Builders Wishlist

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 14, 2018.

  1. CyberMech

    CyberMech Commander

    Jun 23, 2018
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    1. To improve automation Tx signal for:

    a. Cockpit/Pilot seats.
    This will allow you to start engines, weapons and other systems when the pilot is in the cockpit or seat of the pilot. This feature will be very relevant primarily for SV / HV.
    b. O² fan (oxygen fan). This will make it possible to turn off unnecessary oxygen fans on the ship while stationary to save energy through the switch, for example.
    c. New scaners (sonar). It will also save energy by supplying power to them only when you are going to fly somewhere.
    d. Teleport. This will save space for enabling / disabling the teleport without using a motion sensor.
    Group signal for devices. This will reduce the time for manual signal assignment for each individual device, for example for a group of luminaires.

    2. Also for SV needed folding wings that will allow the creation of carrier-based fighters.
    3. Weapon lockers.
    4. New engines size 1x3x4 and 1x3x6 (Height/Width/Length) for CV.
    This will give more room for the design of flatter ships with better power and less effects that generate many inline installed 1x1x2 engines.
    5. Guard nps. Why are they just standing there? Let them shoot at enemies and guard the ship!!! :)
    6. SMG. I just want the space UMP-45 :) and you?
    7. New armor models, especially epic one that should have its own model.
    Last edited: May 19, 2020
    Sup, zaphodikus, fox443 and 5 others like this.
  2. tryst49

    tryst49 Lieutenant

    Oct 16, 2016
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    My main wish would be the max limit from the core to be removed.
    I'd love to build roads and transit systems, but trying to line up another core with the existing blocks so the transition is seamless is a real nightmare.

    Even if the limit remained, allow new cores to be aligned perfectly with the existing base so we can keep on building seamless lengths.
    zaphodikus and Ritter like this.
  3. Ritter

    Ritter Ensign

    Jun 22, 2020
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    More textures. My girlfriend and I enjoy the interior design.
    Sup, KRanKO5 and tryst49 like this.
  4. Ravis

    Ravis Captain

    May 17, 2017
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    Could we get an astroid without ore, just for building purposes.
    Sup and zaphodikus like this.
  5. Fundito

    Fundito Ensign

    Jun 24, 2020
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    Hello everyone. I am a guy who just came from Space Engineers (I like empyrion more than I was anticipating). The things that would make this a perfect game for me (some may have already been mentioned)

    1) Batteries
    -I find that the current power situation is relatively inferior to SE in that I loved having big fields of wind turbines for example on mountain and essentially charging up batteries which could then be moved into vehicles (or the vehicles plugged in to the charging bay). This may not be possible in Empyrion since blocks do not really attach/unattach as far as I know. But to me when I play this is the thing I miss the most

    2) Pistons/Rotors- Without these, I feel like I am missing out any ability to transform something from state a to state b which is the essence of any living breathing machine. In space engineers I can make an airtight hangar bay as big as I want. But here I am unable to do this because I cant change directionality. I understand this is probably impossible with the physics engine. However, if this was in Empyrion I would never play SE again

    3) Logistics systems-
    -this may not be something that appeals to the Empyrion crowd as the game is a lot less engineery. But I would actually prefer to have to hook up the cargo to the refinery for example. Or cargo A to Cargo B in order to move things. For building I actually prefer the way it is where you can access any specific inventory in the base (makes it much less tedious). But ultimately I think that you should have to have one cargo connected to the other in order to transfer things there directly.

    4) More decorative blocks
    -I love your decorative blocks compared to SE where it is so so so sterile. Essentially to me there is no limit to this. Things like a bar with liqour bottles or a couch with the ability to sit on it would be incredible. I can think of a million different things from chess sets to chez lounges. Of course if modding is allowed, these will encourage themselves.

    Thank you for all of your work amazing game. Im having a blast. I wish I could put my SE vehicles into empyrion once they were created because the world is so damn good
    KRanKO5 likes this.
  6. Zaneak

    Zaneak Ensign

    Jul 5, 2020
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    I would say something you could add to a base/CV to be like anti-grav to easier reach the bottom of ships. The other thought is maybe a towing type item to add on to like small vessel or something, to be able to move other ships that are not functional to other areas to better repair.
  7. Grand Pa

    Grand Pa Lieutenant

    Jun 8, 2020
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    The behavior of the Multi-Tool when I want to change the rotation/position of a block and it should change also bigger blocks than actually ;-)

    Concret should the Multi-Tool NOT change the focus of a selected block! It happens to me so often, that I change a complete differnt block as I want, cause I didn't see that the correct one is out of the focus.
    KRanKO5 likes this.
  8. Bansheedragon

    Bansheedragon Commander

    Mar 31, 2016
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    Have the wireless connector extend the range of the drone, but only within the Wireless Connector sphere of influence, outside of that it should have the normal range.

    I find the range of the drone to be too short when I'm building and find that having to reposition my character to continue working is breaking my concentration.
    Allowing the wireless connector to extend the range of the drone within it's sphere of influence I think could help with the building process.
    jesterjunk likes this.
  9. Garaman

    Garaman Captain

    Aug 23, 2020
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    A way to visualize container extension chains. Something like a debug mode that assigns a color to each controller, then displays a matching color ghost outline or overlay on each extension connected to it that draws on top of the scene. Disconnected extensions would show in a fixed color, like red. It would be important to visualize internal blocks too, so you can understand how chains pass through walls you may want to cut into, or identify easy areas to expand the chain.
    cmguardia, me777, Pear78 and 5 others like this.
  10. arcticsnowyt

    arcticsnowyt Commander

    May 5, 2018
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    Excellent idea!
    me777 likes this.
  11. Jollinar

    Jollinar Lieutenant

    Jun 7, 2016
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    ist es möglich die halbrunden Geschütztürme von den Zirax auch für die Spielerschiffe verfügbar zu machen?
    Vielleicht auch einen mit einer Gaitlinggun.

