What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    I killed a couple of Periat Class Frigates with the Nightjar. I was able to solo one but had to come back for the second after my shields recharged. Mostly due to my weapons compliment. Long story short I ended up with 2 sets of T3 CPU upgrades not to mention all the other goodies. Can't really use them with my current CV so I decided to design something from scratch. A CV that starts at T2 but is designed specifically to upgrade to T3. I'm pretty satisfied with the hull shape I have now with the exception of the nose which bugs me a bit. I currently have it set up as a sort of hammerhead shaped hardened steel armor bumper . I'm at a total loss of what to do with the belly though. What's the common practice? Do people recess the landing gears and shape the bottom with half blocks? or is it better to double layer the floor? I'd like to have as little trouble as possible landing. That's why I tried to limit the footprint of the CV and added a fifth landing gear.


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  2. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    For what it's worth, I personally like to double-layer the bottom of my CVs to cover landing gear, turrets, and any additional "small thrusters" I might need. It eliminates rad/heat from the thrusters entering the ship and an extra layer of protection for any low HP devices located there.
  3. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    For suggestions, all I can say is what I would try. For many times I will try something and then decide if it was good/bad/ugly/salvageable. I recently had a hammerhead front end on one of my CV, but what I used to fix that CV will not work for your CV. So what would I try? Or, wait, would it? Now I have two different ideas. Let's see how well I can communicate them. Sometimes pictures are better than words, so I tried to simulate your front end.

    NewGame_2020-09-29_20-27-21.png NewGame_2020-09-29_20-27-39.png

    NewGame_2020-09-29_20-28-29.png NewGame_2020-09-29_20-28-18.png NewGame_2020-09-29_20-28-46.png

    As for the underside, I might mix full and half-height blocks to break up exterior shape while preserving the interior space.

    NewGame_2020-09-29_20-26-47.png NewGame_2020-09-29_20-26-54.png
    Track Driver likes this.
  4. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    Thank you both very much for your feedback.

    @dpburke2 I think I'm going to try and emulate your 2nd suggestion. It reminds me of the upper torso of the Gundam.

    I'll have to try/test a few ideas out for the belly. It has to have some extra layers to break up the shape and protect a repair bay if necessary but I need to not impede landing too much.
    dpburke2 and Track Driver like this.
  5. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Project Eagle continues...
    The Laboratory Pod. I didn't find any interior shots anywhere, so this is my interpretation. It's a shame there aren't any SV sized consoles and tech equipment beyond the medic station and clone chamber. After all, not all SVs are fighters and interceptors. I was able to use the CPU extenders for some techy deco.
    2020-09-15 (16).png 2020-09-29 (33).png 2020-09-29 (32).png 2020-09-15 (13).png 2020-09-15 (14).png 2020-09-15 (15).png 2020-09-25 (1).png 2020-09-25 (2).png 2020-09-25 (3).png 2020-09-25.png
    Wellingtoon, dpburke2 and bluemax151 like this.
  6. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Today, I....

    Updated the Steamer Duck with textures and paint job. Released the tier 2 version on the workshop.

    Steamer Duck T2
    A12 Creative_2020-09-29_16-41-24.jpg
    I have been using a variant of this HV in my SP games since about alpha 7 or so. 1750 SU divided between 3 containers for balance. I cried when CPU forced me to reduce the Steamer Duck from 4 turrets to half that at 2 turrets (or only 1 for Reforged Eden). However, when I realized that I could build it with upgrades in mind, well, I can still use it early game and then upgrade it to where I hunt drones with pleasure. Now I cannot say that holds true for Reforged Eden yet....

    So I continued my SP survival with reforged. Going baseless at first, I realized that in reforged that the HV constructor can build the large constructor. This means I don't need a BA small constructor necessarily in my progression. So I went with one of my HV blueprints that includes a constructor. And although I used the BP factory, I also made sure to unlock the tech for it and build the associated constructor in my portable constructor, so although I am using a BP, it is conceivable that I could have built a crude HV instead to fit the function.

    Now it was an accident on my part, but when I was building ammo with my shiny new HV with constructor, I put the parts and materials into the factory and produced the vanilla version of the Steamer Duck. So after a little work with the multitool, I broke apart the vanilla version and dumped most of those parts into the BP factory towards the reforged version I had worked up. Had a little laugh at myself.

