difference between types of latency in order to address the real culprit. Most people, gamers included, have no idea what actually causes latency outside of "my internet good so game is the problem.".

    In the case of Empyrion, I personally believe 90% of it falls to de-sync issues.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2020
  19. Hawkie

    Hawkie Commander

    Dec 7, 2018
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    Well most players gets stuck on latency because its easily identifiable, but the killer is actually whats called network jitter. Usually this affects VOIP and chat protocols the most, but games like Empyrion is also sensitive to this. ( )

    So you can have low ping, but massive jitter and that will mess up your game.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  20. basingleton

    basingleton Commander

    May 8, 2019
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    Regarding player ping.. maybe there should be a maximum acceptable ping check before a player can join (an official server).. so example if my ping is 300, but the max allowed to join is 200.. It will tell me so? I mean, it does seem to ruin it for everyone else when hi ping PCs join, so why not try to filter them out to a reasonable level? Just thinkin out loud here.. because you can already filter server ping when looking for a server.. so a quick player PC ping check shouldn't be that hard.
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