Feedback Required Your most wanted QUALITY OF LIFE feature?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, Jul 3, 2020.

  1. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    O2 within a HV\SV that is docked inside a pressurized CV.

  2. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Yeah...I agree with this. But at the same time it has helped me before. The Abandoned Bunker has a couple of full sized turrets on the inside that are a pain. Probably easy to avoid them and get the salvage from them after coring the base though.
  3. Tek

    Tek Ensign

    Jan 4, 2019
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    1. Target locking that will lock the AI of your turrets onto a single target. AI in all turrets gets attention problems and will switch to different structures in the middle of a fight- pvp, pve, whatever.
    2. Sub target locking? Maybe the ability to lock onto a part of a base, like a specific turret
    3. Maybe some kind of electronic warfare jammer that makes locking onto parts of ships, like just your generators, less accurate, when in use.
    4. Grenades of any kind for ground use
    5. Bombs with ballistic paths that can be air dropped. This should be used for the AI as well for base attacks. Fix the bomber drone behaviors and re- add them into the normal base attack levels in the ewarfare. Their high speed is nice.
    6. Make shields less absolute- let some types of weapons bleed through the shield some percentage.
    7. Make it easier to add custom planets into existing saves
    8. Make it easier to add custom pois into existing saves
    9. Add more NPC enemy targets
    10. Make more casino games. Fix blackjack- it is not following the proper game rules. Make it so that these dialogues can be setup by admins and not be required to be placed into pois only.

    Thank you for asking for suggestions. It is nice to be asked for feedback.
  4. Kalemar

    Kalemar Ensign

    Oct 24, 2020
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    These would improve quality of life (for me at least):
    1. Ship warping to not leave offline passengers floating in space in MP.
    2. Improve ability to control switches
    - Remote control switches from 'P' menu
    - Allow adding to weapon/action bar
    - Allow pilot and passengers to toggle switches while seated
    3. Additional switch blocks which contain more than one switch.
    Hazard0814 and iliapugach like this.
  5. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Empyrion repair grind core edition.,..
  6. COLDF13ND

    COLDF13ND Ensign

    Oct 31, 2020
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    Joystick and throttle support. It's a space game, for crying out loud.
    Hazard0814 likes this.
  7. Yarbles

    Yarbles Ensign

    Nov 1, 2020
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    huge thing for me: Being able to have an automatic constructor, set it to make some part, and it will make it as long as there is materials available, then wait until there is more parts and resuming again.

    from an implementation point of view: the Furnace has the ability to make any part, set in the items.ecf file, but naturally it will just make the first one on the list, then the menu from the constructor added so you can choose what part you're making. there is the spare item of the old automatic constructor that could be used, saving making another item.

    this would add a whole other gamy style of making huge and complex factories pumping out components and parts
    garyice and Deadalready like this.
  8. Anders Johnsson

    Anders Johnsson Ensign

    Nov 2, 2020
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    way to sample design of blocks. shape and color/texture
    like aming on a block and make the block you have in hand be the same shape.
  9. Annimar Telesh

    Annimar Telesh Lieutenant

    Jun 21, 2020
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    Except for some things that have already been said, it is only a minor matter, but it drives me crazy: houseplants: please, please put them on the edge or in the corner of the block.
    Nobody puts house plants in the middle of the room. And there they block the passage, which is completely silly.
    garyice likes this.
  10. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    Expanding the already existing trade mechanics
    We have some commodities like filters, coolants, chemicals, etc. that cannot be currently bought or crafted.
    It'd be kinda easy to just add them to some traders in config files by default so we could have to explore POIs in search for cheap items and sell them elsewhere.

    Or add some of them to the Advanced Constructor with a fair (maybe high) cost to craft.
  11. Gamer

    Gamer Ensign

    Nov 8, 2020
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    I've posted this before in many games an no one likes my idea so forgive me.

    But whether it's Minecraft, 7 Days to Die, or any other large open world game where you don't play a 20 hour game and it ends but you can keep going for as long as you like (some 7 Days games we exceeded 4000 game days) ....there are few or no surprises. Devs tell me it all comes down to memory.