    Error corrected, I took my long time friend and went mining. With that 1750 SU of storage, sure I still couldn't get the iron deposit in a single trip, but I would have made 4 trips instead for each one trip with the HV, switching linked containers each time it said I was out of space, and for the last notice switching to fill my personal inventory. Now I did stress a little while down in the hole mining. For the first couple minutes down there I heard a nearly constant stream of gunfire from that single turret. Nervous because I am so used to the Steamer Duck having at least 2 turrets in vanilla and thus being overkill for most predators. There would a burst of fire, short break, and then another burst of fire. After the first couple minutes while drilling, it then stopped and the only sound was the mechanical hand drill. When I finished drilling there was still over 900 rounds of ammo in the HV.

    Here's my base camp thus far.


    The cargo box was actually part of a wreck. When so many of those cargo boxes in the starting area had only 125 SU, finding this one with 8k SU was a sweet find. The armor locker buried in the ground is my own addition to what was left of the wreckage. It didn't need to be powered and the loss of a few resources is so worth being able to equip the armor.

    I think the next step in my progression is the large constructor. The question is what route am I going to get there. And when I do, I probably want it to have at least 2, preferably 4 large constructors to really accelerate bringing in some good defense tower(s) to defend what will be the start of an actual base encampment. It is the leap I want to make because I also need the large constructor to make the first CPU extender for the HV, and I already have confirmed that should be sufficient to bring the Steamer Duck back to a full set of four turrets just like in vanilla. Only question then would be test if it was still as effective at hunting drones, a test I am itching to get to at some point.
  7. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Today...I wanted to fire up EGS again...but alas I can't. :rolleyes:
    Not only I struggle with a heavy Migraine but also EGS gives me CoQs on Startup and also on log out 'exe does not work any longer':mad:.

    So. back to bed, swallow hard hitting Medication and hope for the Best.

    cia around Survivors:)
  8. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    I'm sure your parents told you you'd forget your head if it wasn't attached...

    Nicely done, great reproduction of a classic, from a classic.
    Track Driver likes this.
  9. Pounce

    Pounce Ensign

    Sep 30, 2020
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    Robot Shark, bluemax151 and dpburke2 like this.
  10. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    As a matter of fact....
    and nothing's changed.;)
    Wellingtoon and dpburke2 like this.
  11. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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  12. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Hope you feel better soon.
    dpburke2 likes this.
  13. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Spent time last night doing more Zirax incursions. I enjoy attacking POIs, seeing their "backup" arrive, and then taking them out. I did finally learn that these "response" vessels are relatively easy to core and then I just salvage what I can, and when they explode and despawn I collect the drop containers they leave behind.

    I am half heartedly searching for a nice temperate planet in Zirax space to build a base. The ship I fly uses a lot of 15 and 30mm ammo, so I am in a constant need for plant fibers. I could probably make enough if I dedicated half my grow plots to fiber, but I am rather lazy and sometimes go a few hours between visits. So I want to find a location with plenty of trees and a water source. This way I can gather a massive amount that will last me a while. I started my assault on Zirax space with 1,000 logs thinking that would last...but a few good battles later and crafting thousands of rounds of ammo, thats gone.

    Realizing I was effectively out of wood, I found an arid planet as the past three systems were devoid of temperate. Built 6 water filters. Landed and deployed the filters and fueled them for a few hours. I set out in my tank to look for a forest of some sort, and managed to find some trees closer to the poles. The trees are small, and their yeild is low (1-5 logs). But after a bit of work I gathered 200 or so. I dont >need< the water, as I can produce plenty of the smaller promethium packs, but my ship is rather thirsty, so if I am seeking wood, may as well try to get set up for the larger packs. When I find ice asteroids I hit them all. But man, those larger packs sure do take a lot.

    My ship holds a lot of 02, so I havent really been in need of specifically creating o2. Before I left the starter planet I had stored up a few hundred of the smaller 75 unit canisters, so that has lasted. On top of what I get in loot, oxygen hasnt been an issue.
    dpburke2 and bluemax151 like this.
  14. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    Get well soon

    Did preliminary work on the new CV. Paint and some texturing. Set the bottom up to match some of the exterior detailing. Not entirely pleased with it atm. Pretty happy with the exterior lighting except for the fact that the lights turn off if you fly in 3rd person or get too far away. I hadn't noticed this before but I assume it's to conserve system resources?

    @dpburke2 I didn't exactly replicate your 2nd suggestion but it's pretty similar. Thanks again for the suggestion. 20200930080647_1.jpg

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  15. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Distance diminishes everything. Lights, details, sound, everything. Even doing airtight checks on a large structure. The visual indicator only goes so far and moves with you as you survey the structure. As you say, system recource conservation.
    bluemax151 and dpburke2 like this.
  16. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Had a pretty fun short play session last night:

    I started the evening on the same arid planet where I had stopped to harvest a bit of water and wood for fuel and ammo. Decided to scout around a bit for some of the local POIs and noticed one I had not encountered before, the Drone Factory I think it is. Took in my tank and cleared the defenses and went in for a peek. Quickly realized that attacking a POI with ones EVA mod is a pretty painful experience. I was able to clear the POI, and found another Epic plasma rifle to add to the collection. The POI itself was well set up, and the core was decently hidden. Not overly ornate or detailed in its design, but, its a factory...I wasnt expecting paintings on the walls.