    Translate with Google:

    is it possible to make the semicircular turrets of the Zirax available for the player ships? Maybe one with a gaitling gun.
  12. Movado

    Movado Lieutenant

    Dec 18, 2020
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    Probably already mentioned, but I’d really like a shape selector tool. Sometimes I know what shape I need because it’s already being used, but can’t find it in the menu.

    Also, since there are so many odd shapes people are looking for, is a dynamic block possible? One that automatically lines up with the adjacent block corners, or allows the user to move the corners to mold into the spot they need?
    zaphodikus likes this.
  13. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    A dynamic block would be awesome, but I suspect it may prove impractical. I sure could have used a bunch on numerous occasions.:)
  14. Movado

    Movado Lieutenant

    Dec 18, 2020
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    I mean, I’m not a programmer or pretend to know how this works, but I feel like this should be doable. Even if it’s just a block that the user can manually mold to the shape you need. Seems that would be the end all for the odd shape requests.
  15. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    I agree if it can be done. This game appears to provide many possibilities, yet there are many limitations. Some of my fellow players are more adept at manipulating the fabric of the game than I am to get around or at least understand those limitations. Maybe one of them knows something about it.
  16. CyberMech

    CyberMech Commander

    Jun 23, 2018
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    Options for heavy 1x2 windows as well as 100% transparency on the more transparent side.
    This will allow you to enjoy the beauty of space in the first person, because now the darkening at the windows from the transparent side is too large and it is very difficult to see through it.
    Track Driver likes this.
  17. Pembroke

    Pembroke Commander

    Mar 26, 2017
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    When you move the place of the Core from the Starting Block to a more suitable place, it's easy to lose the orientation info of your vessel if you aren't careful. It's *extremely* frustrating to discover after a big build that you have the front and back reversed...

    So, could you, please:

    1. Either add to the "N" info an option to show two arrows that point to the "forward" and "up" of the ship so you can always recall the orientation of the build.

    2. Or better yet: Base the orientation on the Core Block. Mark on the Core Block clearly the "forward" and "up" sides, or have pointing arrows, or the like but so that you know which way you need to put it to get the orientation of the ship the way you want.

    3. Or even better: Don't have a static ship orientation based on the Starting Block or Core at all. Instead, base it dynamically on the orientation of the Cockpit block. Multiple cockpits can be handled by either using the cockpit where the current pilot is sitting, or if you need it to be more static for technical reasons then have a checkbox in the cockpit saying "main cockpit" and use that.
  18. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    No. 3, yes!
  19. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    As a game starter I'm quite too afraid to start bigger building projects, I rather use my learning curve to modify objects to start with getting me familiar with the building interface which is surely the best I have seen among similar games, very intuitive to use.
    That said, a little display help would be great:
    If you point with your multitool on a block after chosing 'Salvage' or 'Retrieve', you get the primary block info, e.g. 'Concrete block' etc. It would be fine if the exact shape info is also displayed in a line below, there is enough room for that in the HUD and it would tremendously help finding the shape again should you chose to place similar blocks. I guess the debug mode will do that (after entering 'di' in the console), but I'm not sure and anyway it would be better to have this info without debug mode.

    I would also really appreciate an Undo function in Survival like in the Creative mode (after pressing N).

    Last edited: Feb 25, 2021
  20. garyice

    garyice Ensign

    Mar 6, 2021
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    MAIN-TAG: TX signal functions better defined.
    For example Guns on or off state signal is missing badly. But all the devices could have TX signals for operating or not state.
    Lever's could use a signal input for SWITCH state, not just turn off/on.

    Options to hotkey ( or toolbar bound or both :) ) signals and group hotkeys from the "P" menu.

    Also an option to set states of the above signals by devices. (For example: if I have a signal for a gun, That is turning it on or of, according to the signal. BUT If I manually turn of that same gun There is no feedback on the "P" menu's signal tab. I'd like to ask for that.

    2. LCD options.
    For example to access states of signals, [SignalName:.state] => 0/1

    or amounts in containers: [ContainerName.volumeMax], [ContainerName.volumeCurrent], [ContainerName:ObjectName.Amount] ...etc

    Simple programing like (IF x THEN do ELSE do, Until x Repeat do, For x to y do)

    FADE option when turning on/off a display.

    3. Would make building so much "fun" to access different sized blocks. For example SV sized blocks in CV, and vice versa. This could come with the sideeffect that smaller objects could share up to 64 different positions inside one block. For example lights, or smaller than full size blocks like deco plants could be ofsetted. As well as more than one of these small objects could be placed inside 1 square block space.
    I bet There is room for at least 32 LCD projector inside one sqblock.

    4. Moving/transforming/rotating block types. Hinges, pistons, rotatrons...etc.

    5. halfwall sized "edge" blocks for the slopes. For example the 22,5° could not be ended smoothly on a half wall level right now.
    CyberMech likes this.

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