Forcefields Blocking Radiation / Heat

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Scoob, Sep 25, 2020.

  1. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hey all,

    This might not be an original thought, but wouldn't it be great if Forcefield blocked radiation?

    I don't use the forcefield blocks, their material cost is too high for their use case. Sure, they can be used to create aesthetically pleasing builds with them acting as air locks - which I might do if I find some. However, I prefer a physical barrier to stop my ship interiors getting shot up! lol.

    While cramming various bits into CV build during my current Survival game, I have various area where radiation is an issue. Be it a corridor too close to a Thruster / Generator etc. or, as in my current case, me retrofitting a Shield Generator into a compact CV - exposing anyone walking in the docking bay to potential rads when getting out of a docked SV.

    This is when I thought how great it would be if these Force Fields could actually BLOCK radiation from devices. I feel it's a shame that normal Steel (etc.) blocks don't block rads / heat at all, I guess by design. However, a Force Field Block seems like it's made for this role. It cannot block physical things - except atmosphere - so is useless in a combat sense, but allowing it to suppress any radiation / heat within a couple of block (to keep it simple, I hope) would be so useful.

    Imagine lining corridors going past Generators etc. with Force Field blocks and being able to walk right next to them with no issues?

    I suspect there are technical limitations here with how the game works currently, but thought I'd throw this idea out there in case it's at all possible. Thoughts?

  2. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Great idea! When they first came out, I was using force fields as invisible barriers to keep out plant monsters and other aggressive critters. Apparently they don't do that, either.

    But, yes, radiation/heat blocking force fields would be very useful. As an alternative. or addition, rad/heat proof windows. I see them in movies frequently.:)
    cmguardia likes this.
  3. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    They worked that way for my daughter and me several builds back A8.7. Which lead to our best build the bedazzled toilet an SV for rescue and looting. A glorified mobile drone hatch.
  4. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I think it's a logical fit for them, the only issue is the technical aspect I suspect. I.e. they do already block environmental heat / cold / radiation when built into a wall, separating inside and outside - just like a normal Steel / Concrete etc. block would bar the physical barrier aspect. However, as even regular blocks don't block heat and radiation from devices currently, I do wonder how all that stuff is coded. I suspect a simple "this block emits heat / radiation up to n blocks away" which is likely very light computationally.

    That said, I recall when base pressurisation wasn't a thing and implementing that must have been far more involved - I certainly don't recall noticing any sort of performance hit, and I was playing on a (now) nine year old CPU back then.

    As an aside, what I'd really like for Force Field block is to be able to toggle them on and off. When they were first introduced, as they drew power I assumed they could be turned off. So, I built entire setups with this in mind thinking I could power them on or off as needed - basically complimenting Ramp blocks I'd used as (non air-tight) Hangar Door alternatives engaging the Force Field only when the Ramp was "closed". Doesn't work though due to their non-dynamic nature of course.

    Enhancing Force Fields as described would make them MUCH more flexible. Heh, I'd even go as far as making a version that DOES block physical objects (Players, NPC's, bullets) if they could be toggled. They could be brought down, but they would charge up again. That's be fun to build with and a great way to break into a Shielded base on foot as a Force Field block wouldn't be subject to the main Shield's protection....

    I know I've gone off on a tangent, but I can really see a use for Force Field blocks that can be toggled on or off and potentially a version that acts as a physical block when powered too. Radiation traps anyone? I'm sure the sadistic "Abandoned..." POI designers would just love that lol.

    cmguardia likes this.
  5. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    When the base attacks were implemented, the Zyrax soldiers could not break through the shield blocks:D:D, but the animals could :p.

    On the subject, perhaps there is some useful information in the programming of the doors since I have noticed that the doors can give you a normalized temperature zone of 22 ° C if you enter their force field. That is, you do not need to be in any closed place and with oxygen for this to work. And since the door must block the entrance of all the external climate with its field, perhaps it has programmed the external radiation blocking as well. This would give information on how to modify the shields to achieve it.

    Cuando se implementaron los ataques a las bases, los soldados Zyrax no podían atravesar los bloques de escudos :D:D, pero los animales sí :p.

    En el tema, quizás haya algún dato útil en la programación de las puertas ya que he notado que las puertas pueden darte una zona de temperatura normalizada a 22°C si entras en su campo de fuerza. Es decir, no es necesario que estés en ningún lugar cerrado y con oxígeno para que esto funcione. Y ya que la puerta debe bloquear con su campo la entrada de todo el clima externo, quizás tenga programado el bloqueo de radiación exterior también. Esto daría un dato de como modificar los escudos para lograrlo.
  6. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    I wish they could be turned on and off by signal source. I find them useful for sealing away odd little corners of some builds that leak air, or as an emergency patch until I can repair a ship, or for use in making open docking areas for space-based bases where there are neither hanger doors large enough, or would otherwise be undesirable.

    We just need more size options for them. n x n+1 and n+1 x n, from 1 - 10 at least.
    cmguardia likes this.

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