    To my suprise, I noticed just to the north of the POI was another Drone Factory, so I cleared it as well...and to my joy found that it also contained a container with matching Epic loot, this time Epic Heavy armor. First time I have found a set in all of my playthroughs. Though...I am being FAR more aggressive this time around, and my anti-Zirax behavior is borderline psychotic.

    Before I logged off for the evening I packed up my water purifiers (they just cant match the output of one ice asteroid) and scouted out a few more Zirax POIs and found the planets drone base, and a few other juicy looking sites. I fed the factory, which at this point can basically build anything in the workshop, and set down a bit out of range from my next targets.
    bluemax151 and dpburke2 like this.
  17. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Project Eagle continues...
    First, I'd like to thank @IndigoSynn for providing a source of LCD content. While much of it had to be modified and does not necessarily match the original (because I still haven't read the Rich Text Manual), it still saved me a lot of work coming up with my own (later, much later). Once again, I plead with Eleon to come up with some deco instrument panels/textures for use in SV/HV designs.

    The Reconnaissance Pod.
    2020-10-01 (10).png 2020-10-01 (9).png 2020-10-01 (7).png 2020-10-01 (5).png 2020-10-01 (4).png 2020-10-01 (3).png 2020-10-01 (2).png
    All of these pods are HVs with cockpit seats and docking pads on the bottom like any other HV to move them around in order to dock, using top-mounted pads, to the Eagle. Docking is tricky but as I write this, I think removing the bottom pads might help. They're not really needed unless I wanted to ship them in a CV for some reason. Docking to a base, at least for now, serves no real function. We'll see.
  18. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Last night was very frustrating...

    I faced off against a drone base that was stronger than any I had dealt with. There were no blind spots to take advantage of...the arid planet was wide open, and worse, small ground cover would randomly halt my tank leaving me wide open. After having to repair and refit, I finally decided to go old school, so I parked in a small crater about 300 meters away, and started building a trench. I thought I could dig a wide enough valley to drive my tank in close, and then take down the shield. But when I got to about 190 meters I realized that my epic plasma rifle and T2 rocket launcher would do the trick. So happily, after a few minutes of blasting away, the shields are down.

    But then the trouble hits. The POI itself isnt all that difficult, but the game began throwing bugs. I noticed that when I destroyed some sentry turrets, they didnt vanish. When I popped the core, my multitool would salvage materials, but the block wouldnt vanish.

    So I drove back to my ship to repair. I was missing a few blocks on the ol tank, and the harvest modules. After running "repair to template"...the chunks were still missing. So I thought I would try flying to a civilian station to see if they could help...no dice...it showed my main ship needed 18 credits worth of fixing...but nothing was broken. I tried flying my HV into space to see if it would recognize the damage there. But showed nothing. On the way to that station I passed a Zirax fortress that appeared on the HUD, but didnt actually render.

    Somewhat confused, I made about 8 jumps into Polaris space to visit a legit trading post. Found a trading post in polaris ground territory. When I approached, I bumped into something in the sky, and noticed floating CV parts. A shield generator, a few sentry turretsm stuff like that. I have seen odd glitches before, but just let it go. Then when I got close to the station, they didnt offer trading services. But when I went inside it was like any other trading facility and traders worked fine...just no repair.

    I quit last night with my CV parked on a CIV Waystation (that also wouldnt fix anything). Hoping these issues are bugs caused by the new update and will be smoothed out quickly.
    bluemax151 and malrose1 like this.
  19. Dinkelsen

    Dinkelsen Captain

    Aug 2, 2016
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    I wanted to build a base.

    I needed something that would emphasize my domination on the planet so I built this.

    Its unsurprisingly called... The Fist. I am not the best sculptor but it does get the point across. I had a pen and paper fanfasy setting where dwarves carved a mountain into something like this and always thought it would translate well to Empyrion. Even if a tiny bit smaller than a mountain it is still rather large but follows my creed by consisting of boxes and... well... resembling a box more or less. It's a bit large on the inside and rather empty because even at T3 CPU is rather tight.

    Thought crossed my mind to put engines on it and call it "The Flying Fist", lets see where this gets us.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2020
  20. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    You're sure THAT is the shape you had in mind? Not eventually this-> ;):p:D
    (replacing the inserted name with Zirax/Legacy)

    new wtc.jpg

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