    For instance in 7 Days every so often a "wandering horde" appears. They're pretty much all the same 3 or 4 types.
    But what if once in 100 the game gave us a surprise?
    This is where humor could be added to the game.
    So instead of 20 undead zombie doberman's suddenly showing up at your location, how about 20 undead zombie pink poodles?
    See what I mean?

    So in Empyrion once in a while instead of the same old drone attack the Devs would design something they liked to add that would only occur very rarely. An occasional surprise would really spice things up. And adding a little humor ...well, that's just me. So let there be Big Foot sightings but it always gets away, but if you can find the Big Foot cave it will be full of great loot...etc.

    I think you can see why I'm not a successful game developer. Sorry
  12. corpowat

    corpowat Ensign

    May 14, 2017
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    my wish list: tractor beam for recovering items[ie backpack.]
    a better targeting reticle,
    ability to crouuch or lay down.
    some new weapons ie gauss cannons[for ships and poi's]
  13. Redakted

    Redakted Ensign

    Nov 22, 2019
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    Some sort of config like instead of pilot mode but aim mode. When you lock onto a target make the reticule gets more sensitive the further you aim away and once you are aimed directly on it make the cursor a lot less sensitive.
  14. ProcyonLotor

    ProcyonLotor Ensign

    Jul 24, 2020
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    Flare, Chaff, emp flash or any missile countermeasures
  15. corpowat

    corpowat Ensign

    May 14, 2017
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    wish list ademden: bombs /greades
  16. Dragon

    Dragon Captain

    Dec 22, 2015
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    -Logistics access for autominers and water generators. Having to land, link to the ship's storage and then run to the autominer to transfer it's contents to the ship gets pretty tedious. Or just allow autominers and water generators to be attached to/built on BAs and get it over with.
    -Weapons that aim at the mouse cursor in pilot mode. Pilot mode is great but, it's not nearly as precise in combat as the standard "boresight" mode. It forces you to constantly switch between the two in and out of combat.
    -Persistent set speed that don't reset to zero if you strafe sideways and/or up and down.
  17. Starhawkprime

    Starhawkprime Ensign

    Sep 14, 2015
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    1. Ability to load build orders of the same product into multiple constructors that are in a group. An example would be to put 5 constructors into a group and click on the group name to issue the same order to all 5 constructors within that group.

    2. A Sorting Cargo Container. So you can dump loot into it and have it hand it out to various containers on your base/cv/sv. Theres a sorting mod for Ark that allows you to tag which containers accept a given item through the containers given name. Since Empyrion allows container naming perhaps something similar to this could be implemented here. Many times I've come back to my CV from raiding POI's with tons of stuff and had to sit there forever putting the ammo into ammo designated crates and food in the fridge and building blocks in another ect ..... Dump, Sort, and back to the action would be Great!
  18. sulferon

    sulferon Lieutenant

    Aug 24, 2016
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    1. Finally, add a conveyor system based on certain types of items, with automatic operation within WiFi. Every time I try to return to the game, I realize with horror that I am waiting for many hours of work on the pipeline, and in the end I close the game, because I can't take it anymore.
    2. And give the guns a chance to shoot with automatic guidance. Almost all weapons are useless in the game, except for self-guided missiles.
  19. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    I wish the constructors could queue things a bit differently. At times I would like to set them to make (for example), 5 fuel, 5 ammo, 5 o2, and then back to making fuel. But if I set the above three, and then click on 5 more fuel the queue becomes 10 fuel, 5 ammo, 5 o2. Sometimes when I am processing extra stone into ingots while out mining I would like to space out what "extra" I am making, so it does 10 iron, 10 copper, 10 silicon, then 10 iron, 10 copper, 10 silicon. That way I get a more balanced output.
    krazzykid2006 likes this.
  20. Kats

    Kats Lieutenant

    Dec 2, 2020
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    Remove the clear/dark side of windows, or allow us to switch sides with the texture and color tool.
    Because it is impossible not to mix clear sides and dark sides together on the same side when building a big spherical window.